• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 4,878 Views, 135 Comments

What It Means - Dustchu

A human from our world is sucked into a world of magic and fantasy, and goes on the adventure of a lifetime!

  • ...

Wind Nation Arc - Caught

Unknown Location, Unknown Time

You failed horribly you know... you could have been something great, instead you chose the wrong side... A voice spoke in a tone of voice that made me gag. It was a typical evil bad guy voice, deep and smooth like liquor and trying to worm its way into the back of my head. Either someone was using mad telepathy skills, or someone was whiispering sensually into my ear.

So I promptly responded with, How's about you go suck elephant dick, eh? I told the voice, whoever it was. Suddenly my entire head felt cold and I couldn't breath, so as any normal person would do I began struggling, thrashing about as my senses came back to me. I was being held down by someone, my arms held to the sides as icy cold liquid wrapped around my entire head... was I being drowned?

Seconds after I was pulled free from the water and sucked in much needed air. My hair clung to my head, nearly blocking my vision as I realized I was missing my shirt and my hat... alongside other things I carried on my person. All I had left were my pants and shoes on, those fuckers took my shit! "Okay... whatever k-kinda kinky shit y-ya'll are into, I-I'm not exactly a fan o-" I was cut off before I was thrust back into the water.

I had inhaled just seconds before being shoved under, and I held my breath and tried to keep calm as they kept me under the icy cold water. I couldn't see a damn thing, and keeping my eyes open anyway burned, so I closed them and tried to keep my shit together. My head began throbbing almost immediately from the icy chill piercing my skull, my nostrils burned and I couldn't help but struggle against their hold. They held me under for a bit longer this time, and I almost lost control before they pulled me out again. I choked on what water did make it into my mouth and spat it out.

"This is a horrible first date!" I furiously blurted out to whoever was holding me down. "Jeez, don't you guys know how to treat a gentleman such as myself?"

A snort. "Jokes at a time like this?" A voice asked from somewhere, making me look around... but I saw nothing but darkness.

I scoffed in reply! Scoffed I say! "Jokes? I'm being serious right now. At least buy me dinner before getting to the kinky stuff." I told them, channeling my most honest voice, "I would at least like to have some food in me before ya'll try to drown me. And be gentle! I'm a fragile spirit." I quipped with no small amount of awesome radiating from my voice.

Another snort from whoever was speaking, "Foolish human." Huh, what do you know, someone else who knows what I am. "We have you captured, tortured you, and you make jokes? Your kind truly surprises me."

I just shrugged as the grip on my arms was held tightly, along with the one holding my head. "It helps that I am an asshole by birth and an idiot to boot." I smiled proudly. Even though I knew for a fact acting this way was gonna get my ass killed, or worse. But I was going to be a full asshole to anyone who kidnapped my lanky ass. I'm going out in style. "Also, if I may ask-"

"You may not." The voice told me.

I continued anyway, do I look polite to you? "Where am I? Also, who are you peeps?" I asked, I doubt they'd give me the answer I wanted. If anything I was probably going to be killed, quite viciously. Thinking for a bit, I remembered the orb in my pack and gathered that they must have been after that... "You guys zebras?" Nothing, "Ponies?" Still nothing. "Caribou?"

Silence once more... but the grip on my arms tightened.

"I'm right aren't I? You're those caribou..." I trailed off, they had to be. Who else would be after the keys aside from Daring? And she told me herself she works alone, so she wouldn't be at all interested employing a bunch of thugs to try and beat someone to death over the keys, especially someone like me. She was smart, cunning, and tactful. She was like Lara Croft and Indiana Jones. Daring didn't resort to dirty tactics like these dudes, she did awesome shit for awesome reasons, know what I mean? "Seeing how I must have your attention, what do you want?"

A few moments of silence and I tried to carefully time my breath as best as I could so I could inhale as much as I could before they thrust me back under the water. Then the voice spoke again as I heard footsteps, heavy metallic ones stomping around the room amidst the clatter of armor. "You, little human have taken something of ours." I heard the steps stop in front of me and when I dared look up I saw a hand grasping the orb, which I saw was now lit up with a dark red aura that made me cringe.

Christ I could feel the power coming from it... it made my blood freeze up and I couldn't stop my heart from beating faster. I had that in my backpack! Fuck, I touched that damn thing!

"Of course, we had to... punish you for taking what is rightfully ours." The voice told me before leaning down and I saw the scarred face of a caribou as the lights slowly came on around me in the form of crystals. He was wearing steel plate armor over his chest, with a tunic made of chain mail and an armored skirt... or whatever it's called. His arms were bare of armor, but his legs weren't, or feet. By his side, I saw an odd looking sword made of solid black, and it made me wary. His antlers were sharpened to a fine point and his eyes a cold steely gray coloration that peered into my own. "How a pathetic ape such as yourself knew of this key I'll never know." He went over to a nearby table where I saw my shit, along with some other stuff before I saw him placing the key down next to... two other keys, fuck, he had three of them? "Obviously you must be working with the bitch we just caught, trying to make off with one of the other keys. Luckily for me, she had another on her, making my search for these much more easier."

Bitch? Who could he be... oh no, Daring... "Listen... buddy, let's try to compromise here. You're a nice guy... I'm sure of that-"

"I've nearly had you drowned twice now." He pointed out.

"-annnnnnd, while you did steal my shit and attempt to kill me. I'm willing to look past that, if-" I stopped, making sure to hack and cough to clear my throat out. I was so terribly thirsty. "-you give me back my stuff and let me go." I smiled a dashing smile towards him.

The caribou guy wasn't so enthralled by my roguish charms, in fact, I do believe I may have invoked his wraith. "I think you are misunderstanding the current situation you are in," He turned to face me completely, hand gripping the pommel of his sword as his cold eyes glared at me. "You are not going to leave this building alive, ape." I frowned at that. "You along with the female in the next room, are going to die as soon as I return. I myself will execute you in the name of the one true King." He nodded to the caribou holding me, and I was yanked onto my feet and dragged off towards a door.

"Hey come on!" I yelled, kicking and struggling against the caribou dragging me only to see the main dude leave. "Let's work something out!" That was bullshit, I was just grasping for any hooks that could get me out of this, unfortunately, nothing worked as I was dragged through a door and down a hall.

I just went limp and put as much weight as I could down, I was gonna make this as hard on them as physically possible. I did catch a look at the area around me as I was dragged like a sack of meat and bones. I saw some steel doors leading somewhere, probably nowhere important. The halls were dank and dark, with barely any light in them at all to help me see. And I couldn't hear much aside from the stomping of the caribou as they dragged me along, along with the slight noise of my boots dragging along the floor. They must be taking me to a holding cell... would Daring be there? Maybe...

Soon enough I got my answer when I heard a door opening with a squeaking noise, and I was suddenly and violently thrown forward. "Whoah!" I yelled as I soared through the air before I smacked into the hard cobblestone wall. My back flared in pain as I slid down and nearly snapping my neck once I hit the ground. They threw me upside down! The pricks! I bit back the string of violent German and Russian curses that desired to be set free upon the world. "Gah... pricks." I let that curse loose however. I grumbled before righting myself and sitting up, rubbing the back of my head as I looked around my cell.

And lo and behold, there was Daring Do in the corner...

Also, did I mention she was completely naked... like, full on naked? As in not a single article of clothing was to be seen on her body?

Mine face has gone supernova to the point Celestia would be jealous!

Looking away, mostly out of second hand embarrassment, I spoke up, "Well... Daring... nice to, u-uh, see you again." Of course they took her clothes! Surprised they didn't take all of mine. Guess they couldn't handle the cannon in my pants.



What is my life?

Daring, when I did look at her before veering my eyes away, I saw she was sitting cross legged with her wings folded tightly behind her and her arms were covering her rather moderately sized bust. And she appeared to have been beaten, if that dark spot on her face was any indication of bruising. I didn't look at her for very long before turning away, while I will admit to being the biggest perv there is from where I'm from, I have my reputation to think about... and besides, I got enough of a glimpse for later, hehehe.


"What the... Morin?" She sounded confused, very confused, "What in Tartarus are you doing here?" Daring questioned me in a harsh and quiet tone of voice, sounding furious almost.

I chuckled sheepishly, "Uh... ehehe, funny story." I started as I rubbed the back of my head. "I kinda got attacked on the train when I was leaving the region and I was thrown off with a caribou and this old stallion dude, after it exploded. They're both dead by the way. And instead of walking the rest of the way, like I was gonna do, I decided to explore the region to the east and I ended up here where I met this cute mare named Sakura and we decided to explore the land together. Little bit after that we ended up meeting this huge thestral named Blade Dancer and we got into this big fight with some Caribou who were looking for me, so we fought them off and escaped further south into a coastal town. Which we might actually still be in and uh..." I paused... what would she think if I told her about the third key I had found?

"And?" She asked, looking suspicious towards me no doubt.

After a few moments of thinking, I sighed heavily and turned to her finally and told her, "I found another key." Her expression at that moment was beyond words, though if I had to guess what she was feeling... it was probably fury. "Yeah, I know, and I wasn't even looking for them! I found it being sold in the market by a junk dealer, so that dude that grabbed us has three of the keys now." Which meant he only needed four more and then... bad times for all of us, shit! These keys were not hidden well! This is bullshit! "We need to get out of here." I muttered finally before getting up and looking around for a way out.

Yeah, it was a cell, but I had to channel my inner Jack Sparrow to get out of this situation, I can't let those caribou keep those keys. The way out was blocked off by iron bars and a locked cell door, the floors and walls were made of complete cobblestone which meant digging out was no option, and I had nothing to dig with. And I didn't have any lock picks on me to my great misfortune, or anything resembling one. And there was nothing in the room except Daring who sat on the opposite side of the room. We didn't have anything to work with here and it pissed me off, how were we gonna escape this shit?

Okay think Dee... think! How do we escape this? I poured through my mind, rubbing my back which still ached and flinging my hair out of the way with a toss of my head. I put a hand on the door keeping us in before giving it a shake. I found it held strong, it didn't give at all. And it wasn't rusty either, so no kicking through it or breaking it. It looked new... as new as iron bars could look anyway.

Daring's voice sounded suddenly, interrupting me from my expert sluthing. "Don't bother trying, those are strong bars and I tried squeezing through them. I'm still trying to figure a way out of here." Daring told me, and my mind mostly focused on the squeezing part of what she said.


"Huh... squeeeeeeeeeezing you say?" I rose an eyebrow. Now... for a dude of my stature, I was actually fairly thin. It comes from being a light framed, so I could go where no man has gone before. Looking at the bars that made up our prison, I could see they were spaced pretty close together, but not by much. I thought for a moment... then shrugged. "Ehh fuck it." I ran into and slammed against the bars and then proceeded to try and force my way through the small opening.


That sounded so wrong.

I managed to squeeze my arm through along with my fat head. But my torso was having a bit of trouble, which was quite a feat considering I'm a thin dude. After a few pushes I could feel it slipping through as I wormed around a bit, but then I got stuck. "Unf!" I grunted, struggling to get through the damned bars, but alas, I was stuck! Okay maybe this was a bad ide- I was cut off from my mental musings of how I should possibly fix this as I felt a pair of hands on my back and sides and they began pushing me through, while at the sme time shocking me. "Ow ow ow!"

I heard a growl. "Suck! It! Up!" Daring enunciated each word with a slam against my body as she attempted to push me violently through the bars. After a bit of squirming and violent pushing from Daring, I eventually fell through the bars and smacked into the floor with a silent and very pained Oomph!

I shook my head with a blubbering noise before standing up. I shook my body slightly and quickly looked around. I can't believe that actually worked! Nothing can stop me from escaping! "Muahahaha!" I laughed before sprinting off towards wherever the keys were. I think Daring hissed after me, but I didn't hear her.

I was far too busy being awesome.

I continued running past empty cells and locked doors before slowing down as I reached an area that looked like something a guard post. It was rather small, and had a single desk that had a few keys on it along with some papers. I also detected a smell in the air, the heavy stench of... sex, oh boy. I gagged at the stench, knowing it quite well before grabbing the keys and making sure not to jingle them before making my way back to the cells where Daring was situated. As I did, I wondered how we were going to escape this building in one piece. There was the heavily armored guy, probably the leader of this group, but he was supposedly gone somewhere. Then there were the two goons who threw me in the cell with Daring, was it just those three? Or god forbid... were there more of these fucks around?

I also wondered if they were going after Dancer and Sakura.

They better not, if they know what's good for them.

I eventually made it back to the cell where Daring was waiting. And I was trying my damnedest to ignore Daring's rather... nicely shaped bust and body as I fiddled with the keys to unlock the dang cell. I slid in the first key I had, "Not that key, not that key, not that key... not that key either." I listed off trying each key in the lock, only for them to get stuck and not work like they're supposed to. "Son of a dick." I grumbled as I yanked out the next key, cursing it for not working.

Why are there so many keys?!

"Hurry up!" Daring hissed at me again as I tried another key.

"There's like a hundred keys on this thing, gimme a second!" I hissed back to her, throwing her a dirty look as I tried one more key. It didn't work either. "Oh for fuck's sake!"

"Give me the damn keys, you apparently don't know how to use them!" Daring growled, trying to snatch the keys from me.

I growled back at her. "Fuck you! I know how to work a goddamn key!" I hissed in reply as I tried another key, only for it to get stuck. I could practicalyl feel the tick marks on my head trying to pop free of my skull. "Gaah!"

Daring tapped her feet impatiently. "Any day now."

"How about you shut your face!" I shot back.

Daring narrowed her eyes at me, flipping me the finger. "You shut up!"

I returned the gesture. "No you!"

We glared at one another for some time before I tried yet another fucking key on the damned keyring.


Went the lock as it unlocked and I pulled the door open. "Alrighty, to our stuff!" I declared silently as we both started off towards the area where our stuff was, moving past the guard post andh eading further down the hallway. Daring was trailing behind me for... various reasons that should be obvious.

Daring hissed at me, bapping me on the back of the head. "Shut up, we're gonna get caught if you keep that shit up." Daring told me as we kept moving.

I just grunted in reply and ignored the pain in the back of my head. My fists wre loose and my reflexes tuned and ready for a fight. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we jogged down the hall. My heart was jackhammering in my chest, pounding against my rib cage as we closed in on the torture area I was in and nearly drowning a couple of times. We crouched down a bit once we made it to the door, which was left open much to our convenience. I leaned a little bit towards the door's crack to peer into the room, my hearing picking up no sounds inside. I didn't see anyone inside standing guard, no one hiding on the ceiling like a ninja, nor hidden next to the walls or in the shadows like an arse.

So I went inside before swiftly going over to my stuff which was still thankfully on the table. I saw all my weapons laid out next to my pack, which had been opened up and rifled through. And they fucked with my medical kit and ruined what was in it! Great... that cost like forty something bucks back on my world and now it's useless to me. My Kama were left unharmed along with my knife and upper clothing which I quickly donned once more. I strapped my knife back on along with sliding my Kama into my belt before putting my pack on and putting the orb into one it. Then I saw Daring throwing her clothes on, slipping on her shorts and underwear swiftly and covering her well toned rear.

Once she turned and saw me putting the orb into my pack, she glared at me. "What are you doing?" She asked, one arm through her shirt and the other holding onto the hem as I saw her exposed tit glaring at me.

Shaking away that delicious image and trying not to get a raging boner, I replied to the mare, "I'm taking this one with me." I informed her, and when she glared harder like she was gonna argue. "Look. Those dudes want these orbs, you told me so yourself! And you had two on you, I had one myself. That means there's only four of these things left out there to find. These guys are too close as it is. I say we split up with these things and hide them somewhere where they can't find them." She glared at me, but said nothing as she slid her shirt down over her breasts and blocking them from view. "If you have all of them, that'll just get them one step closer to their goals of releasing that dark king dude or whatever." I pointed out to her.

To me it sounded like a good plan. We split up the orbs and go seperate paths so the group of caribou wouldn't know where to look. I could bury this orb somewhere, maybe somewhere in the far east and Daring could do the same, and head in the other direction or something. If she had all of them and got caught again, who knows what would happen? She'd probably end up being subject to the fate of her... canon Fall of Equestria counterpart...

Which I bet wasn't pretty.

As Daring put on her jacket, buttoning it up and grabbing her own pack, she asked me, "How do I know you won't just simply pawn it off for a quick buck?" She growled, looking quite threatening with her flared out wings. But her tone was... contemplative about my offer, which I was glad for.

I sighed heavily to that, a fair point indeed. "I'll admit, Daring Do, I am an asshole and a piece of shit." I zipped up my bag... but I didn't put it on, instead I held it out to her. "But I'm an honest and loyal piece of shit... that doesn't want to watch the world burn because of some lust driven psychopaths who wanna get their collective dick wet. If you don't trust me with this thing... then by all means, take it." I told her, shaking the bag I held to her. I honestly didn't care if she took it or not, there was no guarantee I wouldn't get caught and tortured for the whereabouts of Daring, or the other keys if they think I know where they are. But damn it all... I was being honest, I don't want anything bad to happen to Equestria, the Zebra lands, or any other country out there...

And I'm going to do my damndest to make sure nothing bad happens.

The pegasus mare eyed the bag for a moment, looking like she was in thought on the matter. She didn't really have any reason to trust me, not a single damn one. Sure we fought together like... what, maybe twice? And she saved my life once, and I helped get us both out of that cell. But that wasn't grounds for absolute trust, maybe a thanks but...nothing more than that. She doesn't need to let me take this bag. Whatever was going on in her mind, I agreed with it. I could get captured, tortued, maimed... raped, for information. All of it was perfectly logical to be worried about... in the end though, I didn't know where she was going so I couldn't help them even if I tried.

But after what felt like an eternity of intense thought... the golden mare huffed as she grabbed the other orbs and shoved them into her pack. She clasped it shut before throwing it over her back. Her eyes soon flicked to mine, a fierce fire burning deep within them that spoke just how much she despised me in that moment. "You make... a decent point..." Daring's hand clenched into a tight fist. "And against my better wishes... I'll let you take it, but don't you dare lose it." She told me sternly, pointing a finger towards me that promised absolute skullfuckery if I failed.

I put my own pack on, tightening the straps as I gripped onto my Kama, pulling them out with a sigh. "I don't plan on it, Daring," I told her, twirling my weapons with a sense of purpose and courage. "I plan on finding a good place to hide it, not sure where though." I do need to find a place to hide this, and I needed to think fast as we ran out of this place. It couldn't be in this region, they would probably find it. It needed to be hidden in a place no one could possibly even think of looking.

Daring just nodded her head and led the way to the door, where she opened it up with a yank of the door handle.

And upon moving into the room which hopefully led outside, we saw three caribou armed with swords and gathered around... and they caught sight of us. Daring and I froze at the three standing there. My hands tightened around my Kama, adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins as I realized a fight was at hand. No way were we getting out the quiet way now. I was gonna have to be quick and precise about this, this would be my first fight! I saw Daring's fists clench as the caribou reached for their swords, and I grimaced. This was gonna get bloody.

"Well well well, looks like our little human friend decided to bring us a delicious treat~" One of them said, hefting up his broadsword "About time, I was wondering when I'd finally get a shot at the bitch before we offed her."

A chuckle from another, and I grew more and more disgusted. "Four of us can certainly fill up her holes, hehehe~" Another chimed in, as Daring had a face of disgust etched into her expression.

It only took me a few moments to realize he counted four, was that asshole including me? Fucking degenerate!

"Sorry boys, I'm not on the menu." Daring growled towards them as one of them looked to me.

He grinned. "You there, male! Haven't you learned what to do with females such as her? Teach her some respect!" The one told me in a friendly tone. He spoke in the sense that implied I was actually going to do whatever it was he wanted me to teach her, what did he think I was?.

I frowned and rolled my shoulders. "Sorry friend, I don't roll like that," I told him, twirling my Kama around a tiny bit. "So I suggest you let us o-"

I was cut off. "Insolent dog! Teach that whore her proper place!" The same one yelled at me, he didn't look incredibly angry though... he looked at me like a disappointed father would to his son. "She is a mare, a weak and frail thing that needs to be taught her place in society!" He continued, and I just balked at the bullshit being thrown at me as two of his goons ventured over to me with their swords drawn.

"I asked nicely!" I yelled as I charged forward, intent on ending this fight as quickly as I could. The sound of wing flaps sounded next to me, and Daring flew into the air above them, fists clenched and ready for a fight. One of the caribou came at me with his sword, holding it high and preparing to swing it down onto me. I panicked and things sped up as I managed to fall down onto my knees and slide between his legs like I did the one, but this time I hooked my Kama right into his thigh. The sharpened blade cut right through the weak spot through his clothes that was there, slicing through the flesh and making him yell out in pain as I slid away and got back up onto my feet.

I darted back towards him with the idea of slicing his throat from behind and taking him down. But he ended up swinging his sword around towards me, which I was only barely able to dodge. The swish of the blade went right over me as I fell back, scrambling for cover as he swung again, the blade nicking the sole of my hiking boots and almost getting my foot. I moved faster and vaulted over a box as his sword came crashing down again. "You will pay for not obeying your elders!" He yelled at me, and I just grimaced as he wrenched his sword free and came at me again.

"Fuck off jackass!" I yelled as Daring continued to fight the other one, throwing some hard punches and kicks. But she wasn't moving as fast as she did last time, in fact, she looked a bit slower. I shook my head, she was probably just tired, I would be too if I had to put up a constant fight against some jerks like these. I whistled towards the caribou stomping towards me, his eyes wide and furious as my feet kept moving. My eyes watched his own and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so damned panicky. This wasn't like last time with that dude with the bow, he was a pussy compared to these guys. These dudes were bulky, not as huge as one might think but still big and probably fully capable of ripping my head off if they tried.

Damn it, I was boned if I didn't take down this guy!

Shit shit shit shit! I backed up a bit to get my bearings. And I watched as he pulled back his sword, quickly moving forward to thrust it towards me. My inner Dark Souls fighter came out and I tried using my kama to parry the sword. I was only... half successful, however. The blade missed skewering me entirely but did cut through my shirt and cut my skin. "Fuck!" I yelped, dropping my kama and ripping out my knife from my belt before jumping at the caribou. I gripped onto the padded armor's neck collar, he tried to throw me off, but I was able to jam my knife past the collar and into his neck with a yell, "Suck on this!" I yelled as I buried my knife up to the hilt in his throat. His eyes bulged out of his skull when my knife was pulled out, and I stabbed it into his neck, again and again, furiously stabbing into him as he dropped his sword and tried to wrench me free.

A fist suddenly collided with the side of my face, forcing me to let go of the neck collar. I was grabbed after that and swiftly thrown away with a yelp, where I smashed into a bunch of crates. Pain exploded across my back and shoulders before tumbling through the now broken wood and landing on the stone floor with a groan. I quickly looked up, fear running through my mind at the thought of him coming at me now that I was down. But thankfully I saw him trying to stop the bleeding before he fell to his knees, then he collapsed onto the floor with a thud.

He was dead... my third kill.

I groaned in pain before climbing onto my feet. I had to keep moving, there were still two dudes left! I ran over and grabbed my other kama after sheathing my knife. Once I turned to face the other guys, I saw the only other caribou not fighting gawking at me as Daring fought with the other still. She was sweating, yells and grunts escaping her with each and every punch she threw towards the towering caribou. I twirled my right Kama a bit then my left one before glaring at the one caribou left standing. "You will pay for that!" He pulled out his weapon, a double bladed axe he swung dangerously in my direction.

"Probably." I quipped, cracking my neck again as he charged at me with a warcry. I ran towards him as my heart continued to bombard my ribcage, threatening to explode if I didn't calm myself down. I was thinking about doing the same move as last time, ducking down and going up under him, but he was probably anticipating it after watching me fight his buddy. I'm sure the caribou aren't completely stupid when it comes to fighting, not all of them anyway. I ran straight at him, throwing away all self-regard. When he swung his axe I threw up a block with my kama. This proved to be an incredibly stupid move on my part... pain rocketed through my side as the axe blade rested against the kama's handles. His strength far outmatched my own and the shock reverberated through my weapons nearly making me lose my grip on them and almost cutting into my side worse than the sword did. My weapons barely held back his axe from slicing into my body!

I dug my heels into the floor with a grunt of effort, both Kama held upside down in a side block as I tried to to think of a way to counter this bullshit. I heard Daring continuing to throw her attacks at the Caribou nearby, swift and precise blows that could probably cave in anyone's skull. When I looked over, I saw his antlers had begun glowing... wait, they glow?

They can use magic!?

What the actual fuck!

Daring was thrown to the side by what I could only assume was a telekinesis spell of sorts. She hit the stone wall hard as the caribou stalked over to her, sheathing his blade with a near manic grin plastered on his face. "Time to teach you a lesson!" He laughed, pinning Daring against the floor as he ripped his armor off with little trouble before trying to rip her clothes off.

Daring thrashed against him. "No! Get off me you bastard!" She screamed before throwing a punch to his face. It hurt a lot, I could tell from the look on his face... but it also pissed him off.

"Daring!" I growled towards the caribou and with a burst of energy, I managed to push the caribou back, much to both of our surprise, before pulling up my leg and kicking him in the knee as hard as I could. He yelled in pain as I kicked his axe arm and smashed my left kama into his throat quickly following up by slamming my right into the back of his neck. Swiftly I ripped my blades through his weak points as blood gushed forth. He gripped at his neck, unable to stop my attack as he fell to his knees, gurgling up blood that slowly began coating his armor red before I kicked him away with a yell.

I dashed over to where Daring was on the ground, her shirt almost ripped off completely. I wasn't even thinking as I ran up to the caribou, stabbing my right kama into his stomach and making the blade sink into his flesh before slamming my other into his back. And with a yell of effort from me, I ripped my weapons through his flesh before kicking him off of Daring and onto the floor as he yelled out in pain, clutching his now bleeding gut.

I turned to Daring. "Let's get out of here!" I told her, holding out my hand to the mare. She took it and I helped her up before, together, we ran towards the exit and burst out into the town, and as it turned out we were still in Jainko. Daring didn't waste time before taking off into the air with her pack strapped on tight and leaving me behind, hopefully to go hide those super funky keys somewhere nice, dark, dank, and deep.

Now that I was free from their clutches, I think it was time that Sakura, Dancer, and I got the fuck out of this place... time to move on before reinforcements came for me and Daring.

Author's Note:

My apologies guys! I got side tracked and I completely forgot to update this last Saturday, but here it is today, and early, because screw it, there's a storm and I'm not confident to wait until 12AM
Don't worry folks, the next update will be on time so you'll be getting the final chapter for this ARC this Saturday. :heart: