• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

šŸ–¤ i eat children šŸ–¤


  • ELoveā¤Less
    Luna visits Cadance with an important question on her mind. Cadance is always happy to help out a fellow princess, especially if that princess is her friend, but she isn't sure why Luna of all ponies would need her help, if she can help at all...
    Ice Star · 3k words  ·  72  6 · 2.4k views

After meeting Princess Luna at Nightmare Night, Twilight Sparkle has something to say to the recently-returned princess. She's sure she saw who Princess Luna was that night and feels a connection to the mare. Twilight Sparkle knows Princess Luna. That should make things simple, right?

Set after Luna Eclipsed during Season 2. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Woah. I applaud Luna for her directness but..just, wow.

7644392 This is probably the most beautiful comment I have ever gotten.

No, Princess, just you an me."

"Twilight Sparkle, I have no time for jests, this is in no way humorous to me, having a pony I barely know - my sister's student - trying to pursue a relationship with me as a prank and claiming I am lonely."


That...was absolutely beautiful!

Not trying to be heartless here :twilightoops:.

Luna say " if you're trying to seduce me Miss Sparkle, foretell you that your attempt it's pitiful..."

I'm pretty sure that's accurate

Well, THAT was an over reaction on Luna's part if I ever saw one. I understand not feeling the same way, but there is letting someone down gently,(if not firmly) there is simply saying no, and then there's stuff like this- the borderline cruel way of doing it.

It most certainly does! Thanks for noticing~

It did, and I said so in an A/N, I think.

A nice twist on the usual proposal that pricks at the heart, supported, of course, by decent prose. This fulfills its scope but doesn't leave much to return too.

I think I know more about how it feels to be sealed away in a celestial body than I did six months ago.

I can't say I'm a fan. Loneliness like this was supposed to be for other, needier people. I thought I had enough data to conclude it couldn't happen to me.

I thought wrong.

...This comment feels like it's more fitting for, like, three of my other stories that actually deal with being sealed in celestial bodies. Unless it's intentional; if so, I'm afraid you're being a bit too indirect for me to understand your comment. Sorry, dude.

Just a thought about living in a pandemic.

I guess I've just been free-associating for the past couple hours as I've been searching for something that will make me feel sad in a complicated way even though I know perfectly well that it doesn't work if I'm actively looking for it. Letting my mind wander does not circumvent that, unfortunately.

I have recs if you want Sad and Complicated. HMU!

I read this so I could read Love Less next. Damn, way to let Twilight down, Luna. To be fair, though, she's not wrong. Twilight put her on a pedestal that Luna wanted no part of. Not surprising of her to do so, considering her relationship with Celestia.

Ooof ouch owie my feelings, but good work.


To be fair, though, she's not wrong. Twilight put her on a pedestal that Luna wanted no part of. Not surprising of her to do so, considering her relationship with Celestia.

Ooof ouch owie my feelings, but good work.

I tried to go for a blunt-but-true vibe here, and based on your comment, I achieved that.


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