• Published 19th May 2013
  • 2,531 Views, 97 Comments

Pony Und Panzer! - Diceman

Cutie Mark Crusaders pilot Silly weapons of war.

  • ...

Chapter XV: Band Of Sisters

Chapter XV: Band Of Sisters

"I don't think I have ever seen Celestia lose her composure that badly. I mean, I seen her frustrated, maybe a tad angry, but her mane turned all fire red and yellow there" Elly said.

"Yeah, Walarah was mostly cowering in fear once Celestia turned the flames on" Scootaloo added. "Celestia is kinda terrifying when angry to be honest."

"She tries her best to put out an aura or impression of civility and kindness; mainly to placate the masses that see her are a being worthy of worship. That said, she's actually quite down to earth despite what other ponies may think." Elly stopped at the crosswalk, instinctively putting her hoof out to stop Scootaloo, even though it was unneeded.

"Sheesh sis, I'm not five." Scootaloo put her foreleg over Elly's leg, pushing it to the ground. "Also, what do you mean by that?"

Elly giggled. "Mom would occasionally take me with her to meetings with high ranking officials and such. Celestia was often there. I would usually be off in the corner playing with my toy airships while they talked adult things. Celestia usually got bored about halfway through and would come over to the corner with me to play. She really liked the blue airship with the retractable wings for some reason. Mom thought it was adorable, not so much the others at the meeting."

Scootaloo laughed, putting her hoof over her mouth to stifle it. "That mental image is actually kind of hilarious. I mean, I get she can be playful sometimes, but didn't expect her to be that direct."

"Well, she knows her position is important, so she puts on an act. Honestly though, if she had her way she would nap till noon and eat cake for breakfast." Elly rounded the corner and saw the big sign with sugar cube corners logo on it. Outside the store was three tables with ponies sitting at them. As she got closer she noticed one of them was Luna and the other two pairs were Apple Bloom, Applejack , Rarity and Sweetie Belle. However, as she approached she noticed worried looks on the older sisters faces.

As she pulled out a seat next to Luna she watched as the worried stares turned into angry glares, both solely on her.

"D-did I do something wrong?" Elly asked.

"Now, I understand you two are angry, but I suggest you both keep your composure. Both Elly and Scootaloo have been through quite a bit and I-"

"I don't give two horse dookeys about composure! This poor excuse for a sister is putting a giant target on Apple Bloom's back and I taint liken it one bit!" Applejack shouted, cutting off Luna.

"I concur. Had I known about the type of folks that were after her I would have made sure Sweetie Belle never came within a country mile of you!" Rarity added.

"Errr...what's this about again?" Elly asked.

Applejack lunged forward, raising a foreleg to punch Elly when a blue aura caught her mid air and sat her back down in her chair.

"Lemme go Luna!" Applejack protested.

"No, you will allow her to speak for herself." Luna turned her head to Elly "To refresh your memory, you seemed to have forgone telling Applejack or Rarity about the kidnappers and murderers pursuing you and Scootaloo."

Elly opened her mouth to speak, but only a short high pitched squeak came out. Oh...oh no. We been working so many double shifts that I forgot to tell them about that... "I...well, you see..."

"I told her not too" Scootaloo shouted.

"I dun believe that for a country second little missy, yer just covering for her screwups! She put a bunch of fillies in harms way without tellin any of their closest kin what was goin on." Applejack slammed her hoof on the table "She deserves a right good rear kickin for that, at the very least."

"While I have a distaste for violence, I must say that Applejack is right; repercussions for inaction's are in order" Rarity added.

Sweetie Belle got down from her seat and went to Scootaloo's side. "No, there wont be anything like that. They are after Scootaloo and Elly and even assuming Elly never came about, she would have still been a target eventually. We have had targets painted on us for years now and no pony was the wiser."

Apple Bloom got down from her seat and stood by Scootaloo as well. "Yeah, yer always puttin yerself in harms way for us, it's about time we do the right thing and do what we can to protect our friend."

Scootaloo smiled. The feeling of elation that her friends were there to back her up filled her with pride.

"I get that darling, but this quite a bit more than just a some petty diamond dog prankster or Discord being himself, these are real murderers out there; they will have no qualms about killing you outright if it means they can get to Scootaloo" Rarity said.

"I get shes like a sister to you Apple Bloom, but...I ..I just can't put you in that kind of danger. It would break all of our hearts if something bad were to happen to you..." Applejack pleaded.

"And what about me Applejack? Would you abandon me to these figurative wolves? I thought you thought of me as family?" Scootaloo asked, tears running down her eyes.

"I-I do sugar-cube, it's just you will have all that protection around you at all times and stuff. There is no need to put Sweetie Belle or you in danger like that." Applejack added nervously.

"Listen Applejack, I'm sorry you had to hear how deep this goes from someone besides me and I know I make mistakes, I get a little absent minded in my work sometimes and forget important details. However, this is the exact thing I tried to avoid for years; I put the target on my own back and made sure false information about what Scootaloo looked like and where she was leaked." Elly took a deep breath to compose herself. "I know you were angry about me leaving her on her own, but it was a lose-lose situation for me. Do I endanger her and her friends by staying by her side or do I sacrifice my own well being and safety for others."

"Oh...that explains why she wasn't around" Rarity said, putting a hoof on her chin to ponder.

"I well, I still-" Applejack stuttered.

"Could you do what she did sis? Could you really ostracize yourself from your loved ones to protect them?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Or you sis? I mean, I know I get on your nerves a bit, but we are inseparable when we are both together. Even if we don't exactly match personality wise" Sweetie Belle added.

"I guess we are at a crossroads here. I normally wouldn't get into family business, but this isn't exactly what I would call black and white. Yes, some things could have been done better; such as Elly going to my sister first with these problems instead of taking on such a burden at her age." Luna shot Elly an disapproving glance, making Elly turn her head in shame. "That said, it wasn't the worst idea in the world. Knowing how my sister works Elly and Scootaloo would have had a full regiment of guards protecting them twenty-four seven."

"Which means we would have been a bigger target since those that were after us knew where we were and what we were doing at all times" Scootaloo said.

"I...I just don't want to lose any of you. I don't need to bury more family before their time comes..." Applejack wiped away a tear.

Scootaloo sighed and walked forward, putting her forelegs over Applejack's gently. "I know you want to protect us. That's what family is for, but at the same time we can't live in fear of what could happen. We live in a world where a rogue basilisk could turn us to stone, a hydra could attack the town and eat us in one gulp or one of us could end up dead just from landing the wrong way off a swing." Scootaloo paused as she watched Applejack's and Rarity's face contort a bit at the thought of them suddenly dying.

"I-I don't want to even think about that." Applejack stared at the table for a moment before making eye contact with Scootaloo.

"I get that whole protective sister thing, we all do, but you have to give us some space to takes some risks. We will never grow on a personal level if you keep on smothering us." Scootaloo took her her forelegs off of Applejack's. "Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and the others all risk their lives for one another on a near weekly basis. All I ask is you let us be there for one another."

"Applejack...I loathe to say it, but they have a point. I mean, I really don't like it, but our little sisters are not going to be little forever" Rarity said as she put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"I..."Applejack sat there for a few minutes, silent as she tried to process all that had occurred. "Luna?"

"Yes?" Luna replied.

"I...I can have your word that nothing bad will happen to them, right?" Applejack asked.

"I assure you I have the absolute very best all around town to keep an eye on them, as well as myself. As of this afternoon I am officially part of their team." Luna gave a sideways lance at Elly, but quickly turned her gaze back to Applejack. "While there is always a possibility of something going wrong, they would be folly to attack her head on with so much protecting her."

"I guess that's about as much as I can expect. I won't stop you all from the whole competition thing now that I have Luna's assurance. Still, if y'all could stop by every so often , they would put my mind a little more at ease." Applejack looked toward Rarity.

"I concur but would like to add an extra stipulation. No running off on adventures on your own, that goes for all three of you. I know how you all like to stir the proverbial fecal pot" Rarity said.

"Fecal pot? Is that like a pot shaped like a feet?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, no she means a pot full of sh-" Apple Bloom stopped herself as she received a disapproving glare and shake of the head from Applejack.

"I need to have a talk with Babs Seed's parents. Yer learning too much bad city stuff fer yer age" Applejack said.

"I hate to break all the sentimental emotions flying about, but could we kindly order our meals?" Luna asked. "I spent so much time keeping Celestia's temper in check this afternoon that I missed the banquet at the end of the event."

"Yeah, I saw her get all fired up; like literally fired up. Care to share what that was all about?" Applejack asked.

Elly's ears folded back in distress.Oh no...if she tells them Gerald was killed...then everything that just happened will repeat itself.

"Oh, just some overly complicated political non-sense. You know things most ponies wouldn't bother with." Luna lied as she casually laughed and waved her right leg about.

Did...did the princess just lie for me? Elly thought to herself.

"Oh, stuff no pony here cares about. Okay then." Applejack picked up the menu in front of her and looked over the top of it directly at Elly. "You gonna come sit with us?"

"Err...is that okay? You're not going to try and knock my block off again are you?" Elly asked apprehensively.

"No. I was gonna pull mah punches with you the first time around anyhow. You worked on our farm back before Apple Bloom was even born and I can't right hurt a friend of the family too much. Even iffin ya are a screw up." Applejack looked back at the menu. "You just happen to hit one of my buttons, I get a bit protective of the one you pressed."

Elly looked at Scootaloo. "I understand completely."

"I'm not sure if that was an apology or not, but yes. Please do sit with us, I would like to get to know Scootaloo's sister a bit better." Rarity shot a sideways glance at Applejack "Even if you are a screw up, as Applejack so kindly put it."

Elly smiled and pulled up a chain next to Luna, Scootaloo taking Luna's opposite side. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom took their seats next to their sisters.

"Waiter! A round of shakes on me if you would please?" Elly yelled.

"Shakes? First?" Luna asked, puzzled.

"Why not? We all worked up an appetite. Dinner is on me by the way" Elly added.

The waiter walked over to the table and pulled out his ticket book, setting it on the table as he pulled out a pen. "I'm ready to take your orders."

"I'll have a number three with extra cheese" Applejack said. "Oh, and make my shake apple spice if you would."

"A number four side a side salad, no onions if you would dear. Make the shake vanilla, but with a bit of pineapple at the top" Rarity said.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at one another and then at the waiter. "A number six and a chocolate shake" they all said in unison.

"Also, wheres Pinkie Pie? She's not working tonight?" Apple Bloom asked.

"She's off on fridays during the summers. She's probably at the one bit movie theater" Rarity answer curtly.

"That was...a bit odd" Elly said sheepishly. "The talking all at once I mean."

"They been here together and often for years and they almost always get the same thing for dinner. Spooky at first, but you'll get used to it after awhile." Applejack set her menu down. "So, what you gettin?"

Elly studied the menu for a few moments, her eyes catching something she hadn't had in a few weeks. I hope they don't think of me as some kind of freak for ordering this... "I'll take a number twelve with a side salad as well."

Rarity picked up her menu, not recognizing the order number. She had to turn the page a few times to find them listing. "A salmon steak with lemon and paprika, heavy cheese macaroni and a side of corn on the cob?" Rarity looked up from the menu and stared quizzically at Elly. "You...eat meat?"

Others at the table were looking at her, not with looks of disgust, but genuine curiosity.

"I admit, it's a very acquired taste. A functional one as well, you really don't get enough proteins from beans and the like, not for all the heavy manual labor I have to do anyhow. Picked it up when I opened up a side shop in a coastal town not too far from Stalliongrad." Elly watched as the stares coming her way went from quizzical to content.

"I guess that makes sense. I mean, Rarity likes caviar, which is just gross." Applejack said, teasingly.

"It is not, it's a sign of refinement and glamour for the elite" Rarity retorted.

"I guess that makes sense. You wouldn't mind if I tried a bite from your plate would ya?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure, but I warn you the first time is always a bit funky" Elly said, smiling.

"And your order Princess Luna?" The waiter turned to Luna getting ready to jot down her order.

"I’ll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda." Luna set her menu down, smiling. However she noticed the shock on the other ponies faces, including the waiters.

"Oh, I meant a diet soda, I have to watch my figure and all." Luna laughed.

Holy hand grenades, she can friggin eat! Elly thought to herself.

"So, Elly. I heard that you are some sort of mechanic from what I have heard?" Rarity asked.

"Huh? Didn't Sweetie Belle fill you in on the details? I mean, we have been working together long hours for a month now" Elly said in a confused tone.

"Well, me and AJ here have been in an out of the hospital on a recovery regiment" Rarity replied. "Kind of hard to keep up with the goings on when you have a doctor on your case every week." Rarity shot Applejack an accusatory stare.

"What? I told the doc I was fine to work. I didn't need his help" Applejack retorted.

"Oh hush you, we could both barely walk right after we got home from the hospital, let alone handle our workload. I think the doctors and nurses did a fine job" Rarity said.

Applejack merely snorted in disapproval, rolling her eyes and letting Rarity continue.

"As I was saying before AJ showed her stubborn side, I was wondering what it is you actually do." Rarity leaned forward a tad in her chair. "I mean, I heard of your family of course, but I have lived in Ponyville my entire life and never so much as seen you around town when I was younger."

"It's kind of complicated. See, it wasn't like me or the rest of the family was anti-social or anything, it's just we typically only lived in Ponyville during the warmer months. The home we originally had here was more of summer home. The family also occasionally skipped a year or two in Ponyville to use other homes we had set up." Elly tapped her hoof against her chin. "Let me see, we had a homes in a Seacattle, Laspegasus , Stalliongrad and I think one near the great northern expanse, but we rarely used it due to it being so remote."

"So...what yer sayin is you moved around a lot?" Applejack asked.

"We did. I didn't make too many friends while in Ponyville either, except the Apples, which I did summer work for on occasion; though under an assumed name to keep the paparazzi off my tail. A lot of my time was spent on work and contest entries during the months I was in Ponyville." Elly sighed. "Once I was old enough to start striking out on my own, I really didn't make that many friends; I was always absorbed in my work."

"Wait, I don't remember me moving around that much, at least from what I can remember" Scootaloo added.

"About a year after your birth mom had a long discussion with dad and some of the other relatives. She wanted to settle down and raise a child that wasn't so pressured to be like them. Mom actually got in a big argument with dad over the whole thing. Dad was adamant about both of us being self sufficient and hard working, mom on the the other hoof wanted to try a more gentle approach with Scootaloo's upbringing." Elly sat back in her chair and stared at the sky. "Sometimes I think what I would have been if mom & dad were not such a large influence on me."

"Well, we all have a bit of our parents in us. Big Mac is such a dead ringer for his dad in size , speech and mannerisms that it's actually kind of scary. I'm a bit softer like mom" Applejack noticed a few awkward glances from Rarity and Apple Bloom directed at her. "A bit softer and don't be tellin Big Mac about that; I got a reputation to keep up."

Apple Bloom let out a giggle, earning herself a stare from Applejack.

"As I was sayin. You can try yer darndest to be different from them, but sometimes you just can't escape yer heritage. I learned that lesson a long time ago and I'm thankful I did." Applejack rubbed Apple Blooms mane playfully, knocking her bow a bit off center. "I may not have gone out and been something different that what we Apples normally do, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything." Applejack gave Apple Bloom a quick nuzzle, much to the fillys half hearted giggling and protest.

I guess I have been missing out all these years. I was so terrified and absorbed in myself that I didn't give enough time for others... Elly thought to herself as she looked down at Scootaloo and smiled. I'll make sure that never happens again.I promise I'll make up for lost time...

The waiter walked up to the table, balancing plates on his back using a specialized saddle used for carrying goods. He slowly began to set the shakes and meals in front of each pony, though Elly's meal was seemingly jumbled up.

"I'm sorry, the cook kind of shattered the filet on the counter when she took it out of the freezer. Unfortunately it was our last one, I hope how it looks isn't too jarring" the waiter apologized.

Elly stared at her meal for a moment before leaning in and taking a bite of her salmon. "Well, it's not bad, a little overcooked on the underside, but honestly I have had far worse."

"Mind if I try a bite?" Scootaloo asked, curiously staring at a small piece at the edge of Elly's plate.

"Knock yourself out, but I warn you; it's gonna taste funky the first time around." Elly pushed her plate towards Scootaloo, allowing the filly to try it for herself.

Scootaloo stared at the piece of fish for a moment, seemingly having second thoughts about trying it. It kind of looks like a cherry doughnut that's been chopped up... Scootaloo thought to herself. She leaned in, scooping up the smaller piece in her mouth in a single bite. The first flavor was a sharp bit of sour followed by a quite change to a savory kind of flavor, like toasted rye bread, but much stronger. The texture was kind of flakey, but spongy at the same time; like a bit of taffy that had dried out too much. After a bit of chewing, she swallowed, the sensation going down her throat was barely any at all; as if it was smooth and weightless.

"So, how was it?" Applejack asked.

"It's...a bit hard to describe. It's like a semi-bitter, yet savory bit of taffy. It's really odd going down too, like it's there but not there?" Scootaloo pondered for a moment. "I guess...like a really soft doughnut dunked in coffee?"

Rarity and Applejack looked at one another for a moment then back at Scootaloo.

"So, gross then?" Rarity asked.

"Not really gross, more like different. Like I said, it's just one of those things you have to try for yourself." Scootaloo pushed the plate back to Elly. "You have strange tastes sis."

Elly laughed. "It grows on you. Kinda like coffee or..." Elly looked at Applejack and smiled slyly "Oranges."

"You did not just do what I think you did? I'll have you know I memorized all one hundred facts why Apples are better than oranges. Fact number twel-" Applejack stopped mid-sentence, noticing others at the table giggling to themselves. "What's so funny?"

"She baited you, sis. It's a prank" Apple Bloom explained.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Scootaloo told me you have bit of overly passionate love of all things apple; to the exclusion of any other fruit." Elly leaned over and took a sip of her shake. "Just joking to lighten the mood."

Applejack let out a hearty laugh. "But no, seriously, Apples are better."

The rest of the ponies at the table erupted in laughter.

***One Hour Later***

"We should do this more often I reckon, I mean, more of the food an laughing and less of the fightin I mean." Applejack said was she waved goodbye to Elly and Scootaloo.

"Do stop by the shop later on, I need your measurements for proper uniforms!" Rarity shouted.

"We will!" Scootaloo replied.

As soon as Applejack and Rarity were out of earshot, Elly turned to Luna and bowed down respectfully. "I don't know how I can repay you for not telling them about Gerald's assassination. Had you told them...well I don't think a force on this planet would have stopped Applejack and Rarity from beating me to a pulp."

"I was wondering that too. I didn't think princesses could ...lie I guess? Then again you really didn't, just avoided specifics." Scootaloo added.

Luna sighed, rubbing her head with her hoof. "I did not do it for your health, Elly Loo. I did it because as of today it is a state secret; releasing such information would almost immediately call for a panic and even outright call for war if it reached the senate."

"Oh, well. I guess I was presuming a bit much then" Elly said glumly.

Luna smiled. "I may not have done it for you, but I did do it for both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Had they learned about such details they would have doubled down on how overbearingly protective they were being. I get it's only natural, but..." Luna stared at the moon, where her figure once was. "I know first hand how suffocating having an older sister can be." Luna looked down on Scootaloo, nodding in approval. "I completely agreed with what you said tonight, that you need room to grow and experience life on your own terms, that each and every mortal life could be snuffled out in a mere instant."

Luna's horn glowed and created an image of a filly walking in a field of short grass. The filly in question began to grow older, but always seemed to avoid the tall grass as she aged. "It reminded me of an old story I was told as a child. You see this filly avoided the tall grass her entire life because all of her friends and family told her it was dangerous; that wolves would gobble her up if she stepped into the grass." The image of the pony aged until she was no longer able to walk and was bed ridden. "However, she caught a disease from a rare ivy that rapidly aged her and none could fine a cure."

"That sounds terrible!" Scootaloo said.

"It is, there was a legendary flower that could reverse all the damage done, but none could find it. The filly, now a very old mare, decided that before her death she wanted to see what was in that tall grass." The image showed the once young filly stumbling on the road, parts of her coat falling out from the accelerated aging. "When she finally reached the tall grass, she walked through it and found a bed of flowers. Her curiosity sated, she laid down in the flowers, waiting for death to take her..."

"That's...morbid, Luna. I'm not sure what the point of this story is exactly" Elly said.

Luna smiled. "However, death did not come, her body slowly changed back into a filly before she was afflicted by the rare disease. You see, life favors the bold and those willing to explore the unknown. Yes, one should be aware of dangers, but they should not stifles ones will to get out in the world and live."

The image ended just as the filly ran home to her parents, embracing them in a warm hug. "It may be easier to close off a door, but sometimes you need to seize fate and take a step through that door into the unknown. That to live life any other way is to devalue its grandeur." Luna placed her foreleg over Scootaloo shoulder and pulled her close, leaning over to whisper in her ear.

"I hope when the day comes that you need to walk through that door, you remember my words and do so with pride." Luna removed her leg from around Scootaloo's shoulders. "I bid you both a good night and again, congratulations on your performance." Luna spread her wings and took to the air, stopping briefly. "I suggest you take he path to your home that is open and lit by my moonlight. So long as you walk in it, you will have my protection."

Elly and Scootaloo waved goodbye as Luna flew off into the distance.

"So...bedtime story before you tuck me in?" Scootaloo asked.

"I would say you're too old for that, but sure; why not" Elly replied.


General Ivan Vukov relaxed in his desk chair as he watched the silhouette of his secret weapon blot out the moonlight as it was slowly undocked. He reached over to the left side of his chair and picked up a lit cigar that had been resting on of the the ornate claws on the arms of his chair. As he moved it toward his beak a knock at the door made him flinch slightly.

"Come in" Vukov said as he took a drag from his cigar.

"All is going according to plan, general. We have located the resting place of Ragnarok and the locket that Vespa and Cidolfus put together also acts as a key for activation. However..."

Vukov spun his chair in place, slowly facing his subordinate. He leaned over and set his cigar in the silver ashtray on his desk. "Let me take a guess, you ran into not one, but many unforeseen complications?"

The griffon bowed his head, sweat rolling down his beak. "Y-yes sir. It appears that a high level magical protection has been put on the entire craft. We have had our crew working to dispel it, but it seems to be Alicorn in origin." The griffon took a deep breath, watching closely for Vukov's reaction.

"Is that it? Tell me, what exactly does this protection do?" Vukov asked as he picked his cigar back up from his silver ashtray.

"We have been able to figure that out. It seems to be a protection put in place right before the ship was to enter trials. From what we have managed to gather, only members of the Loo family can operate any of the controls or guns."

"Hmmm, that's actually not a problem." Vukov took a drag from his cigar and blew the smoke towards his subordinate.

"Sir?" the subordinate stood straight up, looking confused.

"We can kill two birds with one stone. Vespa already thinks we have Elder sister captured thanks to some very expensive illusion magic. Sadly we still do not have enough feathers to replicate the younger one yet, due to the little brat not being able to fly." Vukov took another drag from his cigar. "However, we can make her think we have both captured until we actually catch them. See, having mindless zombies to load and and fire the gun is fine and all, but I want her to be sane of mind to pilot and command it."

"Sir, are you absolutely out of your mind?" the subordinate shouted.

Vukov stood up from his chair and with a swift motion of his right claw backclawed the subordinate to the floor. "I will not have a soldier second guess me, do I make myself clear?" Vukov turned back to his chair and sat down, once again putting his cigar in his beak.

"S-sorry sir, I just want to know how our glorious leader thinks so I may serve him better!" The subordinate said as he stood up saluting Vukov.

"Brown beaking aside, I will indulge you. See I have a very hate-hate relationship with the Loo family. Especially Vespa herself. Cidolfus I don't much mind, but I find him spineless and the pairs two brats are mostly irrelevant to me. However, if we capture both of them and present them to Vespa as we threaten to torture them, she will gladly pilot Ragnarok without question to guarantee their safety." Vukov pressed a button on his desk and a large bottle of red wine appeared in an instant, a pair of wine glasses on either side of it. "We have her at the front of the pack with her entire worthless family in slave mode taking on the bulk of Equestria's fleet. If they survive the battle, they get to live out the rest of their miserable lives as slaves under my new empire."

"A-and if they are killed in action?" the subordinate asked.

"It's win-win, I don't have to ever deal with Vespa's attitude ever again and Equestria wastes resources they cannot replace. We move in the Odin with the support fleet and wipe them out." Vukov turned to look out the window as the airship being undocked. "All we need to do is capture the little one. Have your men come up with a way to get her away from all those prying eyes yet?"

"We do have a plan in motion to bait the younger out. The calculated chance of getting her here is at best ten percent." The subordinate thought for a moment. "Sir, I may have a plan to get those feathers you mentioned. We have very little chance of extracting the younger, but maybe a trade could work?"

"This is different and quite bold. A mere lieutenant has an idea. Go on, amuse me." Vukov said as he turned his chair once again, a smile on his face.

" I propose we bait them into a trade. Trade them a picture of Vespa Loo and one of her feathers for a handful of Scootaloo's feathers. We emotionally bankrupt an enemy with a possible hostage situation and get what we need to complete your plan." The subordinate bowed down respectfully to Vukov.

Vukov let out a screeching laugh that echoed across the room. "Absolutely brilliant! Pit the ponies own herd mentality and absurd infatuation with family against them!" Vukov nodded in approval as he composed himself. "Pluck a few feathers from Vespa, ones close to her body so they carry a stronger scent and have them delivered to their little garage in Ponyville. I want multiple backup plans and their capture if at all possible, the real thing is much more compelling than an illusion." Vukov reached over and poured himself a a glass of wine. "Also, I will put in for your promotion to the special forces. We need sharp mind like yours in there. Dismissed."

"Yes sir, thank you sir!" The subordinate saluted Vukov and then left the room in a hurry.

"At very worst, this will be an amusing show..." Vukov said to himself as he took a sip of his red wine. "I wonder how they will react..."


"Hmmmnnn pancakes...yeah, sis, more butter." Scootaloo rolled over in her bed, gnawing on her blanket. The light from the sun had yet to penetrate far enough into her room, a signal for her to wake up.

"S-scoots?" Elly said as she walked into the room.

"Yeah, eggs over medium if you would. Raisin toast on the side..." Scootaloo said softly.

Talking about food in her sleep again... Elly thought to herself. Elly moved up beside Scootaloo's bed and began to lightly shake her. "Wake up Scoots, we have a busy day ahead of us today."

Scootaloo began to stir. Slowly opening her eyes and sitting up. She looked around the room briefly before locking her half shut gaze upon Elly. "W-what time is it?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's a little bit past seven in the morning. I already went out and picked us up some breakfast biscuits to eat before we head out for the day" Elly said as she pointed towards the table in the foyer.

"S-seven? Are you crazy or something?" Scootaloo said as she rolled out of bed, rubbing her eyes soon after she landed on her feet. "What's going on that's so important that I have to get up at the crack of dawn during the middle of summer?"

Elly smiled, though the edges of her mouth seemed to split open as she smiled; to the point where blood was dripping from them. Soon her face began to contort, her mouth opening wide as a griffons head peered though Elly's mouth. "Why, it's your sisters FUNERAL!" The griffon jumped from Elly's body, tearing her in half.

*Gasp* Scootaloo sat up quickly, her eyes wide open as she stared at the wall at the bottom of her bed. Her room was still mostly pitch black, aside from the little bit of light coming from the moon into her room. It took her a few moments to get a grip as to where she was and even longer for her breathing to return to normal.

"Hnmmm Scoots?" Elly mumbled.

Scootaloo almost jumped at Elly mumbling her name, only stopping herself short when she realized they both shared the only queen size bed in the house.

"Scoots?" Elly sat up, her eyes wide in horror. "Are you okay?" Scootaloo was trembling uncontrollably as she stared down at her hooves, seemingly unaware of her own shaking. Elly leaned forward embracing Scootaloo in a hug as she reached over and turned on the lamp by the bed. "Shh, calm down...nothing is wrong, it was just a bad dream."

She's shaking like an unbalanced blender filled with rocks. Shes dripping wet from all the sweat too.

"S-sis...It it was dream about a griffon, one that ripped you apart from the inside out. I...I can't...I don't want to-" Scootaloo leaned into Elly's chest, bawling uncontrollably. "I don't want to lose you!"

Elly embraced Scootaloo in a hug, rubbing her neck up and down Scootaloo's mane affectionately, like a mother would to greet her foal or calm her foal down. "Shh...it's okay. I'm not going anywhere, not if I have anything to say about it."

"I...I can't bear the thought of losing someone I love again" Scootaloo cried.

"You won't. We have the best security in Equestria around our home at all hours of the day and night. We have a Alicorn that can detect if the slightest thing is wrong with you and come running to our rescue. Also, I'm a big mare, I can handle a odd griffon here and there." Elly pushed Scootaloo to forelegs length and locked eyes with her. " You won't lose me, I promise."

Scootaloo leaned forward, nuzzling Elly affectionately stopping to lean her own head against Elly's in a resting position. "I- I..." Scootaloo tried to mouth the words " I love you" but before the words could leave her mouth, she was already asleep; still leaning against Elly's head.

"I love you too Sis." Elly put one foreleg behind Scootaloo's neck and slowly lowered her back down onto the bed, using the other foreleg to tuck her in gently. The then reached over as slowly as she could and touched the lamp, turning it off. She sat there for a few moments, watching over Scootaloo as she slept, making sure that she was dead asleep before she slowly lowered herself beside her. She noticed Scootaloo began to tremble again, so she put a foreleg over Scootaloo chest and rested her chin in Scootaloo's mane. The trembling stopped as quickly as it began and she could feel the filly crack a smile and hear her mumble I love you once more.

"Ditto, sis, ditto." Elly whispered.