• Published 3rd Jan 2019
  • 722 Views, 2 Comments

You Love, You Die - ShadowblazeCR

Gilda makes a deal to help with her love life, but is transported to Earth with one problem; if she falls in love, she dies.

  • ...

That Seems Counterproductive

I had secretly always wanted to have a mate, but my rough personality and constant pranks with Rainbow Dash had always pushed any prospects away. Just leaving Dash and I to each other, building on an increasing tendency to only believe that Dash was the only one I needed. And when I pushed her away too I knew all that was left was what I survived off of; food.

I never expected to be selling scones, but there I was, selling scones. I hadn't known at the time that scones were apparently a couple thing to get. Granted, griffons weren't too touchy-feely with each other, but they were really the only repeat customers. It was a different kind of friendship, and the only way I had even a clue of “spreading friendship” as Rainbow Dash had told me to do.

I'd been working to do so, along with getting over my grudge of how Griffonstone had fallen into a decay with me in it. Though, I couldn't complain how business was booming, spreading the joy of scones bit by bit and improving the town. I can't believe I even said that.

“Two scones, just whatever to make it quick.”

The couple of griffons shot me out of my reverie, not necessarily because I had been daydreaming (not to say that wasn't a part of it), but that they were the nicest ones of the day. And seeing the calm, but comforting aura the two griffons gave off around each other struck another pang in my defrosting heart. I wanted a mate, someone I could spread this so called friendship with.

Tossing the scones to them, I gave her reply, “Yeah, here ya are, have a great Hearth’s Warming.”

That's right, I'm alone during the time of Hearth’s Warming. I don't have any family anyway, so I always use that to give me some weird kind of comfort I guess. Not that there's anything to it, plenty of griffons are alone on today, same with ponies and such. I get happy from seeing other griffons happy, for sure. Totally. I wouldn't sucker punch an orphan rock for someone to spend time with on this specific day.

“One scone please, with extra everything if you would, Gilda.”

I looked past the exiting griffons (I admit that exiting is a strong word for a cart with what can barely be considered a living space in the middle of the street), seeing a certain someone.

“Discord, what the pin feathers are you doing here? Don't you have some yoga friendship lessons to attend? Downward begging for mercy not a fit for you?” Sweet Celestia why must I revert to insults the moment I get surprised. You can't just insult a master of the worst thing that could impact you.

Once Discord was handed his scone he replied, “Well little fireball, as much as I'd love to make your cart have an existential crisis, I do not foresee it serving to take care of my boredom.”

“Why should I care, huh?” I didn't like where this was going, I never heard too many good things about what happened when he was bored. They were conflicting now that I looked back on it, but the only good things I heard were from Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash was a bit less trusting in this situation.

“Well I'm here to make a deal,“ Discord took a bite of his scone before continuing, “maybe proposition would be more appropriate. Anywho, interested?”

I narrowed my eyes, “I'll bite.”

“Let's say you are feeling lonely, hm?”


“Great, not that a strong independent griffon like you would ever, I'd imagine. Now, I've been meaning to experiment with interacting with, between here and another, well, dimension this I found. Coincidently, I keep hearing about this thing called love from Fluttershy and I must say that what I am hearing is quite conflicting. There is just so many different types,” He paused to take an exaggerated breath, along with biting the scone, the crumbs of which fell...upwards. “So, I suggest a deal. You explore this place for me, gather some juicy bits of this love thing from me and, well you get what you always wanted.”

“Oh, and what's that?” I wouldn't let Discord know I was truly interested just yet. I had always wanted to get out of Griffonstone, at least this way I could use it as an excuse for spreading friendship.

“A way out of here.” He grinned when I cocked an eyebrow, “Gilda, you wound me, I know an opportunity to cause some chaotic good when I see one. Plus, think of it like a friendship lesson from one reformed being to another, hmm?”

He had me hooked, especially with the extra cherry he had added. “One question, maybe two.”

“Do tell.”

“What do you mean by chaotic good? You and chaotic don't go well together, so I'd rather know a bit more, not that you can even tell me that much anyway, I don't see how you can be called Discord if you already have a plan.” Hopefully poking at him would help reveal more information than he had planned on giving. Or it could spell my downfall from playing with what was essentially a god.

Discord sighed, “Let's bring this inside shall we, it was going to end there anyway.”

“Hey! You don't know if I'm going to agree with you or not.”

“And a nerfherder isn't the most hated job. It's useless try to play around with me, I haven't lived this long to know a few things as cliché as it sounds.” Discord opened the door to my “abode”, shrinking himself down because of the tight fit.

I rolled my eyes and followed him in, closing the door when I entered. “So?”

“Right, well, let's just say you'll be turning eyes over there. And it should be an apt catalyst.”

What the heck, I needed a change of pace anyway, “Alright, whatever. How do I even get there anyway.”

Discord smiled, “Good, keep that attitude up, it should work for you. All that must be done is a shake of claws to complete the deal, everything should fall into place after that.” He snickered, obviously knowing some inside joke or something.

“Fine.” I reached out my claw, clasping it with his.

Next thing I knew there was blackness and I was looking at the universe. But it looked like thin sheets, almost like glass flooring that was too detailed. The floor extended as far as I could see, most likely for eternity. And the other floors were spaced evenly above and below the current floor. Again, as far as I could see. Discord was next to me, and we stood in front of a stairway that connected our floor and the one below us.

“All you need to do is go down there and you'll be on your way.” Discord gestured to the stairs I had already noticed.

I shrugged, “Alright, was there any need for all of this? Couldn't you have just transported me there.”

Discord shrugged back, “I don't make the rules all the time. Don't worry, this will be the only time that, well, time gets a little...I suppose I can use what the ponies say, wonky.”

I gave him a suspicious look, “Sure. Well, see ya whenever I guess.”

I had almost made it to the beginning of the stairwell before Discord called back to me, “Oh Gilda, one problem. I can’t have too much affecting the space-time continuum, so please just observe. Because remember that if you fall in love, you die! Toodaloo!”

Before I could reply I slipped on something, falling down the stairs. Halfway down I caught a glance of an outline of myself, where I used to be. I let out one last bark of anger before blacking out once again.

“Buck you Discord!”

Jack Watts nervously kicked his ball down the hallway of his apartment, letting it smack against the wall at the end and make its way back slowly. They weren't too hard, but solid passes he would have made during his past college soccer days. Which were technically only twenty seven days ago, but who’s counting. He was awaiting a call from the division two club that had shown interest in him just a couple months ago during his senior year, and all he could do was wait and practice.

He knew that he wasn't the best soccer player, because he didn't constantly score goals, he didn't always thread the best passes, or even never have anyone get past him. But he did have potential, plus a bit of hustle and endurance compared to the average college player. In the end, he hoped it was enough for the club to want to at least try him out. Which put him in his current situation. He didn't have any of his friends from his group that had stayed in touch around college and high school with him, less because of their schedule, more because of how he didn't want the club to recede their interest and any of them be there.

His foot stopped from kicking the ball once his phone rang, buzzing his hand with small vibrations. The caller ID was the one he was expecting, “Coach Donnelly, how's it going?”

“Quite well I would have to say Mr. Watts, and I hope to make it a bit better.” The voice of Coach Donnelly only heightened his nervousness.

“Same here coach.”

A sigh later, Coach Donnelly replied, “I'll get straight to the point Mr.Watts. You're not top material for the high levels of this club. You don't connect on every pass, your first touch is shoddy, and you seem scared of taking the ball past another player most of the time.” Before Jack could realize my heart was sinking, the coach continued, “However, your potential is astounding. It seems you have a knack for knowing when to give the striker a ball, or how the impossible pass can actually make it through. And based off what I hope to see, I would like to bring you on for a bit. Nothing long, because I know when to give up. But I know that we need a to get you caught up with the team a bit more, so I suppose we should make some schedules for you.”

Jack let out a long breath, away from the phone of course, “That would be great coach. Tell me when, I'll be there.”

There was a slight pause, most likely the coach thinking, “Meet me at my office at the beginning of January, we’ll have your kit and schedule ready by then once you send us what sizes you need. Then we'll continue from there.”

“I'll get right on it coach.” Jack jumped up a bit, doing it a few more times because he couldn't contain his excitement.

“I look forward to seeing your potential become reality Jack, make it happen.”

“Of course, coach, I won't let you down.”

“Have a good day Jack.”

“You too coach.”

The phone clicked, signifying the end of the call and the start of his career as a professional soccer player. His elation got the better of him and he slammed the ball too hard. Cringing while he saw it soar upwards to the ceiling, he awaited the inevitable dent it would create.

It didn't happen.

A figure blinked into existence milliseconds before it made contact, intercepting the ball. A thud came first once the ball made contact, followed by another thud as the now obviously woman-like figure hit the ground. The nudity helped along his assumption of their gender, tell-tale signs flopping about. Very perfectly shaped signs he absently noted, not comprehending the situation yet.

“Oh shit.”

Jack slowly began to comprehend how he may have just severely concussed a possible alien, whom looked quite like a human. But maybe they meant to, he didn't know, he was just a average dude. He figured it could be some weird teleportation thing from Area 51, but honestly he could only figure more out from whether his house got raided or if the woman woke up and told him.

After a few moments of collecting his scattering thoughts, he moved the girl to the couch, trying to be as gentle and the least feely as he could. Before he laid her down on the couch he noticed intricate tattoos of wings along her shoulder blades, enunciating her beautiful back. He threw a few blankets over her, not wanting to give his eyes any longer to wonder, grabbing a shirt for her once she woke up.

Once Jack had set the shirt down on the couch the mysterious woman slept on, he sat down on the other couch. He didn't know how long it would take for her to wake up, but he needed answers. There was plenty of time to wait, and he just so happened to have a good month to get things back together.

I didn't know traveling between dimensions could hurt so much. I groaned as I opened my eyes, noticing the weird feeling my body gave off. Things just didn't feel right, and as I looked around I could see that not only my position in the dimensional universe had changed, so had my body. What used to be a stocky, speed filled gryphon body was some long lizard looking thing.

I didn't really know how to describe it, the sheet that had covered me slipped off during my inspection and revealed a light skinned tone all around my body, no feathers or fur. Certain things felt right, but the two lumps of flesh on my chest were the most interesting thing. Next to how my appendages were, everything seemed similar to the cat people I had heard about, less like the previous animal I had thought of.

Moving the arms of mine, I sat up. I could assume I wasn't supposed to walk like I was used to, because that wasn't how the cat people did. A long stretch of the arms gave a feeling to my back, and my wings also stretched out. That was good, even though I couldn't feel a tail. I would take what I could get. Though my current actions hadn't taken more than several seconds, I hadn't even noticed the other being in the room.

“Oh, hey. Where am I?” I had no idea if they spoke the same language, but I mine as well try.

The being puffed, they didn't look like her so maybe they were the male of the species. “Y-You're in my apartment, in, uh, well, America.”

I nodded, “Cool, I have no idea where that is. Any idea if there's a place called Equestria on this world?”

“N-No. So, uh, are you an angel?” They looked pretty stressed now, fiddling with themselves.

“Pff, nah, I'm a-” I paused, I couldn't say I was what I used to be, because I wasn't that anymore, “Well, I used to be a gryphon, not really sure what I am now. What are we?”

For some reason, the guy kept glancing down at my chest, “You're a human being. Not that I'm really sure now with those wings, maybe a hybrid.”

I folded my wings back, feeling them disappear. I looked at my back and noticed that they had actually turned into some drawing on my back, “What in Celestia’s name happened to my wings?”

“They're tattoos, I guess they do that when you retract your wings. Anyway, uh, not that I'm gonna complain or anything with you not having one on, so you think you could throw this shirt and sweatpants on?” He held up a green shirt with “Today is a good day” inscribed on it.
I looked down at my bare chest, ignoring the bottom half of me that was covered by the blanket I had. I grasped one of the lumps, squeezing it and moving it around, “Huh, these things are pretty neat. Why do I gotta cover them up?”

His face was considerably red now, “Our society, um, they don't see think it's very polite to not be fully clothed. The certain body parts like your breasts are ‘erotic’ for us.” He used two of the fingers to create quotations.

I looked at them a bit more. I had to admit, they did look pretty great. I could totally understand how someone would want to mess around with ‘em, “Alright, alright, I guess I can cover ‘em up. Don't like these bad boys huh?”

I was practically staring at a tomato, “No, they're actually great.” Said the guy, “Honestly, the best I've ever seen. I just, really don't think I can stand looking for this long and not do something, plus I already have enough going on with you here already.”

His puppy dog eyes made me give in. Though I had to admit, he was kinda cute for his species. “Gimme.” I gestured for the shirt, but as I grasped the shirt I skimmed his hand with mine. “Ow!” I pulled my hand back, still holding the shirt, “What the buck, that hurt!”

The man tipped his head, “Static maybe?”

I shook my hand, “Nah, that hurt too much for static. Sheesh, it's turning red. Do you humans have some allergy to the other sex or somethin’? Man that hurts like a parasprite.”

He didn't grab my hand, even though he looked like he really wanted to, “I really don't know how that could've happened.” He perked up, “Oh right! Names, names, I can't believe I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jack Watts, twenty-four years old and on my way to becoming a semi-professional soccer player.”

I give a two fingered wave, “Gilda, twenty-one years old and resident friendship ambassador of Griffonstone.”

“Huh, never heard of that place.”

I shrugged, “I guess this place really doesn't have any relation to Equestria. By the way, you're taking this surprisingly well. Do aliens usually come to your world?”

Jack laughed nervously, “Nope. I don't think so at least. But there's been enough movies nowadays that basically have established that if I'm not dead already I'm most likely relevant to something for awhile. So, I figure I mine as well die happy seeing someone like you.”

I scoffed, “There must not be some good competition around here, I can assure you I'm the worst you'll get from my world.”

Jack smiled, “I think I'm okay with that.” He leant back on his couch, “So, tell me about your world.”

“Only if you do the same, or I'll have to take this shirt off and smother ya.” I wiggled my chest, duly noting his awkward smile for later.

He coughed, “Well, I’ll go get you some sweatpants to cover up the rest of you, then we can have a good talk.”

I looked down, taking in my shapely legs. They looked pretty strong for such a doughy looking body, even though it didn't feel like that. Really only the thighs. “Whatever makes you comfortable I guess. If you ask me, I don't really mind the look without that clothing. Dressing up was never really my thing.”

Jack had already gotten up and made his way to the hallway, “Yeah, yeah, I know you're gorgeous. Are you like gay or something? Already have a partner? Do you all even do stuff like that over in your world?”

“Heh, nah, nobody can stand me enough to keep close. Only a few Jackie boy, maybe if you try hard enough I'll let ya get closer.” I snickered, his ignorance of how my world worked was an interesting plus.

“Oh, uh, alright.” I caught a glimpse of his slight smile and lighter expression. Maybe I should dial myself back, just in case Discord hadn't been messing with me. But honestly, he probably wouldn't let someone die, especially a close friend of someone he knows. Hopefully. Dash had wanted me to get nice with others anyway, I could just take it a step further. It's not like it could hurt or anything, right?

The rest of the day we spent telling each other about the worlds we came from and lived in. Over time, Jack became more used to the fact that I was from another dimension. It seemed that they had plenty of stories and these things called “television shows” that were like plays that they could watch again that had dealt with things like this before. So it wasn't all new to him.

Jack told me as much as he could through the day and dinner, showing me how to operate things and promising to help me with anything I needed or to answer any questions that I had. He gave me a thin device that had access to thousands of libraries worth of information, something Princess Twilight would probably kill for, no joke. He listed a few things to avoid while searching alone, telling me to go to him if anything arose.

After a long shower, I laid beneath the sheets of Jack’s guest room bed. I had some extra clothing laying around in case I had to move around his place, but for now I was comfortable with being nude under the covers. The clothing I had felt unnatural and I compromised with him that I would have at least one half of my body covered while I got used to it. We were going to look for women's clothing and other things that I would need.

Jack also mentioned introducing me to one of his good girl, space, friends. He had been adamant that none of the girls he knew were love interests. It probably didn't help that I had made a bit of fun of him, teasing here and there. I didn't mind, because I figured if I was going to try this next level of friendship, Jack was a good as any place to attempt such a thing. He just didn't seem to know it yet, which worked fine for me. I had quickly learnt that in this world, a woman's body was powerful in the ways of wooing, something that I needed a good buff in. And it seemed my body provided such a thing. My thoughts melded into dreams eventually, finally letting me have a break.

Before I even knew it, I was back in my trailer from Griffonstone. It was almost like everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours were nothing. Had everything really been a dream? Or was this just a dream I'm having from the other dimension? I poked my leg. Nope, it was a real world. I think.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, feeling a little tired for some reason, accepting what had happened had most likely been some vivid dream I had thought up in my loneliness, not that I would let anyone know that. I had an image to uphold. Though I had to admit, I did like that it wasn't a priority in that other place. It was kind of nice having a different goal, especially when it had the potential to benefit me.

I stretched and made my way to my door, ignoring the screech of help it cried out for oil, only to stop once I noticed who was on the other end. “Discord, buddy, whatcha doin’ here. Can’t ya see I’ve got a busy place here to attend to.”

The draconis looked around the empty space, only to follow a tumble weed that bounced on by. How quaint. “Yes, of course. I just came to stop on by and see how my little experiment-I mean pal is doing in their other world. I see a few things off the bat, did you by chance get any sleep?”

I yawned, “Of course, why? Hold on, you’re saying I didn’t really get sent to another world?”

Discord waved his claws around, “No, no, I’m asking if it went well. But if you want confirmation, yes, you did.”

“So, I can also die if I...fall in love?” I asked, still confused. “It kinda hurt when I touched the one human that I began to like, is that what you were talking about?”

“That is what I have heard, allegedly I must say. And that is a good example of what could come, as I assume the more intimate you become, the more you are harmed. Helped with the dramatics, yes? I mean, this kind of thing has not really happened before. Or at least it has been awhile since the rules have been established.” Discord bent the steel door down like paper, bending the end to create an armrest. “Just observe and keep from interaction. I can help with your love affairs here, but there is another story entirely. Go about your day here if you must, but I think the more you spend there you may find it in your best interests.”

A bag of coins landed at my feet, peeking inside I noticed it was enough to last me the whole month and more. “I see.”

Discord, “Do get some sleep, if you have some more info by next week we’ll discuss more of this in depth. Maybe try to find out if it is the love or contact that affects the harmfulness. You know what I mean. However, please refrain from actually dying because it is a mountain of paperwork. Plus I may get negative Yelp reviews.”

And so my research began. Within a couple of days, Jack had explained to me the rules of his world, ins and outs, and even let me search online for some clothes that would more suit my style to get near us. He even mentioned that the girl that he knew was coming soon so he could help me out with my predicament. While he was gone during the day doing his “soccer”, practicing for some job, I spent learning, mostly cooking and the like.

By the end of the week, a Saturday that we had decided was going to be spent with a more relaxing kind of learning for the two of us. He had put some documentary about the world the lived on called Earth. We sat on his couch, appropriately enough apart for his tastes since I had decided my top half would be the uncovered half for the day.

Jack glanced over to me, “You’re doing that to spite me aren’t you.”

I gasped, “Me? Why I thought we had already agreed on this? I also happen to like these things, just as much as my wings. They’re pretty fun to touch too.”

“I’m sure they are, “Jack groaned, “please be fully clothed when Malori comes over. I can’t have her thinking any weird things about me.”

I nodded nonchalantly, yawning for some reason too, “Yeah, sure. Wanna touch ‘em?”

“Y-Yeah, but I don’t think you understand that we’ve only known each other for like a week.” He sighed, “Don’t get me wrong, it’s actually been like the greatest week I’ve ever had.”

I shrugged, “Eh, I was looking up love stuff on that internet of yours and saw that this was something that, like, ‘enhanced’ it.” I did the quotes with my fingers, happy that at least something was similar about our worlds.

“Yeah, I think you’re looking in the wrong places. But whatever, I need to live a little.” Jack shifted closer, reaching his hands out to me. My body tingled as they moved closer, and lower.

“Pfff, hahaha!” I laughed out loud as the hands changed direction and danced across my sides. Jack had modified plans and went to tickle me, which seemed honorable for some reason. It implied he had a sense of worth and almost like he wanted to earn it. I think to humans, the breasts are like my wings; you can look at the menu, just not order. I liked that.

“OW!” Jack recoiled, shaking his hand. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you mad.”

I cocked my head, “Whaddaya mean?”

“That was some magic thing where you like electrify your body or somethin’ right?”

“I wish, but no, that kinda hurt for me too.” I patted my sides, “Looks like they’re fine. Weird. It’s like everytime we touch there’s some spark.”

Jack scoffed, “That is so cliche. Come on, I know our whole life right now is some wanna be thing like some Hallmark movie.”

I sighed, thinking for a moment. “Oh what the heck, mine as well make the story go a bit quicker then.” I mumbled to myself, pulling Jack closer and locking lips with him.

We both were sloppy, but after a couple quick breaths we found a rhythm. Only for a shock to literally throw us apart. Well, that definitely explained a bit of what Discord meant. I might really die if I continued to fall for Jack, and it had only been a week. It felt too right, too perfect. Maybe I had begun the fall into this unknown territory because I wanted it, because it was tiring being a jerk to everyone and my second chance was right in front of me. Discord meant for this to happen, I knew it. I think.

“Well shit, that was something.” Jack said, who was across the couch from being flung so far.

I touched my lip and looked at my fingers to find blood across them, “Yeah, did I ever mention what Discord told me before I came here?”

Jack sunk into the couch, “I can’t say you did. I just remember the gist of everything because of how much you told me.”

I did the same, “Well not only am I here to learn about love. I’m here to avoid it.”

“That’s counterproductive ain’t it.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, tell me about it. He mentioned the fun fact that if I fall in love I’ll die. Which I didn’t take seriously, ‘cause why would I? I assumed I wouldn’t anyway, especially if it was just an observational kind of deal. I’d never fallen in love too.” I sighed, “But fuck me right?”

“I think we should avoid that. Wouldn’t want that to actually kill you.” Jack commented, obviously wanting to lighten the mood. “But seriously, if you need me to convince Malori to take you in I can. Unless your bi, then I guess we would have a problem.”

“Nah, that’s not my thing.” I shook my head a few times, “But I want to stay here, I actually kinda like this place. And...you.”

Jack blushed, his eyes darted around as he replied, “I don’t think that’s a good idea to, I don’t know how long I could take not being able to touch you. Not that it’s bad to, and honestly I feel the same. Which is weird to say because so much has happened that I don’t even really know how it happened. But, like,” He rubbed his neck, showing some obvious nervousness. “It feels right to have you around, and it feels like I could have you around for the rest of my life.”

I broke eye contact with Jack to let my head fall back, “Man, this is not how I imagined this going.”

Jack slumped back on the couch, “The kiss? Or my world?”

“Both,” I looked to the right, catching his eyes again. “It so corny, but I can’t lie. I honestly don’t care what happens. I’ll stay here as long as I can...if you’re okay with that.”

Jack smiled, pulling me closer, giving me a peck on the cheek, “I think I can handle you for awhile longer.”

“Good,” I grasped his face, kissing him once again.

But I didn’t feel anything.


There was absolutely none of my senses responding right. There was this blinking of a rainbow of colors in my vision. I didn’t know what to do, and I think it wouldn’t have mattered if I did. I slowly gained each sense. I felt what seemed to be some glass floor and I saw how it was the place that was between the two universes. It smelt like Jack’s apartment, a cherry-scented place from the air pressures that he said made it like that. Something I still didn’t understand the name of. But I couldn’t hear anything but the tip and tap of my feet as I walked toward the glass staircase I had fallen down.

“I must apologize.” I turned around to see Discord looking somber. “I did not step in to stop you and that may have changed your life forever.”

I cocked an eyebrow, “Why Discus buddy, problem with my methods?”

Discord sat down on the stairs, “You’re dead Gilda.”

My vision shuttered, “W-What? Nonono, that’s stupid. I’m not supposed to die right? That’s not how this thing works. I’m finally on the mend, and nice..a-and…” I huffed, “Did the ratings fall on your sick show or something?”

“Gilda, it’s time for serious Discord.” Discord stroked his beard, “You’re dead, but I think there is a loophole.”

“Oh, do tell.” I sniffed, blinking in surprise as a couple tears leaked out.

Discord opened his hands or claws, whatever, it wasn’t important, to let a book that popped out of thin air fall into them (The title read ‘The Multiverse for Dummies’), “You see, here it says that you die if any affect on another world more than observance is achieved by a mortal that they must cease to exist. See, you have to die, but if you die in one world, it should be fine. Because the strain on the two universes would lessen enough for them to acclimate themselves either to the switch of a mortal to a new world or back to normal. The question is which one you would like to stay in.”

I ran my hand through my hair, “Man, spur of the moment kind of deal, huh? I...I want to say Equestria Discord, I honestly do. But Jack is the first of anyone to break through me and go even further. No friendship bullshit, just an honest and heartfelt attempt at love in a short time.”

Discord grinned, “Knowing full well how repetitive to everyone this is, I must say that it sounds like you have already made your choice.”

“Take me back. I’ve got a new life waiting for me.” I walked toward Discord, shaking claws with him once again. “Oh and tell everyone back in Equestria thank you. I couldn’t have gotten like this without them. And thanks Discord. For once, your, well, discord caused some good.”

“I’m glad. Good luck Gilda.” Discord replied, finally finishing the clawshake.

I blinked, just once and I was back on Earth. A simple exchange that changed my everything in a few moments. I knew I had done the right thing, because seeing Jack’s face again was all I needed for confirmation. The new world and all its wonders were a trove of adventure and learning for me to thrive off of, and the man in front of me would be the perfect person to grind through my rough personality.

Jack looked me up and down, “Well, you’re not dead. That’s good right?”

I sighed, “Well, actually I died. But I think I need a good cup of hot chocolate to get through everything.”

“Okay,” Jack chuckled, “I can do that. I don’t know about helping you out with everything else. I figure we’ll just have to wing it.”

I smiled at the possibly unintentional pun, “Yeah. Just don’t expect me to dip anytime soon okay?”

Jack smiled back, “Of course. Now let me get you your well deserved hot chocolate.”

I watched Jack go, feeling the warmth that his presence brought to my heart. If that was all it took, then I couldn’t imagine what everything else in a relationship gave. “I can’t wait.” I whispered, ready for the future that I would have on Earth.

Author's Note:

I know this is not my usual type of story, but I’ve been wanting to write it for awhile. There’s other things I wanted to implement, like sleep deprivation and how it slowly ate away at Gilda. The back and forth of going between the worlds would’ve done so, since she wouldn’t get any sleep in a way. But I felt that would’ve turned a one shot into a multi-chapter story. Nonetheless, I hope my little experiment with the concept I’d wanted to try out was a good read.


Totally didn't mean for this to end with hot chocolate like Deadly New Year, but hey I've got a thing for hot chocolate.

Till the next one.

Comments ( 2 )

And then Twilight comes over and reveals the whole thing was just a sick prank.

It's an interesting idea, but could use work on the execution. You give a good amount of personality to your version of Gilda, and a basic start with Jack, although that could be a little better. The problem is that the rest of the story is very much a summary, where you tell us what happens without really showing us, broken up by little moments. This kind of makes it so that we don't really see any of the actual growth and development between them, which means there's no real emotional investment in the possibility of a relationship. Nothing that feels like they are really in love, or having us hope that they somehow end up together.

This problem also ends up taking the dramatic tension away from the climax and Gilda's choice. It is somewhat obvious what choice she will make because of the type of story it is, but there's nothing in the story that makes it feel like she would actually do so.

On a separate additional note, Gilda having wings in the human world seems pointless. Other than her initial stretch, they serve no purpose. If they had been removed, nothing would have really changed.

Except maybe it could have made the choice a little tougher? I mean it is established that Gilda does enjoy flying. As such, not only would being in a new body be strange, but the lack of wings would mean she was unable to do something she actually enjoyed. That way, if it was built up a little more, it could make her face a situation where either way, she has to give something up: either a person she has a romantic interest in, or an ability she loves but cannot pursue in this other world.

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