• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 3,419 Views, 173 Comments

The Portgate - Archival

The millisecond humanity ripped open a door through the fabric of time and space was the millisecond in which everything changed, for Earth and Equestria. That much was clear. Whether that change was for better or worse is the real question.

  • ...

Interim: A Discussion of Decisions

"So you've all seen it."

"The details were received by each of us by noon. And here we are, two hours later. That's not nearly enough time to read that huge bundle of files, so we were hoping you could explain it better to us. We're impressed that you guys managed to put all that together in such a short period, by the way."

"...What am I supposed to say?"

"For starters, let's talk about the incident with the...species of interest."

"The...the horses?"

"We're as confused as you are, but please, continue."

"W-well, there were five, as you know. Three were severely injured when they came through - gunshot wounds. The other two were hurt, but it looks like they were being nursed back to health. Treatment is being provided for their injuries, and the on-site medical team says they're doing well. Although, I wonder if a veterinarian would have been more helpful..."

"We might be able to do something about that. What else do you know about them?"

"Well, we're in the process of questioning the three..."


"Three stranded personnel. We helped them get straightened up and recover from their ordeal, but they were actually quite healthy for being stuck on an alien planet for several weeks. Questioning began at around eleven-thirty. I have the up to date transcript here, let me pull it up...ah, here it is."

"What did they say?"

"Well, apparently the guard was keeping watch in the shelter they made-"

"Oh, is the Portgate still open?"

"Yes, it is. We don't know how, but apparently it's managed to stay open for nine hours and counting - without any input on our end. Additionally, there's much less static interference - basically, everything's much more stable. Looks like the portal's staying open...not like we could close it, anyways. He was keeping shelter, when all of a sudden he hears something outside. Gets scared, grabs an M4, then the aliens pop in."

"Can we call them anything other than 'aliens?'"

"We're working on a name. Probably something involving horses, I'm willing to bet. Anyways, he panics. Five aliens break into your shelter in the middle of the night wearing armor and carrying swords, anyone would be scared. So he shoots. The three recovered aliens are the ones he shoots. Then, and I quote his words, 'a bigger one just materializes right in front of him.'"


"Yeah, 'in a flash of light.' The guy was tired, by the way - he's gone over twenty hours without sleep by this point, by the way. I can't imagine anyone hallucinating anything like that just from mild sleep deprivation, though, so I guess it's all true."

"So...teleportation. Gentlemen, this is some very unsettling stuff."

"...yes, anyways, it approaches him. It might have been their commander, and it wasn't happy. He shoots at it, empties the rest of his magazine, but...there's a barrier that blocks the bullets."

"Barrier?! Good lord, if each of them can stop a rifle..."

"Magazine goes empty, he reloads, but the alien rushes into the adjoining room. Now, the other two witnesses said that it grabbed one of three aliens that were resting with them, and 'teleported' away. Then they retreat. Twenty of them outside, by the way, just running away. Few minutes later, the Portgate opens, and that's that."

"A few minutes later...coincidence?"

"Not likely, but nobody knows what caused it. That might have something to do with it, actually - there was another spike in energy eight minutes before the Portgate opened, this one much bigger. We didn't think it would do that, though."

"That alien was their priority, then."

"Yep. Now that you know what happened, here's the question I have: what now?"

"We've wounded three of theirs and taken five. They're not going to be happy. And you said the portal isn't going to close?"

"Decay readings say...not until several centuries, at the least."

"That's the one point of entry into our world. If any...parties...were to come over, it would be through there."

"What are you getting at, Sir?"

"Have you done anything so far, Director?"

"With what?"

"The other side."

"No. No need for a quarantine, and the other side is exactly like ours in almost every way in terms of environment, as we've all known for the past few months. So no, we didn't do anything in particular with the Portgate. Didn't the public call it 'Second Earth?' I guess...we'll have to live with it being stuck open all the time, so no point in containing it. Plus, the airlocks have been working fine enough."

"We need to establish ourselves on the other side."


"Militarily. We can't risk their armies coming through, however unlikely it may or may not be, just because we didn't properly secure the portal. Get your security to set up defenses on the other side."

"I'm sorry, but we can't just-"

"Director, this isn't negotiable. Look, we're not going to go on a crusade or anything, just make sure that the place has a fighting chance in case of attack."

"...I suppose you're right. I'll get them to fortify with whatever we can."

"Good. And don't worry if it's a bit slipshod - we're sending a LOT of reinforcements over from MacOlsen field. By the end of tomorrow, you should have light construction crews, heavy infantry weaponry...anything you'll need to build a temporary fort."

"Fort?! The ramps are already crowded enough..."

"Well, make space. A week from now, we'll hopefully be laying concrete foundations."

"...no negotiating, huh?"


"...bring chainsaws. You'll need them to clear the trees."

"Got it. Now, what can you tell us about the aliens?"

"Ugh...straight out of a fairy tale. Three unicorns, one pegasus, and one...regular one."

"Regular one?"

"No wings or horn. Interestingly, the three wounded were all unicorns. Maybe they're a warrior race? The larger one and the 'target' had both wings and a horn. Maybe they were special. I can send pictures, but I have to warn you that they look like they came straight out of a children's book."

"Heh. How much of a threat are they?"

"Plate armor and swords."

"Don't be so dismissive, Director. If they can teleport and protect themselves with...shields, they're pretty dangerous."

"Oh, that reminds me! The researcher who was stranded over there took notes. The horned ones can...use magic? That's what it says, and it seems that telekinesis is also a thing they can do. More worrisome by the minute. The winged ones can fly, and the regular ones are...physically adept, to say the least. There's a lot here, even some basic language documentation. Gold star for her."

"All handy information. But how do the...pegasuses, let's call them...fly?"

"How do they teleport? We're in the same boat, you guys and I. There's a lot to cover, and I don't have a lot of time. Sorry."

"We understand. We'll let you get back to your work for now, but keep in mind this is a huge development. We'll come back with more questions."

"Alright, got it. If there are no objections, I'll sign out."

"So, ladies and gents, what are our plans for the future?"

"I'm just afraid this is going to be a second Columbus."

"But just think! A totally inhabitable world, ripe for our picking..."

"An already inhabited world, may I remind you."

"Whatever. Point is, it's an opportunity worth taking."

"And what about the natives?"

"They're behind us technologically by hundred of years. We can crush their-"

"No! Goddamnit, we can't just do this - just, just conquer the local peoples! We're human beings, and we have moral standards."

"So ignore what we have to gain?"

"No, I...look, our number one priority as of now is to maintain a presence. And it'll be much easier if we're friendly with them."

"Shouldn't we leave this to the analy-"

"The analysts aren't going to be quick enough! For now...let's just focus on the task at hand - securing the Portgate."

"May I remind you that this is a group effort, and that the United States does not have complete control over the Portgate?"

"We provided the most funding, too. And think about it. We can't just steal from other species just because they're weaker!"

"And what if they attack? What if they're not friendly?"

"We'll respond with minimal force, and try for peace."

"So, you're thinking..."

"We can set up a base of operations - well-defended, but not too encroaching - and aim for peace with the locals. Set up diplomacy. Then we can start talking about resources."

"Fine. How's that sound?"




"Alright. Shall we adjourn for now?"


Author's Note:

Quick little thing for you all before the beginning of Part Two, hope you guys enjoy the story so far!