• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


Muscle Cars are the best of cars.


Comments ( 49 )

7786263 Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :pinkiesmile:

7786636 while i did enjoy it, (get your mind out of the gutter. i didn't enjoy it that way -_-) i'm left with the feeling that this makes a good prologue to use for a possible sequel.

This offers a good foundation that you can expand, add more things that happened after what was shown in the fic, like how Lucky Roads feelings start getting harder and harder for her to hide as time passes, Dusty finding her diary where Lucky has written how she feels and what she hopes, hopes that she thinks won't ever be a reality so she hides them and tries to bury them deep in her mind.

There is just so much potential that i feel is flowing like a waterfall flows down a cliff on to the rocks below, polishing them by eroding the surface until the rocks are like a shining mirror, catching the light of the sun and making the rock shine with a light that catches the eyes of others watching the waterfall and seeing the lights that glint like the stars of the night sky at the bottom of the waterfall, making the watcher go to the bottom of the waterfall and picking up the rock that has become a beautiful jewel and falling in love with the beauty of the stone.

I sense so much potential in this and i wish to see more:eeyup:

7786751 Hmm, you know what, I think I might just do that. Should I keep it in Lucky's perspective, or should I switch between Lucky and Dusty?

Thanks for the watch by the way, that's real awesome of you!

7786770 hmm....

some parts of it would likely have to be from Dustys perspective and some from Luckys perspective. Mostly it might be from Luckys POV, but some parts of it would need to be from Dustys POV. at least i think so. It's up to you though, i'm just offering my view on the matter:applejackunsure:

and why wouldn't i follow you? you have some damn good potential to be a great writer:ajsmug:
I'd be stupid not to follow you:rainbowlaugh:

*sends a brohoof at Dusty*:raritywink:

7786795 *Dusty smiles and brohoofs back*
Aww shucks, you done went and made my day partner! *tips hat in your direction*

I'm gonna go ahead and get started on this, and I'm gonna credit you for giving me this idea, since it will serve as an awesome precursor to Dusty's story. :pinkiehappy:

7786831 :pinkiehappy: Really?! i get credit for the idea?:pinkiegasp:

damn... dude... i'm speechless here:twilightoops: ya got me smiling like a maniac!:pinkiecrazy:

then again, i already am a insane maniac, so not surprising:rainbowlaugh:

But seriously dude. For you to credit me...
I'm honored. Thank you:twilightsmile:

would you like to agree to be friends? i sure would:scootangel:

7786977 Consider it done my friend! Damn right your gonna get credit! That idea is awesome!! :rainbowwild:

7787583 Yes, most definitely more. That's all I'll say for now :trollestia:

7787509 :twilightsmile: now that's what it's all about.

7787629 indeed:pinkiesmile:

PS: i'm off to bed now. Time is 2:05 AM here in finland, so i must say good night to you. see ya later:scootangel:

7787644 Damn, it's only 7:15pm here in 'Murica. Night bro, get some sleep :ajsmug:

7787674 *glomps Dusty and pulls him in to bed to be a living teddybear*:derpytongue2:

7787688 Whoa! *tries to get away, then gives up* Haha, g'night to you too silly willy! :twilightsmile:

Oh my damn you are the only one who has mastered the southern speach impression for writing. For once i actualy was able to interpret what it sounded like without it being complete diliverance. That was actualy really good, and I felt a bit of realism in the clop scene there where Dusty just kept thrusting. Most stories talk about the stallion trying and somehow being able to hold back the urge... but nah, no none of that. Thank you for that, its hard to find a story with such good character and detail, while keeping it real.

Keep up the nice work, Follow for sure!

7788268 Thanks man, I sure am glad you liked it! :ajsmug: And yeah, seein' as how Ah'm from southwestern Virginia, my native tone is pretty countrified :rainbowlaugh: For instance, Y'all. Too many times on here I see A.J. sayin' "y'all" out of context. We only say "Hey y'all" when we're talkin' to a bunch of different people, not just one.

Feel free to check out my other fics if ya'd like, or just wait a short while till the sequel to this baby comes out, whatever floats ya boat man :twilightsmile:

Well hot damn... first attempt at clop? This was actually fairly decent Dusty, a nice read, of which I approve~
Went by rather fast for my taste, but heck it was awesome. Nice job man.

Loving the nicknames and stuff, they're cute XD hahah.

"Wanna wake an' bake?"

They talking bout what I think? :trollestia:

7788467 You think right my friend :moustache: Littering and... Littering and... Littering and... Puffin' the Reefer...

Thanks man, that means a lot. The sequel will be longer, I assure you. :ajsmug:

Aha! I want in! :trollestia:

And nice man, looking forward to it, and no problem! Keep up the good work dude.

7788489 Sure, send me a pm with an oc in mind an' I'll add him in there for a "smoke break" :pinkiehappy:

Hahaha, it'd probably end up being the Blast Sisters :rainbowkiss: They like a good smoke... along with esplosions.

Hahaha, if you say sooo~

I guess I'll just order up the hookah!
1 great time cumming up!

7790785 You don't know the half of it :rainbowwild:

Dis was a very messed up but I've.... ah........ read more messed up so well..done?

Fun fact; you know horses can't breath through their mouth, well okay they can but they dont. It's actually quite rare or nearly impossible. This is due to epiglottis restsing on top of the soft palate in the rear of the mouth. So air can come in or out but, it will 99.99% of time go through their nostrils.
Also, horses do not have gag reflexes.

Keep those in mind if you ever want to do a completely realistic clopfic or whatever. Also, Llamas air passage is not connected to their mouth at all, which means they can breath and drink at the same time. Not sure if they do or ever will but it's possible.

I know, I know... stupid stuff...
I just thought I'd spread some interesting facts!

7793070 Wow, Ah didn't know that. Very interesting! But then again, that would mean that ponies can't get high :fluttercry:

But, not everything can be completely realistic, can it? :trollestia:
However, I can use some of this in LDS: Revelations. :twilightsmile:

7793125 Hey now, I said they 'could' (sorta) use their mouth for air, and seen how our techno colored friends are smarter than your average horse, I don't see why they can't sneak in a little Mary Jane now and then! :trollestia:

Besides if you desire to have it realistic and still smoke a little, just have em snort the stuff! Nothing a little creativity can't harm, and I'm sure us humans have already done it so heh... what the hell!

But now the gag reflex, careful on that one... where as most don't even know about it, others will haunt you for it. I suppose it depends on the scenario.
I honestly don't care about all those small details, when push come to shove, why the hell did we come to this type of story in the first place, come on be honest. Who has time to criticize when your to busy being, somewhat occupied in other aspects... :eeyup:

Edit; I'm laughing at my own comment now, wtf...

7793167 And yet you still make very valid points. Damn right that's why we read them, it's just a touchy subject for some reason :applejackunsure:

7793194 Right?! Not to sure why people get all antsy about the small things, but hey, who are we to judge.

7793233 That's right. but I can talk about almost anything :pinkiecrazy: without being fazed. Ah jus' cain't wait to see what everyone will think about the sequel :pinkiehappy:

The one complaint that I have is that near the end, the POV suddenly switches from past tense to present tense. Pro tip: when writing a story, stick to one or the other (and obviously, do not use future tense lol). Using present tense on its own can already be a bit hard to read and/or understand completely (which is why most good stories are written in past tense), but switching from past to present - or vice versa - can be confusing.

Not ragging on the usage of present tense at all, just pointing out that if you ever switch tenses, be sure that you make it grammatically correct! :raritystarry:

7794945 Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix that as soon as
I can! :twilightsheepish:

Besides that, what were your thoughts?

7796761 :ajsmug: Ah read ya loud an' clear, man! Think you can look for more things like that in the sequel? :pinkiehappy:

Short, but things got quite creamy if you know what ah'm sayin' :ajsmug:

7798187 Cream filled goodness :pinkiehappy: Ah'm glad you liked it. Yeah, it was a little short, but the sequel will have way more! :ajsmug:

This story proves a clopfic can be short, direct, and easy, yet not be bad:raritywink::pinkiesmile:

7803147 Thank you Omni, that's quite a compliment! :raritystarry: :yay:

I see you also tracked LDS: Revelations, I shall do my best to get it up to par with this one! :rainbowdetermined2:

7803686 I wondered if anyone on here would ever call me that:rainbowkiss: I eagerly await.

7803897 :pinkiegasp: You mean I'm the first? Awesome.

Your new name shall be Omni :rainbowwild:

7803919 I know, seems weird not to shorten it right? Thank you:raritywink:

7803946 You're more than welcome my friend! :scootangel: To be honest, I like the way it sounds shortened, it sounds Omnious :ajsmug:

7804362 Like that, did'ya? :rainbowwild:

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