• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 3,660 Views, 258 Comments

Once Bitten - Damaged

Ponies are going missing, and despite his wedding being just months away, Shining Armor is willing to do anything to get to the bottom of it.

  • ...

Relieved of Duty

Words coming from his mother always were true. It was a tenant of foalhood that moms were always right, and their word was law. Nothing trumped a mom, and nothing could stand in their way.

Shining knew the rules regarding moms very well, Twilight Velvet had been everything a mom was expected to be, and she had never failed to be the unflinching shoreline in Shining's life—even now. As Shining turned, the rules reinforced the meager training she had been given as a changeling, and her course was not only set, but was sure. "I am Princess Guardinia, and I am needed at the castle. Take me there immediately."

"Of course, Your Highness." Apple Bloom snapped sharply to attention, turned, and began marching back along the street towards the castle.

Shining followed her guard of nymphs to the castle, trying to stride at least somewhat majestically. She knew full well that asking Vinyl, Sunset, or Thorax what to do was out of the question, now that the public eye was on them. "Very good, Lieutenant." Shining stepped past Apple Bloom as they reached the castle entrance.

"Make way! Princess Guardinia to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!" Sweetie Belle's voice surprised him with its intensity and timbre. Holding his lance vertically, he thumped the butt of it on the floor three times. For the first time in his life Sweetie was happy that his sister had insisted on formal etiquette training.

Leading the way now, Shining knew where the royal throne room was, and wanted to get word to the princesses as quick as she could. A pair of Royal Guard moved as swiftly as they could, each taking a flank position. "Well trained," her comment didn't so much as cause their ears to perk, "I must commend your commander." Curses ran through Shining's head, lamenting that there were no protocols for disguised Guards, or ways to catch potential doppelgangers in high command positions.

"Begging your pardon, Your Highness. Your name was Princess Guardinia?" Flash Sentry didn't dare look at the visiting princess, there was propriety that had to be maintained. "Where are you from?"

"Maretonia." Shining couldn't remember if they had invited the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia, but he was reasonably sure that they wouldn't get in the way during the time it took to get to the throne room. She froze in place at the sight of Cadance departing the throne room. Just seeing her betrothed filled Shining with longing and fire. "Princess Cadance." The words tumbled from her mouth before she realized, and she had the attention of not just Cadance, but also the two guard flanking her.

"A new princess?" Cadance's attention, what little she could muster, turned to the newcomer to the
"wings and horn club." Her eyes traced the mare's form, and she noticed some interesting little hints as to her origin. "You were a pegasus before ascension?"

Everything Shining knew about ascension, she had learned from Cadance; she nodded. "Still trying to get used to magic, Your Highness." The formal words tumbled out easily, and she watched a moment of levity jump into Cadance's tired-looking features.

"You will get used to it, trust me. And no need to use titles with me, just Cadance will do." Cadance found herself warming to the white alicorn, and she was smiling for the first time she could remember in days. "Maybe we could meet later and discuss your—"

"Your Highness." One of Cadance's guards tried to get her attention.

Shining's eyes snapped to the guard at Cadance's side. Not only didn't she recognize them as a member of the Royal Guard, but their armor wasn't quite "right." Shining knew they were a changeling, but she knew some things about the Royal Guard that they did not, it seemed. "Excuse me, but we were talking."

"Oh they are just trying to keep me on track for the wedding." Cadance's levity failed and she felt the weight of responsibility return in full. "Maybe after my wedding? I would love to talk to somepony about all," Cadance rolled her eyes up and inwards, "this."

"I am sure we will have lots to talk about, Cadance." Shining rushed forward and slammed into one of the changelings… or she wished she could. Watching as her darling Cadance was escorted away by two enemies, Shining made up more and more elaborate ways to disable the two drones before freeing Cadance. "Please, can I see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna now?"

"We can take you to Princess Luna, but Princess Celestia is taking care of important business." Flash Sentry snapped sharply to attention again. "If you would please come this way?"

"Thank you." For Shining the words came easily. She had experienced them from the other side, and the memory of the first time she had greeted a new princess was one of the best in her life. Not seeing Princess Celestia worried her. Princess Luna was not just newly returned, but also still growing used to modern Equestria. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw two more unknown Royal Guard in the throne room.

Luna tried to school her expression, as her sister would, at seeing something surprising. "We were not aware a new alicorn had ascended?" Her eyes tracked Shining's disguise. "What is thy name?"

"Guardinia, Your Highness. I am from Maretonia." Shining bowed her head before the Princess of the Night. "I bring glad tidings from the Duke and Duchess, as well as an important missive from them."

"Private missive?" Boredom with the situation faded as Luna watched Shining nod. "Very well, in the sitting room." As she turned, two guards moved to follow. "We will not require guarding from a fellow princess."

Shining picked up a stern tone that bespoke of annoyance at the obvious changelings—obvious to Shining at least. "Thank you, Your Highness." She followed Luna, and her eyes flicked to the two guards. Again Shining noticed the not-quite-right armor. The moment the door closed behind her, Shining almost buckled at the knees. "Their inside the barrier, the two guards are—"

"Shh." Luna slowly removed her hoof from Shining's mouth. Focusing her magic, she cast a spell that pulled the dark, still night around the room. Stars bloomed on the ceiling, and a single moonbeam fell down from above to kiss Luna's mane. "All of it. What is going on?"

Almost weeping in relief, Shining explained her own capture and changes, she described every important detail between the night she left the party and reaching Luna's presence. "They… we… are monsters!"

"We believe you, Shining Armor." Luna gestured to the dramatic scene her magic had built around them. "Under this spell, dreams and echoes of them are close to reality. We can feel every experience you had. Your mother is a very shrewd mare, and we agree with her assessment. Tomorrow, while we lead the proceedings, we will catch all these vipers in one bag."

"What happened to Princess Celestia? Is she okay?" A sense of being derelict in her duty filled Shining. "And what are they doing to Cady?"

"Our sister is sleeping more often than not. When she wakes, she is distant and prone to following the slightest suggestion. This sounds to us like the poison you described." Luna pondered the situation further. "She needs guards who aren't as likely the source as protectors."

"I know somepony who can do that." Shining saw light in the darkness that had nothing to do with the spell on the room. "Sunset Shimmer would be as devoted to her protection as I myself."

"If what they say is true about her, she was not the mare who broke their bond of student and teacher. Righting the wrongs done to her and our sister would be a perfect start to this. We trust you can identify the invaders?" Luna felt more comfortable in the darkness, even knowing the pony before her wasn't actually a pony anymore.

"I can identify the ones not disguised as an actual Guard. We shouldn't have recruited too many new ponies while I was away." Shining lowered his foreleg and dipped her head before Luna. "Thank you, Your Highness." The heavy weight that was the protection of Equestria lightened with the act of revealing the truth to Luna, and Shining felt herself nearly overwhelmed with relief.

"You have done well, Shining Armor. We will make sure Equestria comes out of this in one piece." Luna wasn't surprised at the outpouring of emotions. "But until tomorrow, we have tasks to do. Please see to our sister's protection, and we will ensure Cadance spends the evening without her guards."

Shining stood back upright and looked directly into Luna's eyes. "As you wish, Your Highness." She waited for Luna to drop the spell and gesture to the door, only for a banging noise to herald two of the changeling guards bursting in. With the protection of the room removed, both had shoved too hard and tumbled forward to land on the ground.

"Please, Princess Guardinia, see to the detail we have assigned you." Luna's tone was pleasant, she certainly didn't want there to be any idea that Shining was in trouble. "Why have you broken in on a meeting between two princesses?" As she spoke, Luna's tone grew more and more icy.

"Your Highness!" One of the guards got their hooves under them and assumed a credible Guard pose. "We heard noises and sounds of a struggle, we feared for your life!"

Shining left the fake guards to the not-so-kind mercies of Princess Luna, and hurried to where she saw Flash Sentry. "I have been assigned the task of seeing to Princess Celestia's recovery." Shining tilted her head back towards Luna.

"Something is going on?" Flash's instincts were not as well honed as the more senior Royal Guard, but his time serving under Shining Armor had been a "learn fast or drop out" scenario, and he had learned very quickly.

"Only the defense of Equestria." Shining said the words before thinking, and saw Flash's eyes widen. The saying was one of Shining's favorites when asked by the other Guards "what's up?" She narrowed her eyes and gave the slightest nod. "Could you see for me and my retinue to be quartered near Princess Celestia's rooms, and we will take over looking after her from the guards," she paused on the word, "there now."

Flash's world shook a little. He knew Shining Armor was in another part of the castle, and he also knew that since coming back from the covert mission a few months earlier he hadn't acted "right." Something big was going on, and the alicorn mare in front of him suddenly seemed more like his Commander than his Commander did. "Yes, Your Highness. Follow me."

Dipping her head an acceptable amount to acknowledge the request, Shining fell in beside Flash. "I have the most amazing story to tell you. You won't believe how we got here."

"I am probably going to believe it, but I expect it to be an interesting tale." Flash tried not to show the elation he felt. Leading Shining back out to her "retinue," Flash gestured inwards. "Princess Luna has arranged rooms for you all, we are quite full though."

Leading the way, Flash guided Shining, Thorax, Sunset, Vinyl, and the Crusaders through to the royal hall. The long hallway ended in two suites of rooms: one set bore a gold door, the other a cobalt blue one. Two Royal Guard stood at attention before the gold door. "Gentlecolts, your relief duty is here. Princess Guardinia has offered her own expertly trained guards to see to Princess Celestia's protection. Luna herself sang their praises as the most well-skilled and diligent troops she had ever encountered."

The words were not needed. Thorax walked forward, already spotting the two door guards looking right at her. She felt their presence, once they were within her area of control. "They can stay." She stepped closer, focusing her attention on the two. "What are your names?"

"Ch-Chitter!" Chitter had no clue why he had spoken his real name, but something demanded he answer the newcomer's question.

"Obsidian Gleam…" Sidi (as all her hive-mates knew her), almost trembled in place. She looked at the pony and felt her mind unraveling. "C-C-Can I touch… Can I touch you?" Her voice trembled, but the little nod she got in answer made her want to chirp. Dropping her disguise, she did just that. Stepping forward, she nuzzled against Thorax's neck, her wings making soft chirps over and over.

"Wh… what is this?" Flash looked at the strange creature that had been a guard a moment ago. "I must report this to Princess Luna! We are being infiltrated!"

"Flash!" Shining stepped before Flash Sentry. "Hey Flash, calm down. This is why Luna sent us here. You know it's me, I gave myself away like a foal." She lifted her hoof for the normal greeting of two Guardsponies.

Lifting his own hoof, Flash met Shining's and tapped twice. "Shining?" Just saying his Commander's name made everything seem better. "What the buck?"

"I'll explain inside. Buzz, Scoots; can you two guard the door for us?" Shining looked directly at the two Crusaders in question.

"Of course." Scootaloo smiled and took position where Sidi had been, while Buzzaloo had to shove Chitter out of the way.

"You seem a lot smaller now." Buzzaloo was comfortable in her queen's aura, but it was clear that Chitter was in a state of shock.

"Bring them in, girls." Shining opened the door and made her way into Princess Celestia's royal suite.

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie: Do you plan to hold a part for each of the new Nymph's for all of the birthdays they missed when still one with Shining/ The Crusaders?

"Nymphs? What are you talking about?" Pinkie Pie was looking glum. "Sorry, I am a little busy for silly-question time right now, I need to re-plan the wedding reception without so much party..."

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Mary Rowland

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament