• Published 3rd May 2018
  • 1,438 Views, 11 Comments

Alternate Chrysalises - Diamond Sparkle

What could have been if things with Chrysalis had gone differently.

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In The Lands Of The Fae

Twilight looks beautiful. She always does in the eyes of Queen Chrysalis, and no wonder, since the Queen has assigned two of her maids to look after her and make sure she looks absolutely fabulous at all times. Tonight not a purple hair is out of place on either her body, mane or tail, and her horn has been carefully and tenderly polished until it shines, something that made her giggle when it was done and fire off a little shower of sparks. A unicorn horn is a very sensitive thing, as the Queen knows well. She wears delicate bangles made of silver strands of fine filigree around her legs and a silver love charm around her neck to keep her in thrall, and a coronet of silver, amethyst and soft velvet upon her head, and her eyes are black with the enchantment of powerful love magic that keeps her love just leaking out so the Queen may feast upon it with glee.

The Queen herself wears a black and green crown that is in fact a rather delicate part of her own body, and enables her to give orders over the Hivemind that links her and her subjects. She wears a necklace of fine rubies and amber and a dress of fine gauze that will soon be fluttering in the wind when she and Princess Twilight go to visit the nearest other Fae Queen. She looks out of the window to the verdant and permanently twilight lands of the Fae, this section inhabited by great numbers of her drones and other creatures as well. There are goblins and kelpies, boggarts and trolls, all of which are welcome to live here as long as they do not harm or steal from her or her drones. Tonight is a very special night, the closest equivalent to the Fae of the Hearths Warming pony celebrations. They will leave her castle in a long royal convoy, singing and dancing all the way, the Queen's nobles clopping their hooves together in time with the sweet songs of the Fae.

And then the Queen will show Twilight off to her fellow Queen and her Hive to make them a little envious of her, and the two Queens and their Hives will party all night. Contrary to the beliefs of most non changelings, most of the time Changeling Hives are not fighting with each other like rats in a sack. It does happen occasionally of course, due to disrespect or trying to poach another Hive's prey or drones, but at least in the lands of the Fae there is enough space for everybody to avoid butting horns together over petty little reasons. In the lands of the non-Fae, each Hive claims a certain amount of territory to avoid conflict, so that they can all get fed, and once a year all the Hive Queens meet to arrange territory boundaries and deal with anything else that needs to be sorted out before it becomes a major problem.

The Queen looks out of one of the many windows of her throne room. It is always a warm twilight outside in the lands of the Fae, as it's inhabitants like it to be that way. Harsh sunlight is not kind to Fae eyes or to the chitin of their bodies, and whilst it is not too much of a nuisance to them, it is one that they prefer not to have to deal with in their own world. The ponies in the outside world share much the same viewpoint and micro-manage their weather in the civilized areas at least. No rain is scheduled for tonight in the Fae world, so the Queen casts a spell that causes little coloured sparks of raw magic to flicker around her and Twilight, and gets her escort ready, granting permission for the other non changeling races of the Fae to come along too as long as they cause no trouble to her drones.

She looks at Twilight and thinks of when she shifts into the shape of Princess Luna, a dark alicorn who is Twilight's real lover in the pony world, which causes a flood of sweet pony-love to erupt from Twilight for her to consume. She knows that on this night the Fae world and the pony world are very close and even overlap at times, but she is not worried. The ponies are ignorant of the ways of the Fae and who would dare to challenge her and her entire escort anyway? Twighlight takes her place in the royal consort's position right next to her, and they set off from Castle Chrysalis, the musicians of the royal band playing a merry Midsummer Eve tune, and the nobles singing and dancing along, sometimes even walking on two legs and clopping their hooves in tune with the music, their dragonfly-like wings buzzing so they don't fall over on their faces. Soldiers march along too-although the Fae are normally at peace with each other, on this night especially, normally does not mean always and it is best to stay safe. Many changelings from other Hives, she thinks, would love to steal her consort and have her sweet love for themselves.

She kisses Twilight tenderly on her cheek and runs a hoof lightly over her gossamer clothed back, thinking of the presents she will later shower her with when they later reach the castle of Queen Protura, and the presents that Twilight will no doubt give to her. With that love charm on her neck, Twilight is unable to even think of escaping and can walk freely through her lands with only a soldier or two to protect her. Suddenly a pony leaps out and snatches Twilight from her and she screeches in anger. "Who dares lay hoof on my consort?"

"I dare." It is the real Princess Luna who has done this to her.

"Release her!"

"Nay. She is my own true love, and I shall hold her till your procession has passed and she is free."

"I think not."

"I think so. It is the law of your magic, you know that as well as I." Luna knows the law around such matters; it is up to Queen Chrysalis to repel her. In such a contest the other Fae cannot intervene.

Author's Note:

I have the permission of the writer of Midsummer's Eve to write this fic-bit. I wondered, what happened to Twilight Sparkle before Princess Luna rescued her?