• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 1,757 Views, 4 Comments

Unpolished Diamond - pokerninja2

After losing her best friend and being held with a BIG responsibility she has to live to, Diamond Tiara has probably never been at a lower point in her life. Can the Cutie Mark Crusaders help their former rival?

  • ...

Destruction and Reconstruction

The past few weeks had been the best Diamond ever had. With her mother out of the picture, she was able to hang out with her fellow Crusaders whenever she pleased. Not only was there a sense of pride and accomplishment whenever she helped a foal find their cutie mark, but it was shared with the group of friends she felt like she belonged. A group that cherished her company as much as they cherished hers. She felt like she was on top of Equestria, and absolutely nothing could go wrong…

...until today. Diamond Tiara was on her way to meet the other Crusaders at the clubhouse for another day of crusading, but upon reaching there, she saw everypony in a group huddle, discussing something. The pink filly started to go to them to see what the commotion was about until she saw Twist sitting under a tree, bawling her eyes out. Concerned, she trotted over to the frizzy-maned filly to help her.

“Hey Twist,” Diamond greeted, holding out a hoof. “What’s wrong?”

“What’th wrong?” Twist asked. “WHAT’TH WRONG!?” Diamond took a couple steps back, surprised at her outburst. “How could you do thith to me, Diamond!? I thought I wath your friend!”

“Wh-what are you tal-” Diamond began before being interrupted.

“THERE SHE IS!” Apple Bloom called out from behind.

Diamond whipped her head around to see the other Crusaders approaching her. Sweetie Belle was tearing up, but everypony else was looking daggers at her. She couldn’t process what was going on, everything seemed to be happening so quickly.

“What’s gotten into everypony!?” Diamond asked.

“How could you do that to her!?” Apple Bloom shouted. “After makin’ ya a Crusader and everythin’!”

“What did I-” Diamond tried to say before being interrupted again.

“Oh don’t you DARE play dumb with us!” Zipporwhill shot at her. “We all know you wrote that letter! It had your hoofwriting and everything, HOW COULD YOU!?”

"Wh-" Diamond began, only to be interrupted again

“I became your bestie again because I thought we were going to be good ponies together,” Silver Spoon said. “I should have known you set us up from the start!”

“WHAT LETTER!?” Diamond screamed.

“You got a lot of nerve putting THIS on her front door!” Scootaloo said as she shoved the letter in her face.

To Twist,

I just want to say you are probably the most wretched foal I have ever met. Your mane is messy and unclean, your glasses make you look fat, your lisp is ear grating, you smell like a dumpster, and your candy canes are the worst “treats” I have ever had the misfortune of tasting. You should get bucked in the face every single morning when you wake up you pathetic waste of a pony, I hope you get run over by a carriage.

From, Diamond Tiara

Diamond Tiara didn’t know what to do. She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn’t form words. She wanted to push the latter back, swipe it away, run off, do ANYTHING, but her muscles locked in place. All she could do was stare and read the writing.

“You think this is funny!?” Scootaloo chided her. “Doing things like this and wishing death on your fellow Crusaders? Your friends? Your FAMILY!?”

“I-” Diamond stuttered in defense, only to be interrupted once more.

“Well we’ve got news for you!” Zipporwhill said as she buzzed into Diamond’s face, close enough to where their noses were almost touching. “It’s not funny at all! We don’t take kindly to bullying around here, and we’re not gonna be your friends if you’re just bullying everypony again! So make like me and BUZZ OFF!”

“Ah agree with that,” Apple Bloom said. “C’mon, we’re out of here!” She took Twist’s hoof and walked away, with Zipporwhill following. The farm filly stopped, turned around, and gave Diamond a murderous glare. If looks could kill, Celestia herself would perish.

“And if you EVER step hoof near our clubhouse again, Ah’ll buck yer face so hard that it may as well be cut off!” she threatened, and with a huff, she went away, leaving Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Sweetie Belle.

“Oh yeah, and don’t worry about your cape,” Scootaloo said. “We already threw it away. Good riddance.” And with that, she followed Apple Bloom.

“I really expected better of you,” Silver Spoon said, her tone being a mix of sadness and anger. “I can’t believe I made the mistake of being your bestie again. Well, we’re no longer besties, and this time I MEAN IT!”

The gray filly walked away, leaving Sweetie Belle, who said nothing the whole time. Diamond didn’t say anything - what COULD she say? She hoped against hope that Sweetie would understand. Would tell her that this was all just one sick prank. Would find it in her heart to forgive her for this injustice. Instead, the unicorn turned around and walked away. She glanced at Diamond Tiara one last time before running for her friends, bawling her eyes out. Sweetie’s crying could be heard for miles.

Then, Diamond began hyperventilating. She felt tears of her own began to form. And the once happy and sunny day became dark and cloudy, rain pouring onto the ground below. She got up and ran away, as quick as she could. She didn’t know where she was going, but she wanted to get as far as possible away from here. She took one last glance at the clubhouse, getting farther and farther away every second.

Suddenly, while she wasn’t looking, she tripped over a stray rock and fell onto the mud-

Diamond shot up, breathing heavily, eyes wide, and sweating buckets. She looked around her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was that she was in her bedroom, and not outside. She saw her dresser, her TV, and her bathroom door, no trees or rocks in sight. She looked down at her hooves, and saw that they were clean aside from a few drops of sweat. No mud at all.

Then she realized it was all a nightmare.

She sighed in relief, and flopped out of bed. She made her way to the bathroom to-


Diamond growled under her breath, but let her anger slide. She went to her clock and shut the alarm off, seeing it was 6:00 AM. It wasn’t a school day, but she still usually woke up at this hour; it was routine. She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, noticing all the tear stains and sweat on her face, as well as her messy mane. Diamond quickly washed herself off, put her tiara on, and trotted downstairs. She could hear Randolf on the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The butler turned and noticed her in the living room.

“Good morning, Mistress Tiara,” Randolf greeted.

“And to you, Randolf,” Diamond said, trying to mask the shakiness in her voice. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice.

“Breakfast should be ready in the next hour,” Randolph said. “Your father should be joining us shortly.”

“Thank you, Randolf,” Dianomd said. She sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling, deciding to not say anything about her nightmare. Sure, Randolf was around the mansion so often that he felt like family, but the butler wasn’t exactly the best pony to go to when dealing with personal problems. She resolved that the Crusaders would be the best ones to talk about her nightmare; they were her friends after all.

At about 7:00 AM, Filthy Rich woke up and sat in the dining room, reading the morning newspaper. Diamond took her seat and waited patiently for Randolph to serve them their food. When he arrived, he handed the pink filly a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with fried eggs - not exactly her favorite dish, but that was the least of her worries at the moment, with memories of her nightmare still plaguing her mind, and she wasn’t all that hungry either. Not wanting to be rude, she slowly ate her meal.

“Something wrong, dear?” Filthy asked, taking his eyes off the papers to look at his daughter.

“It’s nothing, Father,” Diamond answered. “I’m just not that hungry this morning.”

“Master Filthy, while preparing breakfast, I got a call from Mistress Spoiled,” Randolph said while handing Filthy his plate. That caught Diamond’s attention, and she listened.

“You don’t say?” Filthy said, taking a bite out of a pancake. “How was Manehattan?”

“She said everything for Mistress Tiara has been arranged, and she will be returning tomorrow afternoon,” Randolph said.

“Excellent,” Filthy said with a smile, taking another bite. “I’ve certainly missed her being around the mansion, it will be great seeing her again.”

“Indeed,” Randolf nodded in agreement.

“Won't you agree, Diamond?” Filthy asked, directing his attention at the pink filly.

“Y-Yeah, Father,” Diamond nodded. “I missed her too.” That wasn’t entirely a lie, but was nervous about what Spoiled had planned for her, and more importantly, how she would keep her from finding out about the Crusaders.

Once Randolf returned to the kitchen to wash the dishes, silence fell on Filthy and Diamond. She ended up eating the rest of her food, and saw that it was 7:21 AM on the clock on the wall. She figured now would be a good time to leave and hang out with the Crusaders.

“Can I go play with my friends, Father?” Diamond asked.

“I suppose you can,” Filthy said, finishing his meal and dabbing his face with a napkin to clean it off. “Just make sure you’re back by sundown. We must prepare for your mother’s arrival.”

“Understood,” Diamond said as she got off the table and trotted out the front door.

The path to Sweet Apple Acres was engraved in Diamond Tiara’s mind at this point. With the shortcut Apple Bloom showed her a few days prior, she could probably make the trip within 10 minutes. Walking down this path would normally bring her a sense of joy and excitement, but that darn nightmare just wouldn’t leave her head. Memories of it kept playing like a broken record player.

Stop thinking about it!” Diamond scolded herself. “It was just a dream… an awfully realistic dream, but a dream nonetheless. I am NOT gonna let this get between my friends!

She looked around for a distraction, and thankfully just outside Ponyville, she saw Sweetie Belle at a nearby flower shop, purchasing seeds. Hoping the white unicorn could help ease her mind, she trotted to her side once she bought whatever she was purchasing.

“Oh, hi Diamond!” Sweetie greeted warmly. “Are you heading to the clubhouse too? We could go together.”

“Sure,” Diamond answered. “Why did you buy seeds?”

“Well, we’re not gonna be able to rebuild the clubhouse until later today when Applejack and Rarity can come,” Sweetie answered. “But Apple Bloom asked me to buy sunflower seeds so we can get a head start on making the place look prettier!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot we were rebuilding it this weekend,” Diamodn said. “Mother will be pleased about THAT, I’m sure,” she thought to herself sarcastically.

“Something wrong, Diamond?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh, uh, it’s nothing,” Diamond lied.

“I know a sad face when I see one,” Sweetie Belle said as she put a hoof over the pink filly’s shoulder. “We’re friends, you can tell me.”

“I make it that obvious huh?” Diamond said as she forced a chuckle. “Well, I wanna wait until everypony comes to the clubhouse. They all need to know.”

“OK,” Sweetie said. The two continued down the path to Sweet Apple Acres and they reached the clubhouse. They walked up the steps and through the door, seeing Apple Bloom looking over a bunch of papers on the floor.

“I’m back Apple Bloom!” Sweetie cheered. “And Diamond’s here, too.”

“Sweet!” Apple Bloom said. “That’ll make plantin’ these seeds so much easier. Ah drew out all the places we could plant ‘em, and I even got some pots from the farmhouse to-”

“Uh, Diamond isn’t feeling very good,” Sweetie said. The farm filly snapped out of her rambling and saw Diamond, who indeed was looking pretty sad.

“Huh?” Apple Bloom said, approaching the rich filly. “What’s bitin’ ya?”

“I’d rather wait until the others get here,” Diamond said. “It’s something you all need to know.”

“Alright,” Apple Bloom nodded. “But in the meantime, ya mind helpin’ me and Sweetie plant these here seeds?”

For the rest of the hour, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Diamond Tiara dug up holes around the clubhouse and planted the seeds. When Scootaloo arrived, they assigned her to plant seeds in the flower pots Apple Bloom gathered. By the time they were done, 10 flower pots had been filled, and the seeds outside the clubhouse formed a nice, big ring around the tree. Silver Spoon and Zipporwhill arrived at the clubhouse shortly after, followed by Twist a couple minutes later.

“Thorry I’m late,” Twist said. “But I brought everypony peppermint thtickths. Made by me of courth!”

“Maybe later, Twist,” Scootaloo said. “We’re kinda in the middle of something.”

“What’th wrong?” the cream-colored filly asked.

“‘What’s wrong’ is that Diamond is feeling sad and she wanted to wait until everypony came to the clubhouse to talk about it,” Zipporwhill said. “But now that you’re here, everypony is here, which means Diamond can tell us, so tell us tell us tell us TELL US!”

“Uh, Zip, you mind backing off?” Silver said. “I don’t think Diamond appreciates you flying so close to her face.”

“Oh, sorry,” Zipporwhill said, flying back a bit. “But I REALLY wanna know, so tell us!”

“Yeah, if yer sad, then we can help you out,” Apple Bloom said. “That’s what friends do.”

“Thanks girls,” Diamond sighed. A moment of silence fell upon the fillies, Diamond wanted to tell thing about the nightmare that was eating her from inside out all morning, but couldn't form the right words. Looking for a distraction, she suddenly remembered something.

"Mother is coming back tomorrow afternoon," Diamond finally said.

"Oh right," Scootaloo sighed. "Ms. Prissy-Pants. Whoopee."

"Ah forgot about yer ma," Apple Bloom said.

"Who's Diamond's mom? And what's her coming back supposed to mean?" Zipporwhill asked.

"Oh, that's right, you weren't here," Diamond said, rubbing the back of her neck. "In the nicest terms I can possibly use, Mother being home means less time I can spend with you all."

"Aw man!" Zipporwhill moaned while stomping the ground with her hoof... or the air above the ground since she was hovering in typical hummingbird fashion. "But hanging out with you is fun! It's not gonna be the same if our seven-tet is down to a six-tet!"

"Seven... tet?" Scootloo said. "That's not even a word!"

"Well what else would you call a team of seven?" Zipporwhill argued. Diamond couldn't help but giggle at this argument.

"Alright, enough about seven-tet," Silver giggled before turning to look at the pink filly. "We know your Mother is pretty hard on you, but all of us are here for you."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle agreed. "Cutie Mark Crusaders always have each other's backs!"

Diamond's smile faded at the mention of Crusaders looking out for one another, as once again memories of her nightmare played in her head.

"There's... something else I wanna tell you," Diamond said. Everypony paid their undivided attention as Diamond relived the episode.

“So I had a nightmare,” she began. “A REALLY bad nightmare. It was a nice sunny day and I was going to the clubhouse when I found all of you in a huddle talking about something. Then I saw Twist crying and went to see what happened, then she snapped at me saying it was my fault. Then the rest of you confronted me and showed me an extremely mean letter that I wrote, calling her fat and smelly, making fun of her mane, and telling her to get… run over by a carriage. Then y-you all walked away and told me to never come back to the clubhouse again and… and I r-ran away and tripped in some mud and… and th-th-that’s when I woke up.”

Wiping the tears forming at the corner of her eyes, she darted her eyes around the room to see everypony’s reactions. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates, Zipporwhill gaped with the only thing not frozen in place being her buzzing wings, Silver Spoon had a hoof over her mouth, and Sweetie Belle looked like she was on the verge of being a crying mess. Twist took it the hardest, and immediately threw Diamond into a hug.

“I’m THO thorry about that dream,” she whailed.

“That sounds awful!” Silver said.

“So we… we kicked out to the curb?” Sweetie said, her voice going just above a whisper.

“OMC! OMC! How can you even GET a dream that bad!?” Zipporwhill said as she was practically bouncing off the walls.

“And you just acted so calm and collected after that!?” Scootaloo said.

“QUIET!” Apple Bloom shouted, everypony turning to face her. “Ah don’t think Diamond appreciates this much ‘in yer face’. We should give her some space.”

“Thank you,” Diamond said meekly.

"We're all sorry ya had to have a dream like that," Apple Bloom said. "But Ah don't think anythin' like that's gonna happen in real life anytime soon. We're as close as Zap and Apples!" Everypony else nodded in agreement.

"Thanks," Diamond said, wiping off a tear and hugging Apple Bloom.

"GROUP HUG!" Zipporwhill called as she flew right behind Apple Bloom and hugged her. Soon enough, everypony else laughed and joined in on the group hug too.

As she shared everypony else's embrace, Diamond felt comfortable and safe. She knew they appreciated her as much as she appreciated them.

"Tho," Twist said, breaking from the hug. "When are we gonna thtart recothtruction?"

At around 12:30 PM, Applejack and Rarity came over to the clubhouse. Rarity's business was having a slow week and Applejack agreed to finish all her farm chores as quick as possible, so both mares were more than open to help. Applejack laid out the blueprints for the new clubhouse she and Apple Bloom made the night before. It was significantly bigger than the old one, being two stories tall and about twice as wide; definitely enough room for seven fillies to hang out together comfortably. The plan also included simpler details like where windows should go, bigger stairs to fit more fillies, bigger closets to store more things, and a special rug with the Crusaders' symbol on the floor.

"Now then, this clubhouse is gonna be bigger, so Ah think it'd be smart to add some extra support," Applejack said.

"So we'll need a couple of big planks of wood to put under the clubhouse and hold it up," Apple Bloom explained. "And then, we'll need more wood to attach 'em to the tree. Everypony understand?"

"Yup!" Scootaloo eagerly said.

"Alright, the first thing we need to do is to move everything out of the clubhouse," Diamond said.

"Right," Rarity agreed. "Me, Diamond, and Silver will work on clearing it out, the rest of you work on getting supplies for construction."

"Sounds like a plan," Applejack said. "C'mon everypony, we got everythin' we need in the farmhouse!"

As the orange mare and her assigned fillies raced off, Diamond, Silver, and Rarity climbed into the clubhouse and got to work. Admittedly, as much as Diamond loved hanging out with the Crusaders, she felt a little uneasy being around their big sisters. No doubt that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle told them of the former bullies' antics, and Applejack even saw her behavior for herself. Would they be as forgiving as the foals she bullied were?

"Anything wrong, darling?" Rarity asked.

Diamond snapped back into reality. She quickly took down a bunch of pictures of foals the team helped off the wall and carried them on her back.

"Nothing's wrong," Diamond said. "It's just... we haven't really 'met' before, and you probably don't know me all that well."

"Believe me, Sweetie Belle has been telling me everything I need to know," Rarity chuckled as she used her magic to carry more pictures outside. "Ever since she made one, two, three, FOUR new friends, she's been running her mouth nonstop of all the new adventures you girls have."

"Did she tell you about the time Diamond and Scootaloo argued about weather red or green grapes were better?" Silver Spoon joked from inside, pushing a table down the steps. "I've never heard them throw so many insults at each other in my life!"

"It wasn't an argument, it was a discussion!" Diamond quickly corrected, putting the pictures she was carrying neatly in a large wooden cart. "Besides, that filly deserved all those insults, who the hay prefers green grapes!?" Despite her wanting to sound high and mighty with her opinion, she couldn't help but let a giggle slip.

"Sure it was," Silver replied sarcastically as she continued pushing the table.

"Well, don't worry about me," Rarity said as she laid her pictures down with Diamond's. "Sweetie was always close enough to the girls that I could practically call them family, I'm sure with time we'll get close to one another."

"Yeah but..." Diamond said. "What about all the times I called her names? Aren't you at least a LITTLE concerned I might hurt her again?"

Rarity simply gave the pink filly a warm smile. "Sweetie told me how she and the other Crusaders helped you rekindle with Silver Spoon. She explained how genuine you seemed about wanting to turn over a new leaf. About wanting to abandon your old ways and become a better filly. And that's all the confirmation I needed."

"So... you aren't upset with me?" Diamond asked as she picked up a stool and carried it down the steps.

"Perhaps I was in the past," Rarity answered, using her magic to roll up a rug. "But that's ancient history now. I now see you for the filly you are, one who wants to be a friend and help everypony."

"Thank you Ms. Rarity," Diamond smiled. "I... really needed to hear that."

"Please, just call me Rarity," the white mare giggled. "The others should be back soon, so let's hurry up and- Silver, you're going to hurt yourself if you try to carry that toy chest on your own! Let me help you!"

By the time Applejack and the others came back with a giant cart of supplies, the clubhouse was already cleared. The foundation of the clubhouse could stay, but everything else needed to be taken down, which Applejack took care of by herself. All the bucked-down walls and windows were safely picked up by Rarity and Sweetie Belle's magic, so as to avoid anypony getting splinters. Once Applejack was done, Apple Bloom and Twist took down the stairs. Rarity headed back to the Carousel Boutique to start on the giant rug, leaving everypony else to start construction.

"Alright everypony," Applejack called. "It won't be easy, but if we all work together, we can get this clubhouse built in no time!"

"What do we do firtht?" Twist asked.

"You girls start buildin' the stairs," Applejack said. "Me, Apple Bloom, and Diamond are gonna start on the walls. Sweetie, go check in with Rares to see how the rug is goin'."

"Got it!" Sweetie said as she ran for the Carousel Boutique. Everypony else went for the cart of supplies. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara grabbed hammers and a large box of nails, while Applejack pulled out a couple large pieces of wood.

"So how's this gonna work?" Apple Bloom asked.

Diamond took a look around and saw a pretty tall, square piece of wood. Then she saw another next to it.

"Apple Bloom, grab one of those wooden rods and hold it upright," Diamond said. "Applejack, do the same with the other."

"Ah see where yer goin' with this," Applejack said as she and Apple Bloom took the wood and held them in the ground facing upward. The two stood a good distance away from each other. Diamond then took a plank and pushed it across the ground, leaning it against Apple Bloom's rod, making the edges parallel to each other. She took another plank and held it against Applejack's, with about half going past the wooden pole.

"Applejack, move a bit farther away," Diamond said. The farm mare obliged, and scooted the rod over.

"Perfect!" the pink filly said. "Now stay there while I hammer these in!"

Apple Bloom couldn't help but giggle as Diamond raced to grab a hammer.

"And what's so funny?" Diamond playfully asked.

"Ah never would have pegged ya as the handymare type," Apple Bloom said. "Snooty rich fillies like you wouldn't be caught dead workin' on a construction site!"

"Yer Crusader ways rubbin' off on old Diamond over here?" Applejack joked.

"Ah guess they are," Apple Bloom nodded.

"Well to tell you the truth... hard work like this isn't bad at all," Diamond said before hammering a nail in the plank, nailing it to the rod. "It's kinda fun with friends."

"Now do ya see what ya'll were missin' out on?" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah," Diamond said bashfully as she trotted over to Applejack's wooden pole.

"Man, if Ah didn't know any better, Ah'd think yer a long-lost Apple family member!" Applejack said, admiring how eager Diamond was to get to work.

Diamond hammered another nail in before she spit the hammer out. "Thanks, Applejack. I'm... real glad all of you gave me a second chance."

"Aw shucks," Applejack said. "Ya'll may have had some bumps in the road, but in the end ya came out a good filly. If Apple Bloom says yer a good friend, that's all Ah need to hear."

"Alright," Diamond said. "I just need to nail in a few more planks, then one of you will need to hold a third rod in the middle for me to nail so that they all stay in place. Then, we can lay the wall on the ground and all work on it easier."

"What about that stray piece of wood?" Apple Bloom said, gesturing to the wood bulging out on Applejack's side.

"We can cut that off later," Applejack said.

"We finished the stairs!" Silver Spoon called out from behind. Right now Scootaloo and Zipporwhill were placing the stairs by the old clubhouse's foundation. It was probably big enough to hold their entire class!

"Yee-haw!" Applejack cheered. "At this rate, we'll be done in no time! Now how's about the rest of you help us with the walls?"

It was 6:45 PM by the time the clubhouse was finished, and it was quite a sight to behold. It was bigger, prettier, and sturdier than ever before. It had all the colors the old clubhouse had, but with far more decoration. Rarity and Sweetie Belle came back with not just a large rug with the Crusaders' logo, but matching curtains to put over the windows too. The giant planks of wood that held up the clubhouse made it look like it was a floating castle, and to the Crusaders, it may as well have been.

Right now, everypony was celebrating inside the Apple family's house, with two apple pies and plenty of cider for their troubles.

"Ah'm proud of ya'll," Applejack said warmly. "If it weren't for everypony in this room, and especially Diamond's leadership, we probably never would have finished that clubhouse."

"And now our clubhouse is bigger and better than EVER!" Zipporwhill said as she took a big bite out of her slice of pie. "We can now have much more fun crusading or coming up with games to play or playing the games we come up with!"

"Hey, has Zipporwhill asked for your autograph yet, Rarity?" Scootaloo asked. "She went ballistic when she found out she was friends with a sister of the Pony Tones."

"I sure did go ballistic!" Zipporwhill cheered.

"She did ask for my autograph..." Rarity giggled, taking a small sip of cider. "More than once..."

Diamond simply sat in her seat and ate the rest of her pie. She was probably the most proud of how the clubhouse turned out. After only recently finding her cutie mark was to represent her being a natural-born leader, she was happy she was able to use it to complete such a project.

Then she looked at the clock. 7:15 PM. Filthy Rich wanted her back soon, but she figured she could stay for a little longer. That got her to think about the return of Spoiled tomorrow afternoon. She still needed to find a away to keep her new position as a Cutie Mark Crusader secret from her mother, and just what did she have in mind about training Diamond to inherit the Rich family's fortune? She was about to find out soon.

But she pushed those thoughts aside, and looked around the room. She saw Apple Bloom and Scootaloo playfully nudging each other, Zipporwhill making faces while Twist laughed, Sweetie and Silver having a nice conversation, and Rarity and Applejack smiling at the fillies who worked so hard today. A smile grew on Diamond's face, for she knew that no matter what would happen, she would always have them as friends.

Author's Note:

I was in a bit of a rut because I couldn't figure out how to do the second half of this chapter, but then I thought of how it'd be interesting if she had some interaction with Rarity and Applejack :ajsmug::raritywink: Then I worked in Diamond using her leadership skills for something constructive and working together with her friends, which is a side the show has hardly shown of her.

Again... REALLY wish we would have gotten at least one more episode centered on her to give her a proper sendoff :ajbemused: but what am I gonna do? Keep writing fanfictions, that's what!