• Published 29th Nov 2011
  • 5,737 Views, 175 Comments

The Legend of Mare-Do-Well - JD2K

Pinkie Pie chooses to stay as Mare-Do-Well. For a good reason, too.

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Chapter 13

The Legend of Mare-Do-Well
Chapter 13: The Voice of Justice
by JD2K

Mare-Do-Well stood still. There was nothing she could do. No time for a fancy getaway nor a quick escape. Captain Halberd stood triumphantly over her.

“How about we stop this little charade now? It is time for your little game to end, Mare-Do-Well. Or do you prefer to be called Miss…” he sneered as he lowered his head down and caught a flap of cloth with his teeth. He pulled up with one swift motion that knocked her hat off her head and exposed her face to the lukewarm air of the setting sun.

All the ponies present merely gasped.

“Pinkie! Hey, Pinkie Pie!”

The shout from the energetic Rainbow Dash was more than enough to make the pink earth pony come back to her senses. Her eyes darted around and she saw all her friends, employers and Spike, looking at her with confused looks.

“Are ya alright, sugarcube? Y’all were paralyzed like ya ate a bad batch of applesauce,” said Applejack with a hint of concern.

Pinkie Pie merely giggled and hoofwaved them. “Aw come on, AJ! My iron tummy can take any food any day! Except for liquid rainbows, that is; I mean, whew! That stuff was hotter than hot. It was super mega hot! And I can handle a lot of spicy stuff! It runs in my family! My pa was the first to actually eat an entire Palomino Peril pepper whole and live to tell it! Can you imagine it?! An entire Palomino Peril! It took me ten tries of eating merely a slice of it before I could stomach an entire pepper like he did. Wowie Zowie! Those nomad ponies and burros who live in the San Palomino Desert know their hot stuff! Say, isn’t Los Pegasus close by? Ooh! I always wanted to go to Applewood and see all those famous actors! Oooh! Or maybe also visit Uneighversal Studios or even…”

As she went on, everyone relaxed their stares and went back to having fun. Seeing them finally avert their gazes, Pinkie stopped her rambling and looked at the ground with a hint of solemnity. Just what was that she saw? Was this vision of Halberd exposing Mare-Do-Well and unmasking her in front of all of Ponyville real? She had learned to trust her Pinkie Sense with all her body combos helping her out on the field of battle as Mare-Do-Well, but this was the first time she had a vision. She would have to analyze that more carefully and take the proper precautions to make sure nothing bad comes to pass.

Still, she was there to have fun. The brisk walk back to Ponyville after her dismissal from the hospital felt good and she breathed in the fresh air along the path. Then she gulped. She finally remembered the “state” her room was left in during her period of mourning and dreaded the massive cleanup regimen she was going to do to get it back to a pristine form. Instead, when she arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, she had found her room spotless without a single dust bunny in sight. In addition, her room was decorated with balloons and streamers as her friends, the Cakes, and Spike were there to welcome her back and throw a party in her honor. After one full minute of joyful tears flowing from her eyes like a fountain spout, she was quickly back in her peppy mood and the party got underway. Then she had that vision a couple of hours later and the merriment ceased for her in that second.

“Your attention, everypony,” the purple unicorn began as she levitated a batch of flash cards right next to her and began to read. “As you are all no doubt aware, this party was made not just as a celebration of the return of our beloved friend and wonderful party pony, Pinkie Pie, but also the return of a very important member of our community.” She then slipped into the next card. “Being among trusted friends and loved ones who would do anything to maintain her secret iden-”

A loud knock at Pinkie’s room’s door made the unicorn jump as her cue cards fell to the floor. Fluttershy gulped seeing this happen and quickly went to the door, unfastened the small latch, and opened it up. The fuchsia-colored head of Bundt Cake appeared and she looked very worried.

“I’m sorry to interrupt the party, but um…Uncle Carrot? Aunt Cup?” the nervous niece managed to utter out.

“Yes, what is it, Bundt dear? Is something troubling you?” the kindly baker mare replied with a comforting voice.

“It’s just that we ran out of the berry triffle and some patrons are asking when the next batch will be made…” Bundt finally said with a nervous rubbing of her forehooves.

Mr. Cake nodded. “Yeah, that tends to get sold out as soon as we make it. Tell them we’ll get started on some more tomorrow, ok, sugar cookie?” The part-timer nodded as she closed the door.

Twilight again levitated her cards and resumed, “As I was saying. This is also a special occasion where we thank a special hero in not just the hearts of ponies all over Ponyville but also in our very own liv-”

Another loud knock broke the student’s concentration as the cards fell to the floor. She grumbled even louder as Mr. Cake opened the door. Again, Bundt was standing there.

“Sorry to bother you again but, there’s no more fondant for the special anniversary cake order from Barnyard Bargains. What should I do?” she asked timidly.

Mrs. Cake poked her head forward. “Don’t worry, dear. There should be some leftover royal icing from the wedding cake we made yesterday in the fridge somewhere. Go ahead and use that. Mr. Rich won’t mind too much.” Bundt nodded and dove back outside.

After closing the door, the purple unicorn sighed. “Well I guess I can continue with my-”

Knock. Knock.

“SPEECH!” she snapped as the front of her mane began to get disheveled and her eyes shot daggers towards the door again as the bespectacled filly appeared once more.

“Sorry again! Is it ok if I operate the coffee maker? Merry May says she wants something but I don’t know how to operate it.”

Rainbow Dash groaned as she facehoofed. “Bundt, you tell that featherbrain that Rainbow Dash says if she oversleeps one more time after being up all night due to caffeine, I’m personally assigning her to be weather control partner with Derpy for an entire season!”

Bundt Cake gulped and softly moved her head out as the door closed.

Twilight Sparkle didn’t move an inch as she stared silently at the door. The silence in the room was thick and nopony dared to make a sound as the unicorn’s eyes stared with intent at the door. Minutes passed and she finally relaxed as she levitated her cards once more.

“Well then I guess I can resu-”

Bundt opened the door once more as her head appeared.

“Oh! And I nearly forgot! We just ran out of Luster Dust for the Golden Glaze Gateau and…EEEEK!!!”

The earth pony shrieked as she saw a stack of cards lobbed straight at her with a magenta aura behind it. She quickly closed the door as the cards hit and dispersed themselves all over the foot of the entrance.

“Of all the inconsiderate, no-good buncha sassing-grassing…” Twilight grumbled to herself as she stormed off to a corner of the room to cool down as the others laughed for a few seconds.

Mrs. Cake walked up to Pinkie as did everypony else. “I believe what Twilight was trying to say, gingersnap, is that we’re all really proud of you. To think our own assistant baker and party planner is the great Mare-Do-Well! You’re so special to not just us but all Ponyville, too.”

Pinkie Pie smiled sheepishly. “Aw, Mrs. Cake, I only do this because I like to make people smile. Seeing everypony happy makes me feel all warm, fuzzy and nice on the inside like a warm cup of cocoa. Mmmmm… cocoa…”

Everypony chuckled at their friend and worker. However, her smile quickly faded as she looked down at her forehoof which made them all go silent.

“I just sorta wish I could actually tell everypony how I feel. I mean, I can’t even speak while being her. It’s so sad…” she sighed forlornly.

“Actually…” Twilight finally snapped out of her funk as she walked over to her. “Rarity and I managed to fix that problem.” At that all 5 of her friends smiled in unison.

“Sugarcube, what Twilight gone and done is show she ain’t the Princess’s student fer nuttin’! Ah mean, Ah was a completely different pony!” AJ remarked.

“I was, um, a bit scared, to hear that voice…” Fluttershy replied with a slight blush.

“You and me both! Even I was surprised when I first heard it!” Spike chimed in.

“Of course, that would not do without a complete overhaul of the entire outfit! After you tore it off that fateful night, I knew I had to work much harder to create a masterpiece worthy of the House of Rarity. You could saw your bravery inspired me, Darling.”

Pinkie gasped as she realized Rarity was right. That moment when her grief went into critical, she tore off what remained of her Mare-Do-Well outfit. Obviously, she needed a new suit and it appeared that what Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy mentioned, whatever it was, it came along with the new outfit. Curiosity began to build up within her.

“Go to your closet, Pinkie. That’s where we stored it for you,” Mrs. Cake explained. “We just couldn’t figure out how or where you hide them so we placed them in there. Not to worry. Nopony has them except us and your friends.”

The pink pony gulped as she softly padded to the sliding doors that led to her closet. Her friends and employers stood in two opposite rows as they led her to the doors. She pushed them apart with shaking hooves and her heart nearly skipped a beat.

On a brand new ponyquin, was the brand new Mare-Do-Well outfit. The purple one-piece bodysuit with the high collar now sported pieces of thick dark-blue patches around the chest, hindquarters, flanks, both front and hind legs, and even on all four fetlocks. Never in her life had she seen such elaborate barding on such a magnificent scale. She rubbed her hoof on the barding in front of the chest and she felt it being very thick similar to leather. Seeing as though it came from Rarity, there was obviously more to this than met the eyes. She tried to hold back a tear as on that same piece of chest barding was the familiar bright-blue “M” monogram that was seen in the brooch of the cape.

Speaking of such, the cape was still the same dark blue and connected to the cloth mask with the large bright-blue eyes. This time, however, Pinkie managed to see a near-invisible patch of barding that covered the entire upper head region, down the middle of the forehead and just stopping near the edge of the muzzle. This relieved her greatly as she no longer had to worry about getting hit on the head too much. Considering it was near-invisible, it managed to keep the outline of the stately pony head without making anyone suspect she now had protection there.

Around the back was a brand new utility belt with various pouches and a beautiful buckle with the “M” monogram in the middle that would be shown clearly if she ever reared up. As always it wasn’t flashy-looking but it was practical just how she wanted. The four sets of dark-blue hoof wraps were now attached to each hoof of the new outfit, but now seemed to have the ability to be tightened or loosened as she saw fit, courtesy of an attached strip of leather and cloth Rarity added to the outfit. The final piece was the familiar broad-brimmed hat placed on the head of the ponyquin. It looked the same as before and she figured it for the best. With a history of losing hats easily, it was best for Rarity to keep a stockpile of them in case of emergency.

She turned around slowly as her friends and ebenfactors waited for her reaction. “Everypony, this is wonderful! Thank you so very very very very very very much!!!” She then gathered everyone in one of her reality-defying group hugs and embraced them lovingly. The confused ponies tried to not make sense of this and merely hugged her back.

Once she released them, she went inside the closet and turned on the lightbulb inside. She got on her hind legs, now easier to balance herself on them thanks to her training in Neighponese martial arts. She also felt glad the muscles finally strengthened enough during the exercise therapy Dr. Stable recommended for her recovery. As she remained standing on her hind legs, she reached up from the closet’s interior above the sliding doors and slid her hoof around until she finally found a hidden panel with a button tucked away from prying eyes and pressed it. A soft creaking noise was heard as one of the side walls inside the closet moved away to reveal a dark opening.

With the secret compartment open, Pinkie resumed pushing the ponyquin inside much to the wonder of her guests. When she stepped inside, the wall closed up behind her and left no trace to the contrary of its hidden location. A few minutes passed and the wall opened up again, only this time a more mysterious form stepped forth.

The purple bodysuit hugging every corner of her body as the patches of barding were placed in the exact places to protect the body The tight dark-blue hoof wraps tucked in which protected them from all immediate harm. A purple cape as smooth as silk pressed against her body in the lack of a breeze held in place by a brooch with a blue “M” at front. An elaborate belt with small pouches going around the midsection tied snugly around the body. A cloth headmask that covered her entire face and snout that left two large clear blue “eyes” looking with firmness at the room before her. A large stylish hat rested softly on her head, acting as both a symbol and a distraction if the need arose.

The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well has finally returned.

The small crowd of friends and guests began to stomp softly on the floor (whereas a baby dragon softly clapped his hands) as they marveled at the sight of their heroine. She looked at them and lowered her head as though she was ashamed.

“Now, here’s the surprise. I’m sure as you slipped the mask on, you felt something in your throat, am I right?” Twilight Sparkle asked as she moved forward.

Mare-Do-Well tapped her left front hoof to her cheek and finally nodded.

“Speak. Go ahead. Break the rule. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.” Twilight responded with a sweet smile.

Mare-Do-Well frowned. Breaking one of the rules? No, she couldn’t. It would ruin the magic. Ruin the mystique that was the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. It wouldn’t be right.

Or would it?

With an inner gulp and deep breath, Mare-Do-Well opened her mouth within her mask.

“I am…”

She suddenly gasped. That was not the bright peppy girlish voice that Pinkie Pie talked with. It was the voice of a proper mare. The voice reflected strength, power and emotion. It was the voice of a great leader. The voice of justice. The voice of Bravery. Literally.

“Is this…my voice?” Mare-Do-Well spoke with a hint of wonder. The purple unicorn beside her nodded.

“Ever since you mentioned back at the hospital that you felt it difficult to speak, I made it my personal mission to give Mare-Do-Well her voice. I studied tomes and everything in relation to voice modulation and implants and came up with the same unique voice I heard from your Bravery when we were all inside your mind. I then implanted that voice into the cloth mask so anypony who would wear it, would speak with that special voice. Anypony! Fillies, colts, even bucks! The voice that would come out is the voice you currently now have. Now you’ll never be scared of speaking and worry that Pinkie’s voice will be heard. Mare-Do-Well finally has her voice.”

The masked vigilante lowered her head. Twilight’s smile turned to a sad one wondering what was wrong. Everyone around them softly approached them, also worried. Finally, they all saw Mare-Do-Well’s body tremble slightly. She raised her head up again and everypony could see the forming of damp spots on the lower half of the bright blue eye circles of the mask.

“I…I can finally talk.” She looked at Twilight. If the purple unicorn could, she would see the smile deep inside the mask of the grateful heroine. Mare-Do-Well approached her and gave her a soft nuzzle over her back which Twilight accepted with gratitude.

She lifted her head and looked at everyone in the room. “I thank you, Miss Sparkle. I thank you all for giving me such a wonderful gift. You have managed to free that last shackle of doubt I held and no longer have to fear speaking to my fellow ponies of justice. Also, with this voice I shall strike fear and terror to the roots of evil in the heart of criminals everywhere as I crush them under my hooves. I am now complete. I am finally here. I am the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.”

Before she could speak any further, the telltale jolt climbed across her back and everypony watched her hop a few feet off the ground. The second she landed back on her hooves, she looked at them with a serious gaze. “It’s time I go to work…”

Everyone near her nodded in unison. All except one who bit her lip nervously. Mare-Do-Well approached the open window only to feel a sharp tug at her cape which made her head snap back towards the hindrance. Fluttershy had sunk her teeth into the cape as if she didn’t want her to leave.

“Pleath… You muthth reth…” the yellow pegasus implored only for her to let go and look down in shame. “Um…well, y-you were just now in the hospital and it’s much too soon to do this… Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to tell you what to do…”

Mare-Do-Well maintained her cold frown and the yellow Pegasus squeaked once more as she ducked her head and huddled in a ball. She could feel the majestic mare approach her and she began to whimper. She then felt a comforting hoof on her shoulder, making her look up. The cold hard stare was gone and replaced by a much softer gaze as much as a cloth mask could muster.

“Dearest Fluttershy, you always look out for me,” Mare-Do-Well spoke with tenderness. “You, of all ponies, should know I value your advice greatly,” She left off a sigh as she looked to the window “But I have rested for far too long. I am needed and I have to get to work. You must understand, don’t you?”

The timid pony meekly nodded her head and gave her a comforting gaze. Satisfied, Mare-Do-Well made her way back to the window. She turned around to face her guests.

Twilight looked at the rest of the Elements and gave a single nod, which each returned the same gesture. “Pinkie-I mean, Mare-Do-Well, we won’t stop you, but we understand,” the unicorn protégé stated, “This is your first time back since that incident, so please be careful.”

With those words, the five fillies softly walked out the door, with Twilight picking up all her scattered cards at once, arrange them in a pile and placed them in one of her saddlebags along the way out. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were the only ones left.

“Seems Twilight already took the words out of our mouths, sweetie-pie. Not to worry, we’ll tell Bundt that you went to sleep early. Just try to not get yourself too hurt, please?” the blue mare replied kindly as she and her mate started to walk out. Mr. Cake popped his head back in and gave her a warm smile.

“Go get ‘em, lollipop!”

With those words, the door closed. Mare-Do-Well walked towards the open window and stopped to look at the scene. The moon bathed the town in a soft glow overhead as several streetlights flickered around and to the distance while ponies were milling about enjoying the nightlife. She placed a hoof over her heart and stared silently below for a few seconds as her eyes closed in a silent prayer.

For the ponies of Ponyville.

For her friends and loved ones.

For Gummy.

Bending her legs, she took a tremendous leap out of the open window and landed on a roof nearby. Tuning in her Pinkie Sense, she headed towards the source of the disturbance.


In any normal night, the exterior of the dance club would be filled with ponies in single file waiting to enter after being checked by the bouncer. Once they were allowed in, the thumping music and beats spun by the resident DJ P0N-3, the colorful lightshows from various magic-imbued strobe lights and the well-stocked bar with various refreshments like salt, juices and some more “hard” liquids satisfied the energetic patrons looking for a good time.

This was not one of those nights.

Mare-Do-Well didn’t need to see the various ponies outside with visible injuries, walking around in a daze or simply unconscious to know something was not right at the dance club. It looked more like a war zone. Ambulance carts were placed in positions out of danger as emergency pony crews tended to injured patrons and passers-by while other vehicles were already in route to the hospital to treat the far more critical patients. Meanwhile, police unicorns and sturdy earth pony officers were in the middle of subduing by either magic or strength a large group of clubgoers who were resisting arrest.

The vigilante carefully examined the area as she stood atop a roof of a building across from the club. The ponies she saw fighting the police were your standard fare of town ponies out for a good time. Some were stallions and others mares. Most were earth ponies but a few were unicorns and pegasi.

Though, they all shared one same common denominator: Every last one of them was able to withstand magic stun shots or bucks to their stomachs and heads and still stay on their feet. They seemed possessed of a supernatural amount of strength and stamina that was unseen in normal pony folk before.

Her curiosity got the best of her as she noticed that the pegasi and unicorns, despite their inherent abilities of magic and flight, resorted to simply charge and attack their opponents as if they were in a mad lust for physical combat using their wings as large hands or their horns as sharp bayonets.

This was not good. She noted these mad-ponies were slowly taking advantage of the police officers that were showing signs of fatigue and injury. Unless they received back-up, they would be gravelly wounded or worse. It was time to act.

Her sharp eyes noticed a point of entry a few feet below her. A crazed earth pony stallion was standing over a dazed Officer Gold Whistler who was on the ground trying to get his bearing once more. The stallion reared up ready to slam his front hooves down on the young officer and possibly injure him critically.

Mare-Do-Well prepared her legs, jumped off and made a beeline for the attacker. She spun around in midair and extended her hind legs out in a torpedo strike that connected with the lawbreaker’s head with a loud crack and sent him flying into the side of the club’s wall from the impact.

The vigilante went to check on Gold Whistler as she helped him get back on his hooves. “Young officer, are you allright?” she asked him.

The earth pony officer breathed in and out multiple times and finally looked at his savior. “I am, thanks to you. I-”

He took a step back in surprise.

“Mare-Do-Well! You’re back! And… you can finally talk?!” He then shook his head. “Aw, who cares about that! The important thing is you’re here! Look, we need your help. We have to subdue all these rowdy civilians and restore order before it gets out of the hand,” He looked at the officers around him doing their best in subduing the unruly herd. “If we don’t stop them right here and now, they could go on a stampede and Ponyville will be in serious trouble!”

Mare-Do-Well didn’t need to be told twice and nodded. “That is what I am here for. Too long I have been away. The ponies of Ponyville need me, I am here. I will help you in any way I can.”

“That’s what we want to hear and…” Gold Whistler then gasped. “LOOK OUT!”

Her tail suddenly began to twitch madly within the bodysuit.

The shout and her warning was more than enough to let her know to dodge hard to the side. A powerful double slam of front hooves came down from above her head and crushed the ground she was just on. That was close. She turned around to face who was foolish enough to try and attack her. Her eyes opened wide in surprise.

The same buck she just torpedo-kicked was not just already up and moving, but now stared at her with murder in his bloodshot eyes. She then saw the blasts of hot air from his flared nostrils and thick foam coming out of his clenched teeth. Her eyes quickly scoured the rest of the raucous patrons and they too had the same telltale signs as the stallion she was fighting. Were these symptoms of their lust for battle? Just what happened to them?

“Halt! Do not make me hurt you. Stand your ground or else I shall be force to-”

She didn’t have time to finish when the stallion charged at her with an enraged neigh. She dodged his attack by leapfrogging over him the second before he could hit her. The maddened horse turned around just to see a powerful mule kick strike him squarely in the jaw. Mare-Do-Well’s eyes opened wide seeing him shrug off a blow that would incapacitate any other pony. She quickly regained composure and struck once more with another bucking kick once to the face and then another to the stomach which finally succeeded in making the stallion cough up a small amount of spittle and crashed down to the floor.

Soon more of the crazed-looking ponies began to converge on her and the vigilante prepared herself for the onslaught as she held her ground. The horde approached her and she could feel their intent to destroy shooting out of their reddened eyes as more foam came out from between their teeth. She lowered her head to prepare for the first opponent.

“I fear nopony. Come at me!”

The herd stopped in their tracks as their eyes changed from scowling to wide open as they slowly took trembling steps backward. They quickly dispersed, leaving Mare-Do-Well relieved. Sure, she was fully healed after the lengthy hospital visit, but it was better to avoid fighting an entire mob.

“Good. Maybe now the officers will-”


The herd didn’t run away for a reason.

“…or perhaps not…”

Thundering hoofsteps began to approach her by the sound of the minor tremors getting closer and closer with each thump coming from behind. Turning around, Mare-Do-Well stood face-to-face with a muscle-bound white Pegasus stallion with his dirty blonde mane cut short into a buzzcut and foaming teeth clench in a snarl. Everything about his physique screamed enormity: His legs, his chest, his neck, the veins popping out everywhere, his wings… No, not his wings as they were the size of a newborn’s like Pound Cake. Even so, this stallion was nothing to laugh at. Of all the ponies she could fight, Bulk Biceps was not one she was ever looking forward to. She moaned under her breath.

“This. This will hurt.”

The titanic Pegasus pawed the ground and charged straight at her like an incoming train. Mare-Do-Well immediately moved to the side to easily dodge him, or so she thought. She did an incredulous double take as she saw Bulk change direction in his charge by using his miniscule wings as rudders and zeroed in on her!

“Mother of Celest-!”

She didn’t have a chance as he sent her flying and landed a few feet away with tremendous force. Not since the time Rainbow Dash bowled over the Elements during their attempt to get rid of the sleeping dragon some time ago did was she knocked so high into the air. Fortunately, the barding padded into her bodysuit softened most of the impact. She had to rethink her strategy and fast before Bulk trampled her into a pony pancake.

The muscle-bound buck charged at her once more, making the heroine weave to the side and just as before the tiny wing-rudders changed the angle of Bulk Biceps’ charge. This time she waited until he was close enough, and leapt up in the air.

She managed to not just avoid getting run over, but also latch on to his back. He neighed loudly as he felt her presence up on his back and began to wildly buck and jump around trying to get her off. Mare-Do-Well hung on for dear life but her ride ended abruptly as Bulk finally managed to send her sailing off his back and landed hard on the ground below. Again the barding saved her once more, but she knew it wasn’t going to hold out much longer. Mare-Do-Well quickly stood up and looked back to where Bulk Biceps stood once more, preparing for another bull-like charge.

Frustration began to build up on her. There had to be a way to stop him so she could finally subdue his rage. But how? Every time she tried to dodge, he simply homed in on her using his wings to change direction. Her eyes light up as she finally came up with a plan. It was worth a shot, she thought to herself. Anything is better than being plowed over.

The second Bulk charged again, she reached into her utility bags and took out a couple of smoke balls. The last two she had inside her secret chamber. She cursed herself for not getting a fresh supply of anything from Zecora after the whole incident with Caballus. Now she only had one shot. She hoped for the best.

Bulk Biceps charged at her once more, but this time she didn’t dodge. Just a few seconds from impact, she threw the smoke pellets and rolled away. The tiny spheres struck the battle-frenzied pegasus right in the face, blinding him under a thick cloud of smoke.

As he sputtered and coughed, Bulk had no time to use his wings to maneuver around and smashed his head and body against the side of the club that shook the building and nearby ground. Mare-Do-Well turned to face her foe, who managed to get dislodged from the wall but was still in a daze over the smoke blinding him and the impact with the wall.

Now was her chance.

She galloped up to the woozy pegasus, planted her forehooves firmly on the ground and twisted the back of her body in a circle to give him a double-roundhouse kick using both hindlegs. She followed that up by once against standing on her hindlegs and started to strike the beefy horse’s face and jaw with a constant flurry of rapid hoof jabs. She didn’t know how many she landed as she lost count around the 50th strike. By now, Bulk’s entire face and snout was swollen with black and blue bruises but he was still standing by just the sheer will of whatever drove his battle rage. It was time for her final blow.

She took a few steps back and galloped straight towards the large equine form, jumping up in the air and landing directly on his thick back. From there, she used him as a stepping stone to leap towards the wall. She performed an amazing triangle jump as soon as she touched the hard stone surface and leapt even higher in the air. She stared down and saw Bulk Biceps bob his head from side to side as he tried to regain his bearings. The move she was going to pull off was risky but more than enough to knock out a behemoth like him.

She performed a couple somersaults and rolls in the air, tucked her legs in tightly and targeted his head. Closing her eyes, she braced herself.


Mare-Do-Well connected the cannonball dive perfectly on the dazed Bulk’s skull as she bounced off his enormous noggin and landed safely on the ground.

The brawny stallion’s eyes started to circle around their sockets and he began to teeter from side to side. The vigilante swore she could actually see the tiny stars circling around his head.

“Yeeeeeaaaah……” Bulk managed to moan out as he finally fell to the floor, causing a slight tremor from the impact. His eyes then slowly closed and he finally stood still.

Mare-Do-Well took some deep breaths as she got up and ignored the small pain across her muscles after being thrown around like a ragdoll but also after landing her rump right on his head. She turned to face the rest of the scene and was pleased that the police finally took care of the rest of the crazed patrons.

The police carts were finally able to arrive to take the rowdy mob to the station to be booked. It took the effort of 3 unicorn officers to blend their respective magic fields to levitate Bulk Biceps from the ground and place him on the cart along with other unconscious patrons.

“What in the name of Celestia is SHE doing here?!”

That was a voice Mare-Do-Well couldn’t forget no matter how much she wanted.

Turning her head, she saw Captain Halberd gallop towards the crime scene with the sycophantic Lock-Up and Lock-Down at each side of him with Lieutenant Buckler and other officers keeping pace behind.

“And here I thought the bothersome vigilante finally took a hint and left my fair jurisdiction,” he sneered at her.

“My, my, my. Halberd, dear, I didn’t even know you cared so much about me. I’m touched,” Mare-Do-Well cooed back as she posed seductively with her eye glazing up from beneath her hat.

Halberd, his lackey, Buckler and the other officers took a step back in shock upon finally hearing her talk. The brief second of confusion soon passed as the stern captain regained his bearings.

“So you finally have the nerve to talk back to a superior officer? I should have you arrested for assault!” he snapped.

“Oh, don’t get your horn in a knot, my dear officer. I was just about to leave,” she chuckled softly as she turned around and walked away.

“Don’t turn your back on me, you delinquent! I will arrest you for interference with police business!”

Mare-Do-Well merely stopped and blew him a kiss. “See you on our next date, Halby.”

The green unicorn’s face turned red and his horn began to smoke while he growled, but the vigilante didn’t see this. Instead, she jumped on the side of a police cart, landing on the pile of unconscious felons lying on top, then jumped towards the club’s awning and using its momentum to bounce up to the roof. She stopped to look down at all the officers below, giving them a hoof-wave as she left the scene.

As she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, she was ecstatic. At long last, she finally was able to tell off that stuck-up stuffedshirt and he couldn’t do a thing. However, she knew she had to keep it to a minimum. That vision she had back at the party still weighed heavily. Would he really unmask her and reveal the pink party pony inside? She had to be careful from now on.

In an alley close to the club, a lone figure stood there watching her leave the scene. The shadowy equine form silently stared at her for several seconds until she left its line of sight. The police were nearby and it was time for the figure to also make an escape.

Things were just beginning.

The Legend of Mare-Do-Well trots along

Comments ( 15 )


An update to this wonderful story?

Just kidding. Never doubted you for a second. Thanks!


You may not see my big smile, but be sure to know, it is really big. Nice to see this masterpiece back in action!

It back! Here is an awesome intro for the return of the masked hero!

And now that I am done with the chapter...

two years? Freaking worth it.

"Welcome back, my long lost friend
You have been through hell and back again"

That is what I felt through reading this. That this was an old friend that came back, that I kind of missed for a while. I said that this fic treated the Mare-do-well like Spider-man and it is still true.

AWWWWWW YEAH! time to get readin.

Good chapter.

I only have one question:
Where's the Joker Expy?

After all, Pinkie is a Batman-esque figure...

Is halberd like commissioner loeb in batman where he's working for the criminals too?

Glad to see this story is still going. I hope you continue to write this story. I can't wait to see what happens next! :pinkiesmile:

Oh, awesome. this is still here.


SHE'S BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:......hehehehe

....Seriously, even though it's probably gonna be a long time between updates, I'm so pumped that it shows that this story is alive and kicking.....

And I love this chapter!!! How it unfolded was a parallel to all that was happening in real life.....Pinkie was out of the game for personal reasons but she still wanted to fight--to be the hero that Ponyville needs. I can see that the author has taken some time for him/herself; never will I criticize for it. And all of the developments was superb. The crown jewel of it all, naturally the voice manipulation built into the suit; now MDW can speak to her heart's content, as well as protecting her from Pinkie Pie and her friends. And I love that since she can talk now, there is a little bit of cat-and-mouse between her and Haybeard---love the flirting and sultry persona.

I must have MOAR!!!!!!!

So... Pinkie has a Jekl/Hyde like thing? Like, seductive and commanding vs. adorable, random, and funny?

srsly though, this story is great, and dont ever stop writing it for any reason. Except death. Maybe. :trollestia:No, the only thing you should stop for is writer's block, but even then, you should try to end the block as soon as possible. :pinkiegasp: OH! And one more thing you should stop for: the end of the story.

Now have some derps:derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:


And so here we are, at the end of it all. The author hasn't been here in about a year and some change, leaving this story incomplete. Am I sad? No, for it was all worth it to read this awesome story. While others have tried and make MAre Do Well into it's own superhero thing and have had fun with it, this one is second best and probably the most original. The story takes the idea of MAre Do Well and turns Pinkie Pie into freaking Peter Parker, I love it. It has her go through so many of the trials and tribulations of what it means to be a super hero. It was great to see each of the mane six provide their help in their own small way, the rouge gallery of villians growing, and Pinkie learnign how to deal with tragedy.

In the video review, I say that this is like watching a short run comic series that you love and seeing it end prematurely. You sigh and walk away, but the memories of the tory linger on. This was, and still is, one of the best depictins of Pinkie Pie out there. Not the lol random Pinkie, but the mare who is allowed to cry.

I don't know if you'll see this...but here is the video as my way of saying, thanks for the memories

Author whatever i say right now most likely wont be anything,but please update this story,even if its only for one more chapter.

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