• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 1,991 Views, 16 Comments

Daring Do and The Turquoise Serpent - Time Pony Victorious

Daring Do takes on an adventure of grand proportions, with an unlikely ally.

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Chapter 11



Dancing on the Moon

This super speed thing was great. If anypony was wondering how it felt to run at the speed of sound, it's like this: when Daring moved, everything was in slow-motion and she was running normally. Thankfully, the amulet was charmed to protect Dare's body and, thank Celestia, her clothes. Though, she was starving at this point.

However, Danus wasn't amused by this supersonic mare and decided to do something about it.

Dare ran straight to Danus then curved her path to come up to Danus's side. A second before impacting her, Danus grinned, teleported and let Dare ran straight into a building.

A Daring shaped hole appeared at the side of a convenience store she managed to stop before going through the building entirely but she managed to wreck the place. Shaking her head, Dare tried to get rid of her disorientation and smiled; this amulet was good. Normally, she would have been torn up by that crash.

Just then, Danus teleported right in front of Dare.

"You have Arion's speed," admitted Danus. "But not his mastery."

When Dare stood up, her legs felt like jelly. Her entire body felt so weak that it felt like her muscles were melting.

"I commend you, brave Daring Do, but," Danus' horn glowed and Dare began to levitate. "You lose."

She hated being levitated; it made her feel so useless and helpless! Dare tried to run mid-air but couldn't; she was trapped.

"Oh ponyfeathers..."

Suddenly, Dare found herself flying away from Danus and out in the street as fast as, well, sound. Crashing on the ground, she rolled for extra measures scraping her body rather nicely.

"I have more important business to attend to than foalsitting you," Danus explained. Her horn glowed again and magic surrounded her body, she was teleporting!

Dare got up as fast as she could and galloped over to Danus. Danus' teleporting was much faster than Dare's galloping, but she couldn't let Danus get away; she needed to be faster. A second before actually teleporting, Dare leapt and tackled Danus, teleporting with her.

Daring Do fell to the ground and shivered; it was freezing. Dust kicked up and covered Dare, it was like soil but way too sticky. She got up, looking around, where had Danus teleported them at? From here, the sun could still be seen inside of Xiuhcoatl's mouth but that wasn't all she could see, she would also see… the earth?

Blinking, Daring looked down and saw lunar soil at her hooves, turning around she saw… the moon.

Celestia help her. No, even she can't help her, Celestia's sphere of influence ends here, all that is up here that can help is Danus and Nightmare Moon.

"You have gotten on my last nerve!" Danus appeared behind her, horn glowing. A magic bolt shot out of her horn, but it hit nothing. Dare reeled back for a good old fashion headbutt. The impact pushed Danus back; Dare felt a few ribs crack from that attack and, as expected, Danus doubled over and began coughing her lungs out, figuratively.

Her hat managed to protect that already thick skull of hers, but it was dented at the top. Pawing the ground, Dare growled. "Ready for round two?"

Just then, Dare's hooves melted into the ground. Looking down, she noticed that the ground was swallowing her hooves. Danus stood, sneering. "Oh, yes, I really am."

The changeling pummeled and physically abused Daring while she was helpless. Kicking, punching, and magic attacks you name it. The entire endeavor left Daring nearly comatose as she lay there, breathing shallowly. When satisfied, Danus exhaled in relief, "Whew, I feel a lot better."

Unconcerned with the now incapacitated Daring, Danus walked over and past her.

"Now, I have a little business to conduct with Nightmare Moon," chuckled Danus.

Daring's body felt weak, too weak to get up or to even think; even breathing hurt. She just wanted to lay there and rest for a little bit. Just… for a few minutes.

"Fair Daring Do. Please, you must get up!"

Tentatively, her eyes opened and Princess Luna stood before her. She wasn't a ghost, she was a solid mare, and her eyes welled up with concern and fear. She nuzzled Daring, trying to rouse her into staying conscious.

"Please," she begged. "You must get up. Princess Danus is approaching Nightmare Moon's prison!"

"L…Luna," Dare croaked, "How are you here? The seal broke? Or I'm dead…"

Despite this desperate situation, Luna laughed lightly. "No, fair Daring Do, I told you, my power is strongest at night, and since the sun has been eaten it is eternal night. I have enough strength to produce a corporeal form, though not enough to break free and stop Danus; but my strength is growing through each passing minute, which means-"

"Nightmare Moon's power grows as well," Daring struggled to get up but crumbled over her weakness. "I have to… stop her."

Daring tried to get up again and nearly fell over if it wasn't for Luna who caught her. Helping Dare to her feet, Luna let Dare lean on her shoulder, trying to keep her from collapsing again.

"Here," said Luna. "I am no expert in the healing arts, but this will invigorate you."

Luna's horn glowed and touched Daring's forehead and her pain melted away. She felt cool and strong… in fact, she felt really good; a huge burst of energy exploded in Daring's body. It felt like somepony injected her with adrenaline. She could run ten marathons!

"Woo, I-I feel good..." A wave of euphoria washed over Daring's mind, making it a little hard to think. "W-What was that spell?"

"It was originally conceived by my sister, a pick-me-up spell. When we were younger, she used it often on me during our slumber parti-"


Even without Arion's amulet, Daring felt like she could run at the speed of sound. She raced to Danus and caught up instantly. Danus was too close to Nightmare Moon's prison, it's now or never Dare!

Tackling Danus the two went rolling around the lunar soil, Dare pinned Danus but she countered with a few good punches that would've connected had Dare not dodged them all perfectly.

"You'll. Pay. For. That!" Punctuating each dodge, Dare quickly pummeled Danus like a punching bag at supersonic speed.

"Move it!" Danus roared and a wall of force pushed Dare off her and slammed into the ground. Acting fast, Danus got up and stood over Nightmare Moon's prison. "Hello my little pony, did you miss me?"


Its voice wasn't like the Nightmare Moon that possessed Luna, it was a voice of pure evil, a true mare of the dark, warped by jealousy and negativity. Even Danus looked unnerved by Nightmare Moon's sudden ability to speak; her power must be growing faster than expected.

Luna came to meet Daring. "Daring Do, you must get up, she intends to release Nightmare Moon!"

"Princess Luna, with all due respect, why don't you stop her?" the euphoria was starting to run out; the pain was starting to come back…

"I cannot. Although I am able to maintain a solid form I am powerless, the seal that has trapped Nightmare Moon has trapped me as well. When Nightmare Moon is freed, I will be as well."

"Wait, would Nightmare Moon come out in… that form?" she couldn't imagine the damage Nightmare Moon would do if that monster was released.

"Unless someone acts as her proxy, yes."

Slowly, Daring realized what Luna was saying. "Wait, in order to control and restrict that… monster, you have to let it possess you? But, Princess Luna, that's crazy and trust me, I know crazy!"

"It is my punishment fair Daring, my jealously allowed Nightmare Moon to grow and become the thing she is today. It is only fitting that I keep Nightmare Moon locked down here and repent on my childishness." Luna sadly explained.

It wasn't fair, it really wasn't. Luna has to sacrifice her body, her life into keeping this monster in check? For one little mistake? Even though she only knew Luna for a little bit, she knew that Luna was a sweet mare; in all honesty, she reminded her of Felicity. Both are very caring, very concerned, and always burden too much responsibility on themselves.


"Daring Do," the alicorn interrupted with a firm and authoritative voice. "As your princess, I order you to stop being so foolish and stop the changeling princess before it is too late."

Part of her wanted to let Nightmare Moon be released, just so Luna could have a normal life, but she knew that Luna would be disappointed on account of how the world would be ending.

Instead, Daring stood up, smiling confidently. "Yes ma'am."

"You were foolish," Danus muttered to Nightmare Moon. "Possessing and taking advantage of a foal like Luna. Hmph, what a waste of power. I will show you who is worth your strength."

Danus's horn glowed and a powerful lightning bolt shot out and hit the chains that tied Nightmare Moon down. One hoof was free. Danus shot out another bolt and Dare ran toward her at top speed. Another hoof was free and, as fast as thought, Nightmare Moon broke free and clawed at Danus. As the hoof hit, Daring tackled Danus out of the way and took the full brunt of the attack.

Darkness enveloped Daring's sight.

When she was able to see again, Daring nearly threw up from the disorientation.

She could see everything. She could see the chaos ensuing at Las Pegasus, Manehattan and J.J. ranting and raving about Mare Do Well, she could see her house at Canterlot, Calypso calling grooming herself in front of her mirror, everything.

Daring could get used to this omnipresence thing.

But it was a bit confusing as well; she could only see things when she thought about them. Whenever a stray thought comes by, she would instantly see that thought rather than what's in front of her. It's like watching television and every second somepony changes the channel back and forth.

Daring needed to clear her mind; she needed to focus on Danus.

Her line of sight switched to Danus who stomped angrily in front of her, cursing Daring with words she never even heard of.

"You will PAY for that!" screeched Danus.

She looked down and noticed why Danus was so angry. Her legs were wire-thin and she was so much taller. Her coat was now that color of shadows, she felt her wingspan was much bigger than before and even felt the presence of a horn on her forehead. Magic coursed through her body, she had the strength of an alicorn, the strength of a princess; she was Nightmare Moon.

Daring laughed but it wasn't her voice, it was a sultry, mature voice. "Finally! I am free from my prison!"

She looked to the left and saw Princess Luna, glaring at her. "Nightmare Moon! What have you done with Daring Do?"

Wait, what?

She wanted to tell Luna that she still was Daring Do, but the words wouldn't come out. "Oh, don't worry about her," she chuckled, it was like the purr of a lioness. "She is safe in here. I'll admit, for a pegasus, this Daring Do has a powerful will. She has not yet succumbed to the power that would drive ordinary ponies insane."

"Ms. Do is not an ordinary pony and neither am I," threatened Luna. "Now, release her and take me instead!"

"You are still a foal," Nightmare Moon said. "I do not need you anymore. Your will was exceptionally powerful and she fought me the entire time of our… symbiotic relationship. And while Daring Do is strong, her will can be broken."

"Wait!" yelled Danus, looking particularly angry at both Nightmare Moon and Luna. "Do you think you can just get away with this? No, this is far from over. I will handle Nightmare Moon; you just sit there and look pretty Princess Luna, I will deal with you later."

"Princess Danus, we must settle whatever differences we have. You are no match for Nightmare Moon, we must team up to-"

"I don't think so!" snarled Danus. "After you and your sister banished me, I swore never to depend on you weaklings. I didn't need your help back then, and I do not need it now."


Danus ignored her and charged Daring. As much as Daring wanted to take down Danus Canterlot-style, she hesitated. She couldn't succumb to the power of Nightmare Moon, she needed to remain defiant in order to keep her sanity.

But her body wouldn't listen to her; she dodged Danus's attack and blasted her with earth-shattering magic. Danus shot downward so fast she created a crater. It is hard to explain, but Daring knew Danus was still alive, she could still feel her presence.

Daring laughed, she laughed so manically that she couldn't tell if it was Nightmare Moon laughing or if it was really her.

Having this much power was intoxicating, she could come up with a thousand ways to beat Danus and each one of them didn't use even a fourth of her power. She could now understand why Luna went a little nuts when she became Nightmare Moon, this power… it felt good!

"AHAHAHA!" Daring flew down and blasted Danus's crater a few times, Luna took flight and kicked her. Daring, tumbling in the sky, turned and glared at Luna, shooting more magic at Luna; she wanted to snuff out her entire existence.

Luna produced a force field and deflected all of those shots at Daring. She had managed to dodge a few but two of them hit. Daring winced, expecting extraordinary pain, but she felt nothing. It didn't even scratch her!

She laughed again; she was unstoppable!

No. She needed to stop, she needed to control herself. Daring was getting drunk on power and slowly losing her mind to Nightmare Moon; as Spidermare once said, 'With great power, comes great responsibili-' Ah ponyfeathers!

Daring barely dodged a huge pillar of fire Danus produced. Taking flight, Danus flew right beside Luna, eyes and horn glowing.

"Fine, for this moment, I will allow you to help me." Danus decided.

"Good of you to see the light." Luna smirked, it was an odd team, but hey, what are you going to do?

With that, the two charged her.

The bout was an epic one; it could probably be seen from Equestria, it was so powerful. The three flew around the moon, blasting each other with magic that, when they hit their mark, exploded like so many fireworks. But none of the attacks were hitting Nightmare Moon.

She dodged and parried each attack with so much ease it was embarrassing. Every attack she did, however, always hit their mark. Luna staggered, Daring prepared a fireball spell but Danus roared and tackled her.

She grappled with Nightmare Moon and managed to keep her in place. "Now!" cried Danus.

Luna didn't hesitate and shot the two. The attack didn't hurt, per se, but it made her dazed for a moment, it was long enough for Danus to take advantage of.

"You're mine!" hissed Danus. Her horn glowed and touched the back of Daring's neck and all of her strength disappeared, she felt like her soul was being torn from her body and put into a jar. She was being absorbed by Danus and she couldn't stop it.

The last thing she heard was Danus's maniacal laughter.

She lost.