• Published 10th Nov 2016
  • 215 Views, 7 Comments

Reva The Dreamer - PaintedNovel455

Reva had never knew her purpose in life. And now it could be gone entirely.

  • ...

And So It Begins

Sometimes, when I stare at my flank, I wonder what it means. What my talent is, and what I’m suppose to do with it. As I sat in Spitfire’s office, I stared at my flank.

Five glowing orbs in circle... I had convinced myself that I got while looking at the stars. And I even told my family that, but I just don’t know how I got it.

Spitfire walked in, shaking me from my reverie. She pulled out her chair and sat down. “Care to explain the cuts on your legs?” She asked of me.

“....no,” I said.

“No? You should really talk to someone, suicide is not the answer.”

“What!?” I replied, almost yelling.

“First, why are you cutting yourself?” Spitfire asked.

“I’m not cutting myself,” I retorted.

“Then why do you have cut on your forelegs?”

I paused to think. “I got into a flying accident.”

“Hmm. Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I said, exasperatedly.

“Get out.”


“Out. Out of the Wonderbolts: you’re suspended.”

“Why?” I demanded.

“Just. Leave.” Spitfire supplied, her voice hard as steel. “And seek some help.”

“I don’t need help.” I stated.

“Get her out of here!” Spitfire said, and I felt myself being dragged away by the guards. I struggled but it was no use.


“Reva” was walking down the street, the sky was dark as coal, and speckled with tiny stars. The only things giving off light were the street lamps. In the light, ponies could see that her eyes were crimson red. She was armed with a knife, and held it out.

A blue mare with a purple name stepped into the night, only to be quickly stabbed to the hilt by “Reva.” The mare screamed and struggled but “Reva” was pinning her down now. A few ponies rushed to her aid only to be quickly taken down themselves. After “Reva” was finished, she closed her eyes and disappeared in tendrils of dark smoke.


I sighed, standing to my hooves, cracking sounds filling my ears as I stretched. I made my way to the kitchen, a pile of dirty pots, pans, and plates filling the sink. I swung the fridge door open, and the aroma of takeout assaulted my senses.

I searched the fridge for something that I wanted to eat. Finding nothing, I slammed the fridge shut and exited my house, wind whipping past my face. And it’s a good thing I did, 'cause when I came back, a large group of police ponies were waiting at my door.

The color drained from my face, as my mind went to the worst possible reasons why they were here.

Spitfire must have called the Mental Ward.

I killed one of the guards when I tried to stay in the Wonderbolts. The thought of me killing someone made me retch: I got sick at the sight of blood. Well… it did back then. My head ached and I almost lost balance.

“Hey!” A guard called, “There she is!”

“Uhh..” I groaned. The sudden sight of ponies running toward me woke me from my stupor. I took off into the air, a purple contrail whizzing behind me briefly. In mere minutes, I was flying past the mountains. I’d feel alive if it wasn’t for the police ponies chasing me.

I looked over my shoulder, whoever had followed me were gone...for now. I slowed down and then headed for the earth below…


“She just disappeared! Into smoke,” Firefly said. He was at the police station in Canterlot. “I doubt Reva would murder to begin with.”

“Sir the evidence is clear. Want me to replay the video?” Flash Sentry asked.

Firefly’s face went pale and he retched the rest of his stomach contents in the bucket place near him, “I-I’m good.”

“So, where is she!?” Flash asked, slamming a hoof into the table.

“I don’t know! And even if I did, do you really think I’d sell my sister out like that,” Firefly asked, clearly annoyed.

“I can have you arrested for interfering with MY work,” Flash Sentry snarled.

“Yeah, your job is to sell out people with their loved ones. The Royal Guard in a nutshel-”

“SHUT UP!” Flash shouted, which made Firefly flinch. However, he couldn’t last a second.

“Hahahaha,” Firefly collapsed on the table, laughing, until it hurt.

Flash took his walkie-talkie out and spoke, “this is Flash Sentry...yeah….Mr. Firefly isn’t cooperating.”

“I am cooperating,” Firefly whined. After a few awkward seconds, the door slowly opened. A mare walked in, she would have seemed tough if it wasn’t for the sweat, dripping from her forehead and down her face. And the tremble running through her legs with each step.

“What,” Firefly said slamming his hooves on the ground. The mare flinched but kept walking.

“Do you know where your sister is,” the mare asked, locking her blue eyes on Firefly’s green ones.

“No!” He shouted.

“He’s not lying,” the mare said, and strutted out the room.

Firefly waited until after the mare left, “so my word isn’t enough?”

Flash Sentry ignored that comment. “We might not know where she is….”

“....but we know how to find her.”


I started into the creepy looking woods, each branch seemingly reaching out for me. My hooves trembled over the dirt, which was a creepy grey, almost like I was in a painting. The sky was a sapphire blue, and the stars were large yellow orbs.

I came across an old shabby old, the planks creaking under me. It was dark, but I could make out a stallion within the shadows. He was cute; he had cream-colored fur and a deep, charcoal-black mane, and his flank was void of a cutie mark. He ushered me to the old couch.

I took a seat. My eyelids felt like they weighed 1,000 pounds, and I realized how tried I was. My eyes slowly closed. When I opened them again, I was in a room.

Firefly was lying there, tied down to a metal table. A blue pony in a surgical mask and gloves sauntered over to Firefly. I squeezed my eyes shut to avoid what was coming next. I could barely hear the buzzing of a circular saw over Firefly’s screams.

I clenched my teeth and jaw, warm liquid splashing at my face, and staining my fur. One droplet missed everything else and landed on my lower lips. Instantly, without any real thought, I licked my lip. The blood was strangely sweet. I retched, my vision blurring as I opened my eyes slightly. I collapsed; however, seconds before I hit the ground, my REAL eyes opened. I was in an completely empty room, with no stallion, no couch, nothing: I had dreamed everything. But what did it mean?

Comments ( 2 )

Before I read this, what is the Horror, Thriller, Gore and Dark tag for ?
And How bad does it get ?


horror - things that might trigger you if you have the same fear
thriller- things that keep you on the edge
gore - graphic death
dark - bloody mess

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