• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 3,425 Views, 178 Comments

Trixie's Threeway Trouble - crowscrowcrow

After Boast Busters, Trixie stuck around, if not entirely by choice. Follow her attempts at working out her relationship and tertiary participation through season one.

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Chapter 15 - A useless scaredy-pony

How long had Rarity been gone?

Fluttershy sat quietly at the table, unsure whether Rarity had meant for her to stay in that exact spot or simply to not leave the boutique.

She wouldn’t risk it.

Rarity had never looked so enraged before. Not even when she feuded with Trixie. As much as Rarity had a flare for the dramatic, there was always a sense that she was at least in part playing it up. This had been nothing like that.

The hot molten fury reminded her of Rainbow Dash’s own outbursts. Outright terrifying even when it was in her defense. Now she’d been on the other end of it and she couldn’t stop shaking. Would Rarity have decked her if she hadn’t had the self-control to leave? Or perhaps she’d thought of something worse to do to her.

Fluttershy hugged herself, but it didn’t help at all.

What was Rarity doing right now? She was obviously not done with her or she would have kicked her out. There was a chance that she was at the cottage at this very moment, sharing everything she just learned.

Would they come to give her a piece of their mind?

A rattling sound at the door sent her heart beat into her throat.

“I don’t really expect her to.” Rarity said over her shoulder to somepony outside as she came trotting in. She glanced over at Fluttershy a moment then looked back. “Nevermind, Dash! She’s still here.”

Her body felt like it was frozen solid and boiling at the same time. She’d heard of time slowing down in moments of absolute crisis. What she wouldn’t give for some of that right now just to delay the inevitable for just a little longer.

Then Rarity closed the door.

“We’re alone,” Rarity explained while levitating a handkerchief over to Fluttershy. “It’s not nice to have your feelings toyed with, is it?”

“W-what?” Her gaze didn’t leave the door for another five seconds even as the realization slowly set in. Nopony was there. She felt a soft cloth dab her cheeks and glanced down to find Rarity was cleaning her up. She hadn’t even noticed she’d been crying. “That… that was cruel...”

“Yes. It was.” Rarity spoke softly. “Sorry.”

She actually managed to look remorseful and yet that didn’t make it any better. If anything, that just meant Rarity had known going into that it was the wrong thing to do and still went ahead with it.

What was she supposed to do now? It would’ve been easier to know how to feel if Rarity hadn’t looked like that, but not now. Frustrating, but it also had a creeping sense of familiarity. That had probably been the point.

“...I understand,” Fluttershy muttered.

Rarity seemed satisfied with that answer as she turned away to put a kettle on before she finally took a seat again. Unlike before, Rarity was not on the opposite side of the table, she’d taken a spot by the corner so she was closer.

It felt symbolic. Like Rarity was doing it on purpose to signal she was taking a neutral position. Not on her side nor opposite it. That at least was an improvement.

“As promised, I’m going to do my best to help you, all of you,” Rarity said while she steepled her hooves. “Obviously, I’m not pleased with you, but I’ve had some time to get my, uhm, ‘thoughts’ in order.”

Fluttershy just nodded faintly. She only barely managed to look Rarity in the eye as she did so.

“I should also mention that I spoke to Rainbow Dash and Trixie. Don’t worry! I didn’t tell them anything,” Rarity assured her, seeing the panic flash across her face. “They did however tell me a thing or two. I now have a much better idea of what went on last night. The way they told it, I’m actually quite impressed with your performance.”

How was she supposed to take that? Was she complimenting her acting? Or something else? “Uhm, thank you?” She tried not to think about it too much.

“To be honest with you, it left me with more questions.” Rarity let out a long sigh. “I suppose the most pressing one is… what do you want, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy blinked. “Me?”

“Yes, and don’t think about it too much. Do you want to stay with them? Do you want to just be friends? Something else?” Rarity asked, but then as soon as Fluttershy tried to think it over she added, “Oh, and think aloud. Talk me through the thought process.”

“Uhm. T-that’s a little… okay. If you think it’ll help.” Fluttershy was actually used to thinking out loud, usually to her animal friends, but she’d dropped the habit lately when her thoughts started to become more and more shameful. Hopefully, Rarity could help her, though. “I… I guess I just want everypony to be happy? That’s silly to say after what I did, isn’t it?”

Rarity was silent as her jaw clenched, leaving Fluttershy to expect a tongue-lashing. Instead, though, she deflated and shook her head. “No, everypony includes you too, Fluttershy. You weren't happy, were you?”

“...No.” Her eyes were stinging again. Rarity had understood so easily what had taken her ages to accept. “I thought I could be. I really wanted to be happy for them. That’s the right thing to do, but, but it was so hard! Nopony told me it would hurt like this.”

Rarity patted her shoulder but did not interrupt her.

“It was like I had to watch Trixie live the life I’d always wanted. Living in my cottage. Playing with my animal guests. Socializing easily with my circle. D-dating my childhood friend…” She choked and rubbed her eyes clear. It didn’t help much. “I-I don’t even think I was mad at her. I was mad at me! If only I wasn’t such a useless scaredy-pony. If I’d just gone for it… maybe I could’ve had that.

The crazy thing is that I felt so many things at once. I was jealous, but I hated to see them struggle. I’d help and be supportive, but then do something to sabotage them. I didn’t want to have to see them, but I also wanted to be near. Everything feels wrong and… and I guess what I really want is for it to feel right again, but I don’t know how. So, I thought if we were all together… Maybe that’d do it, but… I’m just acting out Dash’s worst nightmare and that’s not fair.”

Fluttershy slumped on the table and buried her head in her hooves.

“Something about accidentally trapping you in a relationship you aren’t ready for, I assume?” Rarity asked then received a quick nod in response. “Well, the obvious thing to do would be to excuse yourself, but… you mentioned before that you’d gotten the perfect opportunity to do just that and instead you chose to go this route. Why is that?”

“I don’t knowww.” Fluttershy groaned into the table.

“You were just so desperate to be with Rainbow Dash that you’d accept feigning affection for Trixie? Kiss her and whatever else?” Rarity offered.

“Maybe...” she whimpered.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Rarity jabbed her in the side, forcing Fluttershy to spring up with a startled squeak. “If there is one thing I know you are good at it’s shutting down under stress.”

Fluttershy blinked dumbly. From the way it was phrased, she was sure Rarity was making some kind of point but it just sounded like she was being insulted all the way through. “Uhm, what?”

Rarity rolled her eyes then leaned in close. “I’ll make you a deal, okay? You just have to do one little favor and in exchange, I will drop this whole thing and tell nobody.”

Feeling the warmth of Rarity’s breath on her face, Fluttershy leaned back to a more comfortable distance. Relatively anyway, She’d have preferred to be all the way back home. If this went well, maybe she could be. Not that it would solve anything, but it was one less thing to worry about.


“All I need you to do is kiss me.” Rarity declared with a smile that looked as though it belonged more on Opal than it did Rarity. Like she’d just clawed the most expensive thing in the room and was just so sure there would be no retribution for it. “Don’t worry. I won’t even ask for you to do it like you would Rainbow Dash. I’ll settle for however you would kiss Trixie. That shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

A small cavalcade of different thoughts jumbled through her head at once. Not funny. An easy out. Cheating on them. Didn’t count. Rarity pretty. A trap. Not like that. Nobody’d know.

But most of all the thought that rose to prominence was a simple one.

She leaned back a little further. “I, uhm… I don’t want to. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, pooh.” Rarity poorly feigned disappointment. She was smiling nonetheless. “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, darling, but could we discuss why not? I thought you said you were willing to feign affection. Does it really matter with who?”

“I’m not a foal.” Fluttershy frowned as she caught on to what Rarity was trying to do. “You want me to say I must love Trixie as if that’s the only difference between you and her right now. It’s not and you know it too… besides, I’d already considered that…”

“Fine, you caught me.” Rarity admitted shamelessly like manipulating her had been for her own good. “So, if you already thought it over, how do you feel about her?”

“I… Trixie’s not naturally a patient pony, but I can tell she tries to be for me. It’s nice. She’s clever too, but it reminds me a little bit of how Rainbow Dash gets with speed. They both make competitions of everything and like to feel like they are winning. The difference is that Dash doesn’t try to race me, but Trixie does.”

“She challenges you?” Rarity looked away briefly to levitate her teapot and kettle over just as it started to boil.

Fluttershy nodded. “Not physically, but… sometimes when we’re talking we end up sparring? It’s not like a conflict. More like a game. I feel like she somehow picks up on something I’m feeling, but then she won’t acknowledge it and the game becomes whether she can make me say it. She is, uhm, pretty good at it… and I guess I like it? Not in the moment but afterward.”

“Even if you were nervous, it feels good to speak your mind and be a little more assertive.” Rarity correctly observed. “No wonder you caught me if you’ve been practicing with her. I’ll have to step up my game.”

Fluttershy saw Rarity wink, but she wasn’t convinced it had really been a joke. She’d seen Rarity and Trixie ‘spar’ before. They were so quick-witted that it was like they didn’t even have to think before speaking. She did her best not to think about it.

“I appreciate her help, and I really do like many things about her, but… it’s not the same as when I think about Rainbow Dash… ” She rubbed at the corner of her eye. “I always knew that, but then last night, when we… You know, right?”

Rarity nodded but thankfully didn’t go into detail on how much she knew of their kissing experiment. “You had your most direct comparison yet. How was it?”

“I’m not sure how to put it into words…” Fluttershy looked down at her hooves as she rubbed them nervously. “With Rainbow Dash, it was so peaceful like nothing else mattered. Every bit of my troubles felt so far away, so small. Insignificant compared to the comfort I had with her… It was how I imagined it. Special, y-you know?”

Rarity looked as though she wanted to squee but she bit down on her hoof to keep quiet.

“But then... I had to sit and watch them up close and it was rough at first. A little scary maybe. When they slowed down, though, it was gentle, peaceful. I realized somewhere along the way it had become the same as mine had been. They’d practiced together and I had just been getting a taste of that.” Fluttershy grimaced. “I know that’s not a fair way to think, but I didn’t take it very well. Then before I knew it it was my turn with Trixie and I didn’t have much more time to think about it.”

“But it took away from your moment because it felt no longer unique to you?” Rarity asked softly. Her expression was more sorrowful than it had been this entire day. “I’m certain it still felt special to Dash, don’t you think so?”

“I hope so.” Fluttershy sighed but then felt a little smile sneak up on her as she recalled. “She did say it was ‘awesome’.”

“There you go!” Rarity smiled and then moved to nudge the conversation along. “So, what happened with Trixie?”

“Uhm, well… I… I had this dumb idea going in… If I copied Rainbow Dash then I’d get to experience how Trixie is with her and, uhm, t-they should know what the other likes, right?” As if her cheeks weren’t already on fire enough, Rarity just had to lean in like she was on the edge of her seat. Flustered, she tried to explain herself. “I-I thought maybe I could catch up a little bit! You know, like copying homework? No! Wait, th-that’s not what I meant.”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure. Go on.” Rarity made an impatient motion with her hoof as if she was trying to reel in the next part of the story.

“To be honest, I lost my nerve as soon as I came face to face with her. I couldn’t do it.” Fluttershy averted her gaze as Rarity groaned. “Trixie noticed. I could see it. She was going to pull back and let me get away with it again and I just… It didn’t even make sense, like I was angry at her for not pushing me this time. It wasn’t just that. More like it was the spark to the kindle of all my frustration with her, no, with me.”


“Then there was just this pressure! Like a kettle that was going to blow without an outlet and and, uhm.” Her heart raced just thinking about it again and she noticed she’d begun gesturing for emphasis as she spoke. “Next thing I knew I was on her. N-not softly either. She didn’t mind, though. J-just the opposite, she was submissive? I... I think I liked it too. So, I just kept piling on the pyre with every little thing that ever made me think about acting out before. It felt good, like a release.

“I don’t even know for how long. I just know that Trixie was gasping for breath when she pulled away and I… I felt, I don’t know? Proud? Satisfied? Content? It was so strange. I guess, I felt better? So much better. In the way that I always thought I’d feel better when I did something mean to her, but that always actually made me feel worse; this didn’t. It felt like that. Does that make any sense?”

Rarity just stared at her, mouth agape. She snapped as soon as she noticed, but it took her another moment to fully regain her composure. Instead, she had the tea set float in as though to distract them both for a bit.

Fluttershy squirmed impatiently. It had already been nerve-wracking enough to tell Rarity all of this and the silence was not doing a lot of good for her state of mind.

By the time they both had their respective cups, Rarity finally spoke up. “I think I understand what you meant now. About how it feels different. It sounds as though Rainbow Dash gave you a reprieve from the world and the problems it offers. Whereas with Trixie you had a chance to finally take out your frustrations in a… shall we say ‘constructive’ manner. I’d say that is apropos, no?”

Fluttershy stared down at her reflection in the tea. “Is that really it? I mean… I see what you are saying, but I don’t think it is as simple as just feeling differently about them because they treat me differently… and… I’m not sure it was okay to feel that way with Trixie in the first place. I doubt she signed up to be a, uhm, stress ball.”

“Well, feelings are rarely simple, darling.” Rarity smiled. “It’s okay to love each of them differently. From the sound of it, Trixie certainly doesn’t mind letting you vent a little frustration on her. Moving forward, do be careful that you don’t take that too far, though.”

“I like Trixie differently,” Fluttershy corrected. She suspected that Rarity had already made up her mind on that, however.

“Of course,” Rarity conceded all too easily sipping at her teacup.

It was a little frustrating to see. It felt a little like she wasn't being taken seriously. At the same time, Rarity had taken the day to hear her out about all this. She must have had other things to do. Was Rarity just so certain that she understood her feelings better than herself? Or was this just wishful thinking on Rarity’s part?

At least she was trying to help.

“So, uhm, what do you think?”

“Honestly, I came into this convinced you had to admit what you did and cut ties with them for as long as they need to forgive you,” Rarity said almost mechanically, as though the idea wasn’t horrifying to contemplate.

Fluttershy stared down at the table. “A-and now?”

“If your goal is for everypony to be happy… Well, it is obvious that Dash and Trixie care for you very much. Whether you say you love or like them in return, I think you should give this a chance, a real one.” A soft clank indicated Rarity sat her cup down before she continued. “It might take some work, but you have all the pieces you need.”

“I… I want to… but what if, I mean…” She faltered and quieted down as she stared at the woodgrain in the tabletop, all flowing in the same direction so naturally. Effortlessly. Like two other ponies she knew. “...I’m not sure I belong.”

Rarity reached out and lifted Fluttershy’s chin, forcing eye contact between them. Her expression was gentle like she was watching a puppy figuring out how to waddle. “Stop thinking you are an invader or imposter and maybe you’ll surprise yourself? If it feels too complicated, try just to enjoy the moment.”

“Oh, it’s that easy?” Fluttershy chuckled weakly.

“Was that sass?” Rarity quirked an eyebrow. “I’m happy to see galavanting with those two ruffians is at least having some positive influence on you.”

“Uhm, thank you?”

“You’re welcome, darling. And, you always will be, do you understand?” Rarity said as she slid her hoof from her chin to her temple, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear in the process. She studied her face. “Mhm, what say we clean you up just a little before you go back? A few relaxing hours at the spa never hurt.”

Looking at her now, it was hard to believe Rarity had been so angry with her an hour ago. She really had deserved the painful tongue-lashing and little else, but she was grateful to also find help from a good friend.

Actually, the scolding probably had been because she was one as well.

“I’d like that.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what she was expecting to find when she finally reached the garden path to her home, but the confetti and streamers strewn across her lawn wasn’t it.

Naturally, Pinkie Pie wasn’t far off, bouncing excitedly while speaking to Trixie and Rainbow Dash. “-so then I talked to Mayor Mare and she approved the whole thing!”

“Of course.” Trixie polished her hoof in her fur with a practiced casualness while her hat and cloak floated over to her from inside the house. Once they were properly secured, she dramatically threw the edge of the cloak over her shoulder. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is the finest magician this side of the Galloping Gorge. Who else would they hire to perform at the… the… what did you say the occasion was again?”

She’d only laid claim to about half of Equestria this time. It was kind of endearing to see Trixie attempt to be a little more modest. Maybe it meant she was making an effort to get along.

While the two of them discussed the details, Rainbow Dash took notice of her arrival and zipped on over to her side. “Hey, Fluttershy. Everything okay? I heard Rarity’s cat threw up on you or something.” She gave her a quick inspection as she spoke.

“You mean Opalescence? The poor little thing, she’s usually so easy to work with.” Fluttershy should have guessed that Rarity would have spun some kind of story while she was here to explain her late return. It was a little scary how premeditated the whole thing was in hindsight. “Don’t worry, it’s all cleaned up.”

Rainbow Dash nodded but she made sure to look away. “I missed you,” she said then surprisingly draped a wing over her back.

A lovely warmth spread all through Fluttershy’s body as she leaned into Dash a little bit more. As if being taken under her wing wasn’t enough, she’d been thinking about her? “I, uhm, I wasn’t gone that long, was I?”

“Aw, not even an ‘I missed you too’? Not cool.” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she started them both down the path again, but she was moving slower than usual, drawing out the little bit of time they could spend together while relatively alone.

“Sorry.” Fluttershy smiled. She briefly considered whether to confess right there and then that she’d spent most of her time talking about them. A better response occurred to her, though, one that had her cheeks burn before she even said it aloud. “A-anything I could do to, uhm, m-make it up to you?”

Rainbow Dash stumbled a step. Cute.

It visibly took her a moment of consideration to determine whether the remark was innocent or a tease. That was thanks to Trixie’s influence; Fluttershy knew that Rainbow Dash wouldn’t have even given it a second thought in the past.

She liked this better.

“Got anything sweet?” Rainbow Dash asked, poorly suppressing a smirk while her eyes drifted down.

Fluttershy bit her lip.

The pounding in her chest had to be loud enough to drown out the conversation going on just a few yards away, but a quick glance revealed they were still entirely engrossed with themselves. “M-maybe, I, uhm, y-yes.”

Shooting her a seductive look, Rainbow Dash leaned in, getting so very close. “I’ll have that then.” She smelled like grass and morning dew rather than the usual rain. The usually soothing fragrance did nothing to quell the fires, though.

If anything, it made it worse. Conjuring thoughts of them both down in the grass.

Did Rainbow Dash really want to? Right here? Out in the open? What about Trixie? Okay, she was probably fine with Trixie, but Pinkie?

She chanced another glance toward the pair and gulped as she realized she’d been spotted by them. Pinkie Pie had her usual chipper expression as though she hadn’t quite pieced together what she was looking at yet, but Trixie was pleased as a chipmunk on a sunflower.

She noticed!

Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to be aware, or maybe she didn’t care. Her focus was entirely on Fluttershy, just seeing how she would react. It seemed she was expected to make the next move, one way or another.

Just as Fluttershy was contemplating whether to bail on the whole thing or not, she saw Trixie had hooked a hoof around Pinkie and turned them both in the opposite direction. A few wild gestures toward the cottage accompanied her loudly elaborating on how she expected her stage to be about as big and the locations of various props.

Now or never!

She gathered up all her courage and pecked Rainbow Dash on the lips!

The tension ebbed out of her as she hugged closely against her. It was only for a moment or two before she swiftly pulled away, but nothing could have been more exhilarating. She’d done it! She’d flirted with Rainbow Dash and followed through. The whole rest of the afternoon could be spent sneaking into dragon caves and she’d still have had a good day.

“Dang, Fluttershy. Impressive.” Rainbow Dash gave her a little squeeze of approval. “A girl could get used to this.”

“T-thanks.” Fluttershy couldn’t bring herself to look Dash in the eyes for fear of actually combusting on the spot. It would be so inconvenient for everypony else.

Fortunately, the next couple of minutes were easy. A quick greeting was all that was required of her before the other three carried the conversation forward. She didn’t pay much attention to it if she was honest.

All she could think about was how thrilled Trixie looked. Apparently, she’d been hired to perform a show the upcoming weekend and happily rattled off several impressive-sounding tricks that she was considering.

It wasn’t right to say it was as if Trixie had come alive for the first time. She’d been full of life most of the time regardless, even more so lately when her health was getting better, not to mention a certain something else that was lifting her spirits, but… this was different somehow and she couldn't quite place it. There was a glow to her.

After a while, Pinkie Pie said her goodbyes and started off down the path back to Ponyville before she suddenly made a jerking motion with her left hindleg and spun around. Her eyes briefly scanned over the three of them before she came trotting back, coming to a stop just an inch from Rainbow Dash. “Oh my gosh. I think my leg fell asleep! I can’t be late for my shift! I’ve already skipped the first hour! Dashie, can I get a lift?”

“To Sugarcube Corner?” Rainbow Dash asked, clearly apprehensive at the idea as she looked Pinkie Pie over, none-too-subtly estimating her weight. “I dunno...”

“I’ll let you have the leftover brownies~,” Pinkie Pie sing-songed. “They didn’t sell very well because ponies said they were ‘too sweet’, can you believe that?”

“You know what? I guess I can spare a minute. I’ve not gotten to stretch my wings much today anyway.” Rainbow Dash snatched up Pinkie Pie and took to the sky. She made a few unsteady circles above them as she called out, “I’ll be right back!”

Just like that, they were gone, leaving Fluttershy alone with Trixie all of a sudden.

“Trixie just realized, she never did say who the party was for.” Trixie sat down in the grass as she watched the pair of ponies turn to specks on the horizon. “Not that there is any performance Trixie could give that would not be amazing, but it helps to know one’s audience.”

“Yes, it does,” Fluttershy replied while she watched Trixie. She tried to figure out whether Rarity had a point, but it was hard to tell how she felt. It wasn’t as if Trixie was cast in sparkly light with soft music in the background. She was just the same Trixie she always was.

“There are plenty of great illusions that Trixie could call upon, but most of them require more specialized props than the ones Trixie has right now. Maybe it would be better to work with what Trixie has already. At least until she can find a replacement wagon for storage.”

Fluttershy circled around Trixie. There was one thing she was certain she felt when looking at her. A feeling that had only gotten stronger when Trixie had distracted Pinkie Pie.

“Do you know any rabbits or doves that would like a career in showbiz? Trixie doesn’t usually hire but—” Trixie fell silent as Fluttershy hugged her from behind, wrapping her tightly.


“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy whispered so quietly she wasn’t sure Trixie would even be able to hear it.

“Erm, that’s alright, Trixie can do without,” Trixie replied, clearly confused.

“It, uhm, it’s not that. I’ll ask around, but… I’m sorry for everything,” she said as she sank down to the ground behind Trixie. The hold she had on her felt a little strange due to the cloak, almost like she was wrapping her in a blanket “Uhm, c-can we stay like this... f-for a little while?”

Fluttershy didn’t elaborate.

Trixie didn’t ask.

After a moment, Trixie leaned back against her and nodded. “Sure. Trixie would like that.”

Author's Note:

Ah, this was hard to write but I am so pleased with how it has turned out. I hope you'll have as much fun reading as I had trouble writing. :pinkiecrazy:

But seriously, I had fun with this. Cathartic and cute scenes are never a bad thing. Fortunately, Rarity is every bit as invested. :raritywink: