• Published 14th Nov 2016
  • 2,843 Views, 18 Comments

Shyset - Pickleless

Fluttershy and Sunset swap bodies, hijinks ensue.

  • ...

Oh my.

Oh dear, Celestia was upset. Fluttershy was trying not to be nervous that Celestia was upset with her. She wasn't really upset with her, she was upset with Sunset. Fluttershy understood why, some of those things weren't allowed in school, and Fluttershy personally agreed. She was sure once the two of them talked it out, everything would be just fine. Unfortunately, she was Sunset Shimmer at the moment. Which made things just a little bit harder to explain.

"Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Celestia narrowed her eyes.

"Um, no." Fluttershy whispered.

Celestia waited.

"Nothing?" Celestia sounded confused. "You just unloaded a crowbar, lock picks, blackmail material, a can of gasoline, a switchblade, and money you stole from other students, all from your jacket. You even labeled the blackmail book in blood red, 'It Prints Money, by Sunset Shimmer. All this, and you have nothing to say for yourself?"

"I don't really know how those got there," Fluttershy answered honestly.

Now would be the perfect time to tell Celestia what happened. All Fluttershy had to do was look her in the eye an- oh, Celestia was glaring at her, and it made it really hard to speak up. It didn't help that Celestia was really big. Oh no, not that Fluttershy meant to imply she was fat. She was a very pretty lady. She was just so tall, and her legs... her legs were really long. They weren't freaky, that would be rude to think, they were just a little longer than what should be possible. Fluttershy was sure this was just her but sometimes... sometimes that made Celestia just a little bit intimidating.

Just a little.

"Well, actually there is one thing." Fluttershy spoke up.

"Oh really?"

Fluttershy flinched at the tone in her voice. She kept repeating the mantra that she herself didn't do anything wrong, but she wasn't herself right now. She was Sunset, and Sunset might possibly perhaps just maybe be in just a little tiny itty bitty smidgen of trouble. That was kinda scary.

"Is Sunset getting detention?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Detention," Celestia said in a flat tone, "I should call the police."

"O- oh..." Fluttershy stared at Sunset's boots.

Fluttershy felt that having a panic attack would be very unbecoming, and probably make Sunset look worse, and that was contributing to her panic attack. Fluttershy tried to think positive thoughts, like how she probably be excused from school after the whole thing blew over and would go home and be alone with her sleazy brother in Sunset's sexy, seductive body. She opened her mouth to scream.

"Haaah..." Fluttershy's vocal cords gently brushed against each other.

"Sunset, I'm very worried about you."

Tears started welling up in Fluttershy's eyes. Today has been, just, awful! Sunset was going to get in trouble with the police, both her and Fluttershy lost their bodies, and worst of all, she made Principal Celestia worried about her. Fluttershy scolded herself, Principal Celestia had been nothing but patient, and yet here she was crying her eyes out. More than anything, she wished she could just run away right now.

"I'm going to take you to the Nurse's Office." Celestia continued.

"What?" Fluttershy looked up, confused.

"Can you walk?" She stood up and offered Fluttershy a hand.

"O- oh. Um, yes, I can stand on my own, thank you." Fluttershy stumbled getting up.

"Here, give me your hand," Celestia said in a far more gentle tone.

Fluttershy quietly followed Celestia down the halls. She stared at the floor, keeping Celestia's feet in the edge of her vision for direction. She felt so embarrassed right now. All of the student body must staring at her as she held Celestia's hand. She dared to look up for a second and- oh there was Tree Hugger staring at her, she really didn't want Tree Hugger to see her right now. There's Flash, looking like his brain just got overloaded. He seems to get overwhelmed a lot unfortunately, not that Fluttershy thought anything bad about him...

"Here we are Sunset," Celestia kept her tone professional, despite looking concerned. "Do try to get better."

"Thank you very much Principal Celestia," Fluttershy responded.

"As for your belongings..." Celestia stopped and rubbed her temples. "If you're feeling better, come back later today alright? Otherwise we'll have a talk about it tomorrow."

"I understand."

"Good." Celestia nodded.

Fluttershy stared at the nurse's door, waiting for Celestia to leave.

Celestia coughed into her palm.

Fluttershy started to panic again, what was-

"You can go run now Sunset."

"What?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"I said, you can go in now Sunset."

"Oh. Oh right, I-"

Fluttershy slammed her face into the door, then backed up and stared at it.

She was very used to slamming into things and it hurting a lot more. She guessed Sunset had thicker skin, or stronger bones, or both, maybe. She reached up and felt her perfectly fine nose, and stared at the door in front of her again. It felt a little nice to run into things and not get a cut or bruise every time.

Fluttershy jumped when Celestia opened up the door for her and gently pushed her in. Fortunately for her, the only one inside the principal's office currently was the Nurse herself. Redheart rolled her eyes upon seeing Fluttershy, or rather, Sunset Shimmer, and looked at Celestia.

"Nurse Redheart, I'm having a few concerns over Miss Shimmer here.

"This wouldn't be the first time, what is it now Celestia?"

"What shows symptoms of memory problems, extreme paranoia, and a change in personality?"

"Puberty you dumbass," Redheart replied without hesitation.


Celestia shoved her palms into her face and sighed.

"I'm being serious Redheart."

"Okay." Redheart blinked. "Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Vitamin Deficiency, Dementia-"

"How about you give Sunset a multi vitamin and let her lay down for a bit?" Celestia cut her off.

"Sure, whatever." She reached into a cabinet for a bottle.

Fluttershy's mind was on autopilot at this point. She numbly washed down a pill with a glass of water as Celestia led her to a bed. She didn't think she was going to be able to rest with everything that happened. How could she sleep in a body that wasn't her own? How was she going to live in a body that wasn't her own? And- oh.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me." Fluttershy said to Celestia as she was leaving.

"You're welcome Sunset."

Fluttershy peeked up to see Celestia give her a gentle smile before closing the door. Oh, that made her feel so much better. An act of kindness from others always both humbled her and put her in a state of peace. She knew she should be worried right now, but she felt so tired, and the bed really was comfy...

Author's Note:

*When you know you’re going to see a typo or obvious mistake right after you upload it.*

Comments ( 4 )

I so want to see where this is going :pinkiehappy:

update please need to see sunset

Me too. I wanna see what happens

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