• Published 27th Dec 2016
  • 15,290 Views, 376 Comments

Element Breakers - Iamsorry

After turning their backs on sunset she is left heart broken and alone. until 3 certain sirens come into the picture.

  • ...


The wheels continued to turn as the blue sports car sped through the snow-covered streets. Flash Sentry kept his eyes firmly on the road, passing a car or two every few seconds. He glanced in the rearview mirror at the group of girls sitting in the back seat. He took a quick glance at the princess next to him. No matter how high he turned up the heater, she still managed to chill the vehicle. She continued to glare at the city as they zoomed by. The buildings, the humans. She bit her lip in anger until she could taste a small amount of blood on her tongue. She squeezed Spike, making him whine slightly.
“Sunset...I’m sorry,” Twilight thought as she closed her eyes sighing sadly.

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end~
A group of colorful ponies burst into the large room, swaying and giggling as they made their way in.
“Oh Sweet Celestia! The look on Discord’s face! HAHAHAHA!” Rainbow Dash laughed as she shook the snow off her coat.
“Now darling, that was a little mean,” Rarity scolded as she pulled off her scarf and hat. “But I will admit that it was positively delightful,” she added giggling as she gave the eager dragon her clothes.
“HAHAHA! Yeah! Best. Prank. Ever!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she bounced around the room giggling. “But not as good as Discord’s!” Pinkie Pie giggled loudly as she jumped up on one of the tables, doing a pose.
“Ha. Mare gots a point, Dash. He got ya good,” Applejack stated as she took off her heavy coat. “Shoot, that old snake in the grass is a lively one,” Applejack added, laughing a bit as she did. Rainbow Dash only huffed, puffing out her chest.

“Hardy har har. Laugh it up, miss reindeer,” Rainbow Dash snarked, making Applejack’s laughing quickly fade. The two stared each other down before they grinned and ran at each other. soon the living room became an impromptu arena. Applejack and Rainbow Dash playfully wrestling. Pinkie Pie and Spike taking sides and making bets. Rarity and Fluttershy not wanting to get involved with such a barbaric display. Twilight smiled as she watched her friends engaging in merriment and good will. Tonight was an absolutely perfect night.
That's when she felt it. A cold chill down her spine. She tried to shrug it off, thinking someone left the door open. Her ears perked up at something. She followed it, leaving the girls to their horsing around. She felt like slapping herself for that pun, but she couldn't help but grin. Her keen ears brought her into the next room, the one with the portal. She tilted her head, noting an important item missing from its perch. A quick scan of the room later, she found it on the floor.

“Huh, I guess I forgot to pack it.” Twilight said with a shrug as she picked it up. “I wonder what Sunset has to say this time. Oh! Maybe she will finally explain what drifting is.” Twilight giggled as she opened it. Spike walked in holding a cup of hot chocolate humming a little tune.
“Oh hey, there you are, Twilight!” Spike began as he set down the cup on a nearby table. “What’s up Twilight? Sunset finally answered my questions about this Santa guy?” Spike asked with a slight grin on his face, noting Twilight's bright smile.
Twilight’s smile quickly faded, her wings snapped to her side as she sat down with a thud. She sat there, her eyes widening, the color draining from her face. The girls walked in, continuing to chat about the time in Canterlot, with Spike being the only one to notice Twilights sudden mood change.
“Twilight?” Spike asked, walking over to her, offering her his cup of chocolate. He yelped as the hot drink was splashed on him by Twilight bolting to her hooves.
“Quill! Quill! Someone get me a bucking quill!” Twilight shouted as she scattered all the items on the table to the floor. The girls were taken aback by her sudden outburst. Rarity was about to scold her for such language, but the panicked look on Twilight's face shut her up and stifled any of the girls’ incoming comments. They quickly started to look, trying to find a quill.

“Come on! Come on! I--Oh Buck me!” Twilight shouted as her horn flared up, quickly grabbing one of her feathers and giving it a hard yank. She winced, ignoring the burning pain as she dunked the feather into an inkwell and began to write frantically.
“Twilight!? What the heck is wrong with you!?” Rainbow Dash yelled as she moved to inspect Twilights wing, noting the small amount of blood staining the coat. A moment later, Fluttershy was next to her, dabbing the area with a wet wipe and, just as quickly, applying a band aid. Spike looked worried as he walked up to Twilight, trying to get her attention.
“Twilight? What's wrong? You’re scaring me,” Spike said while twiddling his thumbs, ignoring the mess on his chest.
“Don't worry, Sunset, we’ll fix this. I pinkie promise,” Twilight whispered. Spike tilting his head in confusion as she continued to write. “Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.” She finished as she slammed the book shut.
“Spike! Take a letter!” Twilight shouted as she spun and bolted out of the room.
“What? But why—"
“No time, Spike!” Twilight interrupted, making the young dragon flinch. “Just take the letter! Now!” Twilight barked as her magic flared an angry shade of purple as she began to pack. The girls looked worried as their friend packed. Spike was concerned. She hadn't yelled at him like that since she was a filly.
“R-Right!” Spike stammered as he took the quill she used and grabbed a nearby scroll and readied himself.
“Dear Princess Celestia,

We have a situation…”

Flash couldn't help but tighten his grip every time Twilight tapped the dashboard, his knuckles going white as he squeezed the steering wheel. Every part of his being wanted to talk to her, but something told him now was not a good time to hit on (or try too) the cute pony princess. A quick glance at the girls in the back seat gave him further evidence to zip his lip.
“Flash. how much longer?” Twilight asked, not looking at the boy, not noticing or caring that the car swerved slightly. Flash Sentry kept his eyes on the road, not daring to look at the princess.
“Um, we’re almost there!” Flash blurted out at Twilight, making her flinch slightly. “So! Twilight, did you have a nice holiday?” he added. Almost immediately, he heard a series of light slaps coming from behind him. Twilight slowly turned to face him.
“Keep driving,” Twilight replied, her tone cold. Her glare threatening to freeze and set him aflame at the same time.
“Yes ma'am,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road, not daring to look at her. Spike only shook his head, sighing.
“Smooth…” Spike snarked as he scratched his chin, ignoring the boys quivering lip.

Rainbow Dash walked out of Sugarcube Corner, ignoring the questions from a worried Mrs. Cake. She put on her hoodie and started to walk, her mind filled with nothing but guilt. It felt like it would crush her at any moment. She reached into her pockets and pulled out her headphones, putting them in her ears, looking for something to distract her. She pressed play, hoping to drown out the guilt.
Yo, my best friend, til the very end
She ripped the headphones out so fast, one of the cords snapped. She threw them to the ground and began to walk away.

You need a hand, and I'm right there, right beside you.
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you.
“Hey, hey, it's ok. You’ll get into the Wonderbolts next year. don't give up, Dash!”
A hard punch was felt in her gut. She clutched her stomach as she continued to walk.
“Need help studying? I don't know if you know this, but I'm totally the smartest horse here.”
Rainbow clutched her head as she remembered the goofy grin Sunset gave her that day.
Laughing so damn hard--
Try as she might, the song continued to play, forcing itself into her mind, forcing memories with it.
“Hey Dash, want the last Twinkie?”
Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home, for now and forever

"Thank you, girls. I haven't done anything like this in so long... It's good to have friends.”
She kept clutching her head tightly, the tears never stopping as she continued running, not caring about the people shouting at her to watch where she's going.
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
“Please! I'm not like that anymore!”
She bit her lip, trying to force the image out of her head. The image of a devastated sunset as she was tossed out of Sugarcube Corner.
And in my eyes, you can do, do no wrong
You got a best friend sing, sing along
“Please listen to me! I'm not that person anymore! Please!”
She remembered how the group surrounded a scared Sunset, how she looked around in worry, but looked heartbroken when she saw Rainbow Dash in the group.
Oh ohh, I'll never let you go
Oh ohh, whoa, this is my oath to you
“Please, Dash, don't!”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes as tears ran down her face, her fast pacing turning into a sprint. She tried her hardest to block out the images. She tried to block out everything. She continued to run as fast as her legs could carry her. She remembered it all in horrific detail.
Each punch.
Each Kick
Each Cry of pain.
It all replayed itself in her head.
Oh ohh, this is my oath to you
She stopped running, tears streaming down her face, wetting her shirt as she leaned against a cold, hard building, hugging herself.
“...I’m sorry... Sunny,” she sobbed as she held herself, wishing the wall would swallow her up. She felt her heart stop as it felt like the wall was giving way, granting her wish. She felt a powerful grip grab her shoulders and pull her into the alley. Before she could protest, she was shoved up against the wall, two angry golden eyes glaring back at her.
“Dash... What the fuck is happening?” Gilda growled as she held the athlete up by her jacket. Rainbow Dash only looked at her for a moment before looking away in shame. Gilda stared at her for a moment before loosening her grip.
“Oh, fuck me,” Gilda said, rubbing her head. She knew just by the look on Rainbow’s face that this was not going to end well.
“...We really fucked up Gilda...we really--”
WE!? What is this ‘we’ shit!?” Gilda yelled angrily as she paced around the alley.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Gilda yelled. She quickly turned and kicked a trashcan over, swearing up a storm with each kick, quickly denting the can. Rainbow Dash only slumped to the ground, hugging her knees. Minutes of swearing and kicking passed before Gilda calmed down. She just stood, staring at the wall angrily.
“I fucking told you,” she hissed, grunting loudly as she gave the wall a kick and quickly regretted it. “I told you! But you wouldn't fucking listen!” Gilda added wanting to kick the wall again.
“G, I---”
“No! I told you ‘Sunset wouldn't be that dumb’! I told you it was too fucking obvious!” Gilda began feeling her body tense up again. “I told you to drop it, to just cut the bit--Sunset off!” Gilda ended turning to face Rainbow Dash.
“What do you do?” she asked making Rainbow Dash sink lower into the snow. “You bitch. And bitch. And bitch to go after her! You said she was guilty!” Gilda ranted as she stomped her way over to the athlete, her mind racing back to the previous night, the night that was a fuck up of epic proportions.

Gilda got into her car, quickly closing the door to keep the cold out. She sat there silently before giving a sigh. She rubbed her head as she turned on her car, it coming to life and blasting her with much-needed heat. She sat there silently before smacking her head on the steering wheel, making the car honk loudly. She stayed like that for a few seconds before the honking got on her nerves. She sat up and glared at the dashboard. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath...
…and let out an angry yell as she started slamming her palms against the steering wheel.
“Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” she yelled as she continued to pound her steering wheel. After furiously beating the wheel, she sat there quietly panting loudly.
“Fuuuck...I need some booze,” Gilda grumbled as she reached behind the seat, looking for something. She quickly found it and pulled out a bottle of beer. She popped it open and chugged it, savoring the strong bitter taste. “Some tunes too,” Gilda said, taking another swig of the bottle while turning on the radio.

‘The blizzard is said to be making its way into the city. Stay in door----’
Gilda started to cough violently all over the wheel and window. After her fit, she looked out of the window and saw the snow starting to pick up. She groaned, dropping the bottle.
“...Fuck.” Gilda groaned, pulling at her hair and feeling a few strands being pulled out. She glared at the steering wheel before sighing as she turned off the car and quickly climbed out.
“Fucking fuck me with a donkey's floppy dick,” Gilda said as she made her way to the side of the school. “Anally please! Just jam it up there!” Gilda yelled into the sky. She stuffed her hands into her jacket as she continued to stomp her way to the secluded area. She stopped suddenly as she saw the scene. She saw the blood, and the torn clothes. What worried her was the lack of a body.
“Fuck! Sunset! Where are you!?” Gilda hollered as she quickly made her way around the area, being mindful of the blood.

“Shit. We really did a number on her.” Gilda grumbled as she continued to look, a heaviness building in her chest. She didn't like how things went down. She was not above street justice, but this was getting way out of hand. She did not need this kind of heat. When she found Sunset, she was going to do everything in her power to not go to jail.
‘Or maybe not feel like shit for beating someone half to death…’
Gilda grumbled as she scratched the back of her head and continued her search.
“Of course, she's gone! What else can go wrong?!” Gilda growled after half an hour of searching. She started to stomp to the front of the school. “I can picture it now. Someone yells ‘freeze’ and I suddenly get shot,” she ended as she stomped her way to the front. At that moment, something caught her eye.
“Of course! Ponyestria or whatever the fuck!” Gilda exclaimed as she jogged quickly up to the statue. She nearly slipped on something wet but didn't care as she ran up to the statue. she stood at the foot of the statue and began to circle it.

“Oh, come on, where's the door? Is there a door?” she hissed as she circled it a few times, touching it at random places “Oh, don't tell me it's in the ass!” she said as she stopped at the backside. She looked around for a moment before climbing up and touching the horse’s rump.
“Oh, thank god.” she said as she started to climb her way down. She landed with a thud flinging snow around. “Well fuck my life even more!” Gilda hissed as she turned to walk away.
She felt her foot give way on something and slipped, slamming her head against the side of the statue. She fell on the ground in a heap of snow. Gilda laid there for a moment before slowly standing up. The first thing she noticed was a small pool of crimson in front of her.
“Oh, come on!” she shouted as she stood up, holding the area above her eye and feeling the blood run down her face. She grunted as she started to walk away, cursing loudly as she made her way to her car.
“Fuck it. Sunset, if you can hear me, I hope you’re not dead!” Gilda shouted as she made it back to her car, closing the door and driving off, hoping ponygirl was ok.

Gilda continued to silently stare at the wall, not looking at her friend. After a few deep breaths and turned.
“How the fuck are we gonna fix it now, Dash?” Gilda demanded, standing over the athlete. “You were so sure she was guilty, so what’s the plan now? Or do you not have one?” Gilda asked firmly.
Rainbow lowered her head. She had been so sure Sunset was Anon-a-miss. She had thought that by shutting up Sunset, everything would be okay again. Instead, it turns out she was wrong. She was way wrong, Sunset was missing, and the police were sure to find out what happened at the school.
The school!

Rainbow stood. “We gotta head to the school!”
“What?” Gilda asked. “Why do we gotta go there?”
“There might be some clues there!” Rainbow explained. “We can try tracking her down from there.”
“With that blizzard last night?” Gilda’s fist curled as she glared at the rainbow-haired girl. “Ain’t no way she survived that storm, Dash. No way any of the evidence did either. Footprints, drag marks, blood trails, all gone. She’s gone!”
Rainbow shook her head. “She can’t be!” she shouted. “She can’t be gone, G! We gotta at least try!”
“Oh, now ya care ‘bout her,” Gilda grumbled. “Seemed pretty intent on beating her to death last night!”
“I KNOW WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT!” Rainbow roared, facing the taller girl. “I know what I did, okay? I feel bad enough without you telling me everything I did! We gotta at least try to make this right, though, so you in or not?”
Gilda glowered down at her old friend. She didn’t want to be involved any further in any of this. But she also didn’t want Sunset to be dead. If she was dead, it would suck, being part of something that got an innocent person killed. They needed to try every lead they could find.

“Fine, whatever,” Gilda grumbled. “Let’s fucking go before someone starts listening in. The car’s nearby.”
They hurried to the car and climbed in. Gilda started the engine and they were off, back in the same direction she’d come from. The car ride was silent as they sped as fast as they could to the school. Gilda parked a little away from it, so no one suspected she was there, and they hopped out. Rainbow darted around to the back of the school, hurrying to the place they’d last seen Sunset. Gilda followed at a slower pace, making sure no one was around to see them before running after Dash.
The pair slid to a stop in the area they had last seen her. “Look around for anything that might give us a clue,” Rainbow ordered, beginning to sift through the snow.

Gilda rolled her eyes and started pushing the snow about. Neither of them were sure what to look for, but they at least had to try and find something. Maybe a dropped journal, or a bookbag or… something.
Dash knew her friends were probably looking around for any sign of Sunset as well, and they would start asking questions if they found her nowhere around, but she needed to at least try. She needed to try to make this right. She needed Sunset to know how sorry she was and how bad she’d screwed up.
After what felt like hours searching through the snow and their fingers going numb from the cold, Dash finally stopped. “This is so stupid!” she shouted, grabbing fistfuls of her hair and pulling at it until the strands started coming loose. “How is she just gone? The portal for Equestria wasn’t even open, so she couldn’t have gone there! Where is she?”

“Wouldja keep your voice down!” Gilda snapped. “Just cause there’s no one here doesn’t mean nobody’ll hear you! We’re trying to keep a low profile, remember?”
“But how is she missing?” Dash demanded, hardly working to keep her voice down. “She was here last night! She should’ve been unconscious! And she couldn’t have gone far from the Shy’s place, so why can’t we find her? WHERE IS SHE?!”
Gilda slammed her hands down on Dash’s shoulders, forcing the athlete to look her in the eye. “I get you wanna find her. I do too. But we can’t go looking for her if we’re in prison, now can we?”
Dash shook her head and Gilda nodded. “Thought so. Now pipe down. We gotta figure out how to find her and get everything sorted out. Let’s head back to the car. Maybe we can drive around to some of the places she mighta got to. And remember, keep it down. The last thing we need is anybody asking questions.”
“That’s too bad,” a stern voice stated behind them. “Because I’ve got quite a few for the pair of you, in light of recent events.”

Footsteps sounded behind the two women and made them freeze in place. From the sounds of it, it was at least five people, but from the voice that spoke, that number was bumped up to six. Slowly, Gilda and Dash turned to stare down some very angry eyes.
“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked glaring hatefully at the duo. Gilda felt Rainbow Dash freeze up as they were stared down. it didn't help when 3 other people and a dog showed up. Gilda groaned as she rubbed her head.
“Fucking perfect.” Gilda groaned as she lowered her head, Rainbow looking down in shame.

Author's Note:

behold the next chapter!