• Member Since 16th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Dusk Melody

I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.


Comments ( 116 )


It actually happened.

7912692 Yuppers! It did actually happen!

Upon looking at Wily in the cover art, I immediately start singing Danger Zone.

7913943 :rainbowlaugh: I love that! Sir, have a 'tache! :moustache:

oh thank god this chapter didn't really conflict.

yay!! it's back, and 3 chapters in 3 days :pinkiehappy: keep up the good work

7915818 Sorry for the mix up my friend. We were going to publish this as a separate side story then we decided against it and put it in the main book.

Hopefully it explains why Air Raid suddenly called Wildfire seemingly out of nowhere.

7915824 Thank you! I really hope you continue to enjoy the Wilyverse!

Um... did Dusk turn into a mare last time I read this series?

7917293 No, Dusk is very much a stallion, his coltfriend Oils just likes to have him wear dresses and be feminine

Honestly I still don't know what to think about air raid

7928578 That's fine hun, Air Raid isn't a bad pony, she just made a mistake one time

7929033 a part of me wants her to join the herd

7929081 Aaah well you'll have to stick around for Book 4 :raritywink:

o.o OMG never thought it actually happen... OMG they did it Hype for next chapter XD ....

7964221 Next chapter is primed and ready, and will be released on the 1st of March. All I'll say is, Vanhoover is interesting!

7964918 UGH! March 1st can't come soon enough!! :pinkiecrazy:


I'm really happy you're wanting the next chapter my friend. you only have six days

you posted this literally after i checked my feed for the day.

So Wildfire's never been swimming before? I wouldn't have believed it.

interesting lewd... , but it still good and it reach it's goals to swim. Which is good to have emotions like that... It brings the character in depth. Which i like this story so far as in character depth.

It's the next chapter :rainbowkiss: hype hype hype can't wait for the next one.

8012127 It's also the Wilyverse's birthday! It's a whole two years old!

Woah, Two years?

I never considered using Braille as a secret code. None of my friend know it.

That filly is ten why does she know this stuff

(Can't complain I learned about real actual (not school censored) sex when I was 11)

But still.

8062833 pissing off a train. I mean, fetishes are kind of the answer.

Hoo boy... this should be fun...

Hope Wily doesn't go too hard on Air Raid....

8063687 No spoilers here, you'll have to read on. I will say that there is a resolution

8063740 Finally! Someone appreciates the whaling tour! I love you

Cold Front may haunt Wily... but she'll never back down.... because now... she wants to live...

...young blind mare who was currently being adorable, playing with the shape sorter, presumably thinking she wasn’t being noticed,


:heart: YAY! Darkie got healed!!!
:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: I LOVED the prank Airmail pulled on Wildfire! LMAO
Cold Front deserved whatever he got from Princess Luna.
:twilightsmile: I love the whole Emerald-Wildfire dynamic. Can't wait for Emerald to meet Silverbolt. :heart:

Finally Wily has learned the truth and that her friends have not left her.

I've waited a long time for that.

Thank you :yay:

Do you plan a side-story with Mapper, Octavia, Luna and Serenety for the scene with the pet-play and the ABDL?

i would like to read that :twilightsmile:

8095254 That side story is being written by my co-author Zervon Tora. You'll have to ask him how he's getting on with it

8097115 Next chapter will be the 28th of April. BUT there will be a new side story published on the 21st April that features Darkstar.


Sweet I can mark those days on my calendar now :D

8097351 People really do that, and for my stories? Really?

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