• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 4,639 Views, 162 Comments

Clair de Lune - SPark

Princess Luna knows that things are what they are. Fish do not fly, birds do not swim, and she cannot be other than who and what she is. Or can she?

  • ...


Twilight paced back and forth in the waiting room. It had been over two hours. Hadn't Celestia said it would take about two hours? Had something gone wrong? She paced a little faster, worry gnawing at her heart. She knew how dangerous messing around with morphic fields was.

"Settle down, sugarcube," said Applejack.

"Sorry." Twilight sat down next to her friends, who had all come along to be there when Lune was finally fully himself. "I just can't help but worry. It's taking so long, what if..."

The door swung open and Celestia stepped out into the waiting room. Twilight shot to her feet. "How did it go? How is he? He's all right?"

Celestia smiled. "It went well. Lune is fine. The doctors are doing a final scan for their records, but nothing went wrong."

"Thank heavens! Can we see him?"

"Yes, he'll be out in just a moment. Although..." Celestia's smile broadened just a little, in an expression Twilight knew well. Her usually well-hidden prankster side was amused at something. "There was one very small complication that I hadn't foreseen."

Twilight swallowed. Complication? But surely Celestia wouldn't be smiling like that if it was anything bad?

Just then, the door opened again to reveal Lune, standing in the doorway. He stepped into the room and for a moment, Twilight and her friends just stared.

"Oh my," said Fluttershy.

"Wowie Zowie!" said Pinkie Pie.

"Woah!" said Spike.

"He is huge!" said Rainbow Dash, actually saying what every other pony in the room was thinking.

Lune chuckled. His voice was noticeably deeper than it had been, even with his illusion. "Indeed." He stood almost exactly as tall as Celestia, but with a stallion’s heavy build, which made him seem twice as broad. He was absolutely enormous. Twilight found herself feeling very strange as she looked up, and up, and up at him.

"It seems we both had forgotten about the size of alicorn stallions," said Celestia with a smile.

"Ah don't get it," said Applejack. "He was being a colt with magic before. How come he was normal colt sized then, but not now?"

"Because before, Lune and I shaped his illusion with our will, simply picturing how he should look. The permanent spell, however, remade him as he would have been if he'd been born a colt. Alicorn stallions are quite large. Indeed Luna was on the small side for an alicorn mare of her age and Lune is actually still rather on the small side for an alicorn stallion of his age."

"Oh my," said Rarity, looking up at Lune. Twilight couldn't help but agree with that sentiment. It was hard to imagine him as being any bigger than he was now!

Lune chuckled. "To proceed to more important matters, I believe I was promised a celebratory donut, sister? Perhaps you should buy me two now."

"She should buy you a whole dozen," said Spike.

Celestia inclined her head graciously. "I would be thrilled to buy you two. Or even a dozen. Shall we?"

"Let us." The little group proceeded out the clinic doors, into a lovely Canterlot afternoon. As they walked towards Donut Joe's, Twilight fell in beside Lune. He spread a wing over her and gave her a brief hug. His wings were enormous too, even larger than Celestia's.

"Does it feel very different, now that it's not just an illusion?" asked Twilight as they walked.

"In truth the strangeness of towering over all others hath rather distracted me from considering aught else."

"I'm not surprised, you are sooooooooooooo huge!" Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up between Twilight and Lune.

"Uh. Hi Pinkie," said Twilight.

"So now that Lune really is a colt, are you two going to go test out the equipment?" Pinkie grinned and elbowed Twilight in the ribs. "I bet it's huge too!"

Twilight blushed brightly. Lune blushed too. "Pinkie... ah..."

"If you aren't, Twi, I'd be happy to volunteer!" Pinkie winked at Lune.

"No thank you, Pinkie," said Twilight with sudden firmness. She picked up Pinkie in her magic and gently set the earth pony down next to Applejack. Pinkie giggled, but made no move to step back between the two of them. Thankfully, the rest of her friends seemed to recognize that she and Lune might want a little space to be alone together.

For a long moment there was an embarrassed silence as they walked. Then Lune cleared his throat. "So... Twilight, hast thou made any plans for this evening?"

"No, not really." She could feel that she was still blushing.

"Pinkie is somewhat... over direct. But 'tis true that I have a certain, ah, curiosity about the 'equipment' as she hath put it. And 'tis no pony I would wish to perform such experiments with save thee."

"Experiments, hmm? Well, thou knowest how much I adore science." Twilight was still blushing, but a smile was also tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Indeed. After the donuts, then, shall we retire to my chambers and perform this science that thou dost so adore?"

"I would be delighted to." She paused, then added, "Though Lune... It's not really the science I adore. It's mostly thee. I love thee, as I hope thou knowest."

"I do know. And I love thee too."

Author's Note:

And that's the end! Thanks for coming along for the ride with me.

This story was brought to you in part by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. If you'd like to support me in making more stories like this, and get early access and other perks, please consider becoming a patron today.

Comments ( 34 )

So now that this story is finished, I can honestly say it deserves more views if only because of the premise. Luna being trans-male is indeed an interesting and fitting idea for a story and I've enjoyed your execution of it.

Well, at least Pinkie asked the question we were all thinking.

Sort of, at least.

Brava, signora! Brava!

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Pinkie has no shame. :pinkiehappy:

Beautiful work SPark. I loved it from beginning to end.

Thank you! I'm glad people like it.

Naughty science, ho! :twilightsheepish: :rainbowlaugh:

Brilliant story. Loverly ending.
I think this comes under the few stories that I gotta save and will totally read again at some point. :twilightsmile:

You covered his transformation well and the point on Alicorn stallions was funny.

It was a very fun sweet story dude, I'm glad you made the post earlier, I would probably have missed it..:unsuresweetie:

Thanks. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

lol, I just realized this puts Silk, one of my own little fragments, to shame! :rainbowlaugh:

Aww. I haven't read it yet, but the description looks like I'd find it interesting.

Fair warning it comes from the NSFW prompt thread, it kinda went somewhere else though.

As if I'd mind that! :pinkiehappy:

-snickers- Sorry, just you know...being up front about it. Also nervous, shilling a story of mine to an author I respect.

Cute as hell.

What happened to the sequel "over the moon"? :rainbowhuh:

I took it down for various reasons. It will be posted again eventually.

Can we have it yet?

The specifics of twi making Lun* comfortable via EME are a very nice touch throughout.

Huh, I thought I was going crazy because I couldn't find it but was sure I didn't imagine it existing.

The sequel is back up now. Sorry for the delay.

I want more of this!! I love it.

When this story started I made a comment about mistake in description...and I'm ashamed to admit I forgot about this story after, because I didn't put in ''read later''.
I decided to make a bigger comment to this, because it is quite personal and close topic to me. I promise it won't be degrading in any way and I already put it in favorites and upvoted.
First little explanation. About this I can speak from experience. Not exactly mine, but I've been in relationship with transgender person for three years straight (no pun intended).
Richard was born as a girl - Simona, and as such been in same situation as Lune.
I also have been with him trough most of his transformation, from counseling, to hormonal treatment, to surgeries and at that time I read quite a few books about both psychological and physiological aspects of the topic.
That said I have no formal education, so I'm far from being an expert. I did consider studying it, but medical school was out of my reach financially.
...so Transgenderism... that is a difficult topic no matter where you start, and sadly still controversial, even in advanced countries like US - granted that stupid discussion about right to use specifc toilets that I noticed some time ago.
BUT I believe you've done a good job on it. It is not perfect, mind you, but you've said yourself it is not supposed to be accurate description. Especially when in Equestria, magic can produce better result compared to our world.
Still you've made a good point as to why it is irreversible and why it must be thorougly prepared by both specialists and subject him/herself
Also kudos to you for marvelous description of inner feelings and decent description of various stages of transition:
Attempt to live as opposite gender
And finally transformation itself

Now to the story itself...

I did read your notes so I know why it is not so, but...
First of all I would still like to see longer story and more indepth writing about parts that were glossed over.
Second, I'm surprised you went with peacefull way. It is nice to not see terrible drama everywhere, yet here I still think that conflict with one major person would made for a decent plot. In that case I would probably see Celestia to be one stucked up in past and Cadance to be voice of reason as well as the one who made those support groups and who oversees process of transition, as it seems to fit her domain.
Now to the support group chapter...so confused... It was good, it was working, yet there was something...something that was off. I read that chapter three times and still I can't figure out what irks me on it... and that irks me even more. I guess you had same ephiphany, because you said you did rewrite it few times.
I would definitely talk to Twilight as Lune, but I would probably leave courting and love to sequel myself. I know it would made big part obsolete and it would need major rewrite, so take it only as my opinion. As to why... well Twilight may be modern and open, but to laid out possible relationship on me the moment I try to accept fact of gender change would probably scare off even me.
I really love last chapter with concert. It was beautiful touch and it was kind of heartwarming to see Lune regain his confidence.
And finally, that size difference betwen Twilight and Lune in epilogue would probably terrify me in Twilight's horseshoes :derpytongue2:
Still we will see how you deal with it in that smut sequel that I'm going into right now
Stay awesome

Author Interviewer

God dammit, Pinkie XD

lovely story it is going in my favs

Very nice, this one is definitely hitting my faves. I must say I'm surprised that I haven't seen anyone else do something like this. In my headcannon, Luna is the sword and shield of Equestria after all, so this is a logical extension of that. I prolly would've done two things differently, one making Luna a batpony alicorn, since my headcannon is that batponies are an off shoot of pegasi, making Lune a complete opposite of Celestia. Also as I headcannon them as ascended alicorns themselves, there's never been an alicorn stallion, so they had no idea what to expect when the change was done to Luna. That one is minor, but could've added a bit of humor to the epilogue since Lune's big size would've been a complete surprise.

Still, the story is great as it is and definitely getting shelf space.

Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed this! A well executed story, and a very sweet and heartfelt story at that!

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Utterly delightful! Fav.

Right, okay, so. This was great.
I usually don't read gender swap-stories. The superficial explanation would be 'it's just not my cup of tea', but in truth, I just... I don't really get it, I suppose. While I'm straight as an arrow, I usually don't tend to think (or care) much about the gender of people surrounding me. I guess Lune said it best himself - they just are what they are. It does not concern me. I find it hard to find reasons to care. Be whatever you want to be.
For some reason, that plays a role in me avoiding gender swap-stories. Twilight was conceptualized as a female. So was Luna. Changing that to make it a 'gimmick' of sorts just feels cheap, and wrong. And with the few stories I tried aside from this one, I found that they heavily rely on implications. They seem to assume that you understand stuff that I just don't understand.

So this story was vastly different. Because it was a focus point, not an afterthought. It was a journey I could witness. You made me care about his gender. And you did a fantastic job at that. (Admittedly, that wasn't the only fantastic job you did. Characterization was spot-on, I loooved Lune's and Twilight's dialogue, there's just a lot to be appreciated here.)

So, up on my recommendations-shelf it goes. This should be read more. I feel like it could help others understand and maybe even open up some closed-off minds.

Thank you for writing.

2917? How did I miss this? Definitely goes into my read-next-list.

pffffjhfahahhahaha :rainbowlaugh:

great story btw

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