• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Commission Status: FULL


While the mirror portal to Sunset Shimmer's world is on loan to Canterlot, something goes wrong, the portal malfunctions and begins pulling in magic from all around it. Caught up in the grip of the portal Princess Luna is pulled through. Not to Sunset Shimmer's world, but a strange world with no magic.

Luna finds herself a stranger in a strange world. Trapped in a strange, equine body. With no magic, no wings and no horn, Luna struggles to find the most important thing of all. The way home.

Equine technical advice and assistance by Mix-Up.
Conceptual and Character advice and assistance by Door Belle

Mistakes, screw-ups and other errors by me.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 53 )

Sounds fun and interesting. I do remember a few "pony turned into a horse" fic, but it remain something quite rare.

A litle piece of advice, don't forget to use scene break whenever there is a gap in time and/or a change of setting.

“OUT OF MY WAY, Zecora!” Celestia thundered

, I doubt Celestia calmly paused to add Zecora's name. Take out that coma and put "Zecora" in capital bold letter.

7766159 Got it, and fixed. Thank you.

Well, at least her second greeting to this new world was a positive one... :twilightsheepish:

Interesting, I like how the moon is giving her magic. Though I am interested in when she arrived even more than the where.

7819839 The night before the full moon.

7819877 Ah, yes. Sorry, as in the time period. Depending on when she arrived it could get interesting in very different ways.

7820038 Ah, I see. Sorry. That should become clearer in the next chapter as I start to introduce some human characters.

Her father had not taken the revelation well that, after years of being raised to follow the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, his oldest daughter instead wanted to follow the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone


Well, I can't say I'm overjoyed over it either, though I abhor the way her father and those workers later dealt with it.

"By the light of the moon, I will punish you!" said Luna, summoning her Sailor Scout outfit. :pinkiehappy:

As much as much as Chiara responsibly

As much as Chiara responsibly


Yay, Luna is safe :twilightsmile:

Lovely! And soon Luna will have her powers! Or some tiny bit...

I come bearing suggestions for minor grammatical tweaks! :twilightsheepish:

Both of the senior princesses of Equestria, were determined to ensure that nothing and no one unexpected, passed in or out of the portal. So, when the mirror changed, from brightly lit from within by a pink light to a sullen, dark gray, the change was immediately noted and the ruling diarchs of Equestria, notified.

nothing, and no one unexpected, or nothing and no one unexpected

"According to Spike, Twilight's zebra friend, Zecora, is currently in Canterlot, buying rare ingredients for potions, before returning to her home in the Everfree.


"Zecora is skilled, experienced and wise in her use of magic.


With that guards were dispatched throughout the capitol and within a few hours a gold ringed, zebra mare was brought before the diarchs.

hours, a gold ringed

In fact, when she was my personal student here in Canterlot, I often had to quite literally, issue her Royal Commands to get her to eat and sleep during some of her research projects."

to, quite literally, or to quite literally

“Sister, do you think it is significant that the guard asked us to met Zecora at, and not in the room, where the mirror is kept?”

in, the room

“The safety of you and your sister is everything,” said Zecora. “All should be well, so long as you touch nothing.”

Extraneous punctuation.

Even as that thought crossed her mind, she could feel the mirror stuff begin to slowly wrap around her barrel. The tendrils tightly weaving a net like pattern across her body. It’s chill was spreading down her rear legs as well. All that remained for her was to ensure that her sister did not throw herself away in some vain attempt to save her. And to meet her fate in a manner befitting that of a Princess of Equestria.

Sentences 2 & 5 are incomplete.

This is going to be my next major project and my first try at a real adventure story that does not rely clop or similar elements. Though they may sneak in a bit from time to time.

rely on
Second sentence incomplete.

But surprisingly, her horn was still in place on her head, it’s long and spiraling length comforting, even if her crown has missing from in front of it.


Its silver, white disk shining with a brilliant fury.

Incomplete sentence.

It bounced several times down slope only to finally fall off a cliff edge below.


Luna felt a warmth and weight on her hips and all thought, all comprehension, all thought and all sentience vanished.



Entering her small cottage, Chiara used her lit candle to light other fat candles around the room and finally used it to kindle to light the sturdy airtight fireplace that was the cottage’s main source of heat.

to kindle or to light

“You became an adult a few months ago, so I cannot discipline you as you deserve for your heresy. But raised you as a God fearing woman and, I will NOT suffer a witch to live under my roof. You have until morning to be gone from this God fearing house.”

But I

“Okay, here is what is going to happen,” said Mrs. Norris. “I’ll give you those three square meals fit to eat and a couch to sleep on tonight like I said before. After that, if you wanna head back out onto the road I’ll drive you back into to town myself, and see you on your way.” Mrs. Norris paused for a breath, “However, I run a small diary farm out here. There are always odd jobs that need doing, and I could stand to have someone doing them. If you want, you can be that someone. I can’t promise you much money, but it will be honest pay for honest work. You interested?”


After four years, countless shared meals, and more than a few heart to heart talks about life, Chiara knew she had found a mentor and second mother figure in Mrs. Walsh. With that knowledge warming her heart, and the blankets warming her bed Chiara drifted off to sleep.

Did you mean Norris.?

Image broken. (I know the symbol, though. It's what I based La's holy symbol on.)


Chiara began to weep in pure joy, as the avatar of her goddess manifested the spiraling horn of a unicorn, followed by blue-black wings coming from it’s back.


It wasn’t strong, but it was steady, unlike that of the inconstant moon of this world, which had ebbed to the point where Luna had lost her sentience.


For her it would be the work of a moment to release herself Even as she thought on this, Luna could see her supplicant quickly scooping up a bucket and filling it with water.



Ah, the chapter I already gave input on. Let's see if I missed anything.

Luna looked across to the other three equines in the building and saw that they too wore bridles.

Typical Penalt. :rainbowlaugh:

A near new pair of jeans, button up flannel shirt, undergarments, socks, belt and a broken in pair of work boots awaited her and as she inhaled the last piece of muffin she dove into the clothes.

I feel like that should be hyphenated, but I'm not certain.

When she had first mounted this mare, half an hour ago a wild and wonderful plan had leapt into her mind fully formed, and with Chiara now here it was time to set it into action.

mare half an hour ago, or mare, half an hour ago,

“Okay,” said Chiara, putting her face a few inches away from the mouth of the night black horse.

Again, I'm of the opinion this should be hyphenated.

Her supplicant’s dam was an easy weight on Luna’s back and it obviously meant to take care of Luna in exchange for her service as a mount, as it did the other equines in it’s service.


A moment later Luna felt the filly’s breaths waft across her nose and Luna realized that the filly was sharing it’s breath with her.




it's used in the possessive form is something I struggle to use in the modern format. I went to school back when rocks were soft, and in that dark prehistory it's was as a possessive form as well as the contraction of it is. It is a struggle, but one great and glorious day, I shall get it right.

As for the rest, I'm a terrible writer and I should feel bad. :pinkiesad2:
Well, not really, but a lot of those do need fixing and I'll take care of them shortly. :twilightsheepish:


As for the rest, I'm a terrible writer and I should feel bad. :pinkiesad2:

If this is the extent of your literary crimes, you're just fine. I've seen far worse from people who are supposedly professional writers.

But there was something in their path...

It better make way, then. The Luna train's got no brakes. :)

Oh if they only knew...

Alright! I was hoping this would continue.

as it did the other equines in it’s service.

A moment later Luna felt the filly’s breaths waft across her nose and Luna realized that the filly was sharing it’s breath with her.

Luna’s ears went back as she realized the creature was introducing it’s filly to her.


Missed a few.


a hint of a smile starting to soften her own features as she thought of the young woman who was fast becoming her protegee.


it feels damn good to be able to pick up this story again and start working toward it's completion.



Comment posted by Penalt deleted May 23rd, 2018

“Ya, I saw all the missed calls,”

Most places in the US use "yeah" instead of "ya". I don't remember where precisely this fic's set, but if it's not the northernmost reaches of the US midwest or Alaska, it should probably get adjusted to "yeah".


Also, did Chiara ever get back to her internet buddy like she promised, or did it slip her mind during the events directly following?

Argh! Stupid regionalisms. Midwest US is the setting.

And no, she didn't. She's got a few days of enforced rest now though.....


This story is criminally underrated.

Thank you for that.

At this point this story is more a labour of love than anything else, and I will be giving it regular updates until it's done.

Welp, theres no telling whats to come from your 'lost moments' there

Got 'em, even if it was a year after the original writing.


"Hey Steve, Bob Halstad here. You still work in that pharmaceutical warehouse right? Good. Any chance you can get me a supply of ketamine and some fast injectors?"

Oh, crap. Let's hope Luna's magic helps her resist traquilizers.

This story came across my radar today, and its been interesting

Luna, hearing her name repeated again,

Her name was not repeated until the following paragraph.


Oh, you're goooood.

and she felt the connection with her magic disappear under that same soft, fuzz as she began to feel the sensation of movement from her physical body.

same, soft or same soft

My Patreon is still shuttered, and will remain so until I feel I can produce enough to warrant it's reopening.



“Nope,” Norris said, making sure the safety was on the old rifle before she set it down. “Five years ago we had some problems with a bunch of teenage yahoos. So, I had alarms and low light security cameras installed. The alarms are what woke me up, and the cameras will have plenty of pictures of Bob’s accomplices. Anyway, you check on Luna while I go call the sheriff and the vet.”

Wow, this lady's prepared.

9129211 Heh, notice she didn't once think of calling an ambulance?

We'll that's that then luna is dead and will not be returning home

The life and times of an editor...

I'm there for the highs, I'm there for the lows
The paths each take, I keep secret and know.
Many possibilities, many choices unfold
And the end of the day... The bell will always toll

Phooka were shapeshifters, but they preferred the shape of equines.

Y'know, I don't think I've ever heard of a horse pooka before. Though Luna was the bearer of Laughter...


Second ellipsis needs another period.


Way back when I first started writing this, I ran across these images of a Phooka from Irish mythology...
i.pinimg.com/originals/90/aa/fe/90aafedab6d1ed46245a19c0983bce12.jpg i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/be/3e/c4be3e0d63d87c7b69b24d9937749fdb.jpg

They pretty much helped shape some of the story.

Clearly, White Wolf took some liberties when adapting IRL mythology into their WoD mythology.

Killing Luna off. Why? :fluttercry:

Luna could have focus on cutting off the blood circulation entierly for the damaged leg instead go for a full scale healing like she did. Now i see its not compleated yet. I prey have some twist in mind and we get a Luna back with some human magic.

Currently working on the final chapter, should have it out sometime over the weekend.

There we go, a decent ending, while you COULD do a sequel to explore the changes and explorations a new species would have, it isnt strictly necessary

But it would be nice to see

PLEASE do a sequel! I want to see what Chiara's reaction to Equestria is!

This was very well written.... but the story ended up being somewhat dull.

I'd like a sequel.

Mostly because after reading through a second time, I can't get the futility of Luna trying to return out of my head. That Celestia, in her grief, would have destroyed the mirror that took Luna away from her.

And also because I'm curious about the baby and whether Norris and Chiara will become full blown ponies, or anthro. Either way, i'd be a lot of fun if/when they ever get to Equestria.

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