• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 1,686 Views, 25 Comments

The Stardust Phantom - CosmicAlchemist24

Follow Artmeis Arrow, his Cousin Twilight Sparkle and their friends as they face trials and triblulations unimaginable.

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How it all Started.

Location:???, Day and Time: ???...

How could it go so wrong?

Oh Dragon with dichromatic eyes,

Arty don’t do this!

Resurrect from the depths of Darkness,

Come back to us, we’re your family!

And burn everything with your flames of Anger!

Artemis Darling please, don’t let him control you!


Why can’t you hear us, why can’t we reach you!

Come forth, Rank 7!

Arrow stop, this isn’t you!

Dragon born from the fires of calamity!

Everyone in Equestria will die Artemis, doesn’t that mean anything to you anymore!

The Supreme Violent Dragon,

Artemis….I’m sorry!


Um...hi, you’re all probably wondering what the hell you all just saw and why these ponies are screaming for this guy to stop whatever it is he’s doing. Well all I can say is that it’s my fault and I’ll have to live with the guilt for the rest of my life. My name is Artemis Arrow and I am the Stardust Phantom


Canterlot-10 years ago.

“Canterlot year 2006, this is the year it all began.”

Artemis Arrow was a young and confident Pegasus colt, he had a dark blue coat, a Silver mane and tail with light blue highlights, sky blue eyes and wearing a black scarf with blue flames on it. His cutie mark was a bow and arrow, but the bow was a crescent moon. He was currently flying through an obstacle course and being observed by the best flyer in all of Equestria, The Wonderbolts. Artemis was Currently being tested to see if he was good enough to get into the Cloudsdale Jr. Flight Academy.

“I have to say the colt has potential.” Spitfire said still observing.

“I agree he has not only speed, but he also has very good coordination.” Soarin said.

“The kid seems a little on the short side though and he seems a bit scrawny.” Fleetfoot said.

“Well I think we can fix that.” Spitfire said grabbing a bullhorn.

“Cadet Arrow, Front and center immediately.” She said into the bullhorn. Artemis stopped and flew down in front of Spitfire with a salute.
“Yes ma’am, what do you need?” Artemis asked.

“At ease young colt, me and the other Wonderbolts have seen your potential and we have decided to enroll you at the Cloudsdale Jr. Flight Academy.” Spitfire said with a smile. Artemis widened his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to celebrate, but he managed to keep his composure.

“Thank you Ma’am, I promise I won’t let you down.” Artemis said saluting her again.

“You better not, you put in a hard day’s work, you can head on home. I want you here at 10:30 tomorrow morning, do I make myself clear?” Spitfire asked.

“Yes Ma’am.” With that Artemis flew off back to his house.

“Did you see how he almost lost it.” Fleetfoot chuckled.

“I bet you as soon as he gets home he’ll be jumping off the walls.” Soarin said.

“Well I say he deserves to.” Spitfire said smiling.

Artemis was flying through the air with a huge grin on his face.

“I can’t believe it I got accepted, this is the best day of my life I can’t wait to tell mom and dad they’re gonna freak.” Artemis said speeding up. Artemis arrived at his house and opened the door.

“Mom, dad I’m home.” Artemis said walking in and closing the door behind him. There was no answer so Artemis took a look around the house. when he got near the kitchen he started to hear voices.

“I can’t believe it, Velvet’s little filly, a student of the princess.” one of the voices said.

“That’s mom.” Artemis said walking into the kitchen to see his parents reading a letter.

Yea um I should have mentioned this earlier, but both of my parents are unicorns. You see my mother’s grandmother was a pegasus, so I must have inherited my wings from her. My mother’s name is Vesper Radiance, She has a light violet coat, a white mane and Violet eyes. My father’s name is Nightshade, He has a Dark blue coat like mine, but he also had a white mane like my mother and he had blue eyes


“Mom, dad guess what, I got into the Jr. Flight academy.” Artemis said with a smile.

“Yes that’s great Artemis, I still can’t believe it she’s so young, but she has that much potential.” Nightshade said. Artemis frowned, it’s like they didn’t even hear him.

“Mom, dad didn’t you hear me?” Artemis said.

“Oh Artemis glad you’re here guess what, your cousin Twilight Sparkle has been asked to be Princess Celestia’s personal student.” Vesper said smiling. Artemis widened his eyes.

“No way.” That was all Artemis thought after hearing that.

“I can tell you're shocked, so were we, I’m so proud of her.” Vesper said.

“As am I she really is something else.” Nightshade said with a smile. Artemis stood there in silence for a few seconds before speaking up.

“Well that’s great, I guess all that studying she did finally payed off.” Artemis said looking down.

“I know, isn’t it wonderful?” Vesper asked.

“Yea it i- wait a minute didn’t you hear what I said a few moments ago?” Artemis asked. Vesper and Nightshade both looked at each other and then back to Artemis.

“I’m sorry Artemis did you say something earlier?” Nightshade asked.

“I said I got into the Jr. Flight Academy and I’m leaving tomorrow, I literally just told you this 3 minutes ago.” Artemis said getting a bit mad.

“Oh I’m sorry bud I was just in shock, it’s not everyday a family member becomes the princess’s student.” Nightshade said. Artemis couldn’t argue with that, it is big news.

“Alright I understand, I’m going to go and start packing.” Artemis said walking out.

“Packing, Packing for what?” Vesper asked. Artemis stopped in his tracks.

“Did you not hear a word I just said?” Artemis asked getting angrier.

“Oh I’m sorry dear, I wasn’t paying attention.” Vesper said.

“You know what just forget it.” With that Artemis flew up into his room. Artemis didn’t waste any time, he got out a suitcase and began to pack.

“I shouldn’t be so mad, I would be happy for her too.” Artemis said closing his suitcase.

“Oh well it won’t really matter, I’ll be in Cloudsdale and the Flight academy tomorrow and nothing is going to change that.” Artemis said laying on his bed with a smile.

Oh was I wrong



The following morning Artemis was waking up and it felt like he was flying, but there was only one problem he wasn’t flapping his wings. He then opens his eyes to see that he was in a royal chariot with his parents.

“What the, what’s going on?” Artemis asked confused.

“Well good morning sleepyhead.” Vesper said ruffling Artemis’s mane.

“Mom, what’s going on, why are we on a chariot?” Artemis asked confused.

“We’re going to your aunt and uncle’s house to congratulate Twilight on becoming the Princesses student. You were sleeping so soundly that we didn’t want to wake you and that alarm clock of yours didn’t help.” Vesper said. Artemis’s eyes widened.

“No no no, I shouldn’t be here right now I have to meet Spitfire, I’m going away remember?” Artemis asked. Vesper and Nightshade both looked at each other.

“What are you talking about bud?” Nightshade asked.

“Are you serious, neither of you were listening to me, I got accepted to the Cloudsdale Jr. Flight Academy and if I don’t meet Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts I won’t be able to get in. Wait, What time is it?” Artemis asked. Vesper and Nightshade both looked at each other with a guilt in their eyes.

“It’s 10:50.” Vesper said looking down. Artemis could only stare at his parents.

“I..I..I’m too late.” Artemis said looking down.

“Oh honey, we’re so sorry.” Vesper said hugging him. Artemis didn’t say anything.

“Come on bud, it’s not the end of the world.” Nightshade said. Artemis twitched after hearing that and was about to say something, but he held his tongue knowing he would probably get slapped if he did say what he wanted to say.

“y..Yea...y..you're right I’m just overreacting.” Artemis said putting on a fake smile.

“See what did I tell you, we’re almost there and we don’t want everypony to see you all sad, do we?” Nightshade asked.

“No.” Was all Artemis said before turning away from his parents. “Well there goes my dream of being in the Jr. Flight Academy. I can’t believe they didn’t listen to me, ok calm down I can just try again….next year.” Artemis thought to himself.

Canterlot Castle

“We’re here.” Nightshade said with a smile.

“I can't believe we're actually at the princess’s castle” Vesper said getting excited. Artemis looked up the castle.

Well maybe missing out on the tryouts wasn’t a total loss. I get to see the inside of Canterlot Castle, that’s something at least.” Artemis thought to himself.

“Come on Arrow, the guards are going to escort us to the throne room.” Vesper said. Arrow nodded and walked over to his parents.

Time to see the family genius again, to think she’d actually be the princess’s personal student. I have to admit that’s pretty awesome, I’m almost jealous of her….almost.” Artemis thought he followed his parents and the guards.

Oh I was Jealous alright, I was just too young to know it at the time

Artemis and his parents entered the throne room only to see Night Light and Twilight Velvet standing next to a window.

“Night Light!” Vesper said as she Nightshade and Artemis started walking over to them.

“Vesper, how are you little sister?” NIght Light said giving his sister a hug.

“I’m doing great and your self?” Vesper asked.

“I’m fine, Hey there Nightshade.” Night Light greeted.

“Hi, nice to see you both again.” Nightshade said.

“You as well, now where’s my nephew?” Velvet asked.

“Right here Aunt Velvet.” Artemis said smiling at his aunt. Velvet then walked over to Artemis and gave him a hug.

“Aww, how’s my little nephew doing?” Velvet said.

“I’m not a baby anymore and I’m doing fine thank you.” Artemis said hugging her back.

“That’s good, how did you make out in the flight academy tryouts. I wanna hear all about it, to think not one but two kids in the family getting the opportunity of the lifetime.” Velvet said in excitement. Artemis looked at his Aunt in shock.

“You remembered?” He said quietly.

“Of course I remembered silly, now when do you head off to the flight academy?” She asked.

“About an hour ago.” Artemis said looking down. Velvet looked at him in shock.

“What, why didn’t you go?” She asked. Nightshade and Vesper both looked away in shame causing Night Light and Velvet to raise an eyebrow.

“Well I was all packed up to leave this morning, but Mom and Dad put me on the chariot to the castle while I was sleeping.” Artemis said. Velvet and Night Light’s eyes widened.

“Vesper, how could-” “Don’t be mad at them, they just wanted to congratulate Twilight on becoming the Princess’s student. Besides...I can always try again next year.” Artemis said with a smile.

All I could do was put on that fake meaningless smile for my aunt, I wanted to speak up, but I just couldn’t.”

Night Light then walked up to Artemis. “Oh no you worked too hard for this, after this meeting with the Princess is over we’re taking you straight to the junior flight academy. I have an old friend there who might be able to pull some strings for you.” He said with a smile. Artemis’s face genuinely lit up.

“Are you serious!?” Artemis said in excitement.

“Very serious, you’re going the the flight academy kiddo.” Night Light said ruffling Artemis’s mane.

“YES, THANK YOU!” Artemis said hugging his uncle.

“No problem kiddo.” Night Light said. Velvet smiled as did Artemis’s parents.

I love Aunt Velvet and Uncle Light, they were always so kind and caring towards me.”

After a few minutes passed, the doors to the throne room opened and revealed Princess Celestia with Twilight Sparkle right next to her. Artemis, his parents, Velvet and Night Light all bowed to the Princess as she entered.

“Rise my little ponies, there is no need to bow to me today. For today is Twilight Sparkle’s first day as my student.” Celestia said smiling at the young filly. Twilight blushed in embarrassment, but smiled back at her teacher.

“I can’t believe it our daughter being given such an honor.” Velvet said with tears in her eyes.

“I know it’s amazing Night Light said. Vesper and Nightshade also had tears in their eyes while Artemis just rolled his eyes and walked over to one of the stain glass windows. Celestia then looked to Artemis’s parents.

“May I ask who you all are?” She asked. Night Light spoke up.

“Of course your highness, this is my little sister Vesper Radiance and her husband Nightshade” He said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you your highness and thank you for giving our niece this chance the learn from you.” Vesper said with a smile.

“Yes, thank you.” Nightshade said. Before Celestia could say anything, she took notice at the young Pegasus colt looking at one of the stain glass windows.

“Wow she's beautiful.” Artemis said looking at the window in awe. The window had a picture of a alicorn with a dark blue coat like his, a flowing blue mane and a black tiara on her head.

“I see you’ve taken a liking to this window.” Artemis turned to see Celestia walking up to him.

“Who is she?” Artemis asked looking back to the window.

“Her name is Luna, she was a beautiful mare with the power of the moon and the stars bringing young fillies and colts sweet dreams every night.” Celestia said looking at the with a melancholic smile.

“I’ve read that she disappeared about a thousand years and no pony has heard from her since. What ever happened to her?” Twilight asked walking up to Artemis and Celestia. Celestia looked down and sighed.

“Well-” “Princess you don’t have to tell us.” Artemis said cutting Celestia off.

“Why not, I wanna know.” Twilight said with a pout. Artemis rolled his eyes again.

“Because it might be a personal matter Sparky.” He said with a small glare.

“I told you not to call me that.” Twilight said.

“Oh I’m sorry...Sparky.” Artemis said with a smirk. Twilight glared at her cousin. Velvet, Night Light, Nightshade and Vesper just looked on and sighed.

“Not again.” Vesper said shaking her head.

“It’s always something with these two.” Velvet said.

“You’d think those two would learn to get along by now.” NIght Light said.

“I know.” Nightshade said. Celestia could tell by the parents comments that this was a regular thing and decided to put a stop to it.

“Alright my little ponies, that’s enough. You both are family, you have to start acting like it.” She then turned to Artemis.

“Young colt, would you mind telling me your name?” Celestia asked.

“Artemis Arrow, your highness.” Artemis said with a slight bow. Celestia smiled at the young colt.

“That’s a nice name ‘Artemis’, do you know the meaning behind that name?” Celestia asked.

“Artemis the Huntress of the Moon. She was the protector of nature, she was strong, fast and a very skilled archer.” Artemis said.

“Correct, she was and I should know. She was a very close friend of mine.” Celestia said with a smile. Artemis looked at her with wide eyes.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yes and it seems that you’ve read up on her.” Celestia said.

“Yea well, I wanted to know why my parents gave me a girl’s name.” Artemis said looking to his parents.

“It was Vesper’s idea.” Nightshade said.

“Oh thanks a lot.” Vesper said. Night Light, Velvet, Twilight and Celestia all began to laugh while Artemis just shook his head.

“I don’t mind it, I like my name and I’m grateful for it.” Artemis said with a smile. Vesper and Nightshade smiled back at him.

“You have a very special colt, i can tell he has a bright future ahead of him.” Celestia said smiling at Arrow’s parents.

“Thank you Princess.” Vesper said.

“Now if you all will follow me, we can have lunch and talk about my new student's future.” Celestia said walking towards the throne room door. Everypony nodded and followed the princess, but Artemis took one last look at Princess Luna’s window.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn't curious, what happened to you Princess Luna? You seem really cool to me, I wish I could meet you someday.” Artemis thought as he walked away from the picture. As he did though, the picture of Princess Luna began to glow and a small causing Artemis to turn back to the picture.

“Whoa.” He said walking up to the picture once again. He then stared at the picture for a few seconds before he started to hear a voice in his head.

You'll meet me sooner than you think my young colt.” The voice said.

“W..who said that?” Artemis said looking around the room.

Up here my little pegasus.” The voice said. Artemis looked back yo the picture.

“It was you?” He asked.

Yes young one, I am Princess Luna or at least what’s left of her at this very moment.” The Princess said.

“You’re Princess Luna..wait what do you mean what's left?” Artemis asked.

A thousand years ago, something happened to me and it's my fault that it happened. I can’t go into detail right now, but I need your help little one.” The princess said. Artemis's eyes widened.

“My help, what can I do? I'm just a kid.” Artemis said.

When the time comes you'll understand, but for now take this and keep it with you at all times.” As soon a the princess said that a small necklace with a light blue crystal on it appeared out of the picture and in front of Artemis.

Artemis stared at the necklace in awe. “What is it?” He asked.

This is known as the ‘Pendulum of Souls’. It's an ancient treasure that is said to have mysterious powers and I want you to hold on to it.” The princess said as the necklace wrapped around Artemis’s neck.

“Why me, I sure there's somepony else who can take this.” Artemis said.

Remember What my sister said about you, you have a bright future ahead of you and you...can..” The princess’s voice began to fade and the picture began to dim.

“Princess Luna?” Artemis asked in a worried tone.

My time is….up..please keep that necklace safe...we'll meet again soon...my little pegasus.” The princess’s voice was now gone and the light from the picture was gone. Artemis looked down at the necklace and stared at it for a few seconds.

Did that just happen?” He thought to himself.

“Artemis, what are you doing?” Artemis turned to see his mother standing at the throne room entrance.

“Um, I..I was just looking at the picture mom.” Artemis said with a small smile.

“Well come on, we don’t want to fall behind.” Vesper said.

“Uh yeah.” Artemis said walking over to his mother.

On that day, the wheels of Destiny were in motion and I wasn’t ready for it.”

Author's Note:

Well everyone, it's time for you all to see a new Artemis Arrow and the adventures he's destined to have. I hope you all enjoyed, comments are always welcome.

Artemis: It's time already?

That it is Arrow.

Artemis: Alright, let's go

Next time: Pendulum Heart.