• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 1,379 Views, 19 Comments

Heart of Fire - Night Spinner

Spike believes he has found the answer to his dreams. A magic potion, some small half-truths and putting forth his best effort is all it will take... provided Spike doesn't lose himself in the process.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Letter from the Heart

Life in Ponyville had a tendency to slip back into a routine, no matter what weirdness seemed to grip it, and life for Twilight and Rarity was no exception. Both Princess and Fashionista had returned to their respective works and, as days slipped away into weeks, the events of that night faded into the background of their thoughts.

For Spike however, it was another matter entirely. Sleepless nights and long planning had led him to phase two of his master plan. A plan of intricacy and delicacy. A plan that would take all of the cunning and guile worthy of a dragon to pull off. A plan... that seemed to have devolved into the little dragon banging his head against a desk surrounded by crumpled scrolls.

"Owe..." Spike groaned as he shook his head. "Why can't I think!?" he grumbled as he turned, leaning on the makeshift desk he had smuggled into his little hideout. Despite its humble beginnings, the room looked like a proper alchemist's lab now. With a few thin shelves lining the walls and the potion pot sitting in the middle of the floor. The potion itself, shimmering the color of rubies in the candlelight, sat upon an end-table, safe from any mishap.

"This is all your fault," Spike growled, scowling at the bottle as if it could answer back. "Don't play innocent with me," he went on, pointing the end of his quill at it. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have spent the last two weeks sneaking around setting up post office boxes here and in Canterlot!"

True to its nature as an inanimate object, the potion remained silent in the face of the tirade, though that did little to quell the young dragon's anger. With perfect stillness, as it had no ability to move under its own power, the bottle remained where it was, even as Spike advanced upon it.

"I almost got caught doing it too!" Spike snarled, reaching up and grabbing the bottle as he glared into it. "Fortunately, with Twilight having me help her sort the incoming mail, I was able to keep her from seeing the confirmation letters," he explained smugly, his features shifting into a self-satisfied grin. The moment of pride didn't last long however and the young drake's features returned to their previous look of anger. "Still, it was too close."

Spike's scowl softened as he stared at his distorted reflection in the glass. "All that... and for what?" he asked, turning to glance sorrowfully at the desk and crumpled parchments. "To get stuck trying to write a letter that doesn't sound stupid."

No matter how hard he tried, no matter what books he borrowed and read up on to help with his writing, Spike just couldn't seem to find the words, or rather the right words. Even the best of what he had written still sounded childish, a dead giveaway of his scheme, despite his constant improvement. Now, after wasting reams of parchment, he couldn't figure out why it was so hard. It had been easy to be eloquent as Fire Heart.

It had been easy as Fire Heart.

Spike's eyes went wide as the realization hit him and he raised the bottle up, his eyes twinkling with the possibilities. "...Twilight's pulling an all-nighter, she won't need me until morning," he whispered, his green eyes darting about in the dark. "Starlight's asleep, nopony will find me here. I could do this..."

"I can do this," he repeated, trying to steady himself as he shakily pulled the stopper from the bottle. He wouldn't admit it, but the prospect of transforming again scared him. "Just a little sip, enough for one letter," he whispered as his expression changed to one of confidence.

The crimson fluid touched his lips and he carefully sipped. A sweetness, a faint burning sensation and numbness followed each other down his throat as he put down the bottle. He hadn't expected the pain the first time around, but this time he thought he was ready. As the fire and numbness spread throughout his body, he realized how wrong he was. Cast in the full light of the room, Spike's body began to jerk wildly as he writhed in agony.

Front and back limbs burned as they stretched and Spike could barely keep from crying out as he felt his knees and elbows bend backwards. He watched as, one by one, each of his claws withdrew, fusing into the solid shape of hooves and he heard the indescribable sounds of each of his spines elongating, only to shatter, splitting apart into strands of green hair.

Staggering, gasping for breath from lungs that seemed too powerful and cold, Spike tried to rise to his hooves, but his head was spinning and he collapsed to the ground. For a moment, he caught a glimpse of his reflection, torn between dragon and pony as his reptilian irises widened into fearful circles. Fangs blunted, scales splintered into fur, and his tail withdrew, leaving long strands of green that had once been his lower spines to form a lustrous tail of hair.

Then, all at once, the nightmare ended. The stallion Spike had become laid upon the floor, gasping for air as a strange sensation, a calming warmth, enveloped each flank. Glancing back towards his hindquarters, Spike smiled as he saw his cutie mark and felt the gentle reassurance its presence provided.

Fire Heart rose to his hooves and brushed back his mane, staring at his reflection, or rather, Spike stared out of Fire Heart's eyes to see his reflection. "I never noticed feeling this disconnected before," the stallion murmured to himself as he raised one hoof and then another. Perhaps he had been too focused on the evening, on Rarity, but now that he had time to really think about how he felt, the drake turned stallion found that it wasn't so dissimilar to wearing a costume, though one that filled him with a sense of purpose like never before.

"Heh, I must admit, I make for a dashing pony," Fire Heart chuckled to himself, turning around several times and striking various poses. "It's no wonder Rarity was won over by my charms," he mused, before turning his attention to his earlier letter writing. "Though there will be time enough to show off for her later, first I have to win her heart..."


"Whew," Rarity sighed in relief as as she carefully wrapped up her latest creation into a shipping box. "While I do enjoy the creative process, I'll be glad to have a small breather," she thought to her herself as she filled out the label. While the customer's final fitting was still needed, that could be handled by Sassy Saddles along with any minor adjustments. Glancing out the window, her eyes fell upon the tall spires of distant Canterlot.

There was a weariness in the unicorn's eyes, though her wandering thoughts brought a satisfied smile to her face. While her thoughts had sometimes drifted back to that night, to the strange young stallion and her suspicions about him, her mind had been more often focused on the other ponies she had met with. They were her contacts and clients and, as her depleted stores of fabric and thread attested to, more than one of them since that night had resulted in a commission or order.

She regarded the parcel she had just finished sealing with an appraising eye. While some of her recent work had taken mere days, simple alterations of fabrications of her existing designs, this little number had taken nearly a month to complete. Like all her creations it was a work of art and she had, as always, given her all to it. "Perhaps a bit too much," the unicorn muttered aloud, failing to suppress a yawn as the effects of several near sleepless nights began to set in.

While it would normally be the height of unprofessionalism should she be caught, Rarity couldn't help but doze now that she had a calm moment to herself. Caught in the embrace of wakefulness and sleep, the unicorn nearly leapt up in a panic as a knock came from the door of the Boutique.

Her eyes practically rattling in her head as she calmed herself down, Rarity quickly straightened out her mane and coat with a wave of magic. "Cooooming~" she called out musically as she opened her door and started in with her usual spiel. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is... " Rarity began, but stopped abruptly when she saw who it was on the other side.

This was no customer, or at least not today. A familiar, if unfocused pair of soft yellow eyes met Rarity's and the unicorn backed up, welcoming the pegasus in with a wave of her hoof. "Good afternoon Ditzy Doo," she said with a warm smile. "You're right on time, I just finished a package I need delivered."

The grey and yellow pony nodded, landing as she entered the shop and looked around. Ditzy Doo always liked it when she had an excuse to stop by the Boutique, it always fired her imagination. With all the frills and glamour that dripped from each of Rarity's designs, a mare could lose herself for hours just thinking about the wonders around her. Still, she had a job to do and Ditzy Doo shook her head to clear the fantasies away before taking another look around the room. Her gaze eventually fell upon the package and she tucked it safely under one of her wings. "Got it, Rarity, this going to somepony local?" she asked.

The unicorn shook her head. "I'm afraid not Darling, it's bound for Canterlot," she explained before smiling apologetically. "Also, I'm afraid I have to forgo your usual tip this time."

One of Ditzy's eyes turned to regard the other pony and the mailmare couldn't hide the disappointment in her voice. "...no muffins?" she asked, having looked forward to trying the more artisanal baked goods Rarity usually kept in her cupboards.

The unicorn shook her head. "Unfortunately no. I'm afraid my little sister and the crusaders took my offer of providing snacks for one of their meetings rather liberally," she explained with a look of annoyance. "My cupboards are bare of every cookie, biscuit and muffin there was," she huffed, her anger rising. "The little brigands even managed to make off with my stash of marshmallow delights!"

The words cut the air like a thunderclap and, for a moment, Rarity could only remain frozen at how much she had raised her voice. Ditzy Doo, for her part, could only stare at her in muted awkwardness. Shrinking back like a withered flower, a blush on her cheeks, Rarity coughed daintily. "That is to say, I'd be more than happy to make it up to you later on," she said with an apologetic smile, regaining her composure.

"It's alright, maybe we can meet up for lunch some time," Ditzy Doo replied with a sympathetic smile. After a moment, her expression changed to one of embarrassed shock. "Oh! I almost forgot to give you your mail," the pegasus explained, pulling out a small stack of letters and setting them on a nearby counter. "Alright, I better get going if you want this sent out on today's train," she said, nodding to the package under her wing. "Have a good day Rarity."

"You too dear, and yes, I think we should definitely do lunch soon," the fashionista replied, turning to check her mail as Ditzy Doo left the shop. Her magic flowed over one letter after another, sorting it or dismissing it in turn. "Bill, Bill, thank you card from client, You may have already won seven million bits," the unicorn rattled off, tossing the junk.

Her eyes lit up as she saw a small picture of the Crystal Empire. "Oooh, a postcard from Coco Pommel, seems she's enjoying her vacation," Rarity mused, turning over the small picture once or twice before her eyes lit up at the last letter. It was a formal looking bit of decent stationary, addressed to her but with the Canterlot Boutique's address. "...and that just means one thing," Rarity said aloud with a predatory grin, slicing open the envelope with her magic. "A new order from a new cli..." Her words died softly on her lips as she read the opening words.

My dearest Rarity, forgive this uncouth stallion for taking so long to write.

For a full minute, the unicorn could only stare in shock as a flood of memories and conflicted emotions welled up within her. This had all been a charade, hadn't it? Spike had his fun but couldn't seriously be expected to keep up such a ruse, or could he? Or, or was this real? These and a thousand other little hopes, fears and thoughts swirled about the fashionista's mind as she managed to focus enough to read.

While I could lament the muses for leaving me, condemn myself as a coward, or blame my duties as distracting, I will not.

The simple truth is that I could not find the right words. Everything I wrote was too grand, or juvenile, or desperate. Despite your insistence to the contrary, you are a true Lady, worthy of every praise such a luminary deserves. Yet, I am no poet, and my efforts to write in a way I felt was worthy of you have failed. So I will instead write from my heart and hope that my fears will be trod underhoof.

There is more than just beauty within you, and I felt that we held something special for even a few moments that night. If I am wrong, then I ask that you relieve me of my delusions. If I am not, then I dare not write what I hope for fear of jinxing it.

Right or wrong, I desire many things. Yet at this moment, when I fear I have acted too late or presume to much, I ask but one thing from you. Your words.

If it pleases you, write to me. Let me know if you are well, if you are unwell. Ask me questions, answer what questions I may ask. Tell me if I am still dreaming or if I need to wake up. I wish to be a part of your life, even if it is not in the manner I truly wish, even if it is but for a little time.

Yours if you wish it,

Fire Heart

Rarity held the letter shakily in her magic as she read and reread the words, a blush slowly turning her cheeks to pink, then red. The unicorn had been caught well and truly off guard and, within her, a knot of nervousness began to form in her gut. The letter wasn't perfect, it was flawed, very flawed, and full of insecurities and fears.

Slowly releasing a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, Rarity's mind tried to drag itself out of the feelings the letter brought out of her. It had left her feeling touched in a way she had never truly felt before, but the elation was mingled with all the suspicions and uncertainties that she had spend most of the train-ride home grappling with.

"I need some air, to clear my head," the unicorn muttered, staggering out the front door in a daze before she regained her focus. "I need perspective, I need to decide my next move... I need to talk to Twilight about this," she declared, her eyes snapping up from the letter to fixate on the crystalline walls of the Castle of Friendship. Folding the letter up with her magic, Rarity headed off to seek counsel from her friend.