• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 651 Views, 6 Comments

A Sweet Christmas - RandomHumanBeging4112

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It's Christmas Eve, Twily!

Twilight Sparkle was having a nice dream about winning the world spelling bee when...

"TWILY TWILY WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE! AND CADENCE AND I JUST GOT HERE!" Shining Armor said while jumping on top of Twilight's bed.

"Ungh, Shining, you're too old to jump on my bed, you're 25 for crying out loud!" a sleepy Twilight said.

"I know, but it was our little tradition as kids and, I wanted to keep it alive." Shining said.

"Okay, okay, you can still jump on my bed at Christmas, just, not too hard or too much." Twilight said.

"YAY! Now, come on, we have to help Cadence make a surprise dinner for Mom and Dad!" Shining said while pulling Twilight out of her bed.

"Are you still in your pajamas?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. We never get dressed on Christmas Eve." Shining said.

"Yeah, but you're in footie pajamas." Twilight pointed out.

"CHRISTMAS!" Shining yelled as he ran downstairs.

"Every year."

When they got downstairs, the pair found Cadence vacuuming, cooking, and taking care of Flurry Heart.

"Here, Cadence, you and Twily can cook while I clean and take care of little Flurry Heart."

"Thanks, but doesn't Twilight have to pick up her friends for decorating?" Cadence asked.

"Oh shoot you're right! It's like, eight in the morning! I gotta go! I'll be home in two hours!" Twilight said as she ran upstairs to get dressed.

"Why will it take two hours?" Cadence asked.

"Well, I do have to go and pick up everybody, including Timber and Glorriosa. And we have to go decoration shopping. Is it okay if I use the van?" Twilight asked.

"Sure, can you pick up some cookie mix as well?" Shining asked.

"Sure, now I gotta go!" Twilight said.

The city was always peaceful on Christmas Eve, snow falling gently, people rushing everywhere to get last-minute presents, stores closing down for the holidays, carolers going from place to place. This was one of Twilight's favorite parts of Christmas. She came upon Sunset Shimmer's house first.

Knock knock knock! "Sunset! It's me, Twilight! I'm here to pick you up for Christmas decorating. C'mon! I don't have all day!" Twilight said impatiently.

"I'm coming! I need to get dressed and eat breakfast first ya know!" Sunset replied from inside the house.


"It's alright." Sunset said as she opened the door and walked into the van.

"So, where to next?" Sunset asked.

"I was thinking Pinkie Pie's, is that alright?" Twilight asked.


And so they drove all over the city picking each other up. Laughing and singing through out the ride. Then, after everybody was picked up, came the drive out to camp Everfree. Luckily, there was a new bus stop near there, so Timber and Glorriosa rode the bus to the nearest bus stop. When Twilight arrived, she found Glorriosa trying to help Timber get his tongue unstuck from the metal pole.

"Hold on," Glorriosa said, trying to pull her brother from the pole.

"OW! Thah huurths!" Timber mustered.

"What the heck happened here, darlings?" Rarity asked.

"Timber here, thought that it would be cool to lick the pole. You got a hair dryer?" Glorriosa asked.

"Please, darling. Of course I do! I always bring a hairdryer with me! What? One never knows." Rarity replied as she got a battery powered hairdryer from her bag.

"Oh, helloo Twiligth! How hath yerr Chrithtmath been tho far?" Timber asked, tongue still stuck to the pole.

"It's been alright, yours?" Twilight asked, trying to make him talk in any way possible.

"Ith been prethy gud!" Timber said.

"That's good. How's the dock holding up?" Twilight asked.

"Ith holding uph well! Oh thank gudneth the hairdryer ith here!" Timber said as Rarity finally got the hairdryer out.

Rarity un-stuck Timber's tongue and they all got back into the van and started driving again.

"Hey, I need one of you to help Shining Armor and Cadence cook dinner." Twilight said.

"Ah can do that!" Applejack said.

"Thanks, just to let you all know, Shining acts a lot like a kid on Christmas. A lot." Twilight warned.

"Okay!" Everybody said.

"Alright, bye Applejack!" Twilight said as she drove away.

"Bye!" Applejack waved as Twilight drove away.

The decoration store experience was okay, Timber kept on complaining that his tongue hurt and Glorriosa kept on telling him that it was his own fault. Rarity kept on telling everybody about what decorations to get and looking at every single Christmas outfit and saying how she could do it way better.

"My tongue huuuurrts!" Timber whined.

"You were the one who decided to lick the pole!" Glorriossa shot back.

"But it still hurts!"

By this time, the whole group was tired of Timber's endless whining.

"Oh just suck it up buttercup!" Rainbow Dash told Timber.

"Don't call me a buttercup!" Timber whined.

"Well then, be quiet and I won't call you that!"

"Fine." Timber said as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Ewww, darlings, you see how I could make that outfit much better?" Rarity told the group.

"Yes! We can all see Rarity!" the whole group said in unison.

"And that's the last decoration! Let's go check out before we all drive each other crazy!" Twilight said as she pushed the cart towards the check out counter.

The check out lady was surprised by the huge group of teenagers and one adult all bundled up with a giant cart of decorations wanting to check out.

"That'll be $150." the checkout lady said.

"Here you go." Twilight said, handing her the cash.

"Thank you and happy holidays!" she said.

When the group got outside, Twilight slipped on a patch of ice and Timber ended up catching her.

"Wow, thanks Timber." Twilight said.

"No problem." he said.

"What, no pick-up line? No pun intended." Twilight asked.

"Eh, well I already used all of the ones I know on you, I'm all out!" Timber said.

"Okay, well, thanks for catching me." Twilight said.

"Hey Shining! We're back!" Twilight yelled when the group got inside.

"Uh, where is he?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, great you guys are back!" Cadence said as she walked out of the kitchen too greet the group.

"Yup. Cadence, this is Timber Spruce and Glorriosa Daisy, Timber and Glorriossa, this is my sister in-law, Cadence." Twilight said.

"If you're wondering, Shining and Applejack are in the TV room doing something or other. And it's nice to meet you two! Twilight told me a lot about you! Especially you Timber!" Cadence said.

"Cadence! I told you not to say anything!" Twilight whispered.

"I know." Cadence said while walking back into the kitchen.

"Okay, you guys can take all of your winter gear off and start decorating while I go get Applejack." Twilight said.

Twilight walked into the TV room to find Shining Armor and Applejack both in their pajamas(it's still a mystery on how AJ got her pajamas) playing with toy race cars.

"What are you two doing?" Twilight asked.

"Whadaya think we're doing? We're playing with toy cars!" Shining said.

"Well, we were planning on going sledding later if you two wanna come, but I understand if you just wanna play with toy cars." Twilight said while walking out of the TV room.

"We'll come don't worry! I'll even get dressed!" Applejack said while getting her clothes.

When the group finished decorating, Twilight's parents came home from getting Twilight's grandparents and said that they would gladly take care of Flurry Heart while the whole group went sledding as long as Timber didn't lick anymore poles. Twilight texted some of the group's guy friends and invited them to join the sled race, as long as they brought their own sleds. They all met up at the biggest hill in Canterlot City: Dead Man's Drop.

"Okay, everybody, find someone to partner up with for the race! We'll have to share sleds!" Twilight said.

Rarity decided to pair up with Thunderlane while Pinkie Pie paired up with Cheese Sandwich. Applejack sat in a sled with Spike(yes, Spike the dog) and Rainbow Dash sat in a sled with Soarin. Fluttershy sat in a sled with Discord and Sunset sat in a sled with Flash Sentry. Shining Armor and Cadence paired together and Glorriosa sat with Caramel. That left Timber and Twilight to sit in sled together.

"Alright here we go! 1, 2, 3, GO!" Twilight yelled, starting the race.

At first, Fluttershy and Discord were in the lead, but then Rainbow and Soarin took the lead. Discord did not like this.

"Ha! See ya later Flutters!" Rainbow yelled as she and Soarin zoomed past them.

"Let's go even faster!" Discord said.

"Um, well, I think we're going fast enough." Fluttershy said.

"Ha, over my dead body!" Discord said, using his chaotic magic to speed up even more.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Fluttershy screamed. Discord loved scaring her to death.

"See you later Dashie!" Discord yelled as they zoomed past them.

"Discord's cheating. Let me do something right quick." Rainbow told Soarin as she stuck her legs out of the back of the sled and used her super speed to speed past Fluttershy and Discord.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Soarin yelled.

Right before the Finnish line, Discord sped past Rainbow and Soarin, making him win the race.

"We won Fluttershy! We won!" Discord exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"But we cheated!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Well, what do ya expect? It's Discord!" Rainbow chuckled.

"I guess, but you didn't have to scare me half to death!" Fluttershy yelled at Discord.

"I didn't but it sure is hilarious when you're scared!" Discord laughed.

"Argh! I swear that I WILL BEAT YOU BY SO FAR, YOU'LL HAVE MOVED ONE INCH BY THE TIME I'M AT THE FINISH LINE!" Flutterage Fluttershy yelled.

"I like the sound of that! How 'bout a race just between you and me." Discord suggested.

"You're on!" Fluttershy said as she raced to the top of the hill.

After the race, everybody was just sledding for fun. Some were racing each other, others were just sledding for the fun of it. Other people noticed the group having fun and joined in with their own sleds. Sunset and Flash decided to do a run together on the rocky side of the hill.

"You ready? Sunset asked Flash.

"You bet!" he replied.

Sunset propelled the sled down the hill and steered the sled way from all of the rocks. But, near the middle of the hill, there was a huge bump, and Sunset forgot to dodge, so they flew off of it and flipped in the air, crash landing and rolling over in the snow.

"Hahahah, that was awesome! You alright, Flash?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, that was awesome! And I'm alright." Flash replied.

"Good, now let's go get some hot cocoa!" Sunset said as she got up and walked over to the pavilion.


When it started to get dark, people started to head home for the night. Twilight dropped everybody off at their houses and headed home herself and went too bed. Even though she didn't show it, she was just as excited for Christmas as her big brother best friend forever.

Author's Note:

And here is the first story of my 25 Christmas stories leading up to Chrismas! And most of these stories were written in November! What can I say? BLAME ALL OF THE STORES!"