• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 1,695 Views, 33 Comments

Black Bloom 2 - Bronycommander

Black Mesa was only the beginning. While Apple Bloom survived, Black Mesa still haunts her in her dreams.

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Chapter 14 Exit 17

Chapter 14: Exit 17

At the exit, a camera took pictures of Gordon and Alyx. Also, an Advisor was on the screen where the Breencast was.
“Oh boy… they’re onto us.”

“Correction: onto you and Gordon not us,” Jacob corrected Alyx. Alyx destroyed the camera.

“Better find Barney and get moving.”

Barney waited outside. “There you are! I wondered if you were gonna make it in time.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting. The Combine’s on our tail. What’s the plan?”

“I'm sending folks out in groups. Like I said before, if you can keep them safe and provide cover, we might actually stand a chance of reaching the escape trains. Jacob, you, your wife and Apple Bloom are in the first group. I want to put you at minimal risk. With that, we can guarantee Apple Bloom's safety.”

“All right, let's go for it. Ready, Apple Bloom?”

“Ready, daddy.”

“Sounds good. Send out the first group!”

“Okay, Alyx here we go.”

The first group consisted apart from Apple Bloom, Jacob and Mia of two unarmed citizens, another medic and a soldier.
No enemies were present on the way to the station.

“Well, that wasn’t so hard. We should have brought everyone over at once.” Alyx manned an Emplacement Gun.

“Thank you, Gordon. We owe you something.” Apple Bloom hugged him.

“You owe me nothing, I just do my job.” His heart melted.

“Wait, Gordon! Let me help you out.”

“I can use any help I can get, Corporal.”

“Go back and get another group. I'll stay here and guard the gate.”

“All right Alyx. Let’s do it, Gordon.”

Manhacks attacked outside and Shield Scanners deployed Mines. Konrad took care of the Hacks while Gordon reprogrammed the Mines. He placed one Mine at a door in the train station.

“You, citizens! Follow Dr. Freeman!” Barney sent out the second group. It consisted of a solder and a medic.

Inside the station, Combine Soldiers destroyed a window to get in. Konrad used the RPG to kill them, while Gordon killed all remaining Soldiers with his AR2.

“That was a close one.” The Soldier said as he reached the train.

More Mines were deployed. Also, a Sniper was in a window of the hospital. Konrad got to cover behind a dumpster where an ammo crate for the RPG was. "Say hello to my little friend!" He took the Sniper with the RPG out; Gordon took care of the Mines.

“Fantastic ass-kicking, Doc!” The third group was sent out. It consisted of the same number of citizen as the first group.

An Elite Soldier used his Energy Ball to drop a Locomotive that was held by a crane. Konrad made a sign to show the group to take the walkway up to the windows, as the Locomotive was blocking the way.

Another Elite and normal Soldier were rappelling down from the roof on the second locomotive. Gordon and Konrad killed them quickly.
“We made it, thanks to you!” the medic thanked Gordon and Konrad.

An APC was driving by. Using the dumpster as cover, Konrad took it out with the RPG, while Gordon took out every Soldier he saw, with the Magnum he found in the train station.

“Now that's the Gordon Freeman I know!” Barney sent the fourth group out.

The door inside the station prepared for self-distract. However the Mine Gordon placed, took care of them.
Two Soldiers ambushed them from the window, but were no match for them.

This time, CP’s waited outside. Since they were not as good as the Soldiers, they were quickly defeated.
Konrad’s rifle was out of ammo, so he used his sidearm.

Gordon used a Manhack against the CP’s. Then he smashed it against the wall.

“To the trains, people! We'll make sure you get there safe and sound!” Barney leaved with the last group. Also the horn of the train sounded.
Only two normal Soldiers with MP7’s waited for them in the train station. Gordon killed them with the crossbow. “I thought we’d never make it.” The soldier said.

Alyx locked the door. Gordon had to smile. Mia was sitting on the ground with Apple Bloom in her arms. She rocks the filly and hummed a lullaby. Still, Apple Bloom was not asleep yet. Jacob was standing right next to them.

“That should keep them off our backs for a while.”

“You guys coming?” Barney asked Alyx and Gordon.

“Go on, Barney! They're not after you. Gordon and I will draw their attention while you get the others away from here. We can grab another train once you're clear.”

“Okay then...don't take too long about it, yeah?”

“Here, let's open up this next track.” Alyx used her EMP-tool on a heavy door. Alyx walked through with Gordon, while Barney boarded the train with Konrad, Apple Bloom, Mia and Jacob.

“Bye, Barney! Good luck!”

“See ya when I see ya!”

“Good luck out there.” Mia said goodbye.

Konrad was spinning his pistol before holstering it. “Okay, Freeman! Be adequate!”

“What in tarnation does that mean, anyway uncle?”

Konrad shrugged his shoulders. “Ah, I dunno, sounds like something the Vorts would say. Anyway, it was an honor to fight with you.” He saluted Gordon.

“Yes, Gordon, good luck.” Jacob said goodbye.

“Thank you for everything!” Apple Bloom exclaimed before the train horn sounded one last time and the train moved out of City 17.

Except for Barney, they all got inside. Apple Bloom was fallen asleep. All citizens onboard smiled.

Jacob took his mask off, Konrad his helmet. They sat down next to Mia. “I need some sleep.”

“Same here, Corporal. Some rest is good.”

Jacob, Konrad and Mia also fell asleep, exhausted and tired. The other citizens let them sleep. They had earned it.

Suddenly, they’re blended by a white light. As it was gone, Apple Bloom was vanished with her family. “Where did they go?!” A Citizen asked.

“I believe they are now where Apple Bloom lives.” Barney said. It was just a feeling, but something said him, that Apple Bloom was now safe and sound back home.

Jacob woke up with headache. “I slept well and now this?” He was holding his head. Then, he realized, that he wasn’t on the train anymore. It looked more like a guest room. His wife was still asleep on a bed, holding Apple Bloom tight with a smile.
Konrad was in another bed, also asleep.

Jacob got up and stepped quietly out of the room. Outside, Princess Celestia and Luna were waiting.

“Oh, you’re awake. Allow us to introduce ourselves: I am Princess Celestia and this is my younger sister Princess Luna.” Celestia greeted in a friendly tone.

“Pleasure to meet you, your Highnesses.” He bowed.

“You don’t need to be so formal. Luna and Celestia, is just fine. We are very grateful for helping and saving one of our subjects. Her family and friends wants to meet you,” Luna replied.

Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked in.

“Howdy, Mr. Johnson. Ah’m Apple Bloom's sister Applejack. This is her brother Big Macintosh and her grandmother Granny Smith. And these are her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We are all very grateful for taking care of her. We also decided to make you three a part of our family if you want.”

“I would like it. But before I answer your questions, I think it is better if we wait until Apple Bloom is awake.”

“She’s still asleep?”

Sweetie Belle opened quietly the door. The hearts of all ponies’ melted as they saw that Apple Bloom was asleep peacefully in Mia's arms.
“Aww, isn’t that cute?”


Apple Bloom let out a yawn and blinked her eyes opened. At the same time, Mia and Konrad also woke up.

“Sis!” Apple Bloom ran into Applejack's arms. “Ah missed you!” She cried tears of joy.

“We too, sister, we too.” After that, Celestia said the same sentence to Mia and Konrad she said to Jacob. They both accepted.

“So Apple Bloom, what have you experienced with your family?” Scootaloo was curious.

“Let’s just say, something Ah don’t want to talk about.” She trembled a bit.

Luna spoke in a calming tone, “Shh Apple Bloom, you’re safe and sound now. Let me try something.” She used her horn to see Apple Bloom's memories on earth.

“Oh my gosh… Don’t worry Apple Bloom, it’s over now.” Granny Smith calmed her down.

“Thanks, Granny. Still, Ah think this should be celebrated, right, daddy? Daddy?”

Jacob was with Mia on the balcony.

“You smell that? It’s freedom, my dear wife.”

“I can’t believe this day has finally come. Free at last.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” They kissed.

“Finally free. After 20 years, we are finally free.” Konrad looked into the beautiful sky.

“I think we should let them enjoy this moment.” Sweetie Belle smiled at the sight.

A few months later

Jacob, Mia and Konrad had a beautiful life. Mia worked at the desk in the hospital but helped out when operations required her medical knowledge.

Jacob worked as a police officer in Ponyville. Konrad was again a Soldier in the Royal Guard. After some spells and an operation, he was a normal human again and his hair grew back. Both men used their uniforms of the Civil Protection and Overwatch.

They got used to it over the years. Still, Rarity made them some normal clothes and thanks to an experiment from Twilight, Jacob had his security guard uniform and pistol, Konrad his marine uniform again. While on Guard duty and enforcing the law, they both used their normal uniforms and weapons but for more special and dangers situations, they used their Combine uniforms and weapons but that was very rare in Equestria.

Celestia even found a spell that made them younger so they were in their twenties again.

Jacob had his break with Konrad and Mia at Sugarcube corner. The CMC walked in.

“Hi Mommy, daddy, uncle!”

“Hello Apple Bloom. What are you three doing?” Mia asked with a smile.

“Enjoying some milkshakes and then, go to our clubhouse,” Apple Bloom responded happy.

Jacob took his mask on as his break was over. He stood at the entrance as a pony threw a can to the ground instead into the trashcan.
“You there. Pick up that can.”

“And why?”

"Because I saw how you threw it away.” Jacob blocked the entrance.

“All right, you got me.” The Pony picked the can up.

“Now, put it in the trash can.” The pony obeyed. “All right. You can go.” He chuckled. Both men used their Combine uniforms on Guard duty out of habit sometimes.

Before Apple Bloom leaved, she called out, “See you later!” Jacob, Mia and Konrad watched after her until she was out of sight. They all could finally live free from the rule of the Combine. They wondered what happened to Gordon and Alyx, but they all were sure, that they had made it out of City 17.

For now, they enjoyed their new life. This was the beginning of a new era of peace for them.

Lamarr? Lamarr! Blast that little...where did she get to?” And then Lamarr jumped into the readers screen.

Author's Note:

Done, I hoped you liked it. The Reason why I didn't put Episode 2 in, was as it is focused on Gordon and Alyx and ends with a cliffhanger, I just coudn't get an idea how I could out this story in here and Episode 1 was a more fitting ending, but fell free to give me ideas how I could put Episode 2 with in.

Again, HumanSVD, it was an honor to use our OC in here, hope you enjoyed it.

(Makes me wonder how a meeting between this Konrad and his Family or Battle/Aftermath of the blanks would go.)

Comments ( 24 )

The data consists of portal tecnology and they build one to go to equestria

7669771 about the technology,you got that right. In Episode 2,the destruction of the citadel created a Portal storm to bring reinforcements to stop the resistance. The combine called all remaining troops on earth to stop the resistance from closing it.

That gives me an idea. You could use your idea for or collab story,what do you think?

Or did you mean the resistance who tries to build it?

7670155 sorry if I confused you, as you said they,i coudn't figure out if you meant the resistance or the combine. So which one did you mean? And that idea with the portal would be good for the collab.

Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy my new stoty and my 3 others too. Looking forward your comments!

7670176 the resistance but it could be combine data that gives them equestrias dimenshinal locathion

Hey, thats pretty good!:pinkiehappy:

7854119 you mean bigmacdavis, right?

Well, that was a fun ride; kinda makes me wish that the game didn't have to be leaked...

Yeah. Due the fact that episode 2 ends with a cliffhanger, I ended this story with episode 1, couldn't figure out how I could end the story with episode 2. Glad to hear you liked it, any scene in perticular you liked?


Probably, Barney being gangster. Of course, Valve is taking precious time to count their money; then again, I could consider getting ahold of the game now that I have an original Xbox, courtesy of a former customer from several years ago. What's your take...?

Well, if Half life 3/Episide 3 ever comes out when I'm still alive, I would buy it to see how Half life ends. Hope you like the first one as well.

So my question is,
When will I get featured?

Also, will there be a Black Bloom 3?

Will there be an ending to this then?

Well given the Thing of Episode 2', i ended it with Episode 1

A happy ending! Hell yeah. A good conclusion to a good series.

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