• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 7,984 Views, 255 Comments

The Stars Will Aid Their Escape - Drhoz

The Great and Powerful Trixie meets a certain Messenger. MLP / Cthulhu Mythos crossover

  • ...

Two Years Later

"Behold, ponies, the New, Improved, Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Here we go..."

Applejack sighed and nodded. "Sure looks like she ain't learned a darn thing. I knew she was going to be trouble agin, the moment I saw her on the road. Didn't even have the good manners to say hello to Mac an' me."

There were only a handful of ponies watching. For one thing, most of Ponyville still considered her at least partly responsible for the Ursa incident. And her boasting looked to be as insufferable as last time. For the third...

"Why'd she go and set up way out here, anyhow?”

Trixie had put up her stage in an empty field near the Apple's farm, backing onto the forest.

"Well, you'd hardly expect the Mayor would let her set up in the town square again, or use the stage out by the school, after last time.” Murmured Rarity “Even if it was those two colts who were really responsible, she was terribly rude to poor Twilight."

"Where is Twi anyway? You'd a thought she'd be here, in case Trixie turns up with another Ursa Minor. Or an Ursa Major. Or an Ursa Super-Major. Is that even a thing? That'd be awesome"

"Saw her down at the library - said she was too busy ta come. Got a bee in her bonnet about the eclipse, or some such."

Rarity sighed sympathetically "She works herself far too hard. I told her 'Darling, the festival is two days away, I'm sure you can take one evening off. And it's not like the Princesses can't do without you - they have arranged them before.'"

One of the other ponies shushed her. Trixie had already started her show, and they had to admit it was a bit different to last time. Less fireworks, more eldritch glows, and some impressive-sounding patter. She'd even changed her basic tricks. Assuming the bunch of flowers was supposed to burst into blue flame after she created it.

"Whoa! Cool!"

Applejack was paying more attention to Trixie herself. "Is it just me, Rarity, or is that pony looking a mite unwell?"

"No... I think you're right Jacqueline - she might have turned my mane green, but I hate to see a pony who isn't taking care of herself."

Trixie certainly wasn't looking her best. Her replacement hat and cloak were ragged, and her mane and tail a tangled mess. Even with her new tricks, the audience was starting to fidget and snigger. Oddly, she didn't seem to mind. Or notice.

"And for her next trick! The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges a certain mare! Twilight Sparkle! Come forward!"

"Eh? What's she up to now? She better not be trying to make Twi look bad - she ain't even here."

Trixie's gaze scanned across the audience.

"So the loser Twilight Sparkle does not even dare show her face? Very clever of her. She might once have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but the Great and Powerful Trixie can cast magic beyond anything that librarian can imagine!"

Rainbow Dash had had enough, and flew forward to prod the unicorn's chest. "Hey! Watch what you're saying, show-off. Twi kicked your flank last time!" This close, Dash could see just how unwell she was - pupils shrunken, and a sheen of sweat lathering on her flank - but right now was too busy defending her friend to care.

Trixie smirked. "And could your precious unicorn make the Everfree Forest walk all the way into town?"

Applejack laughed. "Hon, if you can make trees walk around, then we can sure use you on the farm."

Rarity frowned “Don’t laugh at the poor mare, Applejack, she looks like she’s about to fall over. Are you sure you’re feeling entirely well, Trixie?”

The blue unicorn started to snicker, and drew herself up to full height, even though she was swaying on her hooves. “Watch and marvel as the Great and Powerful Trixie commands the very trees to walk!” Her horn lit up, and she started to shout.
“Cf'ayak'vulgtmm, vugtlagln vulgtmm! Iä! Shub-Niggurath! Iä! Shub-Niggurath! B-R’nam Dnsnn!...”

AJ and Rarity exchanged a glance. “What’s all that supposed to be, d’ya reckon? Sounds likes she’s trying to talk through a mouthful of pinecones.”

“The poor dear clearly needs help. Rainbow, could you go fetch Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart tell them to bring a few orderlies...”

The ground shook.

The audience looked around in puzzlement. There hadn’t been any earth tremors around Ponyville in decades, and there was the strangest sort of creaking and tearing noise back within the looming bulk of the Everfree. The breeze shifted, and something came with it. The foulest and most gut-wrenching stench any of the ponies had ever experienced. Rarity turned a little green.

“Ew!” spat Rainbow Dash. “Where’s that coming from?”

In the woods, there was a crash as a tree trunk splintered, and something... somethings... crashed heavily towards the edge of the trees. The rest of the audience started to shift a little nervously. That became a stampede when Trixie’s walking trees emerged into the open.

They had trunks, it was true. And the writhing, jointless limbs above certainly branched. But trees don’t have hooves. Or groaning, croaking mouths in deep, dripping splits in their bark. Each of them was taller than the tallest house in Ponyville.

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared in slack-jawed horror, as the rest of the crowd vanished in a cloud of dust back towards Ponyville, and Trixie kept on chanting. “...gof'nn hupadgh Shub-Niggurath!

AJ opened and closed her mouth, and after her third attempt, found the words she was looking for.

“This ain’t good.”