• Published 30th Nov 2016
  • 10,360 Views, 121 Comments

The Science of Choice - Bookish Delight

Having worries about her relationship with Timber Spruce, Twilight Sparkle comes to Sunset Shimmer for advice.

  • ...

Poking the Beehive

Sunset Shimmer opened the door to Canterlot High School's science lab.

Her eyes then widened, and her jaw dropped, at the sight before her.

The whole room buzzed and bubbled, clanked and thumped, crackled and zapped, with the sounds of what looked like nearly every piece of equipment out and operating at once.

Used beakers littered the counters. Papers with half-finished equations and other indecipherable scribbles spilled onto the floor. Multiple burners were aflame, or left steaming from recent use. The faintest smell of smoke laced the air.

Immediately Sunset looked to the window. Thank goodness—it was open for proper ventilation purposes.

Sunset waded carefully through the scientific madness. Past a spinning centrifuge, some beeping scales, and a tiny green blob in a petri dish that she was sure was moving, she crept towards the far end of the room.

And, at last, Sunset found her.

Twilight Sparkle stood, bent over a table, talking to herself in a low voice. Her white lab coat had a few fresh stains, as did her hands. Her hair, usually in a tightly secured tail or bun, was almost loose, locks escaping left and right. Her safety goggles rested over her glasses as she looked through the microscope in front of her.

Through the din of the machinery, Sunset couldn't tell what Twilight was muttering—but going by the speed at which Twilight's lips moved, it was clearly complicated. Back and forth Twilight's face shifted, looking through the microscope, then jotting formulas on a nearby scrap of paper.

Sunset shook her head and grinned. She'd seen Twilight in this state before, and knew to approach carefully. And cheerfully.

"Hi, Twilight. How's it going?" Sunset said, from a safe distance in case whatever Twilight was working on was… delicate. "The other girls said you've been in here all day."

Twilight jerked her head up. She blinked at Sunset.

Sunset saw the exact moment Twilight's brain clicked and went, oh, right. Other people do exist. "O-oh! Sunset! Hi," she said, with a little wave. "Yep, here I am." Twilight nodded, then went back to her microscope.

Just as Sunset was about to speak up again, a whistle sounded from one of the burners. Twilight jerked up again. "Oh my gosh! Hang on. This is important!"

She rushed towards the burner and turned it off, eyeing the purple substance in the beaker. Using an eyedropper, she sucked up a small amount, then moved the dropper over to the petri dish with the green something Sunset had seen earlier.

Tongue poking out the side of her mouth, Twilight slowly squeezed. Sunset grabbed a nearby pair of safety goggles, and slapped them on—again, just in case.

The bulb of the liquid stretched down, down, down, until it broke from the dropper. With a soft plop, the purple hit the green, and the second the two made contact, they fizzed. Then, they steamed. Twilight clenched her fists and bit her lip, as her eyes widened expectantly.

And nothing happened.

The steam cleared, and the dish ceased signs of activity. Twilight tilted her head. She grabbed another eyedropper, slurped up the results, placed them under a slide, and dashed back to the microscope.

"...no, no, no, this is wrong, all wrong!" she growled, as she glared through the lens. "This totally goes against every single one of my hypotheses!" She looked up from the microscope, her face crumpling. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all."

She peeled off her gloves, dropped her elbows on the table, caught her face between her hands, and sighed. "They were supposed to mix perfectly," she groaned. "Now I'm back to square one." She slumped facedown onto the table.

Concerned, Sunset placed her hands on Twilight's shoulders and kneaded them in a gentle massage. "You'll get it," she said, in the same reassuring tone she'd used for months every time Twilight hit a roadblock. "You always do."

Twilight sighed again, sounding a little less dejected. "Thanks, I—" She turned around. The surprised look was back on her face. "Sunset?"

"Yep." Sunset grinned. "Still here."

Twilight blushed. "Guess I was in a bit of a zone again." Her eyebrows narrowed. "Wait. Not that I'm not happy to see you, but... what are you doing here?"

Sunset blinked, then took out her phone. "You... you texted me. Asking me to come to the lab so we could talk."

"I did?" Twilight checked her own phone, then scratched her head. "Wow, I did. Guess I lost track of… things."

"I'm surprised you can keep anything straight with all this going on," Sunset said, and gestured around the room. "Also? I'm surprised you're here. Isn't Friday your date night with Timber? It's past five. I figured you'd be getting ready."

Twilight fell silent, her gaze low. She glanced up, and for a split-second, Sunset saw... she actually wasn't sure what, but it made her breath catch. Then it passed, and Twilight folded her hands.

"I... I cancelled," she said, looking at her microscope. She idly fiddled with one of the focusing knobs.

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"I just didn't feel up to it," Twilight added, quickly. She jammed her hands in her lab coat with an overbright smile. "Anyway, I'm glad you came! I could really use some help with these experiments, if you're willing."

"Um… sure?" Sunset said, opting to watch Twilight carefully. She definitely wasn't doing well.

"Thanks!" Twilight said. "I've got five going here, which is two more than my usual maximum." She scrunched one side of her face. "Well, four now, since this one went bust." She jerked a thumb at her microscope.

"Anyway, would you be able to adjust that flame to about half?" She pointed to another active burner across the room.

"Sure." Sunset nodded and walked to the beaker to do just that—but made sure to keep an eye on Twilight, who went back to looking into the microscope.

As Sunset tweaked the flame, she watched Twilight clutch the microscope's base harder than anyone would to maintain laboratory safety. She considered saying something, but the very loud noise of the microscope scraping across the table startled Twilight out of her trance.

Twilight shook her head, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm herself. Then, she went to the supply closet. As Twilight fetched a large beaker from one of its shelves, Sunset followed. She was just in time to see Twilight fumble with it on the way back.

Round and round it tumbled, as Twilight repeatedly tried to catch it, making little frantic noises the whole time. Sunset snapped to action, and stepped forward to grab it herself.

With a sheepish smile, Twilight mumbled a quick "th-thanks". She took the beaker from Sunset and placed it on the table, just in time to notice a boiling test tube over a low-flame burner. She perked up, and grabbed the nearby tongs, her eyes passing back over the microscope.

Sunset heard Twilight groan in frustration, then turn her attention back to the test tube... with hands that were now outright shaking as she reached for the tube with the tongs.

Worse, she'd forgotten to turn off the burner.

Sunset gently took Twilight's arm. Twilight hitched her breath in surprise. Never losing her gentleness, Sunset nudged Twilight's hand down, and took the tongs from her.

"That's it." Sunset grabbed a stool, and sat Twilight down. Then, starting with the open flame next to Twilight, she went around the room and turned off everything, from burners to machines.

Slowly, the lab's raucous noise faded, leaving only the soft hum of the fluorescent bulbs above. Sunset then locked the lab door, and pulled a second lab stool close to Twilight. "You and I are talking."

Twilight started to rise. "But my—"

"After," Sunset said, firmly. Just as firmly, she sat Twilight back down. "You're in no condition to be doing this level of science right now. And deep down, I'm sure you know that."

Twilight sighed, and looked down at her hands. They were bunching her slacks. With a visible show of will, she unclenched them.

"So. What's going on, Twilight?" Sunset asked. "What's got you shaking so bad?"

Twilight fiddled with her fingers, knotting them together. She adjusted her seat on the stool. She unknotted her fingers.

Sunset opened her mouth, but Twilight held up a hand and nodded. She took a deep breath, and exhaled it out.

"You know, things were really nice starting out?" Twilight finally said, softly. A small, half-smile pushed her cheek up a little. "With Timber, I mean. We would just hold hands, and walk, and talk. Camp Everfree's a pretty scenic place to do all that, to say nothing of just reading to each other. And it was..." Twilight stared into space, a dreamy look on her face.

"That camp has great atmosphere," Sunset agreed, relaxing a bit now that Twilight was talking. "I'm glad we were able to save it."

"Absolutely," Twilight said, nodding emphatically. "Of course, we eventually decided that me coming all the way out to camp all the time just wasn't practical, so we went other places. I showed him Sugarcube Corner, we went to the museum—and you remember the night we all went to the amusement park at the edge of Canterlot..."

"Yep," Sunset said. "I'd never seen you so happy. Didn't you tell me you kept trying to explain the mathematics of centripetal acceleration to him?"

Twilight giggled, putting a hand to her mouth. "You should have seen his face! Completely clueless the whole time," she said, rolling her hand. She shook her head, and added, "But it didn't matter at the time. Not one bit. And especially not after... well, I never told any of you this, but..." Her cheeks darkened thoroughly.

Sunset placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight, it's fine. Every couple makes out at the top. As best they can in a swinging cab, anyway."

"Wait." Twilight blinked. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Sunset smirked. "Oh, and the two of you babbling like idiots at the end of the ride pretty much gave it away anyway. We just didn't say anything."

"See?" Twilight threw up her hands and laughed. "I mean, sure, I wish you'd told me back then, but this is why I come to you! You know this stuff!"

Sunset chuckled. "Yes, I am savvy with a few concepts of love. For everything else, there's Rarity." She winked. "But yeah, you've been living it up. This is the first time in weeks I've heard from you on a Friday. Honestly, I've..." Sunset sighed and rested her head in her hands. "...I've just kind of learned to leave that day alone, I guess."

Twilight blinked, her hand going to her mouth in shock. "I'm... really sorry about that, Sunset."

Sunset shook her head, trying to play off the butterflies Twilight's sincerity gave her. She flashed Twilight a dazzling smile.

"No, don't be," Sunset said, placing a reassuring hand on Twilight's leg. "Do you see what's happened? I mean, you've gone from Crystal Prep shut-in, to having a circle of friends, to even dating, all in less than half a year. Your pony princess counterpart would be ecstatic."

Removing her hand, she brought a finger to her chin as she stared up in thought. "Actually, she'd probably want to turn you into a documentary. So, don't let her." She elbowed Twilight, who giggled. "As for me... I'm overjoyed to just see you so happy. To see you smiling."

Twilight's smile faded. "That's just it, though," she said, with an exasperated huff.

Sunset cocked her head. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Twilight folded her hands and frowned slightly. "This whole last month, it's been... just more of the same. Worryingly so. Like, whenever we talk, Timber and I, we just... sort of repeat the same things over and over again."

She sighed and rubbed at her forehead. "The same conversations. The same jokes. The same lines. The same subjects—augh!" Twilight clutched her head and shook it. "That guy is trees, trees, trees!" She released her head, and looked at Sunset bemusedly. "Oh, and sometimes forests, I guess?"

Sunset chuckled. "Well, all of those are in his name."

"Yeah, but rocks aren't!" Twilight said, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, if he's not doing the tree thing, he's doing the rock thing. Geodes, jewels, boulders—I guess you could say he's got rocks in his head." She snickered.

Sunset snickered back, then shrugged. "It could be you two are just settling into a groove? The roller coaster of new romance only lasts so long. Eventually you find solace in the routine of companionship."

"That's what I thought, too," Twilight agreed. "But I think it's more that... we're settling into our own grooves."

Twilight stood up and walked to the window. Sunset followed her, and saw Twilight clutch the windowsill as she looked out at the horizon. It was a rich landscape, with plenty to see. Students played on the field below, cars drove on every visible road, and a majestic view of downtown stretched out in front of them. Even Camp Everfree could be seen in the far distance, if Sunset looked hard enough.

A light breeze trickled through the window. Twilight closed her eyes, letting it calm her. Sunset put her hand on Twilight's, and Twilight relaxed even more. She opened her eyes, a small, sad smile on her face.

"I can tell when we talk," Twilight said. "Whenever we spend time together. He has his passions. His dreams, his loves, his hopes. And... a-and that's fine, right? I totally get that.

"But I have mine, too. There's so much to see, to learn, to discover, to understand. About life here, and outer space, and also on a microscopic level, an atomic level..." She turned to face Sunset. "And that's only if I keep things confined to this universe! Which, of course, I won't."

Sunset smiled, and let Twilight continue.

"But when I bring any of this stuff up—I mean, I know he's willing to listen, and learn too, but he... he just can't keep up." Twilight sagged and leaned against the windowsill. She rubbed at her face beneath her glasses. "He smiles and nods. He asks questions, and those just lead to other, long explanations, where he smiles and nods again. Then he tells jokes, which I've come to learn is just him desperately not wanting to look like he's lost."

Twilight sighed and removed her glasses. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose. "But all it does it just make me feel bad for taking him out of his element." Twilight sighed again and replaced her glasses. "So I'll somehow steer things back to ecology. Which, admittedly, isn't my best field, but I can do fine. But most importantly, it's... it's safe. Because it's one of the few times we can ever have a two-way conversation."

Sunset nodded.

"An hours-long flurry of trees, rocks, and one-liners... and that's a 'date' these days." Twilight shook her head. "And that doesn't even count the number of times we've both caught each other... kind of spacing out when the other's talking." She rubbed her forehead. "Ugh."

"Wait, seriously?" Sunset exclaimed, surprised. "You? Losing track of a conversation? Not buying it. You and I can talk for hours, and there are times I have to distract you with something shiny just to get a word in."

Twilight snorted and shoved Sunset playfully. "Look who's talking!"

Sunset caught Twilight's hand, and grinned. Twilight grinned in response, cheeks flushing briefly. But it didn't last. She looked away, and Sunset released her.

Twilight sat on the edge of a nearby table. "It's different with us," Twilight said, softly. She chuckled and raised her head up, smiling again. "You and I talk about a whole lot of things. Our friends, the world, human nature, pony nature, science, magic, psychology and inner demons, all the schools in town, preparing for college, all the best foods and snacks, grading Pinkie's monthly 'just because' parties—"

"Babbling," Sunset interjected.

Twilight stopped. "Right, thanks. Anyway. It's just so weird, you know? Timber told me he was a city kid at heart growing up, but I guess more of Camp Everfree rubbed off on him than even he thought." Twilight stuck out her tongue. "A lot more."

Sunset nodded. Stepping over to Twilight, she sat beside her on the table.

"Twilight, have you told him any of this?" she asked. "I mean, about what you've just told me? About how you feel?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. I'm... I'm really scared to."

"Which I understand, I promise," Sunset said, touching Twilight's hand. "But you can't let it stop you."

"But..." Twilight trailed off, looking away. She fidgeted with her hair.

Sunset gently took Twilight's hand away from her hair, and turned Twilight's face towards her own. "Twilight, this is what dating is all about," she said. "Spending time with someone else, and enjoying yourselves, all in the name of learning every last thing you can about them, so you can grind them beneath your—"

Twilight squinted in confusion, head cocked at Sunset. Sunset realized one of her fists was clenched.

Sunset uncurled her hand, mortified. "O-oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Old reflexes..." she trailed off, averting her gaze.

Twilight closed her hand around Sunset's. "Don't be sorry. It's okay. Trust me, I've been there."

Sunset looked back up, meeting Twilight's understanding face.

This. She had missed this. She'd forgotten this. Sunset relaxed with a slow exhale. She and Twilight really needed to get back to seeing each other outside of school.

"What I mean," Sunset tried again, "is that you don't date because you already know how it's all going to be. You date so you can figure out for yourself whether or not you want to keep spending time with someone. Sharing all those dreams and loves you were talking about, and the experiences you both have along with all of that. This is all totally normal."

"Is it? I've never..." Twilight twisted her hands together. Her words came out whisper-soft. "This is my first time... dating."

Sunset clasped Twilight's hands.

"Then you're doing just fine," she said, reassuringly.

She grinned at Twilight. "Look, you've got a sizable chunk of this world's knowledge taking up both your left and right brains, powered by the curiosity of ten cats. Of course you're going to want someone who can measure up to that. And from what I've seen of Timber... well, he's got good wordplay, he's great in his chosen field, and he's got spirit. Whether or not that's where it stops?" She shrugged, released Twilight's hands, then placed one of her own on Twilight's shoulder. "That's up to you."

Twilight looked outside again, fixing her gaze on the city downtown. "And if… this was all Timber and I had? If this is where it… stops?" she said, weakly.

Sunset wrapped her arm around her. "Guess what? That's not your fault. Heck, it isn't even really his. People are different. And if you really crunch the numbers, given how many people exist on this planet, the odds of any two finding each other a 'perfect match' are a googol to one."

Twilight perked up, the corner of her lips tugging into a half-smile. "That small?" she gasped, with a giggle.

Sunset nodded confidently. "That small. It's why so many relationships involve things like compromise and work, and talking things through. They're almost never handed to you on a silver platter."

"I... I see," Twilight mused, her fingers to her chin. "You're making logical sense, and I thank you for that. But if I tell him how I feel..." Her face fell gradually with every word. "...all of how I feel, even past what I've already told you... I'm afraid that this'll end with me... not having a boyfriend anymore."

"Gee." Sunset smiled wryly. "And with only decades left to find a new one."

Twilight burst out laughing. "This is serious! I'm serious!" she squawked, trying to look indignant.

"So am I, Twilight," Sunset said, her smile now sincere. "You're talking to someone who's been dumped and lived to tell the tale. But who still gets asked out on dates. And who keeps saying no until she decides it's time again."

"Yes," Twilight countered, "but you have that luxury! I've seen students falling all over you! And for who knows how long—I haven't known you for half as long as everyone else has!" Twilight shook her head and started counting off fingers. "Let's see, I've witnessed guys and girls sticking notes in your locker, no less than two occurrences of casual flirting in class per day, and don't even get me started on gym class."

Sunset started to ask about gym class, but Twilight plowed on.

"And with good reason: you're a three-time hero, a brilliant scientist, and absolutely drop dead gorgeous!"

Sunset's breath hitched, and she blushed.

"What have I got?"

Sunset tried to stutter out a response, but Twilight still wasn't done. She swept her hand out the window, in the direction of downtown.

"For years at Crystal Prep, I had to listen to all the other girls talk about their great boyfriends, and all the things they bought them, and how they made them feel like they were everything to them! Like they had value! I wanted that!" Twilight exclaimed, pressing a hand to her chest. "I wanted to experience that love just once!

"And it finally happens, and it feels great! It's everything I've ever dreamed! And they all said it would never happen to 'that creepy science girl,' but it did, and I didn't have to change anything about myself for it to happen! So, of course..."

Twilight drooped, sliding down to the floor. She wrapped her arms around her legs and sighed deeply.

"...now, here I am, talking about throwing all of that away?" she whispered, voice tight.

Sunset placed a hand on Twilight's back, gently rubbing it. Twilight sighed again and rested her head against her knees.

"Maybe..." she murmured."Maybe the other girls at CPA were right. Maybe there really is something wrong with—"

"Don't ever let me hear you say that!"

Twilight looked up. Sunset had grasped her by the shoulders. Eyes bright, mouth in a firm line, she squeezed Twilight tightly. "Never again, Twilight," Sunset said. "Not ever. You hear me?"

"Sunset, you're..."

Sunset blinked and released Twilight. "I-I..." She turned away, hands shaking. She practiced her breathing. In and out. All was calm, all was serene. In and out. In and—

Twilight's hand appeared on her shoulder, and turned her back around. Twilight lifted up a lavender handkerchief and dabbed at Sunset's cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," Twilight whispered.

"Don't be. Please," Sunset said, shuddering with a sigh. She set her hands on the table and finished her deep breathing. Twilight left her hand on Sunset's shoulder, reassuring her.

"I know..." Sunset said, "I know what it's like to have had something wrong with you. Really wrong."

Twilight blinked. "But we both—"

"I'm not talking about magical demons, Twilight," Sunset said, looking back at her. "Just... personal ones."

Ugly memories, memories of someone so much angrier than she was now, memories of years past that Sunset desperately wished she could forget, yet never could, surfaced. "I was once just... just a very, very bad person," she said. "You don't have that problem. And especially after Everfree, I know you never will."

Sunset turned back around, and took both of Twilight's hands. She looked into Twilight's eyes, trying to project all her concern outward, trying to show Twilight how worried she was about her.

"So I don't ever want to hear you talk that way about yourself again," she pleaded. "Because you're so wonderful, Twilight. In ways most people just aren't. And... and in ways I most certainly wasn't."

Twilight squeezed Sunset's hands and stepped closer to her.

"You're wrong, Sunset," Twilight said, smiling brightly. "You're every bit as wonderful as you think I am. And I..." She looked away, then back up into Sunset's eyes, conviction shining through. "I really hope someday you'll stop doubting that. But until you do? I'll remind you. As often as you need."

Sunset smiled. She could hardly look at Twilight with those eyes—so big and bright. She didn't deserve those eyes.

Wiping at her own eyes, she forced a light laugh. "I think… we've gotten off topic. We were talking about you. And if I recall right... you mentioned love," she said, softly. "That's a strong word, Twilight. So, with Timber... do you feel it? Is it love?"

Twilight went quiet. Then, she said, "It was... fun." She sniffled. "For a while. Now…?" She shook her head and shrugged.

Sunset nodded. "Okay. Twilight, do you want the truth?" She took Twilight's hands again, and giving them a reassuring squeeze. "There is someone for you out there. I'm not saying that just to make you feel better, either. Because there isn't someone out there for everyone, despite what TV, or the Internet, or even your friends will tell you. Some people are just going to go through life single. And for them, that's totally okay too."

Sunset ran a thumb beneath Twilight's eye, catching a tear before it could fall any further. "But you won't be one of them," she said, soft and firm. "Because you are the one of the nicest, smartest, and most beautiful girls I've ever met, and it's only going to go up from here." Her smile shifted. "Seriously, if you don't have, like, your own corporate sciencey empire within the next five years, I promise you it's because some crazy nut from the future went back in time and messed with things."

Twilight laughed and snorted through her sniffles.

"There we go," Sunset said, smiling fondly. "Look, love is great when it sweeps you off your feet, but sometimes you have to let go of it. So that way, a better love, a better sweeping, and someone more willing to explore the world with you, can take its place." She released Twilight's hands and smiled.

"Partners will come and go, but you have the freedom to choose who they are," she said, poking a finger in Twilight's chest, "and to never stop choosing, until you find the one best for you." Sunset smiled fondly and ran a hand through Twilight's hair. "Never let go of that freedom, Twilight. It's one of the greatest things we have as people."

Her hand trailed down to Twilight's, interlocking their fingers. "Buuuuut, while you're choosing? I'll always be here." She tightened her hand briefly. "For whenever you need some support... or reminders of how wonderful you are."

"Always?" Twilight asked, squeezing back, barely able to meet Sunset's eyes.

"Always." Sunset beamed. "Hey. It's what we best friends do, right?"

"Y-... yeah. Looks like it is." Twilight bit her lip, then grinned. She wrapped her arms around Sunset, practically burying her face in Sunset's hair. "Thanks, Sunny. I... once again I'm reminded of just how lucky I am to have met you."

Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight. The warmth was immediate and intense. "The feeling's mutual, Twi," she said.

"Sunny?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm?" Sunset answered.

"Why is it that... I can always talk to you about anything?"

"Because you're always worth listening to," Sunset replied, without pause.

Twilight shuddered and smiled. "...t-thank you. That means a whole lot." She stepped in closer, hugged Sunset tighter, and rested her chin on Sunset's shoulder. "Can... can we just...?"

Sunset buried her fingers in Twilight's hair. "As long as you want."

"Thanks," Twilight whispered, and the two held their embrace. Twilight once hitched from a sniffle, and Sunset caressed her back comfortingly with one hand, but otherwise, they were still.

Eventually, Twilight let go, relaxed. "Feeling better?" Sunset asked.

Twilight took off her glasses to wipe her eyes, then put them back on. "Uh huh. A little... braver. I know what I have to do."

"Great to hear," Sunset said, with a grin. "I have to go talk to Principal Celestia about some clubs before the building closes. Text me when you want to talk, okay? I want to know how things go."

"I will," Twilight said, with a nod.

"Great. I'll see you later."

Sunset walked towards the door, and was just about to put her hand on the lever, when-


She turned around to see Twilight walking towards her.

"I..." Twilight stopped just shy of her and looked down, then back up at Sunset with wide eyes. "I have a feeling... once Timber and I talk, and get everything out in the open... I'll need some of that support this weekend. Do... do you want to hang out?"

Sunset ignored the little leap of her heart, but made sure to flash Twilight her most reassuring smile. "I would like nothing better."

Twilight's face lit up in turn. "Great! I-I'll text you when I'm free. Of course."

"Of course. It's a date," Sunset said. Then, she blushed. "M-maybe not the best choice of words? S-sorry."

Twilight's expression shifted, into a determination that Sunset had rarely witnessed. She shook her head, and, too quickly for Sunset to react, closed the distance between them, and placed a kiss on her cheek.

And Sunset Shimmer nearly fainted from the heat that rushed to the spot where Twilight's lips met her skin.

Twilight looked into her eyes. Her smile was Sunset's... and her next words were soft and inviting.

"Don't be."

Author's Note:
Comments ( 121 )

Bookish made a new story? Christmas truly has come early, hasn't it?

Majin Syeekoh

You know, reading this story, I identify more with Sunset than Twilight because I used to be the worst person and am sort of working myself out of that groove.

Thank you for writing this.

:fluttershbad: It's so beautiful!

This one was actually pretty good. Well-written, and with some very emotional content in it. I'm making this my headcanon for what happens after 'Legend of Everfree' by the way.

Augh! I was squeeing at so many points here. Really heart-warming too.:raritystarry:


Guess who's back
Back again
Bookie's back!
Tell a friend

Hmm. I'm not at all fond of this pairing, but it's a Bookish story. Let's see where this goes.

For everything else, there's Rarity.

There are some things Sunny can't buy...

Hmm. I think I'm either going to really like this or have my heart broken. Or both.

all in the name of learning every last thing you can about them, so you can grind them beneath your—

" :twilightoops: Yowza. What dark crevice of Sunset's psyche did that crawl out of?

Ah. I see. One of the most graceful and respectful annihilations of the hypotenuse I've ever read. Also, nice use of symbolic chemistry. Excellent work with both characters. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

I admit, the more I think about TImber Spruce the less interesting I find him conceptually. I'm glad he was able to work as an element of an engaging story, even if it was largely by not showing up!

Although I admit, knowing what I do about the author/general fic senses, the chemical reactions had me almost screaming "TOO SUBTLE".

As per usual though, the core interactions of the story are fun, and intimate, and make me feel for both of these characters. Mostly Twilight. Albeit boyfriend-jealousy is not a thing I had so much as obsessive-crush chains.

-Slow clap and nod- yes...yes...yes...genius! All of the thumbs up!:yay:

And Sunset Shimmer nearly fainted from the heat that rushed to the spot where Twilight's lips met her skin.

Twilight looked into her eyes. Her smile was Sunset's... and her next words were soft and inviting.

"Don't be."

There's hope yet!

In all honesty, this was a decent story. I've learnt a but more about romance, thank to you.

Sunset chuckled. "Well, all of those are in his name."

"Yeah, but rocks aren't!" Twilight said, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, if he's not doing the tree thing, he's doing the rock thing. Geodes, jewels, boulders—I guess you could say he's got rocks in his head." She snickered.

And now I'm imagining Timber Spruce shipped with Maud Pie. :twilightsheepish:

On a more serious note, that was a sweet story. I was definitely fond of how Sunset and Twilight's friendship shone through during their discussion, even during times where there was some tension between the two. And as their conversation shows, love is a tricky subject for anyone. Excellent work as usual! :twilightsmile:

Well didn't read this too much in depth but I did speed-read the bulk of it, and I'd like to caution something here. For many, a disparity in fields, level of education, or even intelligence isn't insurmountable. After all, there are colleagues to talk to about that stuff. It is a bit of a struggle, but if you're statistically smarter than 99% (or maybe even 99.9%) of the population, as Twilight seems to be, you're rather limiting yourself if you try to insist on someone as smart as you, or nearly so.

'Course, that's not really the point here, but on a personal level I felt obliged to note that. "Chemistry" or whatever the heck you wanna call it is a tricky business and different people may well want different things in a relationship.

7761158 Plant roots can break rocks down into pieces, which eventually form sediments that can provide nutrients to plants. It's... the circle of life (and non-life).


While your points are absolutely sound (and were indeed taken into amount in the crafting of this tale), I would also highly advise not speed-reading. :raritywink:

7761260 Yeah you do mention it briefly. Skipped over that. See last paragraph in this post.
You didn't make my final point really, though. I kinda messed up on the percentages... if only something like 1 in a million people measures up to you in intelligence you just aren't likely to find someone of the appropriate age, sex, and orientation that measures up. Add in language, religious beliefs, and non-work interests, and it becomes statistically impossible.

Anyway, I felt from earlier bits like that was a major point of contention, and even on more careful reading, it only got a passing mention.

I kinda find it embarrassing to get too invested in these sorts of stories. Hence the speed reading. I might try later. For what it's worth, I adore the episode "Amending Fences," but for similar reasons can't bring myself to re-watch it. That one's more on-the-nose, though.
...Rather not get into a whole thing here.


No worries! I mean we're both coming from the same place on this anyhow, I feel.

Though oh gosh have I got a story you absolutely should never read :3

I love it! Wodnerful wodnerful story!
all that was needed was a violin playing the back ground at the kiss.

7761335 Eh, I'm really not fond of the Moondancer/Twilight, because I don't see their relationship as romantic. Still, bookmarked it.

May not be the right thread for this discussion, but I find it a common thread that many have difficulty understanding how Moondancer's reaction, in particular, can NOT be romantic. But it makes perfect sense to me, though admittedly partly for personal reasons.

...I'd say more but this isn't the thread. I feel kinda like venting so I'll drop yah a PM. XP

Twilight looked into her eyes. Her smile was Sunset's... and her next words were soft and inviting.
"Don't be."


WELL now :ajsmug:

Ah, yes. Been there, done that. Just after high school. Everything seemed perfect, I was incredibly happy, this was going to last forever. Then the relationship cooled down, petered out, went into decline, going through the motions, lasted for months before we finally broke it off by mutual agreement and went our separate ways.

Because we weren't in love with each other. We were in love with the idea of a relationship. The thing you were supposed to have, the thing you couldn't truly be happy without, the thing all the cool kids had. I finally had it and I wasn't going to be alone anymore and someone loved me and my existence was finally validated and complete. All of it having absolutely nothing at all with the person who was the second half of said relationship. I could have had the same thing - the non-loneliness, the socially acceptable "having a relationship" achievement - with just about anyone else.

Of course, it's an easy mistake to make, because I and every other kid gets force-fed fairytales and Hollywood stories about the true love and happy ever after and hitting it off perfectly at the end of the movie (because since when have movies ever been wrong about anything?), and we think that's how it works, and when our parents ask if we're sure we insult them because they don't know. How could they ever understand? They're old and never experienced anything like this because they've never been young, obviously. And so we think that this must be it and we want it to be it as hard as we can even as we go through the motions and ignore the signs. And so heartbreak.

So yeah, excellent capturing that, Bookish. Sandwich points for you. Whether it could work out for Timber and Twilight or not is undecided (regardless of authorial bias), but at least now she'll be able to look at their relationship with a bit more clinical eye and consider if it's what she wants or not, rather than the myopic "must make perfect relationship work at any costs". Good show.

Just one point of negative criticism:

"Spending time with someone else, and enjoying yourselves, all in the name of learning every last thing you can about them, so you can grind them beneath your—"

This came completely out of nowhere, felt massively out of character, achieved nothing, and was immediately forgotten. Textbook BLAM.


This came completely out of nowhere, felt massively out of character, achieved nothing, and was immediately forgotten. Textbook BLAM.

Calculated risk, as always. But yeah, I'll toss it into the "Diend Was Not Amused" Box (next to other gems like Suddenly Twicoat). :3

In all seriousness, though, your analysis is, as usual very much appreciated. (And painfully true. >_<) :rainbowdetermined2:

I found the failure of the relationship between Twilight and Spruce to be quite plausible, because I didn't see from the movie that they ever had very much in common. It seemed entirely a matter of Spruce being drawn to Twilight's obvious good qualities and Twilight simply being glad that a basically nice guy liked her that way. Spruce admired her, but didn't really have that much to attract her beyond being a good looking nice guy. She in turn was very obviously just responding to her first reciprocated sexual attraction.

Not that SciTwi was going to just hop into the sack with him. She's not easy. But she is human. And she both has desire, and the urge to be desired. And Spruce is a good guy. And while he's not as smart as SciTwi -- very few people of either sex are -- he's not an idiot, either. He's even interested in a science, just not the one that Twilight's primarily interested in.

Makes me wonder how poorly things might have gone between me and the woman I married if I hadn't been interested in the biological sciences, just like her.

7761542 This is the problem with both Spruce and Flash Sentry. They don't have any real character of their own or chemistry with the Mane 7. They are just there to be male so the main characters can prove how totally straight they are.

loved this story so much! ^3^


Yeah. They don't seem to want to do any strong male characters on Equestria Girls. I'm not sure why not, because they've had deep male characters on the main show. I think it's because they're trying to stick with the model of teen comedies, in which usually either one sex or the other gets focused on and the other one only exists as a prize for the main characters.

I don't think Equestria girls actually wants to imply that all its main characters are lesbian, but they're having that effect because they don't have any really interesting male characters. I've also noticed that none of the characters not called Sunset Shimmer or Twilight Sparkle seem to have any romantic lives at all. They even avoid some of the obvious romantic subplots from the main show by not having those male characters show up, or having them show up in a form where romance is impossible. Spike's a dog, and there is Nary a Discord or Cheese Sandwich in sight.

7761745 All my fucking this. I could barely tolerate Equestria Girls because of the shoe-horned-in crush between him and Twilight. His role could have been easily replaced by any of the other five girls or another established character, but instead they had to force him in because it's high school and these girls are SO SUPER STRAIGHT AND IN LOVE WITH RANDOM GUYS.

Then came Legend of the Everfree. I was legit excited for this movie, because I LOVED Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, and the villain looked like she was going to be awesome, and she was, but then it was entirely overshadowed by another forced romance out from left fucking field. No work in, nothing, but bam! Twilight has an immediate crush and it's immediately reciprocated. God I barely made it through that fucking movie, it legit took my roommates telling me i had to suffer through it too like they had to even make me force myself through the last twenty minutes. God, they can have some great fucking story, but can't keep it together without dumb shit. Fuck.

Okay, end rant. Now, I really hope this is a Sunset x Twilight story, because after getting myself riled up about Retard Tree, I could really use something not filled with a piece of garbage. :rainbowlaugh:

7761828 This is the same effect you usually see in reverse, where it's two guys who have good chemistry together and then have a couple meaningless love interests that seem an afterthought. It's writing like that that launched a thousand Spock/Kirk ships.

EQ has definitely followed the same course. If you re-cut Legend of Everfree and removed Timber Spruce's scenes with Twilight it would basically be a movie about Sunset and Twilight falling in love.


If you re-cut Legend of Everfree and removed Timber Spruce's scenes with Twilight it would basically be a movie about Sunset and Twilight falling in love.

And it would be roughly one and a half episodes long. :raritydespair:

Hilariously it would have also allowed the plot to make more sense

7761855 Or it'd be about Flash and Sunset pairing back up again.

7761862 Thank you, as usual Book. This was exactly what i needed after all that venting. Now if you could just skip right on in to the sequel and actual dating, that'd be great. :raritywink:

For real, though. Exactly what I needed.

Yesssss, realistic sciencey romantic angst. If only the series itself would put this much thought into its relationships.

I like the exchange at the end, but the kiss is swinging the pendulum back in the other direction a wee bit fast, I think.

"Some people are just going to go through life single. And for them, that's totally okay too."

Thanks for throwing us aros a bone : p

More on the topic of the fic, I highly enjoyed it! Definitely felt like this would be the best way to set up Sunlight if you had to take Everfree at full canon value.

kul #34 · Dec 1st, 2016 · · 7 ·

Nooo! My headcanon of Timbertwi! What are you doing? Ah, the cracks are now everywhere! Ah the roofs are leaking! Theres gonna be always something miniscully wrong within in! Is this what you guys says as a slow burn thingy, because it felt like it!

Oh and of course according to yall there wont be any good enough male character in this thing.. Why? Because yall just wont let that scenario happened in your head.

Haven't read the story yet, but doesn't choice scientifically not exist? We're just blobs of atoms, bumping along for the ride, and everything that happens to you, you do, feel, and say isn't up to you.

Comment posted by Theophilippus deleted Dec 1st, 2016

Sequel? Please? :duck:

D'aw. Sunlight fluff are always the best.

:raritystarry: Sunlight!


If your headcanon is Timbertwi and you don't like Sunlight, then why do you even read this story? Why can't you just read Timbertwi fanfictions and do not read other fanfictions? Everyone have their own favourite shippings, y'know. Everyone can write whatever they want to write, that's the point of fanfiction.


Why can't you just read Timbertwi fanfictions and do not read other fanfictions?

While at heart I agree with the assertion, I just ran a search. As far as Timberlight fics go, there are... roughly four. Group's a wasteland, too! :rainbowderp:

In a way, I can sympathize with the frustration, even if I hardly share it.


Or it'd be about Flash and Sunset pairing back up again.


Just you wait.


Derpy's wearing him down.

*clears throat*



The first part of my comment were meant to congratulate the writer actually. Bookish Delight is a great writer and always deliver, and I can relate/understand the realistic scenario that were present in this fic, between the relationship of SciTwi and Timber. Hence, I know, whenever I'll try another Timberlight headcanon or story ideas, this issue that Bookish raise about their differing interest will be something that I need to tackle first. Thats all really. Even if I didnt like the shipping, at least I ended up enjoying the ride due to the author's great delivery.

The last part werent directed at the story actually, more towards the naysayers in the comment section that decided to jump on the timberhat / flashhate bandwagon again.


Depends on the level of system under consideration. On the level of the individual, there is most definitely free choice. On the level of subatomic articles, there is quantum semi randomness. On the level of molecules, events are mostly deterministic, but intractably complex.

This story made my heart melt! :twilightsmile:


No worries! I actually had a hunch you were being good-naturedly silly at the top of your comment, but communication through text, you know how it is. :twilightsmile:

(A decent Timberlight actually isn't hard to write, really; it just requires putting in the work that LoE kind of just slept through.)

7762845 Events are deterministic via newtonian physics or truely random, like quantum physics. Considering that these are the fundamental building blocks of the universe, everything is either determined or random. You beinga complex structure of molecules does not give you the ability to decide how these molecules interact.

Dang it, I'm not passionate about SunLight shipping, but I see a story like this and I think...dear heavens it makes so much sense.

Nice as always.


Right, but there are different levels at which you can analyze a system. And often in a complex system there are emergent properties which only appear at the higher levels of scale, and these emergent properties can be more significant to the system as a whole then the precise details of its substrate. Consciousness, and Free Will, are examples of such emergent properties.

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