• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.

Comments ( 21 )

I love this story!

A wonderful story that is in it self well told and very well written I am left wanting to see a sequel to this. :twilightsmile:

Not bad, not bad at all. I quite literally felt the emotions of the story

I don't normally read too many AppleShy fics, but this was well done. The romance felt organic and I suppose the word I'm looking for is Adorasexy? Yeah, I'll go with that.:yay: I also enjoyed how earnest they both were about experiencing nature as, well... nature intended. If I may ask, what inspired you to make them have their little nude adventure?

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the read! :pinkiehappy:

Adorasexy. I like this word.

The idea sort of came to me on a lark I guess, but I have a bad habit for that - getting ideas at inopportune moments. I threw this together over two lattes at Starbucks. I've been enjoying writing about Fluttershy lately - I didn't used to be very into her, but write a few stories about a character and i guess they grow on you. Applejack seemed like an appropriate partner for this sort of activity. I just had something...soft and sweet in mind, with a gentle sensuality and some naturist freedom in it. Appeals to me I suppose, and watching Legend of Everfree provided the perfect setting for it. I think there's more to tell here too, if folks are interested in reading it! :twilightsheepish:

“...that flaw they sew into rugs on purpose...”
“The Persian flaw,” A melodious voice sang from the shore.

I just learned something new, thanks to you. I've never heard of the Persian flaw before, but I love the idea.

“They wanted us to learn a lot of things they said we would use in school, but I still have no idea how to do algebra.”

Yay, traditional schooling...woo...

I ain’t even seen you in a coon’s age

Applejack's dialog is certainly on point!

as if on cue, a large black bat few in from nowhere, hung in perch under her yellow bicep, chittered, and swooped off.

Fluttershy, bat whisperer. *quiet skrees*

Besides, it ain’t your job to care for the entire world.

Just try and stop her. Thunderkindness are GO!

We’re still here. In this same town.

Sometimes I wonder if the world's so small
That we can never get away from the sprawl

Fluttershy’s roughly-hewn features softened like the eroded face of an ancient waterfall.

Can I just say how lovely that comparison is. I just...hnnnngh!


more hnnnghhhing

But you want to still feel pretty

"I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay!"

But ain’t nobody’s gettin’ a free show!

I bet the farmboys wouldn't mind seeing those ripe apples. :ajsmug:

Not that you won’t like each other no more, but when you’re all ready to go your separate ways and focus on buildin’ your own lives...even if you keep in touch, you’ll still drift apart.

Boy, this really hits home for me. It's only been a few years, but...all my old friends, we've definitely drifted apart. I think of them with fondness but also with an ache in my chest, as if there were some heavy stone lodged deep inside me. The transition to adulthood is...not really all that fun.

Pink lace is...awful cute

Even her intimates are cute. Darn it, Fluttershy, stop it...I can only take so much of your cuteness! :raritydespair:

“You’re used to having clothes on.”
“All the time.”

Time was when I felt the same way. It definitely takes some curiosity and openness to get past the mental barrier to overcome the fabric barrier. x.x

The blazing sunshine of her smile was enough to bring comfort to the dead of an arctic winter

I've been waiting so long
To be where I'm going
In the sunshine of your love

Oh, I guess I’m not the only one who likes pink lace.

Applejack totally eats up the 'frou-frou' stuff :rainbowwild:

A’course I use product. Shampoo’s a product!

"Shampoo and nothin' else! What use do Ah have for that conditioner stuff? Ah'm a farmer, not a beauty queen!"

‘Sides, I don’t…need security right now. I got you here with me.

D'awwwwwwwwww! :heart:

Just I’m pretty sure this ain’t how we both looked when we were born.

And how!

The statement was not in the form of a question. Applejack shrunk.

Fluttershy certainly isn't pulling any punches. :twilightoops:

They’re bigger than I thought they would be.

"They're real...and they're spectacular."

“Woah now,” Applejack chuckled, “I ain’t no bouncy castle!”


“How in the name of hay bales and pitchforks were you plannin’ to be a marine biologist if you ‘forgot’ how to swim??”
“I thought...maybe I could just stay on the boat...”

I guess that's one major to cross off the list?

“And now,” Applejack folded her arms under her chest and grinned. “You don’t have to be the only marine biologist that’s stuck on the boat!”

Orrrrr add it right back to the list!

Fluttershy had never even thought of her farmgirl friend this way before, much less considered the true depth of her beauty.
…a moment later, Fluttershy was rubbing her head after an untimely, jarring impact with the dock supports.

She blinded me with breasts!

“What are we gonna do now? We can’t wear soaked clothes home.”

Mwahahaha, how convenient~

“Darn boys got it easy if’n you ask me. If it’d been up to me I’d never have let ‘em grow this much.”

Maybe they do have it easy...but that doesn't stop me from wanting a pair of my own <_<

I think boys have problems too. They’re just...different from ours, is all.

Down...down! Go down, damn you! Why here, why nowwwww?

I’m pretty sure he has no idea what a haberdasher is.

My introduction to the term 'haberdashery' was the BBC comedy Are You Being Served? "Mr. Humphries, are you free?" "I'm free!"

Like I got this silly notion that maybe if we all went around like this, folks would be more honest with each other. Nothin’ to hide and all that.

I think AJ's onto something... :duck:

Fluttershy scanned Applejack’s eyes for an eternal second.
Then she kissed her.

Zero to kiss in an eternal second! TOOT TOOT, THE SHIP IS ON ITS WAY!

“...wh-what are we doing...?” Fluttershy meeped.
“...I ain’t got...” Applejack stared, “...no earthly idea...”

Y'all are totally twitterpated.

the latter merely pushed herself forward, pressing herself into a firm grope that went beyond the limits of friendship.

To friendship, and beyoooond!

“I-I’m so lonely...” Fluttershy whimpered. “...I lied, I...I don’t have any friends at school, I...I feel so lost every day now that we’re all apart...”


“...that ain’t the first time I went and thought about doin’ something like that. But I didn’t know what y’all would think.”
“Me either!” Fluttershy brightened, shifting in her partner’s embrace, “W-we were both thinking the same thing...!”

Sometimes you just want to kiss your friends. Sometimes they want that too. :trollestia:

The unprecedented softness demanded she grab at it once or twice

Bootyful. :moustache:

“How about just...’bunny’? Simple.” She amended, “I-in private of course.”

Yesssss, pet names between the two friends turned fresh lovers!

“Well shoot,” Applejack sought to comfort her friend, “Havin’ a boy-girl relationship ain’t really a rule for havin’ kids no more, is it?”

*eyebrow waggling intensifies*

“I’m still puttin’ pennies in your thought-bank,” Applejack smiled softly.

I need to use this line sometime (even though pennies are no longer a thing here in Canada!)

“You’re not afraid to look at me anymore.”

Nature always wins. Always.

Fluttershy rubbed up against her friend insistently until Applejack wrapped an arm around her.

Another d'awwwww moment.

This totally /begs/ for a sequel. Pretty much everything you write does, heh. Never stop being amazing.

Twitterpated is a word I have not heard in an Applejack coon's age. And why is it nobody knows about the Persian flaw!?

Not that you won’t like each other no more, but when you’re all ready to go your separate ways and focus on buildin’ your own lives...even if you keep in touch, you’ll still drift apart.

Yeah, that part? The elder brother of a friend of mine in high school basically told us the exact same thing before we all graduated. We didn't believe him then. We do now. That's where the bit between AJ and Mac comes from in this story.

I really want to sequel this. And I want Fluttershy to ride that scooter more. The problem is there are like three other stories I also wanna sequel! Decisions!

Anyway, thanks for taking a look :twilightsmile:


We didn't believe him then. We do now.

One doesn't really truly believe it until it happens to them. I wouldn't say I didn't believe it, but I just put it completely out of my mind until it happened, and then that sage warning came rushing back.

I really want to sequel this. And I want Fluttershy to ride that scooter more. The problem is there are like three other stories I also wanna sequel! Decisions!

:derpyderp2: :applejackconfused: :pinkiecrazy: So...many...stories...

I know the feel. My main stories are kinda getting ignored at the moment because I've thrown some words into a few others. The writing never stops, it only just flows here and there like a zigzagging river.

Anyway, thanks for taking a look

Anytime, Wish. :pinkiehappy:

The emotion really hits you if you're a college student who moved away. Very touching. I thank you.

I'm glad the story was able to provoke a meaningful response. Thank you for reading it!

An Apple Shy flick, alright I'll give it a read.

*four hours later*

.... you know what I am right now I am absolutely floored. One of the hardest things for writers to ever achieve is to achieve emotion not only within their characters but with their environment and with their readers. Do I think you pulled it off? Yes. This was an absolutely adorable story from start to finish, especially since it comes off a good EQG movie (Though anything after Friendship Games would classify as amazing.) And I do have to agree that this is adorasexy in every way, I am proud to put this thing in my favorites and my library. 9/10


Go onto derpibooru.org and tap that into the search bar. Then enjoy.

~Skeeter The Lurker

So it is! And ironically the first thing I saw was...Camp Everfree Fluttershy. It's a sign!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I hope it was four hours well spent! :pinkiehappy:

7690515 If you classify sitting back in a chair absolutely stunned as well spent then yes it was

You flatter me sir, but I'm really glad you liked it :heart:

7690844 flattery was not my intent but if it did I am very happy. Good writers must always be praised.

I'm just pleased when anybody both favors my work with their time, and takes away some enjoyment of it with them :twilightsmile:

7690889 now that is pleasurable to everybody. Hard work and a strong dedication always work out in the end

NOTE- Since Fimfiction now has specific entries for the EqG versions of various ponies, the characters listed for this story have been altered from 'Applejack' and 'Fluttershy' to 'Applejack (EqG)', and 'Fluttershy (EqG)'.

I realize you reviewed this story three years ago and I apologize for my negligence, but I wanted to say thank you for your interest--I linked your review in the story description. What you mentioned was more or less what I was going for here--I'm glad it came through! :twilightsmile:

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