• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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"Hey sis? Can I borrow a few bits?" Sweetie Belle receives a firm but polite denial and a suggestion to get a job is uttered. Perhaps that advice was hastily placed? Sweetie does her best, really!

This was supposed to be a one-shot, but here we are. Extra chapters are like little fun episodes. Is there a grand 'plot' to it? Not that I have in mind, but I rarely have a plot in mind in general, so let the typo crafting begin!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 62 )

I would like to see how she handles a rowdy customer.

7628096 Ponyland is much nicer than Zimworld, for sure.

"No?" She looked down at herself in her bright colors of Hay Burger.


"That's alright. It's easy." He reached for her again and set her down on the counter so she could see the register and started going over what button did what with dizzying speed.

what each button

He swat Sweetie across the withers


How'd you end up with an Oat Burger uniform?

a Hay

Was Oat Burger worth freaking out about? Probably not... "So... It's like this." She hopped up onto her stool. "Welcome to Oat Burger. How can I help you?"

Hay in both places. You said it was Hay Burger at the beginning, so you're stuck now. :derpytongue2:

Huh, immediate success. And we were all expecting her to fail. We're horrible people. :unsuresweetie:

7628145 Fixed! She didn't immediately succeed. There was the whole taking an order without actually ringing up a sale thing, but ponies are nicer folk than most humans, and her senior employee straightened it out with her without yelling, laughing, or mockery involved.

Less than 2000 words is pretty immediate. What I meant is that normally SB would cause some sort of business-closing accident at the first three places she applies before finding a job she can do.

How'd you end up with an Hay Burger uniform?

(I knew that one would slip by. :derpytongue2:)

He swat Sweetie - He swatted Sweetie


This was a fun read. It goes to show how different Equestria is that the senior clerk didn't set Sweetie up to fail for his own amusement. Here it seems like it's pretty common to get tossed to the wolves when learning a new job in the service industry.

I liked it! :twilightsmile:

Edit: Ninjaed and put in my place by Mr. Mirror. :derpytongue2:

7628166 Sweetie Belle may be performing well, but me? Typos. All the typos...

I'm glad the story was amusing at least. I also hoped it at least had a tiny bit of impact.


I am the raining Tyrant of Typos... awl shall no me and despair.

7628270 Ah ha, you're the one sending them! Have mercy, typo highness.

Funny thing Sweetie. If you haven't filled out any paperwork or agreed to any degree of compensation, they're not obligated to pay you as you don't officially work for them.

Hayburger didn't get as big as it is by never taking advantage of underaged employees.

Could be worse, she could be working on Food Courtia...

(reads title)
Well, as long as they don't let her COOK it, things should be fine.

Sweetie is sister to a known hero of Equestria and somewhat savvy businessmare and is friends with one of the highest legal authorities in Equestria. I'd say she's sweet.

This reminds me of my first job at Maccas. Training consisted of ten minutes being shown around and "Ok, need any more help, ask me or the other manager." Just as the dinner rush began.
I didn't have a formal induction for two weeks.

I'd like to see this as a silly series, with Sweetie getting more experienced, and dealing with all kinds of customers. The indecisive one (I'm guilty as charged), the rowdy one (hey, what kind of service is this!?), the impolite one (hay burger, medium fries, now), the cheapskate one (I have a coupon!) and a few others... Changeling perhaps? ("Hay Burger: Made with Love!")

This was soo cute!
PS: This story, for me, remembers me a truth in Portugal, many University students, went to work to fast food restaurants to pay their propines

7628200 It was fun to see SB win at something.

This was cute, I was expecting a bit more of a disaster, but for a slice of life fluff piece it's ok:pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by Voldine deleted Oct 9th, 2016

the long wrapped burger - the lone wrapped burger


Still reading and enjoying the ride. :twilightsmile:

7630705 Fixed!

So... you ever work fast food?

Not quite. My first job was working as a server in a cafeteria. Dispensing soda, tea and coffee isn't quite the same as working the register at a McFranchise.

7630741 I've worked retail for basically all my years of working for THE MAN.

Retail is tough work, I'm glad you were able to make the break and go into business for yourself.

Didn't it used to be called the Hay Burger?

Yay, thanks David Silver! You're the best for continuing this! :rainbowkiss:

7630905 The typos, they lurk... Fixed!

Somehow I had missed marking this one as tracked and faved. Typos corrected. :pinkiecrazy:

I find myself liking this series quite a bit more than I expected to. I usually turn my nose up at slice-of-life series, since I anticipate them being boring, but in this case that doesn't seem to be happening. Since I'm already invested in Sweetie Belle as a character (and since this series doesn't seem to be intent on breaking with the themes of the show in general, or her character in particular), it's sort of fun to read this as "The Adventures of Sweetie Belle (in retail)."

That she's in a position of service puts a nice spin on things, since it skews the normal relationship of equals that typically characterizes all interpony interactions between ponies (to be fair, Sweetie used to be treated as a child, but does seem to be regarded as an adult by everypony else since she got her cutie mark...as this story noted). Thanks to that, we get to see everyone else in a new (enough) light, since now their expectations for Sweetie Belle are different than if they just ran into her on the street. Of course, this isn't true for her close friends, hence why Apple Bloom was still so nice to her.

Overall, this is a sweet series for a Sweetie filly. Keep it up!

7637273 Thanks for the kind words. It is entirely a place for my whims to carry me along. It has no schedule of release, but my writing finger gets itchy at times, then writing occurs.

Right this very moment, I have to do an update for One Hallway, so, writing, begin!

Damnit, this is cute and funny.

Also, Spoiled Rich is a bit snobby, and should be cut down for size. Maybe another author could make her work at Hay Burger?

Calling all authors, I have a story request! :twilightsheepish:

I love the story, it's so amazing! I'm glad Sweetie isn't cooking in the kitchen. :unsuresweetie:

Sweetie span - Sweetie spun

pat Sweetie - patted Sweetie


She doesn't know it, of course, but she should report the overage in her drawer. It's fortunate that most ponies are honest. :twilightsmile:

Oh, the joys of working with other people's money...

7640339 That particular typo. It must be like a fry. Small, easy to chomp, so familiar...

She reached up and patted Sweetie right on the head. "You just call me Mom."

Things got serious very fast...

Nice chapter.
Let's see what happens next at Hay Burger.

May had found an error:

"You needn't waste my time," she sternly informed.

Did you mean "he"? That would make much more sense in my opinion.

7641768 Spoiled Rich is a crossdresser?! This explains so much...

Last I knew, she is a she. Glad you're having fun!

I somehow confused her with Filthy Rich the whole chapter without noticing it...

7641831 Filthy Rich is a down to earth businesspony and a generally nice fellow. You know, kind of the opposite of that movie what people have seen.

This is fun.
This new unnamed pony is triggering about three warning bells at the moment. Here's to hoping pony land pulls through!
Keep going! ;)

Welp. That's a cliffhanger.

Do typos burn in oil or just turn a golden brown?

They burn the oil itself. It's always best to keep them out of the kitchen.

Sweetie cooking...
I just hope there will be a Hay Burger left when she finally finished.

Nothing left that I could find. Darn, I really wanted to try Prench-fried typos too.

This is such a sweet little story. :twilightsmile:

Heh, we know Sweetie is prone to error when doing things from memory, let's see what happens when directed...
Keep going! ;)

oh hey, nice to see this continue. :applejackunsure: reading now :twilightsmile:

oh dear, I have a sense of foreboding :twilightsheepish: I hope it turns out better than her attempt to make toast. :pinkiecrazy:

Both the employee and employer now have suspicious flags. Her boss gets an off-white flag, since the concern isn't very noticeable. The stallion, on the other hand, has a bronze flag, since he's acting a bit conspicuous for a rated E story...

Watch everything look fine, but taste like her cooking usually looks...

I love this idea, and am going to read more, really great job. Keep it up.Made me laugh as well.

This is such an awesome premise, I can't wait to read more.

Great job, made me laugh. Reading more now.

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