• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 550 Views, 6 Comments

The Object - Piece Bot

The object is sometimes spherical, and it sometimes looks like a cube. What is it? Nopony knows but Twilight is willing to find out.

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The Object

Twilight didn’t know what it was. All she knew was that it was round at some angles but looked like a cube at others. It gleamed an off white whenever her lavender magic touched it.

“Spike?” Twilight called out, looking around one of the many basements in the castle. Some of the basements held books piled as high as the ceiling, some held various pieces of equipment meant for scientific research, and this particular basement held a thing. It perplexed Twilight to no end, having not found a way to open it or even glean its secrets within. “Spike!?” her voice echoed around the basement, but no clattering claws could be heard running towards her.

He must be taking a bath, Twilight thought to herself. Glancing around, she found a pair of metal tongs hanging on a wall that were unlike the ones used at a blacksmith’s forge. POking her tongue out a bit, she gripped the tongs in her magical glow and floating them over the cuboid, sphere, thing, grasped it. The object flashed and Twilight felt her magic be forced off of the tongs. She yelped at the sudden loss of contact and rubbed her horn. After a few moments, Twilight shook her head and stared at the tongs that had clattered to the floor. What kind of object does this to metal? Maybe I should try it with other pieces just to be sure.

Finding a few more shards of metal off in the corners of the room, Twilight stood back from the object as she slowly moved a rather large piece of metal that was no bigger than her hoof. The object flashed black this time and the metal simply disintegrated. Odd. Maybe it does different things to different pieces of matter? The tongs were whole and actually had a purpose. My magic on it’s own did nothing, but with a simple piece of jagged metal, it simply vanished. Maybe Princess Luna would know more.

Twilight dropped the other pieces she was going to experiment with and thought it wouldn’t hurt to try to teleport the object to a different place in the room. She lit up her horn in a lavender hue and wrapped her magic around the object. Nothing happened, but when she tried to teleport it, she ended up teleporting herself to an unknown place that was white all around. The object didn’t flash. Maybe it was just an instinctive reaction?

“Hello? Can anypony hear me?” Twilight called out. Her voice was swallowed up within the whiteness surrounding her. I’m not floating. My hooves are actually touching something so, where in Equestria could I be? Her thoughts went around like this until she got it into her head to actually start trying to walk. “There should be something around here that can help me figure out where I am,” Twilight told herself. Taking a tentative step, she found to her relief that her hoof didn’t fall through. Walking in this manner, it wasn’t until a few steps later that she bumped into something. Rubbing her nose in a sudden bloom of pain, Twilight flapped her wings and tried to fly up but her back almost immediately bumped into the same invisible wall.

I’m … I’m trapped!? Twilight panicked, one of her back hooves resting on a wall behind her when she touched down. She turned, thankful for not bumping into anything, and called out for anypony to listen. Nothing came back. “Okay, okay. Don’t panic. Try to think through this. You’re in a cube of sorts. What looked like a cube? That mysterious object. Then again, it also looked spherical. Maybe it could be a ball? Agh! Getting off track. Maybe I can try teleporting?” Twilight told herself before attempting a teleportation spell. It ended up having the effect of her bouncing about the cage with pained grunts. “Oof. That didn’t work,” she muttered, lying still in the position she was left in. “I’m most likely inside the object I was examining. How do I get a message or anything out to anypony if that’s the case!?”

Twilight cried frustratedly, her main avenue of escape gone. She attempted her magic but it simply fizzled out. Magic definitely doesn’t work. Maybe sleeping would. That would at least bring me in possible contact with Princess Luna. Twilight sighed, and ignoring the brightness of her current existence, did her best to fall asleep.

“Huh? What’s this?” Spike asked himself, peeking into one of the various basements of the castle in search of his carer. In the basement was a single white object that had fallen to the floor from its place on the singular table. He carefully walked downstairs and picked up the object in a claw. “Twilight would know about this but … she isn’t here. This is the fifteenth basement I’ve searched with this being the only interesting thing so far,” he mused to himself and gave it a shake near his ear to see if it did anything. A faint bumping sound could be heard but other than that, nothing. “Maybe one of the princesses will know what to do with this,” Spike said quietly, tossing the white object up and down. As a quick test before sending it off, he tried to bounce it off the floor but it just rolled away instead.

“Well, this certainly isn’t fun,” Spike sighed before blowing his magic on it, sending it off to Princess Celestia.

In Princess Celestia’s sleeping chambers, the Alicorn Princess of the Sun, and half of the diarch of Equestria, was sound asleep until a mysterious white object appeared above her sleeping form and dropped onto her head. Celestia woke up with a start, a couple of guards running in at the commotion.

“Is everything alright, Princess?” one of the guards asked.

“Yes, everything is fine. Just a bad dream, is all,” Celestia replied to the guard, and grabbed the object in her magic when they turned back to their duties. “Now, what could you be?” she asked the object when they were out of earshot and had closed the door.

Comments ( 6 )

Well, this is interesting, got to say, but I feel there has to be more to it. You could perhaps think of expanding it, and that would be great, giving us more insight into this mystery.

Maybe when I'm more awake and in the right mood I can expand on it. Who knows?

Is she trapped in a soul canister??

What's a soul canister? I've never heard of them.

7739173 sorry, played shadow warrior 2 recently, I didn't remember the actual name of it, but once your stuck in it, you can't get out

Twilight is a terrible scientist.

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