• Published 10th Dec 2016
  • 8,699 Views, 23 Comments

[C] Starlit Foal - scribe-feather

Twilight helps Starlight regress, caring for her like a foal. (ABDL Themes)

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Chapter Two

Starlit Foal
Chapter Two
By Scribe Feather

Day two of Starlight’s foalish adventure started much like any other day, but this one felt...fluffier. Starlight woke up to the smell of baby powder, lavender, and water blossoms. Her soft crib nestled her body in its warmth and feathery texture. Even the sunshine seemed fluffier as the morning light filtered into the room through the thinly veiled windows.

She let out a sigh as she smiled big with drowsy eyes. She curled up tighter amongst her bedsheets, squeezing the soft fabrics in a big hug. She was so comfortable and cozy, that she could have very easily laid like that for the rest of the day. So at peace and so calm, the pink-purple pony could hardly budge from such wonderful feelings.

However, her caretaker Twilight had other plans and rudely interrupted Starlight’s dozy daze with a glow of her horn. The blanket covering Starlight’s lower half was magically lifted into the air, chilling her body with the autumn air as well as exposing her soggy diaper to the light.

“Wow, first night in diapers and you’re already waking up wet?” Twilight could be heard saying, but Starlight was much too focused on going back to sleep to really notice.

Starlight only groaned, sluggishly squirming in her blankets to flee from the rush of cold air. She was nothing short of an actual toddler in her half-sleep state, putting up a tiny fuss at the rude awakening. But her caretaker proceeded with her plans, gently lifting the diapered pony out of the crib no matter what kind of fussing she made.

She was plopped back on her back on top of the changing table, nearly taking her breath away from the cold padded top. Any warmth she gathered from the delightful nap was ripped away as her muscles tightened in response. Even more of the natural warmth was taken away as her soggy diaper was pulled off with a magical glow, followed shortly by a quick wipe down.

The clammy, mildly uncomfortable feeling of the wet diaper was replaced by a soft new diaper and a pleasant fluffy scent. There was something special about the clean feeling of a new diaper. It was relaxing, almost lulling as the heavy wet diaper was swapped out for a light and fluffy one.

With a new diaper loudly crinkling around her waist, Starlight was transferred back to her toys where she happily jumped back into whatever games she made up yesterday.

Twilight was much more natural this time around with the alicorn actively playing with the adult foal. Instead of stiffly handling the toys, passing them off to Starlight who was clearly having more fun with them, Twilight was able to get into the game of things. She was able to relax a bit more, slipping into Starlight’s foalish games with relative ease. She even took this time to ‘educate’ the overgrown foal, playfully teaching her student some basic words as they played.

“Can you say ‘ball’?” Twilight asked as she floated a big blue, rubber ball over to Starlight’s headspace.

“Bah!” Starlight giggled, playfully reaching up at the floating object.

Twilight had a little laugh, “almost. We’ll practice on that.”

The two played along well after that. Twilight played her role well as babysitter and Starlight giggled away at the calming and liberating feeling of openingly wearing a diaper.

They easily played like that for a few hours, seamlessly transitioning from one game to another. Games of pretend transitioned easily into building the biggest block cities they could manage. Tea parties and little games of dress up effortlessly turned into peek-a-boo and playing airplane. And before they knew it, it was lunch time.

Once again Starlight was deposited into her highchair, ready for another fun meal with Twilight as her caretaker. This time Twilight was prepared. All throughout the meal time, Twilight had a number of wash clothes floating close by and at the ready. Whenever Starlight thought to dribble some of her food, Twilight was quick to wipe it off her chin. Whenever Starlight felt playful and decided to fling some of her food about, Twilight quickly caught it and cleaned it up. After only a day, Twilight was shaping up to be quite the avid babysitter.

Starlight finished the four jars of baby food like a pro, leaving her face ripe for the wiping as an army of washcloths swooped down to clean her up. She fussed a little bit at the abrasive cloth rubbing against her cheeks and muzzle, but the filling meal left her content and happy.

“Phew, okay. That seemed to go along smoother this time,” Twilight stated with a sigh as she untied Starlight’s messy bib and floated it along with an army of washcloths over to the sink, “I think I’m getting the hang of this!”

When she returned her attention to the adult foal, Twilight’s eyes narrowed as she acquired a inquisitive look. She looked at Starlight, who could only look back at her with confusion and puzzlement. Then with a glow of her horn, Twilight carefully lifted Starlight partly off her seat, exposing her diapered rump. She gave it a thorough look over, prodding it with a hoof.

“H-hey!” was all the startled Starlight managed to say as she was leaned forward onto the high chair tray.

“Just checking,” Twilight answered before letting Starlight loose, “now that I know it’s a possibility, I guess now I’ll have to give you frequent diaper checks.”

“Frequent?” Starlight parroted, blushing at the idea, “y-yeah, I guess you have to...” She could hardly contain her excitement.

“Well you should be fine for your nighttime bottle,” Twilight added, trotting off to the fridge.

“A-actually,” Starlight started with a raised hoof and a deep blush, “I was wondering if we could do something...different instead of my bottle...” The diapered unicorn shrunk back in her seat, heavily embarrassed by the very idea.

“Different? Like what?”

“Well...did your books ever say anything about,” Starlight rubbed her forehooves together nervously, ”...breastfeeding?”

“A bit, I think, but...” Twilight’s eyes then lit up in realization, “oh, you want- but I wouldn’t be able to...you know.”

“I’ve kinda thought of that too...” she blushed bigger as she made a motion towards the bookshelf.

Most of the books found on the white bookshelf were children books, colorful texts with thin spins and big bold titles on their faces. However amongst the smaller books sat a dusty looking spell tome, murky brown and clearly much older than any of the baby books around it.

Twilight took hold of the book, opening it up to give it a quick read through. The spell tome covered a number of fertility spells, focusing on the craft of body growth, organ stimulation, and spells that could tweak a pony’s biology. Two of the pages were marked with two blue strips of paper sticking out the top.

“It’s easy really,” Starlight explained from her seat, “with a little bit of Fertilus mixed with Crescato you’ll be able to...y-you know...”

“And you’d prefer this over a bottle?” Twilight asked.

“J-just to try it out. Just this once,” she slunk back in her seat, blushing up a storm, “uhm...please?”

Twilight sighed, she couldn’t say no to a cute plea like that. “I’ll...give it a shot,” she answered as she read through the book.

Starlight remained in her seat as she quietly watched the alicorn work. Her expression remained neutral, but she could feel herself buzzing with excitement.

Meanwhile Twilight read through the marked spell pages. After she read through the process, she made sure to read through it a couple more times to make absolutely sure she had everything ready. Once she was able to remember the spells by memory, she closed the book and started to concentrate.

Twilight’s horn began to glow the familiar dark pink as she read through the spellbooks. With a little bit of concentration, her horn began to emit tiny white sparks before the white color coiled with her normal magic. The ball of mage fire grouped up on the tip of her horn before dancing in the small bit of air space above her. The ball then quickly swooped back into Twilight’s face, dodging the alicorn’s head and looping around to her backside where it shot itself into her lower stomach.

The wake of the spell was felt instantly as the magic ball temporarily knocked the wind out of Twilight. For a few seconds after that, nothing seemed to happen, but Twilight could feel a strange sensation swell in her chest. That feeling quickly manifested itself into a deep pit in her stomach before she felt her nipples grow sore and sensitive.

With a surprised gasp, Twilight felt the magic fully take hold. Her sensitive breasts began to swell, physically sizing up to at least three times their normal size. The organs grew so quickly, subtly tugging Twilight down with their newfound weight. When the magic faded, Twilight was left with two breasts any motherly mare could expect to have.

Starlight tried not to stare. “W-well that seemed to work,” she bashfully said, looking off to the side somewhere. “H-how do you feel?”

“It’s a bit painful,” Twilight winced, “but that’s likely because they’re...full.”

“Well I can think of one solution to that problem,” Starlight answered smartly, blushing at her own words.

Twilight nodded and used her magic to pull Starlight out from her high chair. Starlight’s legs dangled as she was moved over to a nest of pillows that accumulated in a nursery corner. The soft nest was an ideal place to relax and rest, allowing its inhabitants to stretch their limbs out in every which direction.

Twilight took her place in the middle of it all, resting on her side. Her movement was sluggish and a bit unrefined as she coped with the heavy breasts that now dangled from her lower half. She wobbled a bit, flinching every now and then when her legs gave her tender nipples a little squeeze. She made herself comfortable, lifting her back legs apart to expose the pair of succulent breasts just begging to be drained.

Starlight blushed heavily, but was still floated down beside Twilight, resting her head comfortably on one of Twilight’s back legs. She snuggled into the nest of pillows as Twilight made minute adjustments to both her position and Starlight’s. When she felt she was as comfortable as she could be, Twilight subtly leaned her bulging breasts into Starlight’s face.

Acting partly on instinct, Starlight was quick to react, latching onto one of Twilight’s nipples with soft suction. She suckled ever so gently on the nipple that bulged in front of her. A steady trickling of milk teased her tongue with its rich, fatty taste. The liquid was warm and strangely soothing as it worked into Starlight’s system so easily.

Twilight felt relief as well as the unicorn’s gentle suckling released some of the tension in her full breasts. She let out a steady sigh as the milk slowly drained from her. When they no longer felt like they were going to burst, she was able to lean back into the pillow nest and relax.

Starlight felt the world around her fall away as she relaxed as well. All that mattered in her mind was the warmth of Twilight’s embrace and the gentle sucking sound her muzzle made when drinking down the warm milk. She closed her eyes, feeling her back and shoulders lose tension and relax.

A noisy, wet passing of gas suddenly broke through the atmosphere, nearly making Twilight jump in shock. Starlight’s diaper began to sag in the back as a thick, mucky mess smeared itself against the fluffy inside of her diaper. It seemed like quite the mushy mess and would have very likely left a stain on the floor with its liquidy consistency had it not of been for the well taped diaper around her waist. At least that was something Twilight could be thankful for.

Twilight smelt the mess almost instantly, scrunching her nose up at the sour notes that bombarded her nostrils. The foul odor quickly dominated the lighter scents of lavender and baby powder, making the stinky diaper well known to the alicorn. And yet despite all this, Starlight seemed unphased. She continued to suckle on Twilight’s nipple unimpeded by the heavy load in her diaper.

Hesitant about breaking the mood, Twilight reluctantly sighed. “Starlight...you need to get up.” She paused as Starlight opened her eyes and looked up at her. Starlight had the most innocent eyes, hardly ones you’d expect from a pony who just soiled herself. “You...need a change,” Twilight clarified.

Starlight broke free of Twilight’s inflated breast. “H-huh?” She rolled back a bit, indirectly squishing her mucky diaper against the ground as she gave it a quick look over with a surprised expression.

Twilight was noticeably puzzled. “Did you not do that on purpose?”

“I-I guess I was just...really into the role...” Starlight flared up a bright red in her face.

“Well you really need a change,” Twilight answered before wincing as she pulled herself up back on her feet. She lifted Starlight into the air to give her diaper a better inspection. She could have easily asked Starlight directly or even turned her around and checked it that way, but in her babysitter mindset, those ideas never came to mind.

Not that Starlight complained. She felt so little as she was magically lifted into the air, even letting out a little giggle as she was floated up close to Twilight. She felt especially little with fresh breast milk warming her insides and a freshly soiled diaper that she unknowingly filled. Her legs dangled idly under her as she could feel her heavy diaper sag and squish with each move she made. A verifying hoof gave the lumpy diaper back a squish to confirm Twilight’s suspicion.

She kept the diapered unicorn a fair distance away from herself, shielding her nose from the off putting stench that was starting to permeate off of the browning diaper. She kept Starlight steady, avoiding any unnecessary squishing that might end up making the mess even worse.

With messy diaper in tow, Starlight was floated into the bathroom where a nice warm bath was drawn. At no point did Twilight let her down or untape her diaper, all that would have to wait. The bathtub was filled with a thick layer of baby powder scented bubbles, the nursery scents dominating the smell of Starlight’s diaper which now had a noticeable brown spot in the back as the murky mess started to soak in.

When the bath water was at just the right level and Twilight approved of its warm temperature, her magical glow began to intensify around Starlight’s waist. The diaper was ever so carefully untaped and handled with care as it was like a dozen hands worked together to keep the mess inside contained. A great deal of the sticky muck clung to Starlight’s butt as Twilight did her best to wipe the area clean with what dry parts of the diaper she could find. All the while the alicorn caretaker kept her mouth closed and held a big breath to avoid smelling the gut churning mess.

Starlight was finally plopped into the warm bathwater as her diaper was rolled up into a tight ball and deposited into the trash, double bagged just to be extra sure. Among the mounds of bubbles, she felt clean already and couldn’t help but wiggle in the water.

Twilight went right to work at cleaning her charge. A flurry of sponges, soaps, and moist washcloths danced around the unicorn as she was thoroughly cleaned up.

Meanwhile Starlight playfully splashed in the bathtub, giggling at the sound the water made when it lapped against her hoof. Every splashing sound encouraged her to splash some more and each time she splashed harder to elicit bigger splashes. She was so involved in her water playtime that she failed to notice the mess she was making in the process.

Twilight cleared her throat, causing Starlight to look up from the sudsy water. Starlight giggled as Twilight frowned at her behind her soaked mane. Bath water dripped from Twilight's bangs as she tried her hardest not to lose grip on the various bath objects that floated around her.

Starlight just blushed, letting out a little giggle before curling up into the bath water. She’d behave herself, but only for a moment or two before splashing around again. Twilight got her own bath in the process, forcing her to mentally set aside more towels for the end.

It took quite a bit of doing, due to the bathing Starlight’s constant wiggling, but Twilight managed to get her wiped down, cleaned up, and freshly shampooed leaving a lovely cherry blossom scent.

When all of that was done, Twilight drained the bath water and snatched a mob of towels from the nearby closet. These lavender, purple, and pink hued towels were some of the fluffiest that Starlight could find, most of them hardly even used before. She happily invited their embrace as they magically coiled around her and her mentor, drying them off thoroughly. Twilight was sure to focus on drying Starlight off first to avoid any unnecessary fussing.

After the nice warm bath, it was time for yet another diaper change and Starlight couldn’t have been more excited. Somehow the new diaper felt fresher than before, especially with the smell of soap and shampoo lingering on Starlight’s body. She tried her hardest not to wiggle playfully as Twilight powdered her and taped on a nice thick nighttime diaper.

The lovely bath left her in a giddy daze, happy and squirmy yet time seemed to speed right by in an instant. Her diaper change was only vaguely remembered, with the blissful sensations of being powdered and taped into a fresh diaper lagging behind in her mind as she was floated over to her crib.

Much like the night before, Twilight carefully tucked her charge into bed, magically lifting the blanket over her lavender scented body and tucking her in snuggly.

“Have a good night, Starlight,” Twilight said softly, pulling up the crib’s side gate.

Starlight paused, “Twilight?”


“Thank you,” Starlight smiled wide, her voice sounding little and maybe even a bit regressed itself, “for all this.”

“You’re welcome, Starlight.”

“No no, I mean it. This was really really generous of you!” Starlight’s voice was squeaky and innocent and a touch bit tired, “I know it’s asking a lot of you to babysit me and play with me and...change me. I just want you to know that I really appreciate it.”

Twilight visibly showed happy signs of being appreciated, “you’re very welcome, Starlight. I’m happy to make you happy.” She then turned to quietly tiptoe out of the room, making sure to turn off the light. “Maybe tomorrow we’ll try some potty training”

Starlight yawned, plopping to her back as she snuggled underneath the warm blankets. She sleepily stared up at the ceiling, yawning at the dimly lit darkness that loomed overhead. Her blinks slowed as the minutes rolled on.

She let out a happy sigh, recollecting all that she had done with Twilight in such a short amount of time. In only three days she had checked off so many things that were on her baby bucket list and the future had so much more to come, that she was sure about. So many new yet strangely familiar feelings and wonderful games that made her one happy filly. The fact that Twilight was willing and able was just icing on the cake.

Starlight yawned again, her blinks slowing down to a crawl as her eyes closed shut. In the stillness of night she could hear her diaper rustle with each move she made, reminding her of the comfort of security that they would provide even while she slept. She sleepily smiled, curled up in a loose ball, and snuggled in tightly.

Who knew what tomorrow held for the diapered filly and her caretaking princess.

Comments ( 13 )

Not bad, though I didn't really pick up any sort of TwiStar romantic undertones so I don't see why the romance tag was needed. Still, this was a cute little fic. :twilightsmile:

I am not a fan of breastfeeding, though I would want that it didn't happened, still,it was a great excuse for Starlight fill her diaper while distracted! :twilightsmile:

That indeed was a cute little story! Good work! :pinkiesmile:

Great fanfic Twilight is a REALLY good friend for going that. :pinkiehappy:

7784838 I agree. I'm disabled and unable to do it for myself. I confided in one special friend who understood and was happy to help me out. I was so thankful.

Very nice story :)

Top notch

I think the story could be stronger if you let Twilight put up with Starlight messy diaper just so that she doesn't break the mood.
An extra paragraph between her relaxing and Starlight messing in which you describe Twilight's relaxed mind and the atmosphere would greatly help. Now it just moves from one thing to the next.

I totally saw the breastfeeding coming.

We need more stories like this. There really aren't that many padded Starlight stories out there. Aside from this one, the only one I can think of is Starlight's Secret.

Starlight is one who I could genuinely believe could turn out to be an Adult Foal. Most I know, including myself, are individuals who come from childhoods that were disrupted in some way. The traumas making the mind desire a way to reclaim what it deeply feels it has lost.

In Starlight's case she has that whole calamity with losing Sunburst. It's not discussed but it doesn't seem she got a lot of support in dealing with the loss of her one true friend. She coped through her anger towards Cutie Marks but I'm certain she always had a part of her desiring to go back when life wasn't all about getting Cutie Marks and wondering when you'd be abandoned.

I wrote a story that kind of touches on this called "Starlight's Lunar Therapy". It really is something when you dig down and realize a lot of Adult Foals are simply just trying to find ways to cope with traumas that made their minds feel as if they need to get back to a happier and simpler time. :)

Comment posted by Starlight Glimmer1 deleted Sep 21st, 2017

I can't even speak. This fic is just so adorable.

Автор пили пожалуйста продолжение этого отличного фанфика.очень интересно что будет дальше происходит.

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