• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 3,177 Views, 277 Comments

The Elements of Salvation - Slick Dash

The mane 6's children embark on an adventure of their own, to save their parents and Equestria!

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You may begin

“How is it...” Seed began at his cousin. “That while your parents are so dang quiet and shy, you’re nuttier than a squirrel’s breakfast!” Angelica laughed.
“Come up with that one all by your lonesome ‘ey?” she asked jokingly. “I dunno; guess it’s just mah nature!” Seed accepted the explanation, it didn’t really matter, he had only half meant his question anyway. His cousin was fun, kind and strong minded, he wouldn’t want her any other way.

“So?” Angy asked, trotting slightly ahead then turning back to walk backwards, addressing her cousin directly. “Why you coming with? Got business in town or summit?” Seed shook his head, keeping his eyes fixed on the spot just over his questioning cousin’s shoulder. Angy’s lips immediately curled at her cousin’s expression. “Naaawwwww! I get it! You’re hopin’ t’ see Ruby again aintyah!”

Seed’s jaw grew solid, trying not to let any hint of his intentions show. Yet somehow, his cousin still found them! “Well aint that just sweeter than an apple pie!” Seed kept a straight face; he wouldn’t give her anything to go on! He wasn’t going to let her get to him! Angelica gave out a little laugh, and began to fall back in line with her cousin.

“Well you’re lucky! She’s coming to watch us practise today!” WHAT!?! Seed couldn’t help himself, his neck snapped towards his cousin, his eyes begging for reassurance that she was telling the truth. Immediately, his brain gave him a mental punch in the face, ‘Well done! Idiot!’ Angy’s lips curled into yet another smile, as Seed’s actions had proved her right. “Well, you’ll get some time alone with her won’t yah! While we’re all flying around, you get to sit with her...alone...and talk... alone!” Her tone kept rising, as she obviously fought the urge to laugh again!

Though he knew her to be joking, Seed’s stomach began to tighten as they made their way towards town. By the time they reached the market square, Seed was sure if he opened his mouth he would be sick! And by the time they cut through the town, making their way to the fields on the outskirts of town, Seed’s pace was fast beginning to become sluggish and slow.

Angelica noticed her cousin’s nerves, and this time didn’t draw attention to them by joking about them but actually gave him a strong smile. “Come on! You aint got nothin’ to worry ‘bout! Noponies told her nothin’ and she aint exactly...” her eyes twinkled as temptation almost pushed her to say something else. “...ignorant, when it comes to you.” Though she was showing her more kind side, Seed’s eyes still furrowed into a frown. What did she mean?

Before the orange furred stallion could ask, Angelica was laughing again. She pulled herself into the air, and shot off in the direction of the stands that were erected just ahead. Slowly and begrudgingly, Seed made his way to them, expecting a good three hours of boredom, and if Ruby was there. Stomach churning awkwardness!


“Archy?” Seed squawked in surprise. The dark blue unicorn glanced up from his book, as he did, his glasses fell to the tip of his nose. Quickly, he pushed them back up, and smiled as he saw his friend.
“Oh, hey Seed!”
“What they hay are you doin’ here?”
“Thor brought me along.” Archimedes groaned, his face reflecting his sheer boredom. Seed looked out to the squad, well actually, the only Pegasy here so far were actually Angelica and the burgundy Pegasus.

Thor was talking animatedly to Angelica, but as he flailed his foreleg out to exaggerate his point, his eyes caught a glimpse of the stands. For a moment he frowned, squinting his eyes to pick out who it was next to Archy. Seed gave him a quick wave to show it was him, and Thor exploded into a smile. Leaving his story with Angy unfinished, the stallion Pegasus shot through the air just above the ground and came skidding to a halt beside his oldest friend.

“Why didn’t you say you were coming you dope!” Thor questioned, laughing as he swung a hoof around his friend’s neck, bringing him into a playful headlock. Without hesitation, Seed bent his forelegs, and then sprung his hind ones in a single buck. The strong movement was enough to send Thor toppling forward over his friend’s head and land awkwardly on the wooden bleachers beside him.

The Pegasus quickly sprang back up. His cheeks flushed as he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously and trying to shrug off his obvious defeat. Quickly, his eyes darted to the side. Seed was too busy sitting down to notice, but Archy saw the quick nervous glance towards the yellow Pegasus, slowly making her way towards the group. Archy suppressed a laugh, and resumed perusing his book before his expression was noticed.

“WOWY! That looked like it hurt!” Cried a loud high pitched giggle from above the group. All of whom looked up to the top of the bleachers to see Sweetness smiling down at them. Though nopony saw her arrive, they were sure she hadn’t been there when they first arrived. They weren’t surprised however, Sweetness always ended up just appearing without warning. It was one of the things that made being her friend so interesting.

The bright pink pony started to slide down the steps, bouncing as her rump landed on each ledge before she slid onto the next one. “A-a-a-r-r-e-e y-y-o-o-o-u-u o-o-o-o-k-a-a-y?” she asked, her voice jostled by her movements. As she finally came to a stop next to the group, so did Angelica. She glanced at Thor, her eyebrow raised in question, obviously waiting to see what Thor would say to Sweetness.

Thor noticed the look, and gave a confident laugh, “Pffft! I’m fine! He just got a lucky shot in!” Without looking up from his precious pages, Archy gave a laugh and noted lowly.
“Just like the last time, and the other seven times before that!” to which everypony laughed, Thor slightly more nervously then the others.

Finally as their laughs died, they heard the noise of hooves on wood. They all turned to see who it was approaching. As they saw, Angelica’s eyes lit up with happiness, and Seed’s suddenly darkened in nervous horror. Approaching the group, her purple tipped fur glinting in the morning sunlight elegantly, was the youngest of the group of friends. The beautiful Ruby!

Her mane was fashioned very similarly to her mother’s, only it contained a few more tight curls than the older mare’s. The dazzling hair swept to the left, revealing her small but prominent horn standing out delicately. As she approached the group, she gave a large smile, revealing the slightly pointed teeth she had inherited from her father. Though noticeable, the pearly whites, where far from threatening, they in fact, simply gave her smile more sheen, as the sunlight glinted against the faint points.

“Well, look who got her pretty rump outta bed finally!” Angelica cried happily, trotting over to her friend, and flinging her forehooves round her shoulders in a loving hug. Ruby laughed at her friend’s comment, returning the hug with a bright smile on her lips. Glancing over her friend’s shoulder, she gave a happy greeting to the rest of the group.
“Hi guys!” Angelica let go, and the two trotted over towards the group lounging over the bleachers.

“HI!” replied Sweetness giddily.
“Yoh Ruby.” Thor said fleetingly, stretching his wings, preparing for the flight routines for that day. Archimedes’ horn glowed as he folded the corner of his page down, marking his place. As he closed the tome, he looked up and gave a smile to the little mare who was almost like a cousin to him. His mother and Ruby’s father were very close so the two knew each other quite well.
“How goes it Rubs?” He smiled, then making an over the top reference to her haunches, he sighed. “Still no mark I see!”

Ruby smiled devilishly, came over to the unicorn. As she passed him, Seed’s nostrils were filled with the unexpected fragrance of Ruby’s perfume. Ruby took a seat next to Archimedes, turning to him and staring him down.
“Archy! Still no personality I see!” At which point, her horn glowed slightly picking up his book. As the stallion’s attention was taken away from her, she quickly nudged him sending him toppling over onto the tier of seats bellow, to raucous laughter from all around.

He tried not to take in a breath; Seed couldn’t help his lungs craving to inhale the aroma. Silently, he fought with himself to stay calm and sure enough, the urge passed. He still couldn’t help his stomach from clenching as she passed so close by however.

“Ow!” Archy cried as he got up and rubbed his side painfully.
“Oh!” Ruby cried, all manner of deviousness vanishing at the moment she realised she’d hurt him. “I’m sorry Archy! It was only meant to be fun! I was just playing along! I”- She began rambling, worried he was angry with her. Archy was used to this, he cut across her quickly before she got herself worked up.
“I’m fine, just...soar is all!” To which Ruby sighed with relief.

Slowly, the group began to go about their business. Thor and Angelica prepped for their flight tutor -‘If anypony else ever gets here!’ Thor thought angrily- Archimedes was starting to practise a new spell, to which Sweetness was only happy to act as his guinea pig. To her delight her mane kept changing colour from the most vibrant of oranges to the deepest greens before reverting back to her own natural dark pink.

This left Seed to sit on the bleachers, bored as ever. “...Ahem...” came a soft voice from behind the stallion. Though his heart froze over in nerves as he recognised the small elegant cough, Seed tried to stay calm. Slowly, he turned around and gazed up at Ruby, stood daintily just behind him. “Do you mind?” She asked, glancing at the seat beside the stallion, silently asking for an invitation.

“Oh yeah sure!” Seed yapped, a little too happily, though Ruby didn’t notice. The two sat there for a few moments, just watching the two Pegasi beginning to take to the sky for the next stage of their warm up. After a moment, Ruby spoke.
“You know, you’re the only one who didn’t say hello when I showed up.” Seed’s eyes flashed wide open for a moment. Oops!

He kept his vision on his burgundy friend, but addressed the beautiful mare. “Didn’t I? I’m sorry.” He said earnestly, glancing at her. Her eyes were staring straight into his, and for that moment he forgot what he had planned to say. “Ummm...” He stammered nervously, then lifted a hoof and gave it a little shy wave. “Hello...” he said, giving a faint smile. Ruby giggled slightly at his silly behaviour and turned back to the flying ponies.

Seed let out a silent breath of relief, this was nerve wrecking beyond belief! Why in Equestria had he agreed to come here? An entire morning of sitting with his crush, trying not to slip up? That was not his idea of a good time! He liked spending time with all his friends, especially the dazzling pony beside him, only he never felt sure of himself when she was around. He didn’t want to look like a fool!

“YOU GUYS HAVE TO TRY THIS!” came an ecstatic cry to their right. The two teens turned to see a beaming Sweetness trotting towards them sporting a bright yellow mop of a mane on her head. Ruby laughed at the sight, and Seed –forgetting his nerves for one moment- joined her.
“She won’t let me turn it back!” Archy laughed as he caught up with the trotting earth pony, his face was flushed and his breath was wheezing, suggesting he’d been chasing her to change it back.

The sight only instilled more laughter in the two seated ponies, which soon infected Sweetness, resulting in all four roaring with laughter. Finally to the mad mare’s dismay, Archy’s horn flashed, and Sweetness’s mane had returned to its original colour.

The two then sat next to Seed and Ruby and waited for the other flyers to show up. After a while, Ruby frowned. “It is getting a little late for practise don’t you think? The coach should be here at least, surely!”
“Maybe they all have a tummy ache!” Sweetness cried happily, not even glancing away from the two soaring Pegasy ahead of them. The other tree stared at her in bewilderment.
“Huh?” Seed asked eventually.
“Maybe they have a tummy ache!” the lollipop cutiemarked mare repeated.

“You see, sometimes, my mom will have breakfast, and then she’ll think ‘Oh I’ll have a cupcake too! And maybe a pie! And maybe a cake!’ Then by the end, she feels kind of funny. Maybe the rest of the team are feeling the same!” It took a moment for the three listening ponies to understand their friend. Sweetness (Like her mother) had an overwhelming tendency to sprout off with a story at a million miles an hour, leaving her listeners bewildered as they tried to process the speedy voice.

“IIII... don’t think that’s it Sweetness.” Archy said slowly. “And maybe you should talk to your mum about that.” He added.
“Aaaaahhhh it’s ok!” Sweetness replied, tilting her head backwards so she faced all her friends upside down. “Mommy only gets like that when Pappa’s away.”
“Your dad goes away?” Seed asked, not remembering a time the draconequus hadn’t been in the bakery when he came to visit.
“Yup, sometimes a few days at a time.” Sweetness said happily.
“And you’re ok with that?” Ruby interjected into the convocation noting Sweetness’s oblivious expression.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” Sweetness asked, raising a confused eyebrow (Though in her current position, it looked more like it dropped further to the ground) “It’s not like he’s not coming back!”

Sweetness realised what she had said only the moment after it had escaped her lips. Her hooves flew up to her mouth, trying to pull the words back in. But it was too late. Archy sat there, staring out over the field, trying his best not to focus on the subject of vanishing fathers.

It had been years since his father had gone off on his mysterious journey to the outlands, and it had been that long since he and his mother had gone without a single letter or word from the older stallion. Noteworthy had seemed to have vanished without a trace, or as his son had so often mentioned bitterly, he had just vanished from his family’s world. There was no proof that anything had happened to him. Archy believed that his father had simply grown tired of him and his mother, and made his way out simple to cover his abandonment of his spouse and child.

Archy didn’t hate anypony, he didn’t think it was possible for him to feel that way about someone, except for his absentee father. For that pony, Archy would bottle up all his anger, all his frustration, and when he finally found him –Which he would!- Archy would let him have it! The thoughts felt like acid burning away at his insides, the feeling wasn’t pleasent, which only added to the rage that built up whenever the son thought of the father.

Seeing his friend was quickly going into his dark place, Seed took hold of the convocation. “So, is your dad’s gone now?” Sweetness nodded, and then frowned.
“Actually, I don’t remember him being gone this long before... Maybe he’s doing something important!” The moment of doubt vanished in an instant, replaced with her usual beaming smile.

“Right! Honestly! If they don’t show up soon, I’m going over to coach’s place and kicking her butt!” Thor roared, as he flew over the bleachers lazily looking up at the sky. Though they all knew it to be an idle threat, the group couldn’t help but agree. It was nearly midday and still, nopony had showed up besides them, it was odd!


“Isn’t that sweet... the little one misses her ‘Pappa!’” Slowly, the fluid like magic faded from the image of the teen ponies sitting, leaving a clear white window ready to be used as it hung magically in the air.

From within the shadowy gloom of the cavernous cave, a scream roared out to the slim figure staring at where the young ones had been. “LET THEM GO!” The figure turned, smiling at the anger in the unseen voice.
“Let them go? But I don’t have them...” it’s smile made the long singular fang twinkle in the dull light from the viewing portal. “Yet.” it finished maliciously.

“DON’T DO THIS!” there was the sound of clinking chains, and the shuffling of a body obviously tethered. The clinking stopped suddenly, as the chains became tort as they pulled hard against them. “They’ve done nothing!”

“Yet.” The slim figure purred. As it turned, it’s bat like wing blocked the portal, leaving the room ahead of it completely dark. “It’s all...a matter... of yet. You know what they are... you know what they can do, and so you know why they cannot be permitted to live on this way.”
“I WON’T LET YOU”- The frantic voice was cut short as the figure bore it’s lion claws, their glint emphasised by a small growing flame in the palm of its paw. The green glow cast grim shadows over the twisted face, emphasising its red mismatched eyes.

“You can’t give anyone demands or ultimatums my dear boy, not in your current position!” With that, the figure spun on the spot and ploughed the green flame into the waiting portal. The resulting shockwave sent ripples flooding across its surface, immediately changing it from a serene white, to a grim pale green.

As the ripples died, the image had come into focus. The cavern that lay beyond was tinted with some glow of unseen luminescent fungi, and the glow cast spindly shadows along the floor and walls. From within the large room could be heard the constant chirruping and gnashing of little sets of teeth, as a high pitched, giddy laughter seemed to spread across every surface. As the captured speaker stared into the portal, their heart plummeted in horror. The shadows where moving!

Each supposed shadow was now obviously showing themselves for what they truly were, changelings. Thousands of them must have been lying in wait within the room beyond the portal. But that wasn’t what caught the prisoner’s eye, what made them stare was a pedestal, standing dead centre in the cavern, where what seemed to be a stallion sat resolute upon it.

From this distance and from the other side of the portal, the prisoner couldn’t focus on the figure. Before they had a chance, the slim captor stood between them and the portal once more. Just, as if though through water, the echoing voice of a mare’s singing began to drift out to all their ears.

“This day is going to be perfect.
It’s the day of which I’ve dreamt since you were small.
A war of chaos you will rage,
Now that you’ve become of age,
Dying Armour! You’ll rule them aaaallll.”

The final note was held, as from high above from an overhanging ledge, dropped a large slim winged creature. The figure from beyond the portal waited, letting the creature approach the waiting stallion.
“Today’s the day my dear.” It said, as it passed into the light. Her long green mane, her tattered and torn dragonfly wings, the long sharp horn that stuck out like a sword. Slowly, the changeling queen began to circle the seated stallion.
“Yes you majesty!” it said, staring straight ahead.

“Today we take back what we almost took eighteen years ago.” The queen said as she continued to circle.
“Yes, your majesty!”
“What will you do to help us achieve our goal?!” She commanded, her voice sharp, and cracked like a whip as she demanded an answer.
“Anything, and everything!” The stallion retorted.
“What have you been ordered to do?”
“To follow the draconequus, to obey its orders and help it reach its goals.”
“Return home, for the strike on Canterlot!”

“Goooood...” The queen purred darkly. She stopped circling and stared straight into the stallion’s eyes. “From the moment you were born, I dreamt of this day, the day we take Equestria! The day you lead them to burn that stain on the land!” She panted for a moment, getting caught up in her vengeful thoughts. Slowly she composed herself. “Do me proud.”

The stallion ceased staring at the rocky walls and turned his head to gaze into the queen’s eyes. “Yes...mother!” The chirruping of the surrounding drones seemed to build in a cry of joy and bloodlust. But even above their screams and cries, the queen and her son could hear something else. The slow, sarcastic clapping of the figure beyond the portal. To them it simply looked like a hole in the wall, which allowed them to speak to the draconequus beyond, and now the chimera took a confident step into their ancestral lair.

The drones fell silent immediately, they didn’t understand the word chimera, or draconequus, but they knew this creature was powerful. Or the queen-mother would never have agreed to this merger. They silently parted ways to let the slim snake like creature walk past; still clapping it’s claws and paw together at the sight before it. “Touching!” it chortled, echoing across the silent room. “Truly touching, but I believe little Armour here has something that needs attending to.”

Still the changelings stood still staring at the chimera and their queen, waiting for orders. With one final look to his mother, the stallion like changeling stood. His long, sharp, bladed horn glowed gently, as his gray/green wings unfurled. “Time to fly!” He hollered to the horde before him, who erupted into screams of delight as they all took to the air.

“Follow it’s orders!” The queen commanded of her son, as she still stayed there on the ground watching them all beginning to soar.
“Yes!” The captain changeling affirmed, as he too took into the air. He hung there, staring at the twisted creature before him, waiting. The draconequus sighed, obviously bored.
“Very well, you may begin!” With a sudden burst of speed, Dying Armour shot up high, making his way towards the twisting tunnels that would lead to the outside. The drones all screamed again, as they followed their commander and made for the catacombs!

Amongst the screaming and screeching, the chimera came over, took the hoof of the queen and kissed it. It gazed up from the holed and twisted hoof and winked, then disappeared in a flash of light.

Slowly, the noise of the horde died as they made their way through the thousands of tunnels. The queen stood there, a malicious smile curling on her lips. As the screams and gleeful giggles faded more and more, she began to laugh, quietly at first, then it began to build. Until finally she was cackling madly at the prospect of finally exacting her revenge, on Twilight Sparkle, her friends and soon... soon on that blasted stallion!

Shining Armour!


“Right, that’s it!” Thor decided angrily. Getting to his hooves. “I’m going to Cloudchaser’s place to see what’s taking her so darn long!”
“Patience is a foreign concept to you isn’t it buddy?” Observed Archimedes, as he took out a second book from his bag, seeing as he had already finished the other first large tome twice.
“Well there’s patience...” Began Angelica, jumping to her fellow Pegasus’s aid. “And there’s downright rudeness! We’ve been waiting for hours!”
“She does have a point.” Agreed Apple Seed, Ruby beside him gave an affirmative nod.

Archy sighed, and with his dark shade of magic, closed the book and replaced it in his saddle bag. As he glanced up to his friends- all now rising to their hooves- his tender green eyes noticed something in the sky, just slightly obscured by Seed’s head. “Hmmm, it’s probably a good idea, it looks like rain anyway.”

“WHAT?!” Thor shouted heatedly, his eyes shooting up towards the sky. “Did somepony decide to go and wreck my work AGAIN?” When the others frowned at him, he muttered a quick explanation as he scanned the skies. “Seeing as I’m so good at my job-AND NO I’M NOT BOASTING!- Some of the others at the weather bureau like to mess up what I do to get me back.” Ruby looked shocked.
“That’s horrible!” Thor shrugged, silently understanding the appeal of the prank, even if he didn’t appreciate it being pulled on him.

Archimedes stood and cracked his back, stiff from sitting in the same position for so long. “It’ll be fine Thor, just a last minute shower or something probably.” He gestured with a stray hoof to the sky behind the rest of the group. They all turned and saw what he did.

A large dark grey patch of storm cloud was approaching the town slowly. The others all dismissed it the same way Archy had, and turned back to their bespectacled friend. Thor continued to stare however. “It’s not supposed to rain today!” he protested. Seed tried to calm his friend; going over to him he flung a lazy foreleg over his neck and hung there.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it Thor, they probably didn’t tell you ‘bout it so they could actually be able to do some work themselves!” He nudged at the burgundy coated Pegasus’s ribs playfully, but it didn’t seem to entertain the stallion at all.

Pushing away in obvious frustration, Thor took a few steps back and began to yell. “First of all: I’m the deputy head at the bureau, so they’d have to go through me for clearance! Second!” He gestured furiously at the shape in the sky, which during their convocation had somehow covered a lot of ground quickly. It now could be seen to be far larger than they had thought, and far darker. “That isn’t a cloud idiot!” Thor finished.

Angelica frowned, making her way to stand beside the two stallions. “He’s right!” She said. “That’s too dark to be a rain cloud, and if it were a storm cloud, they’d have let off a few bolts to alert everypony!” Ruby chirped up, as her ears began to twitch.
“And listen to that! That’s not thunder!” They all listened, and sure enough the faintest noise could be heard, almost like the shrieks of some unknown creature (Or maybe creatures judging by the layered noise)
“AND LOOK!” Sweetness cried happily, gesturing to the darkening mass. “You can see their wings! Their birdies!”

Angelica who had spent half her life with animals due to her mother, had learnt the shapes and sounds of almost every possible bird in Equestria, even concerning the rare ones, she at least knew what to listen for, but she didn’t recognise their noise. Unlike the birds of the sky she knew, their shrieking cries brought a chill up her spine as she listened. She glanced around and saw the feeling mimicked in her comrades. “They’re not birds...” She whispered.

As the notion escaped her lips. The first magical shot was fired into the waiting town of Ponyville.