• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 7,039 Views, 53 Comments

A Prank Too Far - MidnightInkpaw

Rainbow Dash tried to prank the whole town. Now they, including Dashs' friends prank her back. And everything goes wrong

  • ...

Life on the line

The citizens of Ponyville cornered Rainbow Dash in the barn. Pinkie and the rest of her friends were in front and all the windows and doors were blocked by wood planks, Dash was trapped.

No, there has to be some other way to escape. Rainbow thought as she looked around to see if there was some other opening out of the barn. She held a cookie box as if it were a shield in a feild of flames, trying not to panic. Finally, she looked up. Well, it's worth a shot. Rainbow thought as she flew straight up, making a hole at the roof of the barn.

Applejack sighed. "Great, now ah' have tah' fix the roof after this." Regardless of her annoyance, she was still worried for her friend.

Rainbow flew away from the barn and out of Ponyville. For some reason, she was still carrying the cookie box. She looked like she was about to cry, her friends gave her a bad fright. But it was not because of thinking they were zonbies, no it definitely was not because of that. It was because of who she thought were zombies.Rainbow was so caught up with her thoughts that she soon found herself at a place called Horseshoe Valley without even knowing. She knew this place.Suddenly, memories flooded her mind. They were all about her friends and the times they were here.

The first one came up, it was about her and Applejack. Rainbow and Applejack had an argument and decided to race to settle the conflict. As they were racing through Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack tripped on a small rock and tumbled to the ground. Rainbow had stopped too and began to tease her and soon, the race became a game of tag. They were too busy playing that they did not notice that they ended up at Hoseshoe Valley. As soon as they did, Applejack just said goodbye and did not mind about the race anymore. Instead, she actually enjoyed playing with Dash. Dash smiled weakly but was reminded of the barn and flinched.

Next, an image of Rarity popped in. Both of them found each other at the new store in Ponyville that was currently being constructed and had a long conversation. They were not paying attention to the road they were taking and stumbled upon this place. Rarity soon noticed and alerted Dash about it. Rarity went near the waterfall and gasped, saying something about it being divine or something equally annoying. Dashs' smile grew a little.

Another memory came up, except, Dash seemed to be alone in this scene. Out of nowhere, Pinkie appeared with her party cannon and blasted it in her face. Now Rainbow remembered what day it was. April Fools day. She smiled more and even giggled a little. But the memory did not finish playing just yet. Apparently, Fluttershy was visiting some of her animal friends that lived there and spotted Rainbow and Pinkies' prank war in the distance. Fluttershy felt something tug her mane and looked down to see Angel Bunny handing her a water balloon. Of course Fluttershy knew what Angel meant and with a sly smirk, she went off to proceed with the asult. The three of them had fun all afternoon throwing pranks and jokes at each other. Rainbow giggled a little harder.

Finally, one more memory began to play in Rainbows' head. It was one of the reading sessions she had with Twilight. Twilight had decided to go somewhere else to read instead of staying in the library. Even when Rainbow had gotten used to the smell of books and ink, she agreed. They flew out of Ponyville to get some peace to read and found a good spot on a small hill here. Twilight did not keep track of the time and they stayed up so late that Twilight fell asleep while Dash was reading to her. Dash put away the book and she had to carry Twilight back to the castle. Dash was really starting to feel better, but the good mood did not last long.

Rainbow looked down and saw the cookie box and remembered the situation now. She frowned as she remembered that her friends were no longer with her. She felt something wet roll down her cheek, she was crying. And she did nothing to stop as she cried freely. Rainbow looked back at the cookie box and opened it. All the cookies were untouched.

I did this to them, it's only fair that I did the same to myself. Rainbow thought as she proceeded to eat one of the cookies.

** Back at the barn ( a few minutes ago )**

Twilight and the rest knew they had took the prank too far when they saw the horror on Dashs' face. One of the ponies saw her going to Horseshoe Valley and proceeded to look for her there.

** Horseshoe Valley **

As soon as Twilight and the rest got there, they went on to look for Dash hoping that they were not too late.

Fluttershy heard a shuffle in one of the bushes and she tried to locate where the sound came from. To her horror, she found Rainbow Dash dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. Rainbow did not seem like herself, she was unaware of her surroundings. Fluttershy tried to come to her as quietly as she could. But unfortunately, Rainbow noticed and tried to back away. There was no more ground behind Rainbow and she fell back and down the edge.

Fluttershy screamed and flew down to try to save her friend. Twilight and the others heard her scream and ran over as quickly as possible. The others gasped as they watched Rainbow Dash fall and Fluttershy chase after her.

200 Feet

Twilight dove down after her two friends.

150 Feet

Twilight overtook Fluttershy.

100 Feet

Fluttershys' wing got scratched by a branch and stopped chasing Rainbow.

50 Feet

Twilight was crying by now.

20 Feet

Twilight was inches away from Rainbow

10 Feet

Twilight slowed down.

5 Feet

Twilight closed her eyes shut.

Rainbow had hit the ground and the mane 5 did not waste time to take Rainbow Dash to the hospital, hoping that there was still a chance to save her.

Author's Note:

Now, you decide Rainbows' fate. Vote!

Option 1: Sad end
Option 2: Happy end
Option 3: Live but...

Write your choice in the comments. 1,2 or 3. (CLOSED)
I will tell you what I had planned for all endings.