• Published 29th Nov 2011
  • 2,886 Views, 162 Comments

Baking Perfect Pie - Kumare Tanamaru

When the new kid comes to town, Pinkie Pie volunteers herself to throw him a Pinkie Party.

  • ...


"Push Pinkie, Push!!" I yelled.

"Hey Pineapple," she replied "You remember when I told you that sleeping over wouldn't hurt?" she said with a crazed look in her eye.

"Yeah? What about it?"


"One more time!" the nurse yelled to Pinkie over her screams.

"I C-CAN'T!"

"Yes you can!" we yelled back.


"What was that noise, Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash

"The sound of progress, my friend." she retorted.

"Whut in tarnation is that spose to mean?" asked Applejack

"Really Applejack? It means she just birthed one of little foals." said Rarity.

"Scuse me miss know-it-all, did ah ask yew?"

"Girls!" Fluttershy interrupted. "We're not here to fight... We're here for Pinkie Pie, remember? She's going through a lot of pain right now."

"Okay..." Applejack said in defeat.

The nurse and I came out of the room with sweat dripping down our brows. She looked at me and smiled as tears formulated in my eyes.

"Congratulations. We'll have her and the foals cleaned up so that you can go home in a jiffy. I'll need you to fill out some paper work and get the birth certificates ready to go."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for taking care of them..." I said looking at the ground. "It's hard for me to see her in pain. It was almost unbearable."

The nurse raised a hoof to my shoulder.

"You were very strong, and very brave Mr. Spice, and I'm sure she knows that."

"Nurse? She can have visitors now. Mr. Spice? She wants to see you."

"Oh. Alright, have a good day nurse...?"

"Krystal. Krystal Klear."

"Thank you very much Krystal." I said to the blue and white pony.

She nodded her head at me and I trotted down the hall to join my friends in Pinkie's room.


"Where's Pineapple?"

"I'm right here Pinkie!" I said pushing through the crowd. "How do you feel? Are you alright? Are you in pain? Is there anything I can get you?"

"I'm fine Pineapple... I'm just tired... Have you seen our foals? They're beautiful." she said unwrapping the tiny male pony.

He was a brown coated foal, with a gray mane and bright yellow eyes. He yawned and moved his head to his mother's chest. Pinkie Pie unwrapped the second foal and I saw the familiar color that myself and my fiance shared. She was a little pink filly with bright blue eyes, and a separated color mane like my own. It was pink like her mother's, and then split into a beautiful ocean blue that glinted slightly in the light. The small filly looked at me and I smiled at her.

"They're so small..." I said.

"Aren't they amazing?" Pinkie replied

"Well ah'll be. Ain't that just sumthin?" Applejack whispered.

"Whoa! Look at 'em! They are small!" said Rainbow Dash

"They're so adorable that I could just shout...! Yaaaaay~....!" she whispered.

"Haha, not as adorable as you Flutterheart." Trey said as he pulled Fluttershy close and kissed the side of her head.

"Aw! They're simply adorable!" Rarity said. She gasped and then started again "I MUST start designing cute little outfits for your son and daughter!" she said with her eyes sparkling.

"What are you going to name them?" Twilight asked.

The room fell silent, and everybody looked at her.

"What? You have to give them names! It's a legitimate question!"

"I guess we hadn't really thought of that, have we?" Pinkie Pie asked me.

I shook my head with a puzzled look on my face. It was true, we hadn't really been thinking of names.

"Well, I want one to have your last name at least Pinkie."

"Okay... Hmm... Well, do any of you have any ideas?" she said looking to her friends

"Hm... How about Bolero?"

"What about Elizabeth?"


"Stop!" said Fluttershy.

"Well that's a weird name Fluttershy. Why would anyone name their kid 'Stop?'" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, with all due respect, Fluttershy and I think that you should name your kids yourself. The name suggestions coming from your friends are all names that they like. Not what you want. Take some time to think about it with as much space as possible." Trey said eying everypony in the room to leave. "Take your time. You want the names to not only reflect ancestry, but personality and looks." he said stopping in the doorway. He turned and smiled at me and I smiled back.

When Trey had left the room, I looked at Pinkie and our children and thought hard.

"I have an idea." I told her.

She smiled and I brought my hoof up to touch the little filly's mane.


"Thanks again for these carriers Twilight!" Pinkie said.

"Your welcome Pinkie Pie! I thought I might as well get a practical gift as well as some goodies."

"So," said Rainbow Dash. "Chocolate Pie?"

"And Paprika Spice?" said Rarity.

"Where did you come up with those names Pineapple?" Fluttershy ask me.

I looked at Trey and smiled.

"We thought that maybe going with the same kind of names that Pinkie and I have. We made the decisions based on what we felt was right after that."

The smile on my face was growing from one ear to the next.

This is where my life is. Nothing could possibly ruin this. I looked up and saw the library come into view.

Spike was right outside the door waving at us coming and he opened the door for me and Pinkie Pie to get through without any problems with Chocolate and Paprika.

"Thank you very much sir." I said tilting my head to him.

"I gotcha man!" he said.

"Hey Spike? Could you get Pinkie some water please?" I said.

"Sure thing Pineapple!" he said running into the kitchen.

"Spike...?" Twilight said.

"Yeah Twilight?" replied Spike.

"Were you doing... That again?" she said staring at the opposite side of the room.

I looked over in the direction Twilight was looking in and I saw a Saxophone and a pair of sunglasses laying on the ground.

"Oh!" he said running over and picking them up.

"You play Saxophone?" Trey asked.

"On occasion, but not when any ponies are around." he said blushing and stuffing the items into a closet.

"He's been obsessed with that Saxophone ever since we bought it for him. He does this weird thing where-"

"Twilight!" he said embarrassed.


"Well don't tell them!" he said shifting his eyes to Rarity.

"Oh. Sorry Spike..."

We all laughed at this as Spike held his back to the door, preventing anypony from getting to the closet. I looked at Pinkie and the foals and smiled.

Welcome to the world little ones. Don't worry, I'll take care of you... I promise.