• Published 29th Dec 2016
  • 2,438 Views, 359 Comments

The Rariad - Tundara

Trixie and Rarity must bond to escape from Tartarus and survive the odyssey across realms and planes of existence on their way home. Along the way they encounter gods, demons, heroes, and friends old and new.

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Interlude Three

The Rariad
By Tundara

Interlude 3: Ioka

Celestia’s wings itched. Not the regular sort of itching when she grew too preoccupied to properly preen her feathers. This was the sort of itch that most ponies got at the back of their heads when they were forgetting something, but had no idea what it was they’d forgotten.

Unconsciously she rubbed the alula of her right wing against the high backed edge of her throne.

“Your Highness, is everything alright?” asked Two-Step Armour, glancing up from the sheets of parchment floating around him containing a litany of reports and the list of her itinerary for the day.

Her new seneschal was young, a little unsure of himself, and ponies whispered that he’d only gotten his position through pure nepotism on Celestia’s part. A natural outcome of his adoptive sister being an alicorn, his mother a figure of ill-repute among the nobility, and brother-in-law to Princess Cadence. Few gave him the credence to have earned his position as Chronicles replacement.

There was a slight pang in Celestia’s chest when she thought of her previous seneschal, who’d served her loyally for a touch over forty years before retiring to spend his sunset years out on the Marelantian Isles with the love of his life; though neither party would ever admit to being in love. The former Archmage was probably the only pony more stubborn than the former seneschal.

The new Archmage stood in the back off to one side lightly chewing on an apple, the juices leaking down her chin as she seemingly stared off into space without a care on the disc. It was an act, of course. Like her predecessor, Starlight Glimmer was as much a prodigy at manipulation as she was magic. Unlike the former Archmage, she didn’t care for the skullduggery and sneaking around that went with the position as the informal head of Celestia’s secret operatives. Not that it stopped her from being rather effective in the role.

A smattering of ministers, generals, and admirals were spread out in a loose half-circle at the bottom of the throne, a ripple of unease running through them as they glanced between the young seneschal and the princess.

“I am uncertain,” she admitted candidly.

Her ear twitched to a sound just on the fringes of perception, like fluttering of wings, except it seemed to come from the floor and walls.

Celestia’s eyes widened just a fraction and reflexively she checked the wards embedded into the castle. To her dismay they were inert, silent, unresponsive to whatever was happening. Casually she stood and went to the windows, eyes narrowing as she peered out into the gardens.

Clouds carefully positioned for a day of planned snow were parting over the city. In spite of the weather team’s attempts to block the holes, streams of Sol’s golden light fell over the parks and lanes making the dusting of snow sparkle as if the streets were coated in crystals.

It was beautiful.

Yet her skin crawled.

Shadows skittered in the corner of her eye, withdrawing into the nooks of room where the light didn’t fully reach, like a swarm of spiders. A sickly smell briefly caught her attention, sulphuric and pungent, and just as quickly retreating.

Interlinked wards began to awaken, humming a warning in the back of her head, reacting to whatever—or whoever—was attempting to intrude on the castle.

Pressure began to push down on Celestia between her wings like a giant hoof trying to pin her to the floor. Resisting the weight she cast her sight towards Sol, and then down on Canterlot, viewing the city from the heavens, looking for any signs of the intruder.

But there were none.

Just ponies playing in their yards or going for walks down the swept streets. Couples smiled blissfully unaware of the encroaching dangers. Foals had snowball fights, and ran about as they laughed. Icicles melted.

“Your Highness?” Two-Step moved a little closer, his uncertainty clear in his eyes even as he kept the rest of himself composed.

Starlight’s ears perked up and her nose crinkled, her magical senses finally detecting the intrusion. Nonchalantly she left her post and departed with only a slight nod in Celestia’s direction to indicate she would track down the source.

The Archmage had just crossed the threshold when the wards gave a silent scream, and then shattered. Sparks flew from the pillars lining the aisle to the throne, the walls shook, and the stained glass window pane depicting the Element of Generosity broke, spiderweb cracks running through the snowy white mare at the centerpiece.

At the same moment a surge of revulsion slammed into Celestia, churning her stomach as dread squeezed her heart. The stench of sulphur grew, a few of the nobles covering their noses, faces green beneath their colourful fur.

Spinning around, Celestia said in a clipped voice, “Two-Step, begin evacuating the castle. Everypony, we’ll have to reschedule.”

To her relief, their reactions were instantaneous, rushing out various doors with no arguing or asking for reasons. After a few moments bells began to toll across the city, warning the general public to go indoors and find a place to shelter until the most recent danger had passed.

Even before the first set of bells had finished, the private entrance that led to the royal quarters was thrust open and Twilight entered the throne room, almost bumping into Celestia in the process.

“It’s a scrying spell,” Twilight said in a breathy rush, her eyes wide as she continued to run calculations in her head. She quickly added, “The Amef runes are the only ones breaking, and they are the ones meant to keep ponies from spying on the castle.”

“You’re right,” Celestia hummed as she checked the runes to see where they’d been broken.

Before anything else could be added, several flashes announced the arrival of Zeus, Hades, Cadence, Fluttershy, and Fleur. Hades stood close to Twilight, flanking her with Luna, both protectively looming around the Goddess of Stars. Zeus flexed and paced, barely containing his energy, while Cadence, Fleur, and Fluttershy went to the windows.

“A demon,” Zeus announced, thunder rumbling in his disgusted throat, “is deluded into believing it can intrude on this new pantheon.”

“Not just any,” spoke Hades as he swept his horn across the room, magic flickering along its length. “It is Asmodeus.”

Celestia’s stomach performed a little flop as her deepest worry was confirmed.

Of course He’d find some way to reach her home. It’d been a worry gnawing at her for several months since they’d returned from Amaymon with nothing but empty hooves and dire warnings.

“Even the King of Lust would know better than to attack Canterlot, non?” asked Fleur, her expression pensive as she recalled the climatic encounter with the Queen of Wrath. A small scar above her left eye remained as a reminder of that day. Unconsciously Fleur reached up to rub it.

It had taken every alicorn working together to contain Astaroth and protect the mortals in the vicinity, and even then the losses had been staggering. A horrible wound remained on the disc at the site of the battle, wraiths and monsters congregating on the fields and in the ruins of Southstone Spires. Keeping them contained and curious ponies, zebras, and griffons away had become something of a full-time occupation for Twilight and Luna.

The idea of such a thing happening to Canterlot made Celestia shiver with concern for her little ponies.

“Asmodeus isn’t as brash as the other kings and queens of demonkind,” Hades clicked his tongue as he thought out-loud. “If his purpose was to reach Ioka it wouldn’t be so obvious. He is too cunning for something this obvious.”

“Mmm, and why is it so… warm?” spoke Cadence, wrapping her legs and wings around herself in a hug.

Everypony considered the question, wondering about the duality of the beautiful day—only a few puffy clouds lazy drifted around the mountain now—when the hissing in the shadows began to fade, the intruder retreating already. The weather team regained control over what clouds remained and the temperature began to drop.

Celestia was about to respond when Sol gave a concerned yelp in her head.

’Dear heart!’

Above Canterlot, Sol darkened to a deep burgundy as the sun prepared to defend herself. Closing her physical eyes, Celestia thrust her consciousness into her heavenly counterpart. Metaphysical eyes opened just as Sol was about to cast away the intruder, and Celestia was almost struck dumb by who she saw floating in the aetheric void next to Sol.

“Rarity?” Celestia exclaimed.

The ghostly cloud of disembodied energy that was Rarity seemed to gasp, and then vanished just as Celestia reached out to grab her.

Celestia lingered with Sol, staring at the space where Rarity had been, thoughts and emotions awhirl. Her heart beat quicker, hope freshly blooming, but there was also fear. It was impossible that Rarity had managed to reach out to Ioka.

“It was Rarity!” She exclaimed to everypony’s curious looks. “I don’t know how, but it was definitely her I saw, not Asmodeus.”

“Troubling,” Zeus growled as he took to pacing, muscles tense with barely constrained anger that still lingered from the near disastrous infiltration of Amaymon. “We all sensed him, Asmodeus, and yet it was Rarity you claim that was here? That should be impossible. No alicorn should be capable of casting their consciousness so far as to reach other worlds or realms.”

“P-Perhaps because she is Beauty?” suggested Fluttershy. “Or her connection here is so strong?”

Fleur shook her head. “Non, there is something else at play. Some trickery of Asmodeus. Demons have spent the most time figuring out how to widen the cracks between worlds. Already we agreed that he wouldn’t have let Rarity go without some plan or means of tracking her. The gloom and shadows is evidence that he was involved in Rarity being able to reach us.”

“Maybe it had been his plan all along to entice us into breaking into his domain, and he managed to leave it wedged open after we retreated?” Luna suggested.

“The possibilities are innumerable,” Cadence said. “We’re just guessing! Taking stabs in the dark. You are all so afraid of him that he has you galloping in circles. You’ve been looking over your shoulders and jumping at every shadow ever since you came back from Amaymon.”

“It had to be done. I couldn’t risk leaving Rarity there.”

Softening, Cadence placed a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “Of course we couldn’t. But it was obviously a bad idea from the start. No matter the outcome we’d still be here obsessing over what he planned and if we were just dancing to his tune or not.”

“I must go,” Hades said to Twilight and Luna. “If Asmodeus has broken his cage…” His voice trailed off and his jaw tensed with consternation.

Twilight nodded, a giddy twinkle in her eyes. “Okay, let’s go. You’re going to need more help if those wards are coming undone.”

Hades didn’t argue, and instead looked over to Luna. “What of you? Do you wish to see the Underworld again?”

After considering, Luna gave a broad smile. “That sounds like a nice idea.”

Celestia watched the brief exchange with a smile, noting the ways her sister and cousin moved. How they both moved closer to Hades, tails unconsciously swishing together, a light tough of their wings, followed by a blush and stepping further apart. How Hades stiffened and squared his shoulders, doing his best not to look at either mare, yet having his gaze wander only for it to snap up to the ceiling.

It was rather cute, and a little frustrating, how all three of them seemed a mix of oblivious or afraid of their feelings. Had the situation been different, Celestia would have prodded and teased them a little bit. Settled for a knowing smile.

The remainder of the day was spent in nervous anxiety. Through the meetings, the reports, and into the long hours until she retired to her rooms, her thoughts were continually pulled back to the too-brief encounter with Rarity, and wondering what it meant.

Memories of her failure to save Rarity played just behind these surface worries. Many times she’d wondered how things would have been different if she’d reached Rarity in time. If she hadn’t—Celestia pressed her eyes tight and willed away the self-admonishment.

“You’re doing it again.”

Celestia looked up to see Zeus enter with a bottle of bourbon and two cups. He sat down across the small coffee table from her and poured them each an appropriate amount.

Taking a sip, he answered the first of her questions with, “Don’t worry, nopony saw me. What kind of god would I be if I didn’t know how to go incognito.”

“This is why the tabloids won’t let go of us having a secret romance,” Celestia sighed as she drank her entire glass in a single gulp and then indicated it should be refilled.

“And why the palace’s mail room is inundated with letters decreeing me a foul lecher, and the streets are filled with young mares waving ‘Team Zeulestia’ banners. Mortals want us to be these perfect images they hold of us, and much as I hate to admit it, we are not. You’ve taught me that,” Zeus spoke softly as he topped off her glass. “So, why do you continue to beat yourself up for being imperfect?”

“I can do better.” Celestia leaned back on her cushion, and stared at her glass as she swirled it about.

“Of course you can, and you will! But that doesn’t take away all you accomplished, and alone no less! For a thousand years you guided the sun, moon, and placated the stars, all while ruling a nation. Many alicorns claim to be rulers, kings and queens, but few have the… humility to actually go through with the true acts of being the king. All the little details and minutiae that has to be managed, the courtly politics with an ever changing and evolving body of flighty mortals. I myself could never do it. Too boring.”

“Are you saying I’m a boring mare?” Celestia coyly glanced over the top of her bourbon.

Feigning being wounded, Zeus said with a laugh, “Never in this realm! You care for the mortals more than any other I’ve ever met. It is one of the many things I love about you.”

“Mm hm.”

Moving around the table, Zeus sat next to Celestia. He set down his glass and indicated with a motion of his hoof for her to open her wing.

“You’ve been neglecting preening again.” There was a slight note of disapproval in his voice.

Celestia didn’t argue, because it was true. She’d just been busier than usual with the approach of Hearth’s Warming and all the necessities of the government shutting down for the holidays. There were galas to plan, last minute expenditure meetings, intelligence reports to read, treaties to be drafted, and a thousand other details that all needed her personal touch.

“This season is always busy,” Celestia sighed as Zeus’ magic worked along the edge of her wing, kneading sore muscles. She let out a gasp as he aligned one of her primaries.

“I’ve been thinking,” Zeus continued after a few minutes of silence broken only by the gentle crackle of the fire. “It is time I returned to Gaea. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Too long has it been since I’ve seen my kingdom. And my family.”

Celestia was a little stunned, and twisted around to look Zeus in the eyes. She searched them for any sign of deceit, or that this was one of his ploys.

“How soon?”

“I was going to head back to Gaea tomorrow, but now I’m wondering if I should delay with this Asmodeus business.”

“What? You were going to leave on Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

Zeus chuckled. “After last year I thought you’d be glad.”

“Only because you tried to serenade me drunk on Luna’s moon wine in front of half the court, and all the paparazzi.”

“Your sister does make a potent wine. No amount of water dulls its edge.”

“I believe she enchants it specifically to protect it from being watered down.”

“Ha-ha! Most cunning and wise, if the intent is to be drunk.”

“I do believe that was the whole reason my sister created moon wine, you know; to get me drunk.”

Getting up, Zeus kissed Celestia on the cheek. There was a little zip of static at the touch of his lips, and then he backed away before Celestia’s playful swat could reach him. The game was old. Him stealing a kiss, and her hitting him in return. In the early days the slaps had been far from playful, with broken marble floors having to be replaced a time or two. That had been years ago, and to Celestia’s chagrin, Zeus’ persistence and general jovial nature had warmed her to him, somewhat. Now, the swatting was light, barely enough to make him stagger.

“See you later, Celestia.”

“Mmm,” Celestia already returned her attention to the report before her, while her mind drifted back to the encounter in the throne room. “Yes, see you later, love.”

It took her a very long, very heavy few seconds of silence to realise what she said. Thankfully, Zeus was gone so she could hold her head and groan in frustration at herself without being teased. No, that would come later, when he returned.

The slip of the tongue meant nothing! It had been an idiom, nothing more, like deary, hun, or darling. Just as Rarity used.

“Oh, he is never going to let me hear the end of it when he returns,” Celestia groaned as she went to bed. “Sometimes, I swear, this palace is turning into a bad soap opera.”

It took awhile for her to get to sleep. She kept turning over in her head the events of the day. Rarity was alive, and looking for a way home, of that Celestia was certain. If only she had some clue as to Rarity’s location, where she’d gone when she’d been allowed to escape Amaymon.

This thought naturally brought Celestia to the question of Asmodeus’ plot, and his parting words.

Was that misdirection? Or did he intend to come to Ioka?

Well, if he did, it wouldn’t go any better than it had for Leviathan or Astaroth.

Worse, perhaps, as the divisions and mistrust between her family members was, well, not gone, but somewhat mended. There were still tensions between Celestia and Iridia, and between Luna and Faust, that would never fade, but they could at least all be in a room together without it devolving into an argument.

Which was progress.

Celestia was comforted by these thoughts into the next day.

She hummed as she relaxed, a lightness to her step. It was Hearth’s Warming Eve, afterall. Besides a few final details that needed her approval the day was mostly her own. That evening would be the traditional play, but before that her time was her own for once, and every moment had been fully accounted.

First thing she did was visit the newly finished bath house. Built in the Gaean style—which was eerily similar to Pre-Classical architecture—it had a large central heated pool surrounded by marble columns holding aloft a painted ceiling depicting all the alicorns of Ioka. There was Iridia and Faust in the center, with Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Shyara, Fleur and Talona, Fluttershy, Tyr, and Namyra arrayed along the edges.

Despite the bathhouse being Zeus’ idea, and one of his many gifts to Celestia, there was no sign of him or Hades in any of the architecture or decorations. There were plenty of statues, and the windows were tall and filled with stained glass like the palace, but there the brothers were not represented anywhere.

If only she didn’t need a disguise to avoid causing a disturbance. As the pegasus ‘Sunny Days’ she could just relax. The bathhouse was neither crowded nor empty when she arrived, several other ponies either soaking, making use of the steam room, or scrubbing down their fur.

“This is rather pleasant,” Celestia sighed as she sank into the soothing waters. Towel wrapped around her mane, she leaned back, spread out her wings, and just soaked away all the little knots of tension in her back and legs.

She could have spent days just melting away in relaxed bliss.

‘Love! Ponyville is under attack!’ Sol’s cry smashed through the warm haze.

Still, Celestia didn’t react more than her heart skipping a small beat. To Sol she sent the query, ‘Is it a demon?’

‘No… it’s something else… I don’t… I’ve seen this before. Felt it once before… But I can’t remember when.’

Of all Sol’s possible responses, this was the most troubling.

Casually Celestia left the bath, dried herself, and only after she’d left the bath house and slipped into a nearby alley did she banish her transformation and teleport to Ponyville.

She appeared on the outskirts of town above the road leading to Sweet Apple Acres. A quick scan showed none of the usual signs of an attack. Ponies were going about the day, signing carlos, having snowball fights in the park, and sledding down a nearby hill. A little further off construction of the new cathedral dedicated to Twilight had been halted for the holidays, scaffolding surrounding a flattened area where a crypt was being dug, filled with secret chambers, hidden passages, and brand new wardstones using Marelantian enchanting techniques Twilight had reverse engineered based on her brief time on the once again sunken city.

To the fields on the western edge of town she sensed Fluttershy and Luna.

“I-I’m sorry, Princess Luna, I, um, don’t have any memories of anything like this,” Fluttershy was saying as Celestia back-winged to land next to them.

With them were the other Elements of Harmony, as well as Spike. The broad shouldered young dragon was tense, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the area. His fists clenched and unclenched.

“I thought you’d be in Sparkledale, Spike,” Celestia pleasantly noted, hoping her nonchalance would ease some of the tension.

Spike blinked and seemed lost for a moment before snorting a small puff of smoke.

“Yeah, so did I. Twilight got worried though and asked me to check on the town before heading home.”

Raising a hoof, Fluttershy added, “I was about to take him home when…” She trailed off and indicated the empty field with a sweep of her wing.

“Indeed,” Luna added, stretching as if getting ready for a marathon. “Have you any ideas, sister, as to the cause of this disturbance?”

During the brief conversation Celestia had already turned her magical senses towards the field, and the heavy weight that permeated it. There was nothing visible to the naked eye, but there was a static tingle in the air. An anticipatory calm unbroken even by a breeze.

It was quiet.


Even the sounds from Ponyville muted as if held by a veil.

There was magic in the air, that much Celestia was certain. Warm, exciting, and building.

Her horn began to tingle there was so much of it.

A heavy clang, like two ingots of iron striking each other, broke the stillness.

Everypony jumped and looked for the source, but there was none.

A second clang. Then a third. Louder each time.

“Get ready, everypony,” Celestia commanded, but her words became swallowed as an ear-splitting bang echoed outwords.

The next one made the tree-tops of the Everfree shake and dislodge their puffy snow.

So much magic was in the air it was now almost visible. Each breath was like chewing on wool.

Wisps of molten flame curled before the gathered alicorns as a rune took shape, all hard edges and jagged lines. Celestia compared it to the plethora at her command, and found it utterly alien to any she knew. A second began to form, and then a third, fourth, then several, and then dozens more linked to them in a large ring. Among the runes she recognised a few, but for the most part she’d never seen any of them before.

The air rippled and distorted around the runes, and then began to bulge as bright metal coalesced, dragged into reality from some unknown dimension. Celestia felt queasy, her perceptions lurching, as space distorted under the pressure of the metal’s creation, until the ring was completed. Several pony lengths across, it sat there in the fields nestled between the Everfree Forest and Ponyville.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she recognised the ring. It was similar to the one on the Isle of the Dead that linked Ioka to Tartarus.

“Everpony, get back!” she shouted in warning as the central runes flared.

With a scream like metal being sheared in half, a silvery substance burst from within the ring, twisting in a sharp spiral that was sucked back into the point of origin. The silvery surface of the portal grew still, mirror smooth, but unreflective.

Tension rippled up her back and she found herself groping for a litany of battlespells.

And then nothing happened.

The ring with its portal to another realm sat there. Quiet except for a very low vibration.

Luna and Fluttershy edged a little closer. Spike puffed out his chest, flames curling from his nostrils. Applejack pushed forward her hat. Rainbow Dash circled above ready to dive. Pinkie Pie had set up a long table with cakes, pie, a punch bowl, and balloons with ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ scrawled across them.

Celestia hoped Pinkie’s optimism wasn’t misplaced.

Luna summoned her odachi, and Celestia was tempted to do the same, but decided against it. She wasn’t near Luna’s skill with a blade and would be better placed supporting from the rear with her flames. Up close she could only get in Luna’s way.

“Um, this is a portal, right?” Fluttershy asked, her brow pinched as she turned to Luna for confirmation.

“What else—” Luna began to respond when the portal surface rippled, and with a heavy thud, a pony staggered through.

Celestia narrowed her eyes, breath tight in her throat.

A mare. Pregnant. Armoured. Blood covered half her face. Barding torn over her right shoulder.

The traveller blinked her eyes fiercely, and started to shiver in the frigid winter air. She didn’t seem to see Celestia, perhaps blinded by her travel through the portal. Turning to face it she backed up a couple steps, rubbed her eyes, and then exclaimed, “Αστουνδινγ! Γρεατ ἑφαεστυς, μοστ βριλλιαντ οφ θε ἑαυεανς, υου ἁυε κρεατεδ α ωονδερ αμονγ ωονδερς!”

A moment later another mare staggered through the portal, and with her were a group of foals. The first mare helped them, guiding them as they blinked, stumbled, and shivered away from the gate, and it was then she took note of the small group of ponies around them.

“Ω ὁ αρε... Υου αρε—” The mare stopped herself, and carefully said, “Rarity sends greetings, and asks you help us,” in words heavily rehearsed and strange on her tongue. “Protect Her Little Ponies.”

Celestia blinked once, and then broke into action. “Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie; rally the town! We need blankets, hot food, and help! Rainbow Dash; gather the weather team and start clearing the snow, we’re going to need a space for tents. Hurry, everypony!”

The dam holding back the ponies on the other side had broken, and all at once they were surging through. Pony upon pony. Mostly a mix of some mares, many foals, and the elderly. Here and there a wounded pony, limping heavily or swathed in bandages, made the transition. Dozens became hundreds, and then over a thousand.

Celestia found herself without a moment to rest. Channeling Sol’s energies she bathed the area in sunlight, raising the temperature enough so the new arrivals wouldn’t freeze waiting for help. She couldn’t just create a mini-spring, as Ponyville was heaped high with snow and melting it all would have created a slushy morass.

As soon as they learned what was happening, the citizens of Ponyville burst into action. Tables were brought and stacked high with blankets that were then passed out. Doors were thrown open and the refugees ushered inside to sit in front of crackling fires. Food was brought, and somepony began boiling a giant pot of hot chocolate.

The Weather Team set about removing the snow so Celestia could raise the temperature further.

Triage tents were established as soon as the wounded began to emerge under the guidance of Nurse Redheart.

As time went on the number of foals and elderly dropped precipitously, and the number of wounded swelled. One pony missing part of a leg and the shaft of a spear lodged in his hip was brought straight to Celestia.

She winced at the terrible wounds and set about doing what she could to ease his suffering.

It was as she was knitting flesh back together that the first of the Muses arrived. There was a shift in the air as the alicorn appeared, jumping through the portal without any of the ill-effects suffered by the mortals. For a brief instant Celestia thought it to be Sweetie Belle who stood at the threshold, head held high with pride.

Taking in a deep breath, the alicorn cried in a voice that was heard at the furthest edge of Ponyville, “Listen now, and pay heed, to the words of Aoide, eldest of the Muses, and hear of the last stand of the Athenians, chosen of Rarity, the Goddess of Beauty! Pay heed! For these are the heroes of Gaea!”

Standing there before the portal, ponies rushing past her on either side like a tide around an island, Aoide began to chant. There was a weight to her voice, a solemnity, that made everypony pay attention. The Athenains who could kneeled with heads bowed, tears running freely down their faces, mare and stallion alike. The residents of Ponyville slowed, and cocked their ears to listen.

In a voice that clapped like thunder, Aoide recounted the final day of the Athenians.

Author's Note:

Well, this interlude kept growing and growing.

There is a lot of call-backs and references in this chapter to the other stories. Two-Step Armour, Sparkledale, Lourdes, the position of Archmage, and so-on. I do believe this is the very first mention of Starlight Glimmer within any Myths story. It just felt 'right' for her to be the new Archmage. Spike was also aged up a bit, since it has now been a few years since the end of Myths and Birthrights on Ioka.

The part that I am most pleased with, personally, is actually Celestia and Zeus' conversation. It just fell in place, the characters pulling me along for those couple pages.

This is also written in my usual narrative voice rather than attempting to ghost write/mimic the style of the Iliad.

The next chapter is almost entirely battle and returns to the more mimicking style I've been using since Rarity arrived on Gaea. Expect lots of newly named characters that subsequently die.

Hope this satisfies as a New Years gift, and here is to the next year of stories!