• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran

Comments ( 34 )

Fantastic. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my bunk.

At first, I thought the "you" was male.

That's what you're supposed to think.

Oh yeah, I remember, you said you true calling was mindless clop or something...
Didn't you?

7632765 Actually, the only thing I've found that counted as a clue was the "avoid to be a prey" thing. Made me think of a girl, but I couldn't really be sure.

7632765 And that's why second person doesn't work for me. You run into cases where the "you" is clearly not you, often in obvious ways.

Second person works for choose your own adventure stories and pregenerated characters for a role-playing game, because in both cases "you" are given an identity.

Kind of disappointed this wasn't human guy on pony stallion.

7632756 dude, spoil that >.>


Oh yeah, I remember, you said you true calling was mindless clop or something...

I think I did say that once, yes. Although I hope this doesn't count as mindless.

Actually, the only thing I've found that counted as a clue was the "avoid to be a prey" thing. Made me think of a girl, but I couldn't really be sure.

There weren't supposed to be any clues until the narrator took off her bra. And there was actually discussion of where to put that in the story.


And that's why second person doesn't work for me. You run into cases where the "you" is clearly not you, often in obvious ways.

I was hoping that the surprise would last until the reveal, so to speak. But yes, that is often a problem with second-person fics.


Kind of disappointed this wasn't human guy on pony stallion.

That's one pairing I haven't done yet, unless you count a former human turned stallion, on himself.

Yeah, see, after the whole Sam and Rose thing, the whole "ooh I'm so clever I'm gonna withhold the protagonist's sex" thing is not novel and is just annoying.

.... I need an adult.

Well, in some ways I'm very much a one-trick pony. But believe me, I had very different intentions with this story than with that one.


.... I need an adult.


7633005 They were very drunk, so half-mindless, half-minded?


I was hoping that the surprise would last until the reveal, so to speak. But yes, that is often a problem with second-person fics.

That's why I would use first person in a situation like that. Someone thinking in first person wouldn't actively consider all the details you ended up hiding in this story.


They were very drunk, so half-mindless, half-minded?

They weren't that drunk. Maybe enough to sort of repress the "I'm about to do it with another species," but not so drunk to not know exactly where things were going to go.

7633189 Allrigth then, final offer: 25% for mindless, 25% for because the plot say so and 50% fully enjoying whatever is going on rigth now.

ps: Have to agree with CinamonSwirltheBearded, human guy on stallion is something not often seen, migth've been cool to go that way.

Which is, I think, part of what kept me reading despite the 2nd person narrative. It isn't something that really appeals to me, and I must confess it didn't appeal to me here either; you have to ask yourself, if you had written this with "I" rather than "you" would it be any different ? Probably not, and that's the problem with second person in general.

Also where's my gay anon-on-pony Admiral!? Bait and switch, man, bait and switch.

I think I have a problem in that I expect these second person stories being male/male.
What I loved is not knowing until things started getting serious. And then I was pleasantly surprised.
I dont think ive read many if any other then your Sam and Rose story that has a human female as the narrator.
While I agree that male human/stallion is not seen often. It doesnt do much if anything for me. This story however was something I would love to see more of.

Very well done too.

Whoo. What a ride!

Yeh, what I said summed up how I was feeling when i got to the part where she's enjoying the juxtaposition of the familiar and the exotic, and realized that 7632642 had the right idea and there I was out in public!

Why do I feel like this is but the start of a beautiful (or at least sexy) relationship?

7633069 Nice profile picture


Allrigth then, final offer: 25% for mindless, 25% for because the plot say so and 50% fully enjoying whatever is going on right now.

That's probably about the right ratio. :pinkiehappy:

ps: Have to agree with CinamonSwirltheBearded, human guy on stallion is something not often seen, might've been cool to go that way.

I suppose I could. On my other account, I've got a ponified guy on himself. That half counts, right?

7632756 7632765 Mission Accomplished, Admiral Biscuit! :pinkiehappy:

Only problem i have is its tagged wrong

Not bad, not bad.

I'm not normally one for human x pony, but you've found my weakness: A female human.

Very nicely done, chief.

~Skeeter The Lurker

7634791 none but you tagged it human but they arent humans

The narrator is human.

As a lot of people in the comments, at first I tough the narrator was a guy, which was pretty funny because I just was thinking last week, after reading your other "accurate" human on pony sex encounter, that there should be something like that but with a human male and a stallion. Besides that slighty dissapointment, I admit that if with Sam the "surprise" was kind of funny and interesting, here it didn't do much. Besides that, of course, I loved the story, as well written as always.


really good fic. You don't see much stallion/human stuff, or even an earth setting much.

I'm not a huge fan of 2nd person stuff. You can just get massive disconnect between the reader and the character (gender in my case) so I like first person better.

He sticks his head down just a bit further and you see his barrel expand as he takes a breath and holds it and you all of a sudden realize he's getting the scent of your arousal

It smells like Roast Beef:pinkiecrazy:

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