• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 887 Views, 6 Comments

Ascension - kissfromarose2

Two sisters. One destined for greatness. The other destined for obscurity. A future of wonder. But how did they get there?

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Chapter 1

Luna sat staring out of the single window in her room to the countryside below.

Outside the city boundaries the earth ponies worked the fields below, their bright coats shining brightly under the silver moonlight.

She envied their freedom.

Lifting one hoof to press against the glass she could almost see herself out there, dancing under the moon’s light.

The glass fogged up.

Quickly wiping away the condensation as her vision blurred she saw several dark figures swooping down. Each grabbed a sack in their teeth before immediately soaring back up to their city of clouds.

The earth ponies turned to leave as well, turning to head to their own homes. They passed from her view in moments.

Luna’s wings fluttered. Her window was locked, but maybe if she could get downstairs, past the locked doors and servants, she could find the key.

A knock came at the door.

Luna sighed. There was no point. It was impossible.


Besides there were some things that made sticking around worth it.

“I’m coming Celly.”

Undoing the flimsy latch that kept the door shut from her side Luna grabbed the handle with her teeth turning it to let in her sister.

Celestia was the epitome of what a unicorn should be. Luna supposed that was to make up for her. Celly was tall, with a coat so pale it was almost white, and a pale pink mane that curled softly round her withers and framed her face with a softness that spoke to the kind mare beneath. She was also a magic prodigy. In other words she was perfect.

“How was your day?”

Luna shrugged. “The same. Dusty Hooves came past my door to clear the corridor at three. The pegasi came for the latest harvest just after moonrise.”

“And you?”

“Watched from my window.”

Celestia sighed. “Luna. I worry about you. Maybe if you read the books I gave you?”

“What’s the point. I don’t have a horn so the magic books are useless. And it’s not like I’ll use any of the others. I’m never even going to leave this room.”

“Mother and Father…”

“Pretend I don’t exist.”

“It’s not like that.”
Luna smiled softly. “Don’t worry Celly. I know they love me really. They’re just really really bad at showing it. Besides I have you, the best big sister ever. I don’t need any other pony.”

“Luna I…”

“What did you do today?”

“Master Starswirl was training us in celestial mechanics.”

Luna giggled. “I didn’t know you were a machine Celly.”

Shooting her sister a mock glare Celestia tried to keep a straight face. “The Sun and Moon, Luna.”

“Does he think you’ll be ready to help move them soon?”

“He still keeps arguing with the elders that I’m too young, but with unicorns tiring so quickly nowadays…”

“Besides you’ve got it on your butt. Hard to deny someone’s right to do something when it’s right there.”

“You know I got that for sneaking you those sunflower seeds.”

Luna shrugged. “Doesn’t mean that isn’t what they see. Besides, those flowers didn’t even last that long anyway. Guess my special talent isn’t gardening.”

“I know you’re disappointed you haven’t gotten yours yet…”

“It’s alright Tia.” Luna smiled. “It’s just a little harder for me, that’s all. Most pegasi get theirs for flying and weather right. Well I can’t go outside, so I’m never going to get one for that. But I can watch. So I watch everything really hard, so maybe I’ll get one for that. I just have to find the right thing to watch.”

“You do make an excellent watcher Lulu.”

Luna smiled. “Well I have to be good at something right?"Looking up at Celestia suddenly the locked window didn't seem so bad anymore. "Hey sis, you want to watch the stars with me? I think I heard Sirius whispering to the Moon last night. He said she doesn’t have long left. I guess that means there’ll be a new moon soon huh?”

“Well, there is one every month.”

Together the two watched the stars.

"Hey Celestia."

"Yes Luna?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."