• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 1,119 Views, 23 Comments

A lost spark - NightmareBlaze

A young man distraught with losing his sister commits suicide.

  • ...

The deaths final words

Ash sat staring at the wall.

'How long has it been? A month?' he asked himself sadly.

"She was going to die.. Stupid Liver Cancer!!" he yelled punching the door

He looked at his most recent picture. It showed him and Raven at the prom.

He was wearing a black suit with a red rose. Raven had a hot pink rose in her hair.

He smiled as his phone buzzed.

"Hi Raven!" he said cheerfully

"Hey... Um this isn't working out for me... I'm sorry.. We can't be together..." she said bluntly.

He gasped as he dropped his phone and started to sob.


He picked up Summers guitar and started to strum Mr. Brightside

He finished singing as he put the guitar down .He closed his eyes and opened them.

He had snapped.

He spent that night writing his final letter. He didn't have any reason left to live so why bother.

He felt a lick and saw Summers cat Pearl look at him with worried eyes.

He smiled and picked her up

"I wonder what I did wrong?" he asked her. "My sisters gone... My girlfriend just dumped me.... Why?" he asked as he went on the computer and turned on the first my little pony episode and watched all of season one and two.

"I can't watch season 3..." he muttered to himself..

He heard a whisper telling him to watch it for her.

He watched season three untill the sun came up and he smiled at the plan he came up with.

The next day he took a knife to school. He planed to find out why it wouldnt work out. That when he saw them

Raven was with Bryan the sports star of the school. EVERY GIRL wanted him. He saw them making out.

He marched right over to her and slapped her.

"WHAT THE HECK?!?!" she yelled rubbing her face.

"YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE OK TO DUMP ME AND GET A BOYFRIEND THE NEXT DAY?!?!" he yelled in rage and took out the knife and made it catch the sun.

"A-ash..." she said her eyes wide with fear.

"YOU HEARTLESS WOMAN!!" he screeched taking a threatening step towards her.


Her eyes relized what he was going to do.

He smiled as he. Ran towards her and sliced her neck...

He closed his eyes and smiled. He saw that he had knifed her boyfriend. He started to cackle maniacally and stabbed her heart and tore it out. Smiling still he ripped it in half and used it to choke everyone else. When he was done he relized what he did and put the knife on his wrist carful not to hurt the bracelet he slashed. It was deep and blood gushed out inmedietly. He smiled at the pain and went deeper. He heard a grinding noise as he relized he hit bone. He went to the other side angreat bone there to. He did the same thing with the other wrist and smiled as he felt himself slip.

The last thing he saw was Summers face.