• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 5,111 Views, 26 Comments

Sunset Shimmer, Couples Counselor - Superbowl

Telling Flash Sentry to get over Princess Twilight Sparkle was just the first step. Now Sunset Shimmer must make sure that the two part on good terms and remain friends.

  • ...

A surefire plan

Author's Note:

The idea just popped into my head as I was making dinner. It's probably been done before, but the new movie makes it more relevant than ever. Also, the movie was pretty great.

“So yeah, I guess that’s that,” said Sunset Shimmer.

She sat on the front steps of Canterlot High School, one leg over another, looking at her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The pony princess had decided to pop in personally to hear the story of Sunset and her friends’ latest magical adventure. Sunset had offered to go to a cafe and talk over snacks, but Twilight was insistent that she’d eaten a large breakfast and they really should just get to the interesting part instead of wasting time.

“And you really have no idea where the magic came from?” asked Twilight. She was very interested in learning how magic behaved in the human world, but Sunset hadn’t had a chance to investigate the source—much to the princess’ chagrin.

“Nope,” said Sunset.

“Well, much as I’d love to, I can’t spend too much time in this world,” said Twilight with a shake of her head, “so if you find anything, please write everything down in detail and send me a copy of your notes as soon as you can!”

“Of course, Twilight,” Sunset smiled.

“Alright, I guess I’ll be going now. It was good seeing you, Sunset!” said Twilight standing up.

“You too.”

The two ponies-turned-humans exchanged a somewhat awkward hug. Just as Sunset was about to let go, she felt a jolt go through Twilight’s body.

“Oh!” Twilight said, stepping away. ”I nearly forgot!”

“What?” Sunset tilted her head to the side.

“How’s Flash Sentry been doing?” Twilight’s cheeks reddened ever so slightly. “I’m mostly wondering because, you know, there’s the human me now, and, you know...”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Yes, Twi, I know.” All of a sudden, her eyes widened in silent but obvious realization. “I, um...” Sunset looked at the ground. “I might’ve told Flash Sentry that he needs to get over you.”

Twilight’s reaction was instantaneous. “WHAT?” Seeing Sunset jump away from her, Twilight exhaled and continued in a somewhat calmer tone. “Why would you do that?

“Twilight, calm down.”

“Oh, I am calm,” Twilight said, looking anything but. “And also waiting for an explanation.”

“Okay, if you say so.” Sunset approached Twilight and put a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight, let’s be fair to the guy. It’s just a silly crush. You’re not going to spend a lot of time here.” She smiled. “You can be friends, pen pals, but I don’t think long distance relationships can work when they’re cross-dimensional. And one of the participants is a princess.”

Twilight sighed, closed her eyes and nodded. “You’re right, Sunset. Sorry.”

“It’s okay, Twilight,” said Sunset.

“Thanks for doing that, I guess.” Twilight interlocked her hands (with some difficulty). “I suppose if you hadn’t, we’d have stayed caught up in some sort of suspended pseudo-relationship.” She looked at her friend. “Can I talk to him? Do you know where to find him?”

Sunset tapped her chin. “Sure, but first we need to do something.”


“Twilight, can we hop into Equestria for a second?” said Sunset. “Then I promise we can go find Flash.”

“Sure, but why?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Did you want to talk to Princess Celestia? Do you miss being a pony? Are you homesick?”

Sunset stared at her. “Er... No, no, Twi, it’s nothing that dramatic.” She put on a reassuring smile. ”Trust me, it’s just a little something we should do before talking to Flash.”

“Alright, I trust you.”

Sunset nodded to Twilight and slowly walked to the portal. She waited for her friend to step through, felt for something in her back pocket, smiled, nodded to herself and followed Twilight into the shimmering surface.

Twilight shielded her eyes from the bright magical glare. She could hear the clop of Sunset’s hooves on the crystal floor. She opened her eyes to see Sunset stuff something inside a saddlebag.

“Sunset, why do you have saddlebags?” Twilight said, staring at the objects in question.

“Oh, I had some stuff in my pockets,” Sunset said. “Maybe the portal thought it’d rather give me saddlebags than take away my personal belongings?”

“This is fascinating!” Twilight grinned. “I should write this down!”

“Twilight...” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t there something you wanted to do?”

“Oh! Right.” Twilight paused shook her head. “No, wait, it was YOU who wanted to do something here!”

Sunset grinned. “Oh, I’m all done.”


“Already. I said it’d only be a second, didn’t I?”

Twilight furrowed her brow. “And you’re not gonna tell me what it was?”

“Nope!” Sunset gave Twilight a cheeky smile. “Come on, let’s go find Flash.” With that, she turned around and stepped into the mirror.

“See, I still remember his address,” Sunset said as the duo stopped before a suburban house that looked just like the ones around it. “Go ahead and ring the bell. He should be home.”

Twilight took slow and deliberate steps towards the door. She looked back at Sunset. Sunset gave an encouraging nod. Twilight steeled herself and pressed the button.

After a few seconds the door opened to reveal a very surprised Flash Sentry.

“Twilight? Hey, I was just thinking about you the other day—” Flash narrowed his eyes. “Wait, are you the new Twilight or the original Twilight?”

“Wow, Flash,” Sunset smiled as she approached the pair, “that’s even worse than calling her ‘your Twilight’.”

Twilight blushed. Flash nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “Come on, Sunset, that’s not fair.”

“Really now?” Sunset smiled slyly. “Not fair to the guy who doesn’t recognize this Twilight’s outfit and lack of glasses?”

“Oh. Touché,” Flash said, smacking himself in the forehead. “Sorry, Twilight, you just really caught me off-guard here.”

“It’s fine, Flash,” said Twilight with a goofy smile. She shook her head. “We need to talk about something.”

Flash looked between Twilight and Sunset. “Uh...” He fixed his gaze on the latter. “You told her, didn’t you?”

“Yup.” Sunset crossed her arms and nodded. “You gonna invite us in?”

“Oh! Sure! Sorry!”

“I thought as much,” Flash said. He'd taken a chair while Sunset and Twilight shared the couch. “You were totally right, Sunset. Thanks again. It’s good that I was prepared for this talk.”

“Don’t sweat it.” Sunset waved her hand. “You two didn’t deserve this uncertainty. I’m glad you both worked it out.”

“Yeah, although...” Flash turned to Twilight. “Twilight, I’ll be completely honest, I still feel something for you, but I agree with Sunset. I should get over this. For your sake as much as mine.”

Twilight giggled. “If it would help, I can act like a jerk for a bit.”

“No thanks,” Flash smiled, “I don’t think that would help. But I’ll work this out myself, somehow. Thanks for caring, though.”

“Anytime.” Twilight gave Flash a warm smile. Flash blushed and stared at her.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Wow, Flash, you got it worse than I imagined.” She stood up. “Good thing I thought ahead.” She walked up to Flash, took out her phone and put it on the table in front of him. “Here, look at this.”

Flash stared at Sunset’s phone with an open mouth. He glanced at Twilight, who tilted her head in confusion.

“What’ve you got there, Sunset?” she said.

Sunset smirked. “Oh, nothing.”

Flash kept staring at Sunset’s phone. “Wow.” He looked at Twilight, then at Sunset. “So that’s what she?..”



“Guys, what is it?” Twilight’s expression grew annoyed.

“Sunset, why did you think this would help?” Flash asked with a tinge of desperation in his voice. “Now I just wanna keep her!”

“That just sounds creepy, Flash,” Sunset said. “Don’t forget, it’s still her, the same... person you know.”

“But she’s so... so...” Flash looked at Twilight and coughed. “Twilight, this may sound really weird, but I’m currently fighting the strongest urge to scratch behind your ear.”

What?” Twilight shot up and stomped towards Flash. “Sunset, what did you show him?”

Sunset laughed and stepped away, allowing Twilight to look over Flash’s shoulder.

“Oh. Ooooh,” said Twilight, looking at a photograph of her pony form with squinted eyes and a scrunched muzzle. “I see.”

“Twilight, is this really what you look like?” said Flash in a mix of awe and giddiness. “Please tell me this is real.”

“Yes, Flash, that’s me." Twilight raised her eyebrow. "But what does it have to do with anything?”

“Twilight, I don’t know the standards in your world,” Flash said slowly, “But in human eyes you ponies might just qualify as the most adorable thing ever. And that’s coming from a guy.”

Twilight blushed. “What?..”

“It’s true, Twilight,” said Sunset with a grin. “If the mirror didn’t transform us, we’d be able to conquer this world through sheer weapon-grade cuteness.”

Flash slowly turned to Sunset. “I don’t suppose...”

Sunset shook her head. “No, Flash, I don’t have any pictures of my pony form. Though, rest assured, I look even cuter than Twilight here.”

Flash slumped his shoulders.

Twilight and Sunset stood in front of the Wondercolt pedestal and hugged once more.

“Thanks again for your help, Sunset,” Twilight said, “I wouldn’t have thought of this in a million years!”

Sunset smiled, letting go of her friend. “You just haven’t stayed in this world for long enough. Spend even a short time on the internet and it becomes pretty obvious what’s considered cute here.”

“It’s kind of weird, though.”

“Sure, but you can’t deny it worked.” Sunset lightly punched Twilight in the arm. “Flash won’t be able to get that image out of his head. Being pen pals with an adorable pony?” She grinned. “Soon he won’t even remember he had a crush on you.”

“No, I think he will,” said Twilight. “But it’ll be a nice memory and nothing more.” She walked up to the wavy stone surface and put one leg through.

“See ya, Twilight!”

Twilight turned around and waved at Sunset. “See you, Sunset!” She paused. “Oh, and Sunset? I agree with what you said.”

Sunset raised her eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“You do look very cute as a pony, too.” With that, Twilight jumped into the portal, leaving behind a bewildered Sunset Shimmer.

After a good ten seconds Sunset finally closed her mouth. She smiled to herself, put her hands into her pockets and walked away, humming a jaunty tune.

Comments ( 26 )

Cute take on it. I prefer this over the ones I've seen that have Flash react obnoxiously or negatively.

kul #2 · Oct 5th, 2016 · · ·

Princes Twilight is cute! CUTE!

Please consider the following...

Councilor = person on a council
Counselor = person who gives counsel

All councilors are counselors (because the purpose of a council is to give counsel as a group), but not all counselors are councilors (because many counselors give counsel by themselves).

This story's title should be "Sunset Shimmer, Couples Counselor" (not "Councilor", and definitely not "Councelor", since that isn't a word).

7620472 Thanks! Fixed. That's what happens when you just kinda throw an idea out in the evening. I'd also forgotten to tag it "human" and "equestria girls" :rainbowlaugh:

Next couple: Spike & Rarity


"He's a dog, darling."


Well this was cute and amusing. One thing I would advise though, you put the issue of Twilight feeling something for Flash Sentry to bed just a wee bit too quickly for my taste. I would have thought this could have sustained some interesting drama between the two of them. That's just my opinion though, it's an amusing story and I'd maybe like to see more of it, if that would be ok?

7621044 Honestly this story is a dozen kinds of half-assed. :twilightoops: I just wanted to do Flash's reaction to the photo and nothing else, so I pretty much skimmed over everything. You're right, Twilight probably needed some "counseling" too, but I didn't have an amusing idea for it that wasn't dirty ("Look at how weird this thing looks, Twilight!" if you know what I mean :moustache: ) and I wanted to keep it all clean and innocent.

What more could there be, though? I'm glad it interested you but I have no more ideas for this. It would be possible to write something about Twilight still harboring feelings and trying to get over them too, but I don't really have a grasp on how romantic feelings work anyway. If I get another amusing enough idea for how Sunset could help her, I'll try to put it to paper, but I don't see the chances of that being too high. Sorry :twilightblush:

7621044 Wait, actually, nevermind, I literally got a silly and pretty logical idea RIGHT after I left the previous comment. Not promising anything, but I might work on that idea.


One idea that springs to mind is that Twilight could possibly start asking precisely why Sunset is doing what she's doing, and what her potential stake in the matter is. I understand about the story being half assed, and it's no big deal, not trying to put pressure on you or anything. At the end of the day it gave me a manly chuckle so mission accomplished, have some moustaches and a like and fave.

7621094 My idea is that maybe I could build on the very ending of this and turn it into a light fluffy shipfic where Sunset is telling herself she's helping Twilight get over Flash by taking her out but she actually just wants to do that herself. This is a very basic idea however and I am more inspired to do other things at the moment, but I think I'll keep that one at the back of my mind, especially if I can also think of something to distinguish this potential continuation from the myriad of other Sunlight shipfics.


Well this was cute and addressed a problem I've long thought on the Flash/Twilight angle.

7626489 Which problem? That Twilight's a pony? I'll be honest, I never considered it a problem :scootangel: I mean mentally she's fully on the level of humans and she does get turned into a human so, like, who cares? But I also thought that maybe once Flash knew he wouldn't be able to see her in the same light again, hence this story :twilightsheepish:

7626512 Actually, being a pony has nothing to do with it. They live in different dimensions and one's a magical princess and the others a high school student.

Hell, there's an age difference as well but courtesy of the portal deaging people from Equestria it's never really brought up. To elaborate, the mane 6 over in Equestria, as far as I can tell, are all at least adults-they live on their own, run their own businesses or have their own jobs, and so on, placing in the twenty's range while Flash is in all honestly probably still a teenager and might not even be 18. Hell, this is practically confirmed by Sci-Twi's appearance in the EG series-she's still a High School student while Princess Twilight graduated a while back and, while ostensibly Celestia's personal student at the beginning of the series, graduated past that when she became a princess.

7626646 Right, those are good points that I never happen to think of. Glad my story apparently accidentally addresses them :rainbowwild: I'm just too used to cartoon characters having some sort of generic "not really an adult yet but lives on their own and has a fun job that they really don't have to do all the time" life situation so I never even thought of these differences.

Why do I imagine Celestia telling Twilight to at least TRY given she had her chances to be with the Good King Sombra shattered literally, at least them visiting each other isn't going to trigger the end of the world.

7628491 At this point this goes into the territory of why there isn't more contact between worlds, cultural/magical/technological exchange, etc. For myself I choose to believe there's still some reason why using the portal ALL THE TIME shouldn't be done. Maybe they still think it might loosen it too much or something.

There's also a personal reason as I don't like acknowledging anything from the comics. (Even though I enjoy them).


That has more to do with the writers having orders to sever as many ties as possible between the two settings.

And I can appreciate you not wanting to use non-cartoon canon.

7628510 I'm not sure they'd go into full-on interaction between the two worlds even if they were completely allowed to, it's just a mess waiting to happen. Limiting it allows them to focus on shorter, self-contained stories that focus on the specific characters instead of the worlds they live in. Don't get me wrong though, if there was a series which chronicled a merging of the two worlds, I would definitely watch it, but it's really not what the franchise needs.

I guess that's what we have fanfics for :pinkiehappy:


Having Twilight and Spike be the ONLY ONES to EVER visit the human world, and Sunset never even visiting her own world to reconcile with Celestia feels like a waste.

7628639 Not sure I'd super care about the ponies going to the human world (though it would've been fun once or twice), but I definitely agree about Sunset. Heck, personally, I think they wasted most of her potential as a character. Everything that was interesting about Sunset has been growing irrelevant. She completely got over her bad past, she doesn't communicate with Pony Twilight, doesn't have to learn about friendship because she's apparently magically good at it already, she seems to have forgotten all about Princess Celestia and whatever ties she might've had in Equestria. The only character trait of hers that they still use is that due to being a pony she's much more excited about magic than the rest of them. I don't mind Sunset as a character but I think she's giant waste of potential.

Well, I finally got around to removing this story from my read later list, and it was definitely very sweet.

7994260 Thanks! :coolphoto: I'm glad it managed to provide some enjoyment despite how little effort I put into it (beyond the initial idea).

Yes! And now we ship them~ :pinkiecrazy:

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