• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,836 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

The Call to Friendship

Attention Students:

In cooperation with Dean Cadence of Crystal Prep Academy, Canterlot High is proud to announce our new Student Exchange Program. Students from both schools will volunteer to visit the other's campus for one full week. We hope that this will not only strengthen our relationship with Crystal Prep, but it will also enrich the education of our students and provide them with the best experience possible. After what happened at this year's Friendship Games, I'm sure we can all agree that Crystal Prep can learn a thing or two from us, and vice versa.

Students who are interested in the program, please meet with me during my office hours. I look forward to seeing you.

~Vice Principal Luna

The Rainbooms crowded around the bulletin board, studying the freshly-posted bulletin intently.

"So, um, anybody have any idea what to make of this?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I remember there being talk about this sort of thing after the Friendship Games," said Sunset Shimmer. "I can't say I'm all that surprised."

"I am," said Twilight Sparkle, adjusting her glasses. "Well, I'm surprised that Dean Cadence convinced Principal Cinch to agree to this. After all the trouble I caused at the Friendship Games—"

"Now you just hold on one minute there, Twi," Applejack interrupted, shaking her head. "That wasn't really your fault. And even if it was, we all forgive ya. So stop beatin' yourself up over what happened."

"I-I know, I know," Twilight said meekly, averting her eyes. "I-it's just hard."

"Oh dear. I hope seeing your former peers from Crystal Prep doesn't make it harder," said Fluttershy.

Twilight mustered up a small smile. "I-it's fine. I have you guys, after all. Besides, maybe they'll feel more comfortable here if they saw a familiar face."

"How very gallant of you, darling," said Rarity. "I certainly wouldn't mind giving Crystal Prep some fashion tips. Seriously, who designed those uniforms? At least some people like that Sunny Flare girl had the right idea to accessorize."

"Well, I don't care what any of you say. I think this is great!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "Y'know, those Crystal Prep guys aren't that bad once you get to know 'em, and now I'm gonna get to know 'em even more! It's so exciting!"

"So, I take it you're signing up, then?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie blinked. "What? Are you crazy? No no no! I'm gonna be the CHS Welcome Wagon! Someone here has to make those Crystal Prep guys feel at home!"

Sunset couldn't help but giggle. "That's just like you, Pinkie Pie."

"Yes. I actually couldn't imagine you studying at Crystal Prep, Pinkie," Twilight chimed in. "Honestly, besides Dean Cadence, the faculty over there are quite, intense."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Like, how intense is intense?"

"Like Professor Flypaper called a parent-teacher conference because I got an A- on my physics test."

There was a collection of gasps.

"Let me get this straight. Your teacher called up your parents and wasted their time, just 'cause you didn't get a perfect score on a test?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, pretty much," said Twilight, blushing profusely. "Looking back, it is kinda silly, isn't it?"

"Silly?! No, birthday clowns are silly! Saturday morning cartoons are silly! I'm silly!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "That— That is just insane!"

Fluttershy hid her face behind her bangs. "Well, now I'm scared to sign up. How could anyone survive under that much pressure?"

"I can only speak for myself, but it was just a matter of keeping focused on the end goal and little else," said Twilight.

Sunset furrowed her brow. "Well, I just hope whoever signs up for this program knows what they're getting into. In the meantime, we should make sure any students that come here feel welcome, yeah?"

"That goes without saying," said Rainbow Dash. "Sure, we might not be as strict, but those Crystal Prep guys could stand to loosen up a bit." She then snapped her fingers. "Hey, I know! Why don't we put on a concert for them?"

"Sounds good to me."

"I agree."

"Oh, that sounds lovely."

"Of course!"

Sunset was about to concur when she noticed a familiar trio of girls marching through the halls, bickering amongst themselves and causing a ruckus.

"For the last time, Sonata, I am not playing that, thing!"

"C'mon, Dagi! It's the perfect instrument for you! You can't say we aren't trying!"

"I have to side with Adagio here, Sonata. You really do have terrible taste in music."

"Oh, shut up! Like you can think of a better instrument!"

"That wouldn't be too hard, considering your first idea was the freaking bagpipes!"

"What's wrong with bagpipes?"

"I cannot believe you're asking that right now."

"Well, believe it! 'Cause unless you can come up with a better idea, I say Adagio should play the bagpipes!"

"Um, don't I get a say in this?"

Rainbow Dash winced. "Yeesh. Those three still haven't gotten their acts together?"

"It sure sounds like it," whimpered Fluttershy, hiding behind Applejack.

"Um, do you know those girls?" asked Twilight.

Sunset sighed. "Let's just say you aren't exactly the first magical threat we had to deal with at this school." Suddenly, her face lit up. "Wait a second. I don't think I showed them my findings on Equestrian magic yet. They might want to hear this."

"I thought you said they were a threat," said Twilight.

"Oh, yeah. Like a big, big one," said Pinkie. "Those three are the Sirens. See, they were a bunch of meanies who were banished from Equestria for being too mean, and they were trying to make us fight so that they could steal our magic and use it to take over the world, but then Sunset snapped us out of it, and then we beat them with our own magic, and now they're just normal teenage girls like us! Well, normal teenage girls who can use magic like us."

"Except they're having trouble with that part, from the sound of it," Sunset mused. "I think I'm going to have lunch with them today. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Sure, no prob," said Rainbow Dash. "You reformed guys have to stick together, amiright?"

Sunset gave Rainbow a self-mocking smirk. "Something like that."

With one last exchange of farewells, she marched off after the Sirens.


"Seriously, Sonata. Just give it up. I'm not playing the bagpipes, and that's final."

Sonata sulked. "Phooey. I was just trying to help."

"You can help by thinking of a different instrument," said Aria, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, why do you think the bagpipes would be good for Adagio?"

"'Cause they're really complicated, and Adagio's really smart. So there," said Sonata, sticking her tongue at Aria.

Adagio deadpanned. "I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted."

"I'll take that as a compliment," said Sonata smugly, snagging a taco shell for her lunch tray. "Now, what kind of taco do I want on this lovely Taco Tuesday...?"

"Don't take too long this time," said Aria. "The rest of us kinda want to eat, too."

Adagio scowled. "We should be feasting on negative energy right now."

"Seriously, Adagio. Drop it," Aria snapped. "That was months ago, and Sonata and I have moved on. Why can't you?"

Adagio's only response was an aggravated grunt as she gathered her own food. As the three of them finally got around to sitting down, a fourth tray made itself known.

"Hey. Anyone sitting here?" Sunset asked.

Adagio gave Sunset a wary look. "Yes. We are," she stated cooly.

"But, you're welcome to join us," Sonata added.

Adagio shot Sonata an angry glare.

"What?" asked Sonata obliviously.

Aria sighed. "Just let her sit with us, Adagio. She's not gonna hurt you."

Adagio huffed and folded her arms. "Fine. But I don't have to like it."

Sunset sighed as she sat down. "I take it Adagio hasn't found the magic of friendship yet, huh?"

"Well, it's better than it was before," said Aria, shrugging her shoulders. "At least she knows Sonata and I have her back, even if she still calls us idiots."

"And trust me, you don't wanna know what it was like before," said Sonata with a shiver. "She was soooooo mad at us."

"I still am," Adagio grumbled.

"Yeah, but now it's not like you hate us or anything."

Sunset cleared her throat. "Um, anyway, I couldn't help but overhear your, discussion before."

"Oh, that whole thing?" said Sonata. "Yeah, Aria and I are still trying to find an instrument for Adagio so she can tap into her Equestrian magic. Problem is, we're flat broke."

"I think the problem is your taste is music, but that's just me," said Aria plainly, taking a bite out of her sloppy joe.

Sunset smiled. "Well, what if I tell you girls that you don't need musical instruments?"

Sonata did a spit take, spraying ground beef, lettuce, and bits of taco shell all over the table. "You for realsies?! But that's how you Rainbooms beat us!"

"Well, yes," said Sunset sheepishly. "But listen, I've been doing some more research on the subject, and I found something that could really help you."

"Not interested."

Aria gave Adagio a bemused look. "You're really gonna do this, Adagio? And here I thought I was stubborn about letting the Rainbooms help us."

"Don't tell me you forgot what happened at the Battle of the Bands," Adagio snarled.

"Trust me, we haven't forgotten that," said Aria. "But here's the thing. We moved on. Sonata's happy, and, well, I don't mind this friendship stuff. Stop acting like a stubborn foal and just hear her out, alright?"

Adagio's face darkened. "Is this about me not following your lead?"

"Yeah, doesn't feel too good when the shoe's on the other foot, does it?" Aria said with a sneer. "You may be smarter than me, but that doesn't mean you're right about everything."

Adagio let out a defeated sign. "Alright, alright. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, first of all, were you three at this year's Friendship Games?" Sunset asked.

"Nope. Afraid not," said Sonata glumly. "Adagio here got the Blue Flu, so we had to take care of her."

Sunset blinked. "The what?"

"Long story. We'll tell you later," said Aria. "Just FYI, though, one of the symptoms of that disease is that it turns you into the most bossy person in the world. Pray that none of the Rainbooms catch it."

"Um, noted," said Sunset, clearing her throat. "Anyway, during the Games, we managed to tap into our Equestrian magic without using music. It took a while for me to figure out why, but at the final event, I discovered something that was staring me in the face this whole time."

"Whazzat?" asked Sonata.

"Equestrian magic surfaces when you are true to yourself."

The Sirens looked at each other for a moment before turning back to Sunset.

"Uh, okay. What does that have to do with us?" asked Aria.

"Well, think about it," said Sunset. "What makes you guys who you are?"

"We used to hypnotize others to do our bidding and feed off of negative energy, but you kind of took that away from us," Adagio grumbled.

Sunset let out an awkward chuckle. "I, see she still holds a grudge."

"You're telling me," said Aria, massaging her temples.

"I still don't get it," said Sonata, tilting her head. "How are we not being true to ourselves? I'm not pretending to be someone else right now. This is who I am. I am, was, and always will be Sonata Dusk. So why can't I pony up whenever I want?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that," said Sunset, taking a sip of water. "Let me ask you this. What would you say makes you special?"

"You don't want me to answer that," Aria jeered.

Sonata gave Aria a dirty look. "I could say the same about you, y'know."

"You cannot."

"Can too."

"Can not."

"Can too!"

Adagio cast her gaze upward. "Well, I can say what makes these two special. They're both idiots."

"Hey!" Sonata and Aria exclaimed in unison.

Sunset palmed her face. "Okay, this is getting nowhere. If you girls can't figure this out, you're not going to be using your magic anytime soon."

"Well, how are we supposed to figure it out, then?" asked Sonata. "It's too hard for me and Aria, and Dagi won't help us because she doesn't like you."

Sunset furrowed her brow and stroked her chin. "That's actually a good question. It's not like I can figure this stuff out for you. But how can I get you three to—?"

She was soon interrupted by her phone vibrating. Raising an eyebrow, she reached into her pocket and pulled it out. Oddly enough, the caller ID said it was an unlisted number. With a shrug, Sunset answered it. Before she could ask who it was, she was greeted by an automated message.

"You have a collect call from: ∂ˆßçø®∂."

Sunset gave her phone a blank stare. "Who?"

"You have a collect call from: Vzzbkx."

"That was different from what you said before. Who is this?"

There was a sigh from the other end. "Come now, Sunny. Don't you know chaos when you hear it?"

Sunset's eyes went wide. "Discord?!"

Sure enough, a small hologram of the draconequus shot from her phone and onto the cafeteria table. For some bizarre reason (or more appropriately, no reason at all), he was wearing an eyepatch and a camo jacket.

"Kept you waiting, huh?" he said in a raspy voice.

Sunset blinked. "Um, no. I wasn't even expecting you," she said, dipping her voice so that other students wouldn't overhear. "What are you doing here?"

Discord frowned. "What, no 'long time no see?' No 'how have you been?' Come now, Sunny. It's been so long!"

Adagio leered at the hologram. "No one invited you here, you traitorous snake."

"Hey, I only happen to be one-fifth snake," Discord spat indignantly.

Aria groaned. "Just get to the point, Discord."

"And I'm glad to see you, too," Discord sighed. "Listen, I thought we've gotten past all this. You all know I'm reformed now; there's no need for such hostility."

"I know. I'm sorry," said Sunset. "This is just a bit, surprising, is all."

Discord gave Sunset and incredulous look. "Well, I wouldn't exactly be the Master of Chaos if I was predictable, now would I?"

"What if we predicted that you would do something completely random like run around in circles while eating a three-way sub?" asked Sonata.

Discord smirked. "Close, but no cigar. No, a three-way sub just isn't my cup of tea. Now a five-way sub, well. You haven't lived to you sank your teeth into one of those babies."

"Shucks. Thought I had you that time," Sonata said with a pout.

Sunset couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, Discord. It is good to see you, even if it is a surprise. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't just some random social call."

"Sharp as ever, Sunny ol' girl," said Discord with a bow.

Sonata's eyes widened as she stared at Sunset. "Ooh, you're good."

Discord gave Sonata a smirk before clearing his throat. "Anyway, I just flew in from Crystal Prep Academy, and boy, are my arms tired."

The sound of a rimshot played from Sunset's phone, though the joke was met with blank stares.

"Don't you have wings?" asked Sonata.

"Yes, but where's the fun in using these things?" Discord replied. As if to demonstrate his point, his bat wing was holding a beard trimmer which he was using to trim his goatee. "Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. Crystal Prep Academy. One of the most dull and boring places you'll ever experience. Seriously, everyone is just so serious and strict and 'we have to be the best at everything we do.' Honestly, don't they know that perfection is not only unobtainable, it's uninteresting? I'd rather be stuck in an elevator with a potato."

"If you hate it so much, why were you there in the first place?" inquired Aira.

Discord shrugged. "Sometimes, my magic has a mind of its own. It's not exactly chaos if you have control over it."

In a flash, he teleported from the table into Adagio's hair.

"Ack~! Get out of there!" Adagio shrieked, desperately clawing at Discord

"Case in point, this is not where I wanted to end up," Discord stated nonchalantly, barely paying any mind to Adagio's panicking. In a flash, he teleported himself to Sunset's shoulder. "There. Much better."

"So, your magic just randomly teleported you to Crystal Prep," said Sunset. "You, didn't cause any trouble there, did you?"

Discord gasped. "Sunny! I am surprised at you! How can you accuse me of doing a rotten thing like that?"

"Maybe she has good reason to," Adagio mumbled bitterly.

Discord gave Adagio a look. "You stay out of this."

"No, she's right," said Sunset firmly. "Even if you are reformed, you can still be quite a troublemaker. What did you do?"

"Nothing, honest," said Discord, raising his paw. "Scout's honor. All I did was a bit of scouting."


"Yes, scouting." A sinister smile crept onto Discord's face. "Because between you and me, I'd love nothing more than to add some color to that drab place. Problem is, I think I'm being expected."

Sonata massaged her temples. "Okay, my head's starting to hurt. You said your whole schtick was that no one ever expects you."

"I know. That's what has me concerned," said Discord, furrowing his brow. "See, that Principal Cinch has some vendetta against magic, and I cannot possibly fathom why. I thought Equestrian magic only came from people who are from, you know, Equestria."

It didn't take long for Sunset to connect the dots. "The Friendship Games."

Aria blinked. "What about 'em?"

"During the games, Twilight Sparkle, rather this world's Twilight Sparkle, was trying to figure out Equestrian magic," Sunset explained. "She had some sort of device that stole magic from us, and she didn't fully understand why. At the last event, Principal Cinch pressured her into unleashing that magic just so Crystal Prep could win. It drove her to almost destroy this reality."

"And let me guess. You and the Rainbooms stopped her with the magic of friendship," said Aria.

"Yes, actually," said Sunset.

Adagio huffed, but said nothing else. Sunset shook her head and continued.

"Anyway, once it was discovered that Cinch pressured Twilight, everyone turned against her, including her own students. She claimed that it was our magic that infected them or something, but I didn't think she actually believed it."

"Wow. And I thought we were bad," said Sonata.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Adagio growled.

Discord frowned. "What's wrong, Adagio? You still haven't discovered the magic of friendship?"

"Buzz off," Adagio spat. "You're clearly up to no good. That's all you've ever been."

Discord shook his head. "Tsk tsk. Someone holds a grudge."

As soon as those words left his lips, he suddenly turned into a black tea kettle. His eyes narrowed.

"Oh, ha ha," he grumbled, shifting back to his original shape.

Before Sunset could respond, the gears in her mind went into overdrive.

"Wait a minute. Oh no! The student exchange program!" she exclaimed.

Aria blinked. "What?"

"Vice Principal Luna has organized a student exchange program with Crystal Prep," said Sunset. "Didn't you see the bulletin?"

Aria deadpanned and folded her arms. "Does it honestly look like we care?"

Sunset sighed. "Right. Listen, some of my friends are interested in that program. If they sign up for it, and Cinch has this strong position against magic, they might be in trouble."

"Sucks for them," said Aria with a shrug. "What does this have to do with us?"

Sunset blinked. "You know, for someone willing to give friendship a shot, you can be really cold sometimes."

"Hey, I'm just doing this for Sonata," said Aria.

"She has a point," said Sonata. "We can't let the Rainbooms get hurt by that Cinch lady. They're our friends, and friends don't let that kind of stuff happen."

Aria sputtered before letting out and exasperated groan. "You're the worst, Sonata."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," said Sonata smugly.

Sunset thought for a moment. "Hang on. I think I have an idea."

"Am I gonna like it?" asked Aria.

"It might help you girls discover your true selves so you can use your magic whenever you want."

Aria leaned forward. "I'm listening."

"Vice Principal Luna is still looking for volunteers for the program," said Sunset. "So, how about I sign us up? It'll only be for a week, and in that time, we can figure out just what Principal Cinch has in store for magic users."

"And potentially take down her operation in the process. I like the way you think, Sunny," said Discord, stroking his chin. Suddenly, a lightbulb appeared above his head. "Just a moment. This Crystal Prep place. Would you say they were formerly your enemies?"

Sunset scratched her head. "Um, kinda? They have been Canterlot High's rivals for quite some time, but from what I saw at this year's games, a lot of them are pretty nice."

Discord snatched the lightbulb from the air and turned it into a calculator. "So, let's see. That means, um, factor in the three, divide by Theta, and... Oh yes! New friends for me! Fluttershy has been saying I should expand my social circle lately."

"Wait, but won't you get us in trouble and junk?" asked Sonata. "I don't think having an all-powerful draconequus with us is a good idea."

"I hate to say this, but I'm with her on this one, Discord," Aria agreed. "You're a regular wild card, and that's not something we need."

Discord turned to Sonata and smiled. "I implore you to reconsider."

Sonata blinked. "Well, okay!"

Aira did a double take. "Bu-but you just—"

"He has a point," Sonata said with a shrug.

Adagio simply sighed. "Swing and a miss."

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose and took in a deep, cleansing breath. "Okay, fine. But I want you to be on your best behavior, Discord."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," said Discord solemnly. "Free use of magic has been something of a hot button issue for me ever since me tete-a-tete with Tirek. My chaos shall only be used when appropriate."

In a flash, he turned into a rubber chicken.

"Assuming it's willing to cooperate," he sighed. "I'll do my best, Sunny. Be sure to keep me in the loop. You have my number."

After transforming into a random set of objects, Discord disappeared. Sunset sighed.

"I know this won't be easy, girls. But I think it'll help you get just what you need," she said with a smile. "And don't worry. I'll be with you every step of the way. Now, I'm going to go sign us up. I'll get all the details from Vice Principal Luna."

"Sure. Seeya later," said Aria with a half-hearted wave.

Sunset nodded and left the table, taking her apple with her. Once she was gone, Adagio gave Sonata and Aria a dark look.

"Don't tell me you girls are really going to go along with this," she said.

"Why not? What've we got to lose at this point?" said Aria.

"I'm telling you right now, I'm not putting my faith in Discord or the Rainbooms," Adagio growled. "Not after what they've done to us."

Sonata blinked and tilted her head. "But, Discord helped Aria and me get our magic back."

Adagio let out a low growl, causing Sonata to squeak in terror. Aria sighed.

"Look, I get it. Discord thought you were sabotaging his attempts to befriend Sunset Shimmer, so he messed with you," she said. "But if you're just going to continue sulking like this, you're never gonna be happy. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm willing to give this a shot, and so is Sonata. And we want what's best for you. So just get over this stuff with the Rainbooms, ignore Discord, and try following our lead for a change."

Adagio grunted. "You're never going to let that go, are you?"

"I will when you do," Aria retorted.

Another grunt from Adagio. "If you think that I'm going to trust Discord after what he put me through, you're just as dumb as I thought. This will not end well for any of us. Just you wait."

"Well, not with that attitude," said Sonata.

Adagio palmed her face and sighed. I just hope I live to regret this, she thought. Discord is going to doom us all, I just know it...