• Published 12th Nov 2016
  • 1,977 Views, 36 Comments

The Reformed Sniper - Solar Caesar

Upon defeat, Chrysalis vowed revenge, before running off to the unknown. King Thorax and his Princess allies became wary, prepared for any threat that the former Queen would make. After two years, Chrysalis has been located. But no-one expected this.

  • ...

The Shocking Report

Thorax honestly didn't know what to think of this.

Not only has one of his scouts been fired upon near a griffon military outpost, the very scout that was fired upon claimed that the shooter was an un-reformed changeling.

The scout had been sent originally to collect medicinal plants for medicine and food, as they had began to run low as of the past month. At first, Thorax was about to contact Princess Celestia for assistance, but decided to handle the situation without the aid of his pony allies. They have helped him many times in the past, and was determined to show that even after 2 years that he was able to pull both his - and his hives - own weight.

Approximately 5 hours in the mountains, the scout was told of a griffon outpost nearby. The scout was advised to exercise caution, as the soldiers deployed to the outpost may miss identify the scout as an enemy combatant.

Currently, the griffon army was on high alert, being locked in a war against the zebras. After suspected attacks on multiple griffon guard posts, and an assassination attempt on a griffon commander, tensions began running high, the griffon king labeling the zebras as "savages", sparking fury of the zebra government.

For the zebras, the griffon kings words were an unofficial deceleration of war. Now they were at each others throats, each attack persuading the other to try something new. Outposts began to become more prepared, applying better defense strategies such as giving out more helmets, setting up security cameras, riot armor, and training more soldiers to become snipers.

A sniper is highly difficult to locate, even more to evade upon detection. Snipers are trained to be invisible, being highly patient, and knowing exactly when to strike.

A true deadliest weapon.

The scout had located a large cluster of medicinal plants near the outpost. Command had warned him to not stray too close to the outpost, as he moved prone from cover to cover. Taking out his binoculars, the scout attempted to know the positions of any guards that may spot him.

The scout suddenly saw a small flash on top of one of the second floors of the structure. At the same time hearing the sound of a gunshot. He instinctively ducked for cover. A rifle bullet ricocheted off of the scouts cover.

The scout was spotted. Desperately crawling along the ground, the scout proceeded to locate and reach a safe position, giving him enough time to locate the sniper.

He expected to see a griffon, who assumed that the scout was a combatant.

But the scout was shocked to see a changeling.

Not one of Thorax's, no. None of Thorax's citizens were deserters. They had all been reformed and lived happily within their new hive. Thus the sniper had to be an un-reformed changeling.

When Thorax heard this, there was no doubt he was surprised. As far as anyone knew, none of the changelings were un-reformed. They had watched Chrysalis run away, and then nobody followed her.

Taking a quick picture at maximum zoom with his camera, the scout waited 8 minutes to bolt away from the snipers point of view.

After returning to the hive, the scout(although shaken up) viewed over the photo evidence in hopes of identifying the mysterious changeling sniper.

The scout was presented to Thorax face-to-face, and stated that he noticed the un-reformed changeling was wearing a griffon military uniform, a blue and white camouflage with a backwards sniper cap. He even had the griffon military insignia, the scout recalls. The scout claims that the changeling had to be part of the griffon army, if not authorized.

The scout was unnerved to recognize the sniper as none other than their former Queen, Chrysalis.

The scout described the sniper as the photo showed: tall, with a long, greenish-blueish mane, hooves filled with holes and all. He also described the sniper with a female-like build, adding to the evidence that it was indeed Chrysalis.

Thorax, at first, dismissed the idea completely. Chrysalis enlisting in the griffon military? That's insane. Every kingdom knew about Chrysalis's many wrong doings. There would be no way that the griffon king would permit her to enlist.

But then, he hesitated. Carefully, he considered the evidence presented. Although it was highly unlikely that what the scout saw was true, his description of the shooter matched up with Chrysalis's almost perfectly. But, then again, the scout may be traumatized by the near death experience, and might be contracting a form of PTSD. Possible hallucinations induced by traumatic events, perhaps? He truly didn't know, since he lacked certain therapist experience.

Thorax couldn't exactly call it unless they had proof of Chrysalis's whereabouts at the outpost. After the report was given, Thorax ordered a facial ID scan to possibly identify the changeling.

"Has the face been scanned yet?" Thorax asked a senior Intel staff member. The staff member, a blue and red changeling with green eyes, nodded to his king as he shifted in his chair to a comfortable position. "We were just about to begin the scanning, sir." The changeling selected the file and began the facial identification process.

As he stood in the middle of the Intel operations room, watching the face of the sniper be scanned. The picture revealed the snipers face at a slight angle, showing no emotion as he - or she - searched for prey through the scope of the rifle. He had to admit, the sniper did look similar to Chrysalis.

But he still did not believe it was her. A rogue scout who was out on a mission at the time of Chrysalis's deserting? That could be it...but why was she at a griffon outpost? She couldn't have been undercover, she was not in a disguise.

"Scanning complete." the computers artificial intelligence said. "Loading results..."

When the facial scan popped up on the screen, Thorax felt a paroxysm of fear flash through him as he saw the face that almost led the entire hive to its downfall. He blinked once. Twice. Three times. He mentally pinched himself, doing anything to make sure that he was dreaming.

No way it was her, was it? It couldn't be. He must be dreaming. This wasn't real. None of this was real.

But it was.

He wasn't dreaming. All of this - this was real, this was happening.

It was her.


Alive and well.

In utter shock, Thorax muttered the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh my god."

And then his eyes dilated.