• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 3,665 Views, 213 Comments

Rainbooms On the Mind - Kevinltk

Despite only winning third place in the aerial relay race of the Equestria Games, Natalya, fastest griffon in Griffonstone, can not forget the incredible speed of a pegasus named Rainbow Dash. And it bothers her.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Just Acquaintances

Shortly after the two ponies and two griffons left Fluttershy at her cottage to tend to the animals, Pinkie let out a huge startled gasp. Apparently, she had left an oven or five running in her haste to welcome Gilda. More worried about the cookies and cupcakes she was baking than the potential fire hazard, she rushed home, but not before making sure that Gilda would not try to skip out on the apology to Granny Smith, as well as promising she would catch up later.

Natalya welcomed Pinkie’s absence, allowing her to take a break from the poofy, pink pony’s perkiness. It also meant that they would not have to walk. Rainbow took to the air and guided the griffons in a short flight to Sweet Apple Acres.

When it came into view, it quickly became obvious that Sweet Apple Acres was one of the biggest farms in Ponyville. Natalya could see a couple of fields dedicated to growing corn, grapes, and carrots, but those were a paltry amount compared to the main crop. True to its name, Sweet Apple Acres consisted of acres and acres of apple trees. The forest of apples stretched as far as the eye could see.

Taking in the enormity of Sweet Apple Acres, Natalya quickly noticed a familiar pony standing at the beginning of the path leading up to a large, red farmhouse.

“So, does anyone know how Pinkie got here before us, even though we were flying and she ran off in the opposite direction earlier?” Natalya asked as they flew over to the waving earth pony.

“Nope,” Rainbow replied simply.


As soon as the three flyers landed, Pinkie hopped toward the more friendly griffon. “Hey, Gilda, guess what? I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and they said it was alright that I can use Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen to help teach you!”

“That sounds awesome.” Gilda paused. “Uh, just to be sure that I remember things right, you live and work with the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner?”


“Then yeah, that sounds awesome. It would be cool to finally be able to see how a real baker works.”

Tuning out the conversation, Natalya took a look at the apples growing on a nearby tree. Even though she did not eat apples much, the ones in Sweet Apple Acres were easily the biggest and most colorful that she had ever seen.

The delicious-looking fruit brought upon a pang of hunger, reminding Natalya that she and Gilda had skipped lunch to get to Ponyville faster. With Pinkie, Rainbow, and Gilda still busy talking to each other, Natalya snuck into the orchard. Once she was sure that the others could not see her, Natalya flew up and plucked an apple from a nearby tree with her talons.

Up close, the apple looked even more delectable, and Natalya opened her beak to take a bite. However, she froze when someone yelled from below, “Hold it right there, you thievin’ varmint!”

Looking down, Natalya saw an earth pony mare galloping toward her from somewhere deeper in the apple orchard. She had a orange coat with her wheat-yellow mane and tail tied into ponytails with red bands, and a brown Stetson rested on top of her head.

“What do you think you’re doin’?” the mare asked with a stern glare.

“Eating an apple,” Natalya casually replied, playfully tossing the fruit up and down in the air with her claw.

“Well, that ain’t exactly your apple.”

Natalya snorted. “Seriously? You got like thousands of them growing here. One apple isn’t going to hurt you.”

“While that is true, it’s the principle that matters. Stealin’ just ain’t right.”

“Applejack, we heard you yelling! Is everything alright?” Rainbow shouted, emerging from behind some trees with Pinkie and Gilda.

“Yeah, I’m alright, Rainbow. Ah’m just tryin’ to give this griffon here a lecture about stealin’.”

“What the hay, Natalya?!” Rainbow cried out, flying up to the griffon with a scowl. “We take our eyes off you for one second, and you’re already making trouble!”

Natalya sighed and rolled her eyes. “I was just going to take one apple…”

“So this griffon is with you, Rainbow?” Applejack asked, no longer looking mad now that her friends were here.

“Yeah, she is. Sorry about her, Applejack. She’s not exactly easy to deal with.”

“Ah noticed,” Applejack dryly replied before turning back to Natalya. “Look, Natalya was it? Ah’ll go ahead and let this matter slide, on account of you bein’ Rainbow’s friend.”

“We’re not friends,” Natalya and Rainbow blurted out.

Applejack blinked. “Uh, okay, how about acquaintances?” Receiving mumbles of agreement, she continued saying, “Anyways, Natalya, Ah certainly don’t mind sharin’ some apples, but in the future, Ah would very much appreciate it if you at least ask instead of just outright takin’ things.”

“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Natalya said with a roll of her eyes. She promptly bit into her apple, releasing a burst of flavor and juice into her mouth. “Huh, not bad. Not bad at all.”

“Thank you kindly.” Applejack tipped her hat and nodded in thanks. “Always nice to hear others enjoy the Apple Family’s work.” She then turned to Gilda with a smile. “So what’s your name? In case you haven’t heard, mine’s Applejack.”

Gilda smiled back and held out her claw balled up into a fist. “It’s Gilda.”

“She’s the griffon that was once Rainbow’s friend, but then she wasn’t when she visited Ponyville a while ago, but then she was again when Dashie and I went to Griffonstone, and then she also became my friend,” Pinkie added.

“Well, it’s good to finally meet you!” Applejack bumped Gilda’s claw in greeting. “Rainbow and Pinkie told us what happened when they got back. So, what brings y’all here?”

“Uh, well…” Gilda’s side was nudged by an elbow from Pinkie. With a sigh, she admitted, “I’m actually here to see Granny Smith.”

Applejack’s eyebrow rose with surprise. “Granny Smith? What for, if you don’t mind me askin’?”

Another nudge from Pinkie made Gilda sigh again. “I have to apologize for pranking her.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, that’s mighty kind of you. Wish that Rainbow and Pinkie had the decency to do that whenever they go on a pranking spree.”

“Hey, we apologize!” Rainbow protested.

“Only if Ah catch you two doin’ it.”

“Pranking spree, huh?” Gilda frowned at Pinkie. “Why do I have to apologize for one prank if you two do it so much?”

“Because we choose our targets very carefully so that nopony gets hurt. We also try to do our pranks right so that our targets have a bit of fun as well,” Pinkie explained. “Granny Smith is old, and you just plain scared her! Who knows what you could have done to her.”

“Really, Pinkie, Ah appreciate the concern, but it’s not that big of a deal,” Applejack remarked. “Granny Smith might be old, but she’s tough. One little scare is nothin’ to her.”

“But Applejaaaaack,” Pinkie whined. “It still isn’t right. Haven’t you both heard that you’re supposed to respect your elders?”

Applejack sighed, her mouth tugged slightly upwards in a knowing smile. “Plenty of times. It’s a lesson Granny drills into our heads at least once a week.”

“Grampa Gruff too,” Gilda answered. “At least, the times I actually bother to listen to him.”

“And shouldn’t you be extra nice to them because of all the things they do for you?” Pinkie slyly grinned, nudging Applejack and Gilda with her elbows.

Gilda sighed. “I suppose… Grampa Gruff might complain and runs his mouth a lot, but I guess I should be thankful for some of the things he taught me. Fine, I get it, Pinkie. I’ll go ahead and apologize to Granny Smith.”

“Pinkie did make a good point, and an apology certainly wouldn’t hurt,” said Applejack. “At the very least, she would love to meet somepony new. Anyway, she should be inside, so let’s all head in.”

“Well, you guys go ahead and do the apology thing,” said Natalya as she turned to fly away. “It doesn’t involve me, so I think I’ll just stay out here. Maybe even snack on a few more apples, if you don’t mind.”

“Oh no, you don’t!” Rainbow immediately protested, flying right in front of Natalya. “You’re coming inside with us so that we can make sure you won't cause any more trouble!”

Gilda and Pinkie walked with Applejack down the path and into the farmhouse, while Rainbow herded an annoyed Natalya right behind them.

“Hey, Granny, Ah’m back, and Ah got a few friends with me!” Applejack called out as soon as the group stepped inside the house, entering the living room area.

“Ah’m in the kitchen!” a slightly shaky voice replied. “Bring them right in!”

As Applejack led the group to another room, Natalya was able to get a quick look at the place. The furniture was not adorned with lots of frivolous details, favoring function over form. Many knickknacks, accessories, and decorations were also lying around, and most had vintage, weathered appearances, as though they had been passed down for generations. The walls were also filled with pictures of various ponies, many of which bore some sort of resemblance, making Natalya briefly wonder how big the Apple Family really was.

Natalya’s attention was drawn away when she caught whiffs of something baking, and it only grew stronger as the group moved into the kitchen.

Inside, an elderly mare with a green coat was washing some dishes in the sink. Her mane and tail had faded into a gray-white and were tied up into buns, and her face was thinner than the average pony and riddled with wrinkles.

“Hey, Granny, somepony here wants to see you,” Applejack announced as she walked over to the sink. “Why don’t you let me take over here while you go say hi?”

“Well, that sounds mighty fine to me. Thank you, Applejack.” Granny Smith dried her hooves with a towel and turned to the group still standing at the doorway with a warm smile. “So, which one of you wanted to talk to Granny?”

Gilda was swiftly pushed forward by Pinkie. After shooting a glare at Pinkie, she looked back at Granny Smith. “Uh, it was me. You probably don’t know me, but my name is Gilda.”

“Nice to meet you, missy. Can’t say Ah recall seein’ you before. We don’t exactly get many griffons here in Sweet Apple Acres. What can Ah do for you, Gilda?”

Gilda glanced away and rubbed one of her arms with her claw. “Actually, you did see me before, or rather, a part of me. It was quite a while ago, but when you were shopping in the market and stopped at one of the stands, I used my tail to scare you. You thought it was a snake, and you ended up trying to run away.”

“That’s mighty kind of you to come apologize to me.” Granny Smith rubbed her chin in thought. “So how long ago was this again?”

Gilda shrugged. “Like I said, it was quite a while ago. I can’t remember exactly when.”

“I think it was around the time Applejack was so stubborn that she tried to go through apple bucking season all by herself,” said Rainbow.

Applejack paused from doing the dishes to frown at Rainbow. “Gee, thanks for bringin’ that up.”

Rainbow smirked. “No problem, Applejack.”

Granny Smith’s cackle filled the kitchen and gave Gilda a hearty thump on the back. “Really? That long ago? That’s old news, missy, especially since it was such a small thing. Besides, a bit of a scare every now and then does me good. Keeps my mind sharp and my body movin’.”

Gilda chuckled. “Well, regardless, sorry for the scare, and sorry that it took so long for me to apologize. Let’s just say I wasn’t in a good mood that day, and I live far away from here.”

Suddenly, a loud ringing came from the oven.

“Ooh, just in time.” Granny Smith slammed her hoof on a nearby timer shaped like an apple and trotted toward the kitchen oven. “Tell you what, Gilda. For being such a sweet thing and traveling all this way just to see this old mare, how about Ah treat you and your friends to a little snack.”

The aroma that Natalya smelled earlier grew more intense when Granny Smith opened the oven. Sugar, apples, and other sweet things she could not identify filled the air, and she found herself leaning forward to see what Granny Smith had made.

With a thick cloth in her mouth, Granny Smith put her head into the oven, extracting a sizeable pie in her protected teeth. She quickly trotted across the kitchen, kicked the oven door closed with one of her hind legs, and set the steaming dessert on the nearby table.

“Oh sweet!” Rainbow cheered. She hastily took a seat at the table, her mouth literally watering. “You make the best apple pies, Granny Smith!”

“Ain’t that the truth, Rainbow!” Granny Smith agreed with a cackle. “Now let’s hurry up and chow down! Applejack, bring me a knife!”

After Applejack did as she was told, Granny Smith started cutting up the pie and doling out the slices.

"Careful now. It's fresh out of the oven, so be careful that you don't go burnin' yourselves," Granny Smith said as she doled out the first piece to Gilda.

Natalya received the second piece, and heeding the warning, she took a small, careful bite. Despite the intense heat almost scalding her, she had to resist letting out a moan of delight. Gooey and cooked to perfection, the apples almost melted inside her mouth. The apple she had earlier was nothing compared to what she was having now as hints of cinnamon and other flavors tantalized her tastebuds. Even the flaky, golden-brown crust was delicious. She had thought the Crystal Empire served good food, but this apple pie was easily the best thing she had ever tasted.

“Oh man, that was good,” Natalya could not help saying, finishing her slice before anyone else. She used one of her talons to pick at her teeth. “Wish you could make something even half as good as this back in Griffonstone, Gilda.”

“Gee, thanks, Natalya,” Gilda dryly replied. “But you’re right. I would be so happy to be able to bake something as delicious as this. Your apple pie is awesome, Granny Smith.”

“Aww, thank you kindly, Gilda,” Granny Smith, giving the griffon a wrinkled smile.

“Oh, right, Pinkie mentioned that you were kind of a baker,” Applejack remarked. “How’s that goin’ for you?”

“Surprisingly good,” Gilda replied. “After Pinkie helped my scones taste better, it took a bit for word to get around, but once it did, business has been booming. It’s only been like a week or so, but I’ve pretty much sold out every day. The problem is that the baking powder Pinkie gave me is only going to last me so long, and it’s not exactly easy nor cheap to get more in Griffonstone.”

“So you came here to pick up some more while you’re visiting Rainbow and Pinkie?” Applejack guessed.

“As well as anything else I could try out. Pinkie is going to help me, and she even offered to teach me a bunch of new recipes.”

“That’s right, and I’m going to make sure Gilda is going to be able to make all sorts of cakes and other stuff for Griffonstone when I’m done with her.” Pinkie placed one forehoof on the table and raised her other high into the air. “Nopony should live without cake!”

“Hooves off the table, Pinkie,” Granny Smith lectured.

Pinkie’s hooves immediately went to her chest, and she grinned sheepishly. “Oops, sorry, Granny Smith.”

“That’s alright, sweetie.” Turning to Gilda, Granny Smith asked, “So, from what Ah’m hearin’, Griffonstone doesn’t really have much in terms of bakin’, huh?”

Gilda shook her head. “I’m pretty sure that’s the main reason why my scones sold so well. Most griffons in Griffonstone don’t really have the time or patience to cook anything meaningful, and even if they could, they'd much rather keep it to themselves. It would be nice to brighten things up over there when I learn how to bake more stuff.”

“Well, nothin’ like some good food to help bring everypony together. How about Ah help you out a bit as well? Ah certainly don’t mind sharin’ some of my recipes,” Granny Smith stated. “Give me a few days for me to sort out the old noggin.” She tapped her head with a hoof, producing a conking sound.

“That would be great, Granny Smith. Thank you so much,” Gilda said gratefully.

Applejack looked in Natalya’s direction. “What about you? Aside from our little talk outside, you’ve been quiet, Natalya.” She stared at Natalya for a moment and then cocked her head. “Actually, now that Ah get a good look at you, Ah feel like Ah’ve actually seen you before.”

Natalya shrugged. “Well, I don’t recall seeing you before, although to me, a lot of you ponies look the same. The last time I was in Equestria it was in the Equestria Games. I was the fastest griffon in the aerial relay race.”

“Ohhh right, so that’s why you looked familiar. So is that when you became fr—er, acquaintances with Rainbow?”

“You could say that,” Natalya answered, not wanting to go into further detail to touch on her loss.

“So you came here to see Rainbow?”

“You could say that,” Natalya repeated.

“Yeah, she did,” Rainbow explained instead. “She wanted to challenge me to a race.”

“Guessin’ you won then,” Applejack remarked. “Saw your Sonic Rainboom right over Ponyville.”

“Of course I did! I beat her without breaking a sweat!” Rainbow announced, sitting up straight with her muzzle held high with pride.

Natalya glared at Rainbow and picked up a crumb left on her plate in her talons. Taking one second to aim, she flicked the crumb at Rainbow and scored a direct hit as it bounced off the mare’s muzzle.

“Hey!” Rainbow’s hooves flew right up to the attacked muzzle. “Don’t do that!”

“Then don’t annoy me,” Natalya hissed. She might be coming to terms with her loss, but that did not mean she liked it.

Rainbow sat up, slammed her forehooves on the table, and gave Natalya a venomous glare. “Funny, I could say the same about you!”

Natalya rose up as well, her claws thumping heavily on the table to growl at Rainbow. Her beak was inches away from Rainbow’s muzzle as they angrily glared at each other.

“Rainbow, Natalya! Sit down!” Granny Smith bellowed in a tone that felt like it shook the room. “What did Ah say earlier? No hooves on the table! That includes claws as well.”

Natalya and Rainbow slowly sank back down into their seats, mumbling “Sorry, Granny Smith…”

Pinkie, Gilda, and Applejack exchanged nervous glances amongst each other as a quiet descended on them. Clearing her throat, Applejack asked carefully, “Uh, so how about those teammates of yours, Natalya? They doing alright?”

Glad for the change in topic, Natalya took a deep breath and answered, “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to them since the Equestria Games ended. And before you ask, no, they aren’t my friends. I only signed up with them because it was the only way I could compete. Honestly, I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with those two dead weights anymore.”

“Oh, um, okay then…”

Again, silence filled the room, but it only lasted for a few seconds when a loud knock came from the front door.

Applejack was already out of the kitchen, saying “Ah’ll get it!”, before anyone could react.

Natalya glanced at her empty plate and then to everyone else’s, noting that everyone had finished their slice. “Hey, Granny, got any more pie?”

Granny Smith gave a small start. “Oh, er, uh, sorry there, Natalya, I don’t. Ah didn’t expect so many guests to drop by. It would take a while for me to bake a new one.”

“Natalya, don’t be rude,” Gilda chided.

“What? I’m just asking. We don’t get stuff like this at Griffonstone, so I would prefer to enjoy some good food while we’re here.”

“Rainbow Dash is here?!” a new voice suddenly cried out.

An orange blur suddenly blazed through the kitchen doorway to stop right by Rainbow, revealing a pegasus filly with a magenta mane. She was looking up at Rainbow with a wide grin and big eyes.

“Oh, hey, squirt.” Rainbow smiled at the filly and ruffled her mane with a hoof. “What brings you here?”

“Sweetie Belle and I came to get Apple Bloom so that we could hang out,” the filly replied.

“Okay, so where’s Sweetie Belle?”

The filly blinked. “Oh, right.”

“Ah sent her up to Apple Bloom’s room,” Applejack explained as she reentered the kitchen. “We all know that you want to stay here for a bit since Rainbow is here.”

“Totally!” The filly nodded in thanks to Applejack before turning right back to give her full attention to Rainbow. “So, what have you been up to, Rainbow?”

Rainbow chuckled. “Well, I’m sort of showing a friend from out of town around.”

The filly’s eyes widened, as though just noticing that there were others sitting around the table.

“Hi, Scootaloo!” Pinkie loudly greeted, her hoof almost a blur as she waved at the filly.

Scootaloo, however, was more interested with Natalya and Gilda. Staring at both of them, she uttered, “Whoa, griffons…”

Gilda chuckled. “So, you’re Scootaloo, huh? Rainbow talked about you quite a bit when she visited Griffonstone.”

“Really? What did she say?”

“That you’re a cool filly that can do some awesome tricks on her scooter.”

“Yep, sure sounds like me!” Scootaloo stated, her chest slightly puffed out with pride. “So, what’s your name?”

“I’m Gilda, Rainbow’s friend from Junior Speedsters Flight Camp.”

“Gilda?” Scootaloo cocked her head in confusion. “Hey, Rainbow, is this the same Gilda that you’re always complain—”

Rainbow slapped a hoof over Scootaloo’s mouth and chuckled nervously. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Scootaloo. You must have heard me wrong. I didn’t say Gilda. I said, uh… um… Hilda? Yeah, Hilda!”

Gilda snickered. “Seriously? Hilda? Come on, Rainbow, fess up.”

Rainbow groaned. “Okay, okay so I might’ve complained a bit about you.”

“More like a lot,” Scootaloo corrected.

“Whatever! The main thing is that it happened all before we made up.” Rainbow gave Scootaloo a little noogie. “I just haven’t gotten the chance to tell this blabbermouth here.”

Gilda chuckled. “Don’t worry, I understand. I did the same thing with you when I left the first time. Good to know that we were both thinking of each other, albeit, in a sort of weird, angry way.”

“Yeah, I’m glad that we’re friends again.” Rainbow focused her attention back on Scootaloo and turned her towards Natalya. “Anyway, Scoots, this is—”

“You’re Natalya, aren’t you?” Scootaloo uttered, her eyes widening with awe.

Natalya, who had been resting her head on a propped up claw in boredom, perked up. “Oh, you know me?”

“Yeah! You were in the Equestria Games! You were so awesome! You were so fast! You even beat a Wonderbolt!”

Even if it was just a filly, Natalya grinned at the praise. “Thanks, kid. I am pretty awesome, huh?”

“Uh huh! You’re almost as awesome as Rainbow Dash!”

Natalya’s mood dropped like a brick, and her eye twitched with annoyance. It did not help that she could hear the stifled laughs from Rainbow and Gilda.

“Hey, Scootaloo, you ready to go yet?” another new voice asked.

“Yeah, we would like to get goin’ before it gets too dark out,” chimed yet another voice that had the same accent as Applejack and Granny Smith.

Two more fillies were standing at the doorway. One was a unicorn with a white coat, and her mane was both pink and violet. The other was a yellow earth pony with a huge dark-pink bow that was almost as big as her head and resting in her red mane.

“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry, girls. I’m coming!” Scootaloo scampered away from the table to join her friends.

“Be back by dinner time, Apple Bloom!” Applejack called at the fillies as they ran out of sight around.

“Ah will!” the earth pony filly’s voice responded.

A moment later, Scootaloo poked her head through the doorway. “Oh, and I can’t wait for tomorrow, Rainbow! See ya!”

Rainbow waved at the departing filly with her hoof. “Me too, squirt. See you then.”

After hearing the door slam shut, marking the exit of the fillies, Natalya asked, “What’s happening tomorrow?”

“Oh, I’m hanging out with Scootaloo,” Rainbow informed.

“How long?”

“Uh, all afternoon.” Rainbow’s eyebrow went up. “Why?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you could do something more interesting and productive than hanging out with fillies, like say teaching me the Sonic Rainboom.”

Rainbow groaned, and her hoof met her face. “No, Natalya. Like I said earlier, I have stuff to do, even though you’re here, and hanging out with Scootaloo is very important to me. I’m definitely not backing down from that. Would you stop asking me about the Sonic Rainboom?”

Natalya folded her arms across her chest and huffed. “Then at least tell me when you’re going to work with me. All this waiting around is getting on my nerves.”

“Kind of like a certain griffon is getting on mine…” Rainbow grumbled. “As for me helping you train, I just don’t know yet. Look, I get that waiting sucks, I hate it too, but I’m still figuring things out. You and Gilda kind of arrived unexpected, so I’m kind of winging things at the moment. I promise, if you behave, I’ll make time for you, got it?”

Natalya sighed loudly. “Got it… I hope this is going to be worth it. I think I’ve been toning it down just fine, right?”

Gilda and Pinkie both said “Meh.”

“Would hate to see you without you holdin’ back,” Applejack said with blunt honesty.

Natalya buried her face into her claw. “Oh, for crying out…”

“So, you four got anymore plans for today?” Granny Smith asked. “Would help if Ah knew all four of you will be stayin’ for long.”

“No thanks, Granny Smith. We got other stuff we can do with Gilda and Natalya,” Pinkie replied.

“Please don’t tell me I have to apologize to anyone else,” Gilda pleaded. “I’m all for this friendship stuff, but all this apologizing really takes a lot out of me.”

“Aww, don’t you worry, Gilda,” Pinkie said as she patted Gilda’s head. “I think that oughta do it for now, but don’t forget that apologizing is an important thing in friendship.” Her eyes suddenly grew wide, and a wide grin appeared on her face. “Oh, oh, I know where we can take Gilda and Natalya next, Rainbow!”

“Really? Where?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie then leaned over to whisper into Rainbow’s ear, and a similar wide grin formed on Rainbow’s face. “That’s a great idea, Pinkie!”

“Why do I suddenly have a sinking feeling that something bad is going to happen to me?” Gilda asked.

“You’re just being paranoid, Gilda,” Rainbow retorted. “You’re just going to meet a princess. What could go wrong?”