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Someone new who decided to throw their hat into the ring.

Comments ( 38 )

What is this a crossover of?

7688904 Crossover starts at Chapter 8 which isn't written yet. The crossovers can be seen whenever I describe what the ponies see when they look into their mirrors. From there you can figure out what Spike and Discord will face later

Good chapter
The house of fucking horror and b rate slasher fix
Keep it up:moustache:

7713209 Thanks I was hoping for people to guess first but since they didn't I'll just choose at random which doors are gone through.

Great chapter.
Is Discord and Spike going thought a gauntlet of monsters, it reminds me of an video game that have door for room, and have a lots of level just to reach the boss.

7721608 Yeah. Each room acts like a hub world for each world every other pony is going through. They are kind of obvious which worlds are going to be featured. Though I know I'm gonna have trouble with Pinkie's world and Rarity's world.

Another great chapter. Spike and Discord was in some kind of speed area fighting shadow pony. If true that cool

7724082 I'm glad you like it. Also the only reason it was a speed area was because that's how that game usually goes.

Nice chapter can't wait for the next chapter.
So captain Rainbow? Need more LOL

7731848 That won't be explained in this story. I think maybe I should make a blog post to explain what I'm gonna do. I do have all the titles for the side stories I have planned. I guess I'll write that out sometime today.

Great chapter.
So the main six we give Discord and Spike abilities after they completed a room. Can not wait to see appeljack abilities

7738517 Yeah. In truth I'm writing them as I go and I'll probably have to go into a show binge with the Discord episodes and the Spike episodes to weave together a good move set. Remember that in this universe there will be 14 bearers due to the tree beneath the castle.

Great chapter. I like pinkie door, because of the dark moments and the light moments. Now Spike made a pinkie promise, to keep they safe.
Looking forward to the next chapter

7775060 Thanks. Yeah I like the Pinkie door as well if only because she makes the most sense. Pinkie has broken the fourth wall numerous times but this way its a bit more subtle in a sense. She learned the names of the villains of the piece and while she didn't know what happened to Spike and Discord it didn't entirely break the fourth wall completely. Also the only torture that would ever be allowed is talking to Pinkie about her favorite words.

7794868 Honestly it was a bit short for my taste but adding anymore would feel like padding. I still have to write what Celestia and Luna saw in that order after four more doors. Naming conventions still seem to be following a pattern.

Great chapters with Rarity door. Now for Twilight door can't wait keep it up.

7834519 You would not believe how hard it was to write that out. Anyways that chapter is done with and I can move on to Twilight.

Good chapter. Spike and Discord friendship are grow even more. So a clone of Twilight I'm Interested

7872192 Yeah. Let's face it this is gonna be like a buddy cop thing for a while if only because its a duo now. Also yeah a clone. Only a clone. That's all heh heh

First great chapter. I love how Discord is protecting Spike, even though Spike have see bad stuff, he did need to see Twilight like that.
This is my favorite chapter of Spike and Discord.

7888510 Now you know why this one took some time. I needed to make sure to have the right emotion when I wrote it. This was my favorite chapter cause I figured out just how to write it right.

you deserve all the praise
Best chapter for Spike and Discord

7889236 It's not the best writing but I am trying to make a good story. I have trouble remembering names if I don't work on things. Of course work makes it hard to work on things here. Still I'm glad you like it. I will finish the next chapter soon ish. Thanks for the kind words. Fits well for the next pony that's on the list.

Love the beginning of this chapter, Celestia Lunar, Discord have a heart to heart with each other. The end of this chapter was great. Robotic Fluttershy

7923729 Thanks. I'm just putting a little spin on my version of events. Also don't underestimate Robotic Fluttershy.

7721608 What is the name of said video game?

I think spooky house of jump-scares. It a PC game with a lot of door.

Good chapter, this door was pretty rough on Spike and Discord. Maybe because robots are so fucking hard to destroy

7949323 The game Fluttershy got dragged into was Megaman. The classic series. Each pony is dragged into seperate games and a story of their adventures there will be written later. While that will be a forgone conclusion style story it would explain everything that happened to them and showcase some drama for the ponies.
In order of pony:
Starlight - Resident Evil Series
Rainbow Dash - Kirby Series
Applejack - Metroid Series
Pinkie Pie - Earthworm Jim Series
Rarity - Grim Fandango Series (Really its only one game)
Twilight - Star Fox Series
Fluttershy - Megaman Series.

So its a calvacade of different series all for the express purpose of a story involving all these characters and the monsters they are fighting against.
7949744 Yeah robots are tough to destroy.

Good chapter, at least discord is many bad puns

7992693 I cringed everytime I wrote one. I knew he would do it in stressful situations and I knew I would feel bad later but I still let him say it.

Great chapter, but I need to add a sin "

Not the bees, Oh god not the bees!’

LoL. One more thing “I

hate fighting magically enhanced bosses…”

I agreed with Spike, magic enhanced boss suck.

8015266 Oh I see what you mean but I don't think that's the case.

“I’m more surprised you didn’t go ‘ Not the bees! Oh god not the bees!’ then yell as they came to attack us.”

What I'm doing in this line is having Spike quote what Discord should have said so using another quotation mark in the middle of other quotation marks doesn't work. At least I think that's the rule. I'll have to look it up actually
Rule 7. Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
That is the grammatically right way to say this sentence. Thanks for pointing it out though. I was wondering about it when I wrote it but I wasn't sure and kind of lazy to see if that was the case lol.

Yes magically enhanced bosses suck. I've faced quite a few before...Gah!

Great chapter. I love the back and forth between Celestia and Luna, it show that they have playful side to all this despair.

8071349 If you can't smile in all this horror then it wins right? I was thinking really hard what to write when I was working on this chapter because I didn't want it to just be the same as Cadance's chapter.

Great chapter. Sorry it me so long so Discord have a brother and it Death.

8140814 It's fine. Also don't worry about it. Yeah I feel it would work out well though I'm worried about.

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