• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 814 Views, 6 Comments

Sweetie Belle And The Nutcracker - DisneymlpZeldalover

On a magic Hearth's Warming Eve, Sweetie Belle gets a gift from her godmother, Celestia. It's a nutcracker who is on a journey to save the magic Land of Sweets and it's princess from Tirek! Can this duo save the kingdom with some help? Let's see!

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Sisters Of The Snowflakes

Fluttershy felt a jolt as she awoke from a nightmare. Where was she? She remembered but then squealed in surprise.

“D-Discord?!” She whispered.

“Don't speak, my dear, it's going to be okay.” Discord said, gently helping her up from the ground.

“W-what are you doing? W-”

The draconequus snapped his claw and they were at the entrance of the castle.

He then made and tightened a blue cloak around her. He put up the hood and Fluttershy gave him a questioning look.

“You need to get out of here, Fluttershy. The king won't find you and use you if you're gone.”

“Where do I go? What about you?” Fluttershy cried.

Discord gave a weak smile. “I'll be fine. I have my chaos magic.”

He snapped and a glass of chocolate milk appeared in his claw. “See?”

He sipped it down.

The pegasus gave a tiny smile back but it faded. “What about Pinkie Pie? She's one of my best friends and with her powers, Tirek has already done so much! If something she tells him gets him upset…”

“I'll protect her. She's basically the only one of your friends I find remotely bearable.” Discord muttered, his jealousy shining through a bit.

Fluttershy nodded in thanks.

“Now, get out of here. Please.” Discord sighed.

The mare gave him a hug then started to fly away.

“Goodbye, Discord…”

Discord waited until she faded away into the distance. “Goodbye… my dear Fluttershy.”

Applebloom looked up slowly to see Sweetie Belle offering her hoof.

“My sister…Tender Taps… ” Applebloom croaked.

The other filly nodded. “We'll find them, and the rest of your friends. I promise.”

The friends took each other's hooves and Sweetie Belle pulled her up.

“I don't know where we are but we have to find out!” Button grunted, motioning the fillies to come.

They looked around at the beautiful snow forest around them and at the frozen lake.

Then Button’s ears perked up. “What was that?!”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gasped. Button instinctively stepped in front of them and pulled out his sword.

He gave a growl and saw a movement from a bush.

“Show yourself!” He yelled.

A cloaked figure stood and the children backed away.

“W-who are you?” Button asked, lowering his sword a bit.

Fluttershy took off her hood. “M-my name’s Fluttershy…”

The fillies looked at each other than the cloaked figure. “Um, may I ask, why are ya’ are in the bushes?” Applebloom wondered.

“W-why are you hiding? How did you get here?” Sweetie Belle asked, watching the mare shake.

The foals watched Fluttershy gasp and hold out her hooves to stop them from coming closer, if that was their plan.

“Oh! I'm nopony, nopony at all! Just forget you ever saw me!” She said this and ran into the shadows.

The foals looked at each other. Who was this mysterious girl? Why was she so afraid?

They suddenly heard a squeal of the mare. She backed back out, now coming towards them. But in front of her was a young orange peguses with a purple, pixie cut mane. She wore a white, sleeveless shirt and white leggings. She had a white headband around her head that kept her bangs in place from the wind too. They were tightly plastered to her fur, like snowflakes that didn't melt. Now that Sweetie Belle thought of it, none of this snow melted!

“Well, well, never thought I'd see you again.” The filly growled.

The other foals looked at each other, thinking she was talking to one of them.

“S-Scootaloo…” Fluttershy whispered, hiding behind her mane.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “My sister's been worried sick about-”

She then noticed the other children. “Who are you?”

“Er… Button, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle laughed nervously.

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes. “That's not an acceptable answer.”

“You mean to tell me that you couldn't capture a little, unarmed girl?” Tirek hissed harshly to a diamond dog.

“Well, um, the nutcracker came to save the little thing!” One cried.

“Yeah! And, I caught him!” Another said proudly.


The dogs whimpered.

Discord covered his laughter. The King hadn't noticed Fluttershy was missing and hadn't done anything to the princesses or Pinkie Pie! If those children made it there, well, he didn't think that was very likely, but if they did, they could stop Tirek! Applejack was good for some reasons, he supposed.

“Did ya’ll expect an icicle on her? Because I sure didn't.” Applebloom whispered to her comrades.

Scootaloo had taken out an icicle, a sharp one at that, and was now leading them, to somewhere.

Fluttershy looked over at the little foals. They seemed special, but why? She hadn't heard the story of the lockets, therefore had no idea that they were more of a target to Tirek then she. What she did notice was that they were shivering.

Sweetie Belle flinched slightly at a touch and saw a large blue cloak had been draped over her and her friends. She peeked from under the hood and nodded to Fluttershy in thanks.

“Aren't you cold?” Button asked.

“She shouldn't be,” Scootaloo growled. They turned to her. “She did grow up here.”

“I'm so sorry!” Fluttershy whispered.

The filly gave a huff.

“So… Um, Scootaloo… Where are we going?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo glared at her. “Is that any of your business?”

“Hey! Don't talk to her like that!” Button snarled, taking out his sword.

“Button!” Sweetie Belle whispered urgently.

“You shouldn't be talking to Scootaloo like that!” Huffed another voice.

They turned and saw a gray colt with a black mane wearing a similar outfit to Scootaloo.

“Hey,” Scootaloo grunted, forcing the others into a forest entrance.

Button felt the colt’s pain as he stumbled past. The colt wasn't as subtle as he was, but they both wanted a super special somepony that didn't seem to know they were even alive.

“Hey! So, who are they?” Rumble asked, trotting after the filly.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Where's Rainbow Dash?”


The girl’s face lit up. Her roughness melted away.

“Rainbow Dash!” The filly cried, rushing to a cyan peguses with a mane of many colors wearing the apparent uniform of the snowflake ponies. Even more snowflake ponies came and crowded around. Some gasped at the sight

The sisters hugged then Rainbow gasped.

“H-hello-” She bolted Fluttershy into a hug before the shy peguses could finish.

The foals backed up a bit.

“I've missed you, Flutters…. Don't you ever leave again!” Rainbow grunted, hugging her.

Fluttershy smiled weakly. “But I must go soon…”

Rainbow frowned. “But, you just got here! You’re home!”

The other pegasus nodded.

Scootaloo gave a cough. They turned to see her pointing at the other children.

“Hi… Do you remember me? Applejack's sister? I think Applebloom asked.

Rainbow Dash squinted then nodded slowly. “Apple...bloom? Right?”

“That's right. But I don't remember her.” Applebloom said, pointing to Scootaloo.

Ignoring the last bit, Rainbow caught sight of the young couple left.

“They say they're names are Sweetie Belle and Button.” Scootaloo murmured.

“We're friends of her highness, see?” Button displayed his locket. Sweetie Belle showed hers, taking it from its hiding.

The other peguses then noticed the lockets and another, the flower shape, around Applebloom’s neck.

“Scoots, look…” She nudged the girl.

Scootaloo looked and frowned, her eyes hardened more than before. “I knew it! You can't be trusted! The King will come!”

“Then we'll protect th-” Rainbow started, giving a glare to her sister, who surprisingly huffed back.

“T-The King?!” Fluttershy gasped.

They all turned. “H-he's coming here?”

“Search the whole kingdom if you have to! Find that mare, we need her here!” The king snarled.

The diamond dogs looked at each other than at Shining Armor and Flash, who they had been forced to obey.

“But why would we search for the pretty pegasus if we need the nutcracker?” Asked on a dog.

“Because, you bumbling idiot,” Tirek hissed. “With her, Discord won't even think about betraying us.”

“Oh! But, my king, he's already done that! That's why the nutcracker, the little dancer, and their flower friend escaped, wasn't it? Wasn't he supposed to get them?” The dog would regret saying that indeed.

“How dare you!” The king yelled.

The dog whimpered in fear as a ball of orange energy came between the king’s horns.

Flash Sentry might have hated diamond dogs, but he would wish no living creature to be faced with Tirek’s wrath.

Then, the ball hit and the dog turned to stone. The army stared in horror.

“Find me that pegasus! And that pathetic nutcracker! But most of all, bring me the little filly who thought herself so very clever at throwing a slipper at me. Me! The king of The Land of Sweets! Because I don't know how she knew about the lockets, or the princess… But I will find out and make sure she never completes her precious quest.” He whispered softly.

The army briefly saluted before running off. The king then thought about little Sweetie Belle, and how she would soon be in his clutches, as well as her little friends.

Rainbow Dash looked at her old friend, Fluttershy. She was home and yet, she wanted to leave.

“The King… We won't let him touch any of you.” The cyan peguses promised to the foals and the mare.

They were all sitting around a fire with the rest of the camp and had been silent.

“Thank you.” Button coughed.

Scootaloo wouldn't look at any of her new guests. They had lockets, they would bring the King here, and he would ruin her for once happy life.

“But what if the King does come?” Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo suddenly got up abruptly.

“I'm going to the lake.” She grunted.

Sweetie Belle watched her leave. “I hope she's okay…”

“Me too… Should we check on her?” Applebloom asked.

Fluttershy saw the fillies trot after the unknowing pegasus.

Rainbow hadn't noticed but Fluttershy stepped up quietly. She backed away into the woods.

Scootaloo looked around before starting to dig in the snow beside the lake.

Sweetie Belle stopped Applebloom before she could accidentally run out. They ducked low to see Scootaloo take out a pair of tiny ice skates. They watched her lace then onto her hooves and she hesitantly stood on her hind legs.

She leaped on the ice and skated out to the middle. Very slowly, she turned herself then stopped with one leg behind the other. She did it again three more times before gliding away and picking up her speed, her eyes narrowing at the cold. She slid while gracefully doing quick spins. The peguses then closed her eyes and flung her hooves behind her, stretching them. The filly started to twirl again then gradually lifted one of her hind legs, spinning faster and faster.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom cooed in awe and jealousy at her grace when then, they saw the little gray colt from before who seemed to have an interest in Scootaloo come out of the bushes on the other side of the lake. He had skates on too.

Scootaloo was too focused on her own routine to see him jump out on the ice. The two foals were in perfect time, first spinning then stretching their hooves out again, nearly side by side. Scootaloo seemed to smile in happiness when twirling again and again, but the Rumble accidently bumped into her!

The filly started in surprise and turned to him, he was on the ground.

“Rumble?” She gasped.

“Um…. Hey, Scootaloo. I was just… dancing with you and I’ve always wanted to and-”

The filly backed away.

“Y-you know I like to be alone out here! You know I hate it when ponies watch me!” Scootaloo growled, tears pricking her eyes. “Get out of here!”

The fillies, still hidden, gasped.

“W-what?” Rumble asked.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” The filly yelled, tears now streaming from her eyes.

Fluttershy looked around the woods and fell into the soft snow, breathing hard in panic. Perhaps the King hadn't noticed her absence quite yet? Either way, he would be back here, for the sweet, innocent, little children who had done nothing wrong as much as she could tell. But she knew she had to get out. For Discord. If they had her, he would lose his freedom! She knew he hadn't felt that freedom in years. Fluttershy wondered what he was doing…

The pegasus shook her head. She needed to focus! Get out, and fast!

The filly let out a hiccup in sadness when she heard a little sneeze.

“Sorry! It's really cold!” Applebloom whispered. Sweetie Belle shhed her but the peguses had already pushed back the bushes.

Scootaloo crossed her arms. “What are you two doing here?”

The fillies stepped out and Sweetie Belle gave a cough. “Well, we came to say… we're sorry. We don't want to lead the king here! Promise!”

“Yeah! Please, come back with us and we can maybe be friends? Button will probably want to meet you a bit better too.”Applebloom said.

Scootaloo frowned. “But what are you kids gonna’ do? You all don't have cutie marks.”

“Do you have one?” Sweetie Belle whispered, hoping it was an ice skating one, she had never seen one of those!

The pegasus blushed in embarrassment. “Oh, well… Not really.”

The other fillies squealed at the same time.

“We could form a club!” Applebloom suggested.

“Or a secret society!” The other two looked at Sweetie Belle with confusion. “T-that's a club too.”

Button looked up from his conversation with Rumble, who had entered quite sad and saw the fillies walk up.

“Oh! You're back!” Button said, running to them.

They suddenly heard a squeal from the woods and Fluttershy suddenly ran in.

“They saw me! They saw me in the woods!” She cried, panting.

Rainbow ran up to her and grabbed ahold of the near crying mare. “Who saw you in the woods?”

“Diamond dogs…..” She breathed.

The camp gasped. Button looked at Sweetie Belle with worry. They had to get out! Suddenly, they heard a cough and turned to see Rainbow Dash.

“Here, this is what you need, right?” She unclasped the golden, snowflake shaped locket from her neck.

“Rainbow! Are you crazy!” Scootaloo cried, running up.

Then, they turned at the sound of a crack in the woods.

Fluttershy put her blue hood up, hiding her face.

Rainbow Dash gave a grunt and put her locket back on. A pony from the camp ran up and tossed her an icicle staff, which Button, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom didn’t know she had. They watched in amazement as she gave it to the little pegasus beside them.

“Scootaloo, I need you to protect these foals with your life, alright? Get them out of here!”

“But Rainbow Dash-” The filly tried to protest.

Rainbow gave a glare. “I gave you an order and expect you to obey it. If you want to impress me, keeping them and not me safe is your top priority.”

Then, a diamond dog army ran out from all directions.

The mare then ran to round up her troops.

“I can help!” Rumble cried, leaping to them.

“I don't need help!” Scootaloo growled.

Button pulled out his sword. “I'm facing Tirek, now.”

“But Rainbow Dash told us to get out and run away!” Applebloom cried

“He can't threaten me any longer! I'm facing him alone.” Button growled.

He tried to run but Sweetie Belle grabbed his hoof. “This is our fight too!”

Scootaloo gave a cough. “You're not fighting him!”

The other three turned and Rumble nodded.

“But we gotta’!” Applebloom protested.

“I said I'd protect you-”

Sweetie Belle interrupted. “You can still protect us if you help us face Tirek. Also, wouldn't this stop him from attacking?”

Scootaloo hesitated only a moment then nodded. “Let’s go.”

They ran off and Rumble called after them, “This wasn't the plan!”

Discord decided to check on Fluttershy yet again. He loved his freedom, after making a chocolate milk lake and a pink cotton candy cloud hammock beside it, which he rested upon, but he couldn't feel unguilty for sending his only friend to flee for her life. He knew she would want to check on Rainbow, but to be honest, he did not.

The draconequus snapped his claw and a little ball of light appeared in it. The ball glistened and it reflected back the beautiful peguses. He barely saw her face beyond the blue hood.

He cleaned his ear and waited to hear what she and Rainbow Dash were talking about, it seemed important.

“I hate it when my magic doesn't even have audio, why-”

Suddenly, he saw Fluttershy thrust away in surprise, away from Rainbow. She put out her hooves as if to refuse something. Rainbow Dash grabbed her shoulder. Fluttershy shook her head again.

“They're talking about me!” Discord gasped, the mares unknowingly being accused of this crime.

“Rainbow Crash thinks she's so much better than me! Discord! How dare she!” Discord snarled.

The draconqqus was about to slam the orb in his sharp talon when he saw Fluttershy and Rainbow both be grabbed by diamond dogs who had snuck up behind them. Rainbow struggled while tears pricked Fluttershy’s mesmerizing teal eyes in fright.

Discord shattered the ball quickly and snapped his claw. He was gone.

“Please, please tell me!” Shining Armor begged to a black hooded, slightly shorter pony beside him.

They overlooked the struggle in the snowy forest and awaited the army’s return, hopefully with all of the last resistance.

“They are here, but where, that is a surprise…” Said the dark and deep voice from the cloak.

“Why are you talking weird? Just tell me where the nutcracker and the fillies are! You know you can't save them from the king,” Shinning Armor said, then gave a sigh. “Nopony can…”

The black hooded pony looked at him, then back at the battle. There was a snort. “Silly, they'll get through.”

“How do you know?”

The laughter paused. “Well… I hope so, and that's all we can do...”

Sweetie Belle peeked hesitantly in the bushes then gave a sigh of relief. Not there either. Wouldn't the king be notable? He was pretty big.

“Did you find him?” She jolted in surprise and turned to Button.

“No. You would think he'd already find us by now.” The filly murmured.

Scootaloo gave a grunt in annoyance. Tirek better show his face soon! The sooner he was defeated, things would go back to normal. The strange filly would go home, the nutcracker would return back to flesh, if he really was a real boy, and she would be with Rainbow, sisters forever… Without Tirek, she would have peace again, but with a new family.

“Where is he?!” Applebloom groaned, after slipping on the snow.

Sweetie Belle gave a small smile and brushed the white snow out of her red hair.

“Let go of us!” They suddenly heard somepony yell.

Scootaloo’s body went cold.

“Rainbow Dash! I'm coming!” She cried, racing to the voice.

The other foals ran after her.

Rumble decided that he shouldn't go after the others but only because he knew he could do nothing against the King. The grown up ponies could.

The boy looked wildly around for any pony not captured to help, but most of them were! The king could take the others, but he had to leave Scootaloo alone! Maybe Button too… They had talked about their lives together, how he came to the forest, and how Button had become a nutcracker. In a way, Button was one of his best friends.

He suddenly thudded into a pony, being so caught up in his thoughts, and looked up at Shinning Armor. The colt gasped and backed away.

Fluttershy attempted to kick away but couldn't. Suddenly, Discord appeared before her and her captor.

The diamond dog gave a gasp and immediately released the pegasus. He backed away, eying Discord.

The draconequus’s eyes were narrowed until he saw the shaking girl in the snow.

“We're getting out of here.” Discord muttered.

The pegasus was about to take the paw he offered when she hesitated.

“Discord, Rainbow Dash, she's going to be captured! Also, I met three young children that didn't seem that bad, and I'm a bit worried about them. The colt, though…I think he was-”

Discord let out a groan in annoyance. Then, he looked at her, including her pleading, beautiful eyes.

“Fine…” He grunted after he had lost the air of the sigh.

Rainbow Dash landed with a thud in front of Shining Armor and the cloaked pony.

The stallion flinched as the mare gave a yell in fury.

“You traitor! How could you do this to your sister's ponies?!” The mare cried.

“I'm doing what I need to,” Shinning grunted.

The cloaked pony didn't take off the hood, so Rainbow didn't recognize him/her.

“Hey! Let her go!”

They turned to see Scootaloo with the others not far behind.

“Get them!” Shinning commanded.

Diamond dogs suddenly piled on top of them!

Scootaloo kicked one away just in time for another one to grab her.

The filly grunted and tried to fly but could not, her wings so tiny.

“Let her go, right now,” Rainbow whispered to the soldier.

“We will. You first must promise to let us take the rest of your resistance along with yourself.” Shining said.

Rainbow hesitated.

“Don't!” Scootaloo yelled. The diamond dog clamped his dirty paw over her mouth though.

“I'll do it.”

Shining Armor’s eyes hardened. “Good.”

“Let her go,” Shining told the soldier.

The dog frowned. “What?”

“He said let her go, fleabag.” Laughed the dark hooded pony.

The others looked at the pony.

The dog slowly let the girl go who rushed to Rainbow Dash.

“Why?!” She cried.

“When I met you in the woods, I told you I'd protect you, I'm doing that.” Her sister said, giving a weak smile.

Shining Armor gave a grunt then heard a cry from the pile.

“Please! Don't take everypony! It's us you want!” Sweetie Belle yelled.

The nutcracker pushed out then helped the two fillies out.

“Or rather, our lockets.” Button said, showing his. “And we're ready to give them up.”

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry this took so long! :applecry: The song of this one was Waltz of the Snowflakes :scootangel: