• Published 21st Jan 2017
  • 1,985 Views, 47 Comments

My Little Dashie: The Aft5rlife - Rdasher12

A continuation of My Little Dashie: Fourth Time's the Charm, and the other three preceding it. Brian has reached the afterlife, so everything's perfect now. No, wait... something's wrong. There's a color that’s still missing here. Or rather, six

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Chapter 8: Rainboom Gone Wrong

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Yes, I'm still making chapters for this story. Sorry for the extra wait. My life has ceased to give me any more than an hour or so of free time every night, but I hope the content and length of this chapter makes up for it. I'll try to get out another chapter or two during spring break, so make sure to check back frequently starting this weekend.


Well, today's finally the day, the day that my friends and I take a trip down memory lane and go on a new adventure! It's been so long since we've done anything like this, not since we settled into our own lives about six years ago.

I've been wanting to go on this adventure for what feels like forever. So for my thirty-fifth birthday, I asked to travel to a secret place that I've never seen before.

After so many years of living here, finding new areas that I've never encountered have become few and far between. Equestria is a pretty big place, but when you're as fast as me, well, maybe as fast as I used to be, you get around a lot quicker than you probably should.

That's not to say that I'm slow now, I'm still plenty fast. I just can't seem to keep up with my record, nor is my endurance what it used to be. Not to mention that every few years we get a new recruit added to the team. And with each new recruit, I come a bit closer to losing my dearly loved position within the Wonderbolts.

It's pretty frustrating, actually. No matter how much harder I train compared to the rest of the team, I still can't improve. Whereas the younger team members seem to be doing the exact opposite, but that's another story for another day. I shouldn't be worried about that right now. Today is my day to enjoy, and enjoy I will!

Luckily for me, the week of my birthday just so happened to be one of the few weeks that I have off from Wonderbolts training. If this weren't the case, we'd either have to do this so early that we couldn't possibly enjoy it or so late that I'd be both exhausted from training and from the lack of sleep. Everything aligned perfectly, and it's a pretty satisfying coincidence for everypony.

My birthday celebration was just last night actually. Pinkie, of course, was the pony behind all of it. She may not be as energetic as she used to be, (albeit most ponies wouldn't guess that she was any older than thirty seeing her energy) but her party-planning skills haven't dwindled one bit!

She's still way beyond my own expectations of being the Element of Laughter as well! After all these years, I still haven't managed to find a pony who could crack me up as much as Pinkie always could. I can't help but smile whenever I see her.

Well, I suppose I'm getting a bit off topic. Anyways, the party was fantastic, I can't think of a better way that it could've possibly gone!

Although to be honest, I'm not too keen on being any older than I was about two days ago. Thirty-four didn't sound too bad, it sounded like an age where I could honestly say that I was just as capable of doing everything that I could do as my twenty-nine-year-old self. And by that I mean just fresh off my advanced training up at the monastery.

But when I think of the age of thirty-five, I just don't see myself in the same way. I'm scared that this might be the age where things really start to go downhill, and more so than my current position within the Wonderbolts can handle. I hate more than almost anything to say this, but I just don't have a good feeling about this year. I hope that I'm wrong about this, but unfortunately for me, seldom is my gut feeling ever wrong about anything.

Oh Celestia, what am I doing? I literally told myself just a few moments ago that I wouldn't think about this mess, no matter how much it bothers me.

"Rainbow Dash, darling. Why the puzzled face?" Undoubtedly the voice of Rarity being generously concerned as she always is, which is one of the many reasons why she's such a great friend.

"O-Oh, i-it's nothing. Just thinking about how lucky I am to have friends like you! Seriously, this adventure has been absolutely awesome so far!"

That's not quite what was going on inside of my head, but it's certainly a much more positive aspect to throw out there. I’d rather not bring up my balancing act of a career geared towards young athletic flyers while I slowly become the oldest member on the team. They shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that. After all, it's not like they can do anything to help, at least, in no way that's legal. No magic, Twilight.

With great timing, Twilight chimes in with her own cheerful attitude towards the conversation, "Oh, well if that's all, then you're welcome! We knew it'd be good for you, as well as everypony else to be truthful. It's nice to be doing this and we're all looking forward to the fun!"

I'm not too sure why, but whenever I hear her voice, I feel a sense of assurance. Twilight genuinely comes across like she knows what she's talking about. Thinking back to all of our past adventures, it's probably true.

We proceed with our journey on the valley path, and as we do, I can't help but think of Fluttershy. This valley is one of the most beautiful that I've ever seen, and I've come across thousands if I had to guess.

In this particular valley, there seems to be a countless number of birds, butterflies, and woodland creatures. There's not a doubt in my mind that she would absolutely gobble up this place. I wouldn't be surprised if she went crazy like she did back at our first Grand Galloping Gala!

It's a big shame that she left us so soon. The doctors weren't even one-hundred percent sure why she passed away in the first place. Some said over-exhaustion, others proposed she may've been attacked by a wild animal from the Everfree Forest (even though there were no signs of injury), while a few even suggested that it may've been the doing of another pony's magic.

There's no concrete evidence that supports those last two ideas, but it does seem a bit farfetched that a pony could pass away due to exerting themselves to the point of collapse. You'd think that a few days rest, as well as plenty of water and electrolytes, would get them back to normal in no time. I just don't feel like there's one true answer to why she died exactly.

Oh, here I go again worrying about things that are out of my control while I should be having a fun time with the best friends in all of Equestria. I really got to learn to get over this stuff. I've already done enough daydreaming to the point that I've missed quite a few scenic views, and probably several good conversations with my friends. Any more of that and the entire adventure will be over in ten seconds flat.

We eventually reach the campsite for the night. It's pretty dark outside, so it's impossible to see where they've taken me. Nevertheless, I can't wait until I can see the place with my own eyes during the sunrise tomorrow!

We all tediously set up our sleeping quarters for the night on top of what I'm guessing is a hillside. It should give us an absolutely perfect view of the sunrise! Rarity packed her fold-up mini-mansion which takes up almost all of the room, but I don't really mind. It's not like I brought anything that needs more than a dozen hooves or so worth of space.

I lay out my tent and we all say our goodnights. We had planned to tell scary stories around the campfire like we used to, but we're all beyond tired at this point. It's probably past midnight by now and it's only a matter of hours before Celestia raises the sun. With all the extra energy we've lost over the years, I can't see us being able to enjoy ourselves tomorrow while only running on a few hours of rest, so it's best that we get our shut-eye while we still can.

Later that night, as I'm sleeping away the hours of darkness, I have a dream. It's a bit hard to call it that, though. It felt so real, so... vivid, as if I was reliving it as opposed to having a flashback to it.


"Now Dashie, I know you're excited for this, but I don't want you flying too high up there. Let's try to keep it around the cloud line, okay?" My dad's voice went in one ear and came out of the other. It wasn't that I didn't want to listen to him or anything. I had always paid close attention to his instructions before, but, that day was different from all the other visits to the park.

Somewhere I got it in my head to see just how fast I could fly, probably due to me being a NASCAR and, well, a general racing fan. For some time I was making up tricks and stunts of my own, giving them names. My dad would just sit on a bench he'd fixed up and cheer me on. We never had to worry about getting caught, no one was ever around anymore. In fact, on our block, the last person left over a year ago.

"Alright, Dad! Can I go now?!" I was raring to get going, jumping up and down and fluttering my wings like I was going to burst if I couldn't go in the next few seconds.

"Alright Dashie, you can go now, but promise me that you'll be care-" At that point, I couldn't hear what the hay he was saying. Something about being careful, I think.

Back then, I put warnings like those aside. I felt invincible, to be honest. Then again, didn't all kids feel that way? Like they could do anything that they set their minds to? I certainly did, whether it ended with me getting hurt, or not, I'd always get right back up and try again. I knew for a fact that I was going to be a great flyer, I just had to keep trying to improve.

Dad had only just described to me what a cutie mark was, which is what really motivated me that day.

"It's sort of like a picture on each side of your flank that shows others what your talent is. It's a pretty special thing to obtain, and it's going to take a lot of hard work and determination to earn, but I know you can do it. After all, what you're made of is what you're made to do."

At the time, I didn't really understand what he meant by that last part, but I quickly figured out that I was made to be the fastest flier to ever exist! Although I wasn't actually made of wings, that's what I resembled. Hearing that explanation from him only made me want to get it even more, so we immediately set off for the park, which is how I got to that point.

The next thing I knew I was up in the sky, far beyond the cloud line that Dad set for me, but that wasn't what I was thinking about then. All through my mind, it was nothing but speed, speed, and more speed.

In NASCAR, the race car's top speed is about two-hundred and thirty miles per hour, so that was the goal that I'd set for myself. I had no way of knowing just how fast I was really going, but giving myself something to shoot for only got me more thrilled to go as fast as my wings could push me.

Right before I set off, I could hear Pops cheering from down below. This made me smile from ear to ear knowing that he was watching me. To me, it felt like I was performing for an audience, even if it was just my dad. I guess it was good practice for what I do nowadays.

I set my sights on where I wanted to fly. I then stretched my wings and leaned back before thrusting myself forwards. The acceleration was immense!

As I approached the cloud line I heard a high-pitched humming noise that felt like it was surrounding me. My dad came into view which only pushed me to pump my wings just that much harder. This made me realize that I wasn't just doing this for me, I was doing it for Dad as well. He wanted to see me succeed at what I was meant to do just as much as I wanted to succeed myself, maybe even a little more.

I narrowed my eyelids as the wind made it even harder to see. It felt like the air around me was flowing through like it did on race cars. It was almost as if I could see the turbulence with my own two eyes. The strain that my wings were going through made them feel like they were set on fire, but I had to keep pushing. I couldn’t stop, not now. I had the gut feeling that I was reaching my top speed and nothing was going to stop me until I broke it!

I'm not too sure how I ever pulled it off. I guess all the right things factored for me; how I positioned myself, my mental focus, and possibly my dad on the ground watching and cheering me on, but I did it. I broke the sound barrier and created a sonic rainboom overhead.


That was all that I heard as a huge burst of energy launched me forward at a speed that felt five times faster than those race cars could ever go! A bright, shining circle of rainbow spread across the sky in seconds. A short flash came from my flank and I looked over to see what'd happened. Not only did I get my cutie mark, the very mark that would define me for the rest of my life, but I'd also done something that nopony had ever done before.

A Sonic Rainboom.


I wake up from what must've been the most energy filled sleep I've ever had. I immediately spring out from my sleeping bag within the tent and jump out to greet the new day. As I look out, I can see Celestia's beautiful sun rising just above the horizon. The energy that I feel is so overwhelming that I can't contain it any longer.

I spread my wings and launch myself into the air, gaining more and more speed as I ascend past the cloud layer, I feel rejuvenated. I know that this might be my best chance that I ever have from this point on to perform yet another sonic rainboom; it's been so many years since I've been able to do it.

Ever since my dad's funeral, I just haven't felt the energy needed to perform such a straining stunt. But right here, right now is my chance to do it again, to feel like I've regained my purpose. This is something that I must do in order to achieve that.

I reach into the sky for as long as I can before looking back down upon Equestria, the campsite nothing more than a mere spec.

I lean back, and with a powerful thrust, I begin my descent. Squinting my eyes and making my hooves as aerodynamic as I possibly can, I shoot myself out of the rocket that is my pair of wings. The waffle cone of air begins to surround itself in my wake, but I don't dare look back. If I do, all my speed will be lost.

The next few moments are all a blur to me. My eyes seem to glow a clear white as I reach the thinnest point of the waffle cone of air.


I want to look back so badly, but even if this were possible, I couldn't see a thing.

I keep flying with all of my might as the adrenaline rush filled me with enough confidence to make me shout out loud due to what I just achieved.

After I feel the rush start to leave my body like somepony unclogged the drain. I slow my descent by opening up my wings and flapping them up and down repeatedly. My muscles are screaming for a break at this point, but I can't give them that just yet.

Slowly, but surely, I reach the ground. The glow in my eyes leaves and all that fills my vision now is the most magnificent Sonic Rainboom I think I've done in my entire life. The pure essence of it fills me with awe!

"So awesome..."

It seems like hours pass until the rainbow over the sky finally clears. I'm smiling that same smile that I gave when I heard my dad cheering me on so many years ago.

This is one of those moments in life that I just know that I won't be forgetting, but more than anything, I just can't wait to tell Pops about this! He'll be amazed! Maybe he already saw it and we can share what each of us experienced. The thought of this fills me with glee.

I finally look behind me to see my best friends all filled with utter joy as well. The looks on their faces should be absolutely awesome!

But, as I turn around to face them, in the exact same spot that I was just moments ago before doing all of this, I see nothing. Not a single pony, nor any of the tents that they occupied. The only evidence that they were ever even here was the sizzling of the night-old campfire, whose sound filled the area.