• Published 9th Oct 2016
  • 1,712 Views, 13 Comments

BPT: The "Second" Second Life of Midnight Blaze - Wolven5

We know of his journey through time... but what about his journey through a whole new life?

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Chapter 1: Rebirth

It’s dark, and warm, and cramped. What is this place? I can’t move. I can’t see. I’m scared… Wait… what is that? It’s muffled, coming from outside, but it’s soft and gentle. It makes me… feel safe.

Time and again, I drift in and out, waking and dreaming, hearing that sound outside whatever this tiny place is. Soon, I realize that it’s a voice. I can barely make out a word or two because of how muffled it is, but still I hear words.

Baby. Love. Joy.

What’s a baby? What’s love? Or joy?

Is love this warm feeling I have inside myself? Because every time I hear that voice, I am glad to hear it, because it makes me feel safe, and it makes me feel better. Knowing that someone is there, and that someone seems to like me even if I can’t see them. Is that love? This feeling I feel every time I hear that voice?

Suddenly, after dreaming and waiting for so long, I feel everything around me shake and shift. The voice outside sounds scared, and that makes me scared. Is something wrong with the voice?

Is the voice going away? Is it going to leave me alone in this dark place?

I’m scared, feeling this place tighten around me, I can’t breathe!

Wait… What is that? It’s… bright?

Finally, the tight and smothering place seems to vanish, I’m surrounded by light and feel like I’m floating. For some reason, I cry.

Then, for the first time, I hear a voice so clearly. Except this one is different from the voice I know.

“Congratulations! It’s a colt!”

The light dims a little but still I cry as I begin to look around and see. I am no longer surrounded by soft warm walls but someplace more open, with things I have no idea what they are, and I feel something wrap around me. Almost instantly, I calm down a little, the thing around me soft and warm, reminding me a little of the warm place I used to be.

“Oh Faerie Tail, he’s perfect!” says a deep voice that sort of scares me at first but I can also hear how gentle it is.

Then I find myself being held by a large… something white with blue and yellow on its head as it looks down at me with big eyes of blue.

“Hello, my beautiful sweet little colt,” the voice!

I recognize it, and I know somehow this… big shape is the voice I’ve always heard that made me feel safe and happy! I reach out to the fae, and notice I have a hoof and it’s colored blue. The face smiles and… she? How do I know that?

Her face brightens up and she reaches up with her own white hoof to gently touch mine. I try to talk but only coos and burbles come out of my mouth.

“Oh, Ignitus, he’s everything I hoped he would be!” she says, sounding so happy. Who’s… Ig-what-us?

My answer appears before me as a large red shape appears. He’s bigger, has black and gold hair, and he smiles warmly at me.
“Hello, my son… I’m your daddy, and this beautiful mare is your mommy.”

My… mommy holds me out to the red shape who called himself my daddy, and I feel him take me in his hooves as he gives me a closer look, looking happy. I babble and hold up my hoof towards his face, and he says, “I can see it in your eyes, my son. You are destined for greatness!”

I don’t understand what Daddy means but then I fuss and whimper, and he chuckles, saying, “OK, okay, go back to Mommy.”

Daddy gives me back to Mommy when someone says, “Have you decided on a name?”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Mommy giggles as she looks at Daddy, who smiles at her.

Daddy says, “Well, actually, Her Majesty kindly requested the honor, and I sent word to her the moment I heard Faerie Tail was in labor-”

A sound stops Daddy from talking and something opens on the other side of the room and in walks a shape even taller than Daddy! The face is white like Mommy but more pinkish while Mommy is more silver. The face has a really big mane with a bunch of colors… and it’s floating?

“Your Majesty!” Daddy welcomes the face with the floaty mane. “You’re right on time.”

“Hello Ignitus, and how are you Faerie Tail?” the floaty mane face says.

“I couldn’t be better, Princess Celestia,” Mommy says as she hugs me to her, and rubs her cheek to mine, causing me to giggle.

The floaty mane face Mommy called Princess sees me and her eyes, a soft purple, widen and she comes closer, not saying anything. She gave me a close look and then smiled as she said, “He’s truly something beautiful. You and your husband should be proud.”

“We are, Your Majesty,” Daddy agreed, nodding his head.

“May I?” the Princess asked Mommy, and she nodded, holding me out.

Then, the Princess’s… horn? How did I know what it was called? It seemed to light up with a soft yellow stuff.

It surrounded me, and I felt myself lifting out of Mommy’s hooves and towards the Princess. I don’t know why I was floating through the air without anything holding me but I didn’t like it! I started to panic and cry, only for the Princess to take me in her hooves, gently shushing, “Ooh. ohh. It’s okay, little one, what’s wrong?”

“I think levitating him with your magic scared him a little, Princess,” Daddy spoke up.

“Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” the Princess said gently, and feeling her holding me securely calmed me down and I stopped fussing.
“And now.. It’s time to give you a name, my little pony.”

Pony? Is that what I am?

“What shall he be called, Your Majesty?” Daddy asked as he stood next to Mommy’s bed, both of them smiling at me and the Princess.

She gave me a funny look while sticking out her tongue, the way she did it made me giggle, which made her smile and laugh a little, as did my parents.

“Well… His sapphire coat, his black mane with a streak of midnight blue…” she wondered when her eyes lit up, and she looked to my parents and back at me.
“That’s it! My little pony, I name you… Midnight Blaze! Blaze, in honor of your father and your lineage, and Midnight, the hour when we say goodbye to yesterday and greet a new day,

“That special moment when we remember the past, we live the present, and we look forward to the future. You will grow up to become a pony that does wonderful things and betters the lives of those around you. And you will have your wonderful mommy to teach you, and your brave daddy to guide you.”

This time the Princess carried me back to Mommy, and as Mommy accepted me back into her hooves, I couldn’t help but look closer at the Princess… why do I feel like I’ve seen her before?

“Midnight Blaze…” Mommy whispered before smiling at Daddy, “A beautiful name.”
“A strong name!” Daddy agrees.

So that’s my name now. Midnight Blaze. I like it but then I let out a yawn and Mommy laughs, “I think this little sweetie could go for a nap. And I think I could as well.”

“You rest up, honey,” Daddy says and he seems to press his lips to her cheek, and then to me, on my forehead.
“Princess? I think they could do with some quiet time now.”

“Certainly,” the Princess stood by the door as Daddy walked towards it.

He looked back, and said, “I love you, my family.”

“We love you too, sweetheart,” Mommy says back, and she sets me by her, wrapping me in her… blanket.

There it is again, how do I know these things?

But after Daddy leaves, Princess Celestia lingers and looks straight at me. She looks happy, but there’s something about her that also seems sad. But my tired eyes can’t stay open and as they close and I fall asleep, I hear Princess Celestia say something.

But as I drift away to sleep, I don’t hear what it is, and everything turns blissfully dark.

Author's Note:

This is something I thought about doing for a while

If you've read my work, and the side-story that goes with it, you know my OC Midnight Blaze died and was reborn. Now, you get to see how that new life unfolded and how it led Midnight to where he was before he revealed his true identity

It's 1st-person (I don't do those kinds of stories very often) and it's just something I'm doing at my own leisure