• Published 1st Dec 2016
  • 374 Views, 7 Comments

Princess Erroria's New Friend - pokefreak13

Princess Erroria and Slowpoke find a strange creature hidden in a fruit basket.

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A New 'Friend'

Princess Erroria trots down Canterlot’s stone paved streets. A red wagon is harnessed to her and inside is her best friends Slowpoke, where colorful rocks surround the drowsy creature.

“That was fun, right Slowpoke?” Erroria asks as water drips off of her vanilla coat.

“Slow.” Slowpoke says with a gigantic yawn.

“Yup! I can’t wait to show Mommy our treasures. Maybe we found gold or crystals! Can you imagine finding crystals at the bottom of the lake?” Erroria says which causes a few ponies to shift their gaze to her.

“Slowpoke, slow.”

“My thoughts exactly!”

As she makes her way through the shopping district, a pony bumps into Erroria, sending her to collide into an alabaster wall.


Erroria rubs her throbbing forehead before turning around and flashing her companion a reassuring smile. Then, Erroria backs up and is about to restart her journey, but something catches her attention. Falteringly, she makes her way to an overturned basket. Bruising apples and filthy oranges litter the ground around it. Yet, what truly caught her eye is the fact that the basket is rocking back and forth.

“Hello, anypony in there?” Erroria asks.

The basket stops moving and a canine like head pops out. Two big pale blue eyes observe the filly and her companion before emanating a low growl. However, because Erroria has only ever been around feline Pokémon, mistakes the noise as a purr.

“You’re so adorable!” She pulls the Pokémon into a hug. He tries to escape, but that just makes Erroria tighten her grip. Finally, he nips Erroria’s cheek and she immediately drops him.


“Rockruff,” Rockruff growls.

Princess Erroria places a hoof on her cheek and frowns, “That’s not nice!”

“Rock, rock.” Rockruff flashes his canines, trying his best to ward off the insane filly.

“I just want to be friends with you.”

Rockruff shudders and tries to scamper off but, Slowpoke tumbles out of the wagon and squirts the Pokémon with some water. He flinches as the liquid seeps into his fur. Desperately, Rockruff paws at his fur to get it off, which only makes his fur to form clumps. Rockruff lets out a whine before shooting daggers at Slowpoke.

“You don’t like water?” Erroria asks while making her way next to Slowpoke.

Rockruff shakes his head.

“Then come with us and I’ll get my Mommy to dry you.” She says.

Rockruff flashes his teeth once again and slowly begins to back away. His pale eyes stares intently at Erroria as he tries to make his escape. Rockruff almost makes it to the main road, but Slowpoke sneaks up behind the canine and headbutts him. It isn't super effective, but it is enough to make Rockruff flinch. Then, Slowpoke bites into Rockruff's tail and drags the struggling Pokemon to Erroria.

"See, even Slowpoke wants to be your friend." Erroria says.

Rockruff tries to escape by shaking his body left and right, yet that only forces Slowpoke to tighten his jaw. Grimacing, he decides to take another plan of action and materializes a medium size rock and hurls it into Erroria's chest. She takes a step back and rubs her chest, tears forming in her eyes.

"You're a big bully! Now you have to come with us so Mommy can give you a time out." Erroria says. She then places her hoof to her face and frowns. If she does take Rockruff home, he'll probably try to escape and overturn her wagon or hurt Slowpoke. Sure Slowpoke could just hold onto him, but his jaw is bound to get tired eventually. Suddenly, an idea strikes her brain and she grins, "I know, Slowpoke use water gun!"

"R-rock?" Rockruff whines.

Slowpoke releases Rockruff's tail. The canine tries to make a final dash away from the crazy duo, only to feel a torrent of water crash into his body. Rockruff growls and forms another rock and chucks it at Slowpoke.

"Headbutt then water gun!"

Slowpoke's skull slams into the rock, breaking it into pieces. He then opens his mouth and shoots another jet of water. Rockruff tries to dodge, but the water was too fast.

As the water subsides, Princess Erroria trots up to the fainted Rockruff and gently picks him up. Slowpoke crawls back into the wagon and Erroria places Rockruff besides him. Then, after readjusting her harness, Erroria set off to her home once again.

They arrive at the outskirts of Canterlot where several alabaster and violet houses dot the rugged terrain. Erroria parks her wagon besides a pale house with roses that line the walkway. She wraps Rockruff in her magic and gently lays him on her back before walking to the door, Slowpoke trailing behind.

"Mommy, I'm home!" Erroria shouts as she and Slowpoke enter the cozy room.

A light pink unicorn with a purple mane and tail trots from the other room and greets her daughter with a smile. However, when she notices Rockruff, she raises an eyebrow.

"Sweetie, what did you bring...again?" Iris questions.

"A bully! I want you to put him in a time out so we can be friends when he reforms." Erroria says.

Iris face hoofs, "Erroria, that's a wild Pokemon. He's only acting on instinct," she points to the door, "put Rockruff back where you found him."

"But Mommy, I wanna be friends with him!" Erroria whines.

Iris lets out a small sigh, "Erroria, how did you try to be friends with Rockruff?"

Princess Erroria recounts her tale on how she and Slowpoke met Rockruff to her mother. Once the filly finishes, Iris sits down on a rocking chair. She opens her mouth to try and lecture her daughter about how forcing a Pokemon to be friends isn't okay when, Rockruff suddenly opens his eyes, jumps off of Erroria, and bares his fangs. His eyes scan the room and he kicks at the dusty carpet when he sees Iris.

"See, he's purring! But when I pick him up, he bites." Erroria says.

"Sweetie, he's growling." Iris gets off of the chair and glides over to Rockruff.

"Careful mommy!"

Iris gives her daughter a small smile before kneeling down to Rockruff's eye level.

"Rockruff." He says.

"I'm sorry my daughter gave you so much trouble. She's still trying to understand that not everypony wants to be her friend."

"Rockruff, rock?"

"Would you like some food as a compensation for your troubles?"

Rockruff tentatively nods his head.

Smiling, Iris stands straight and begins to trot into the kitchen, "behave you three."

Once she left, Princess Erroria looks from Slowpoke to Rockruff who jumps onto a couch. His pale blue eyes stare intently at the filly from his perch.

"Sorry if I was being too pushy." Erroria says.

"Slow, slow." Slowpoke says before munching on the carpet.

"Rockruff?" Rockruff tilts his head.

Erroria sighs and hops onto the same couch, but making sure there was a cushion between her and Rockruff, "You're just so adorable that I wanted to be your friend automatically because cute things are expose to be nice."

"Slowpoke, slow slow." Slowpoke says before continuing his snack.

Rockruff shifts his feet and timidly walks up to her. He then nuzzles her cheek before backing away to his spot.

"Thanks." Erroria says with a small smile.

Iris comes back with platters of food levitating around her. "Slowpoke, no eating the carpet," she sets a blue plate with kibble next to the Pokemon who happily began to munch on that instead, "Rockruff, here you go," Iris places a red plate with the same kibble on the floor. Rockruff jumps down and hesitantly munches on it, "Erroria, here you go as well," a green plate with a cucumber sandwich lays on the filly's lap.

"Thanks Mommy."

"Slow, slow."


Iris smiles and sits back in the rocking chair, munching on her own sandwich.

The room is silent save for the sounds of eating. It was peaceful, something Rockruff wasn't very use to. He looks up from his dish and looks at Slowpoke who fell asleep, his head resting on the clean plate. Could he live just like this? It would make his life easier, yet the scent of fresh air seems to beckon him. Rockruff takes one last bite and makes his way to the door.

"Erroria, let Rockruff out." Iris says.

Erroria walks to the door and envelops the handle with her magic. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

Rockruff shakes his head, "ruff, ruff rock."

Erroria opens the door, "it was nice meeting you, Rockruff."

Rockruff scampers outside, but turns back and gives a bark before taking off. Tears prick Erroria's eyes as she stands there, a smile on her lips. The bark wasn't threatening, instead it had a somewhat light tone to it.

"See you later, Rockruff!" Erroria hollers.

Rockruff's outline stops, "Rockruff!" he barks. His body finally disappears over the rocky hills.

Comments ( 7 )

It's decent, and there are no glaring grammatical errors that I can see, but I feel this would work better as a true Pokemon story rather than an MLP crossover. The only thing that really screams ponies at me was the mention of Canterlot. Still, nice story. I encourage you to keep writing.

7763840 No problem. Keep being awesome my friend.:raritywink:

Yay more Princess Erroria work!

7764044 I'm glad you enjoy them:twilightsmile:

Very nice! Long live the princess!

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