• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 4,266 Views, 107 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 4 - SuperPinkBrony12

The fourth installment of a What If series, that involves the rewriting of episodes. This collection contains episodes from Seasons 1-6 (Warning!: Episodes rewritten based on personal opinion, please respect it. Thank you.)

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S4 E5: Flight to the Finish (What If?)

The ringing of the school bell normally signaled the end of class for the day, and all the school colts and fillies were free to go home and enjoy time doing whatever they wanted. But today was different, it had just been announced that one group of ponies from Ponyville Elementary would be given the honor of carrying the flag for Ponyville at the Equestria Games, a position that promised to bring fame and glory to whoever got the nomination.

Naturally, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were among the groups hoping to win. Scootaloo especially was thrilled with the idea from the moment it was announced, and learning that Rainbow Dash would be coaching the teams only sweetened the deal further. "If this is a dream, please don't wake me up!" She thought, as she giddly bounced out the classroom door and start buzzing her tiny wings in excitement. "So, whadya say, Crusaders?!" She asked her friends. "You ready to win this or what?!"

"Ya'll bet we are," Apple Bloom eagerly agreed. "Representin' Ponyville in the openin' and closin' ceremonies? We'd have to be crazy to say no!"

"But you remember what Ms. Harshwhinny told us?" Sweetie Belle nervously commented. "We need to come up with a routine guranteed to impress the judges, and they'll be judging us very harshly! We need something that's a surefire bet if we're going to win, especially since the other teams are probably not gonna go easy on us! I'm sure even Snips and Snails don't plan to lose!"

"Yeah? Well neither do we!" Scootaloo boasted. "If Rainbow Dash could represent Cloudsdale in the ceremonies as a filly, I'm sure the same will hold true for us! We've been all over Ponyville in our pursuits for our cutie marks, so who better than us to show just what makes Ponyville so unique? Somepony in our class is gonna carry that flag, so it might as well be us!"

"And just what's so special about Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle asked. "And how are we gonna show that with our routine?"

Scootaloo smiled the biggest smile she had ever smiled. "I knew you'd ask that. It's simple," She explained to her fellow crusaders. "Ponyville is a place where different kinds of ponies live together as friends!"

"Earth ponies like me!" Apple Bloom realized.

"Unicorns like me!" Sweetie Belle added, also realizing what Scootaloo was suggesting.

"And pegasi like me!" Scootaloo replied. "So somehow we got to figure out a way to show that in our act. And we gotta do it on our own, this is our big moment to leave a lasting impression on all of Equestria!"

"Right you are," Apple Bloom nodded.

"So I guess we're gonna need a plan." Sweetie Belle suggested.

"And it'll take a whole lot of work, probably more than even our most demandin' crusades!" Apple Bloom added.

"And a whole bunch of practice!" Scootaloo encouraged. "Mom and Dad always say: 'Practice makes perfect', and that's sure to hold true here. But take it from me; Crusaders! We may just be little ponies, but we have hearts as strong as horses!"

The Crusaders' rather excited celebration was only interrupted, when they heard what sounded like clapping. They turned around, and were surprised to see that the applause was coming from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, or at least Diamond Tiara. Ever since Silver Spoon had come back to being by Diamond's side, the silver coated filly had been very reluctant to say or do much of anything (a fact that did not go unnoticed).

"Very impressive, too bad you're going to lose," Diamond said with a smirk. "If that's really the best you've got, then we're going to win for sure."

"We already have the most divine routine planned." Silver Spoon suggested.

"It's absolutely sure to crush everyone else – and I mean crush." Diamond boasted, bringing her hooves together.

Scootaloo was hardly phased by the comment. "But we're winners!" She replied, then began to burst into song as she added. "And we have hearts-"

"Yes, yes, we heard you the first time," Silver Spoon remarked. "But you wanna know what you don't have?"

"Let me guess, it starts with cutie." Sweetie Belle muttered under her breath.

"Your cutie marks!" Diamond and Silver said together, then they shouted "Blank Flanks!" over and over again! But their words failed to leave any kind of impact.

"Just what does that have to do with flag carryin'?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Don't take this personally, but having cutie mark-less ponies represent Ponyville would be unthinkable," Silver replied. "And I'll be darned if I let this town become a laughing stock after my mother and my big sister moved here with me, because they believed it had potential."

"And of course, we already have our cutie marks," Diamond smugly commented. "So we know who's going to be in the winner's circle."

Scootaloo didn't take kindly to that remark, and made a decision that would later push her and her fellow Crusaders' friendship almost to the breaking point. "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched, and don't you dare call me a chicken again! I've heard it before, and it wasn't funny the first time!"

"Oh, are you suggesting that you three will somehow defeat us and win the contest?" Diamond asked, sounding rather unconcerned. "Because I'd love to see you try. You won't win, but I'll welcome the challenge all the same."

"May the best ponies win!" Silver added.

Scootaloo grinned and with bold faced determination she shouted. "Game on!" And so the stage was set for the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to participate in their greatest conflict, one that would lead to unexpected developments for all involved.

The very next day, the Crusaders had set up on a stage in the park, and quickly worked on putting together a routine. Rainbow Dash was watching them, have put on her coach's hat and whistle. "Show me what you got, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and make it good!" She told them.

"Don't worry, we will!" Scootaloo promised. "You'll be so impressed!"

But Rainbow Dash wasn't the only one interested in watching the performance, from a nearby bush Diamond Tiara was also watching though she had vastly different intentions compared to Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, Diamond," Silver Spoon nervously called, tapping her friend on the shoulder. "Should we really be doing this? I thought this was going to be an honorable contest, just the two of us against them and we won't know who's doing what until it's time to actually do the routines?"

Diamond shrugged off Silver's concern. "You want to win, don't you? We need to know what we're up against and how to counter it," She told her friend, and eyed the Crusaders very carefully. "Worse comes to worse, we'll have to find a way to get under their fur," But it was then that Tiara's eyes focused their gaze upon Scootaloo's wings, and an awful idea came to her mind. "Or maybe I should say, under their wings."

"What was that?" Silver asked, hoping she'd misheard.

Diamond just laughed as she replied. "Nothing you need to worry about, Silver Spoon. Now come on, let's watch the Cutie Mark 'Goof-saders' do their little routine. Knowing them it'll be a hot mess."

Silver seemed to be worried about what her friend was doing, if the constant nervous glances were anything to go by. But she was too afraid to speak up. "Why do I feel like, whatever Di's going to do, I won't like it?" She thought to herself, all the while hoping she'd be wrong.

From behind the curtain, Scootaloo began to narrate. "Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies have coexisted!"

The current pulled back, revealing a crudely drawn depiction of Ponyville. Then a spotlight began to shine down on Apple Bloom, waving a trail of green ribbons tied to her ankles. "We are earth ponies!" She shouted!

Sweetie Belle appeared next, bouncing around in the spotlight as she waved her trail of purple ribbons as she shouted! "We are unicorns!"

Resting atop a wooden cloud, Scootaloo flapped her wings up and down, waving her trail of blue ribbons as she shouted! "We are pegasi!" Then she narrated. "And the town where friendship reigns is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best..." Scootaloo burst through a hoop with her scooter, skidded to a halt, and allowed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to climb on top of her so she could hold them up.

All together the three fillies shouted at the top of their lungs! "Ponyville forever, yay!"

Rainbow Dash, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon all dropped their mouths open! The Crusaders' display was unbelievably good!

When the routine was finished, Scootaloo approached Rainbow Dash and asked. "So? What did you think? It's still a work in progress, so I'll understand if we've got to improve. Think it's a good start though?"

Rainbow wanted to open her mouth to speak, but she quickly stopped herself as she remembered what had happened in the classroom earlier that day.

Just after class had come back from lunch recess, Cheerilee had tapped a ruler against her desk to draw the attention of all her students. When they were all focused on her she told them with a smile. "Today, we have two special guests with a very special announcement! Everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games, Ms. Harshwhinny!"

Ms. Harshwhinny strolled into the room, looking rather stiff and grump. She made her way to the front of the class and cleared her throat as she spoke. "Thank you, Miss Cheerilee. Now, I'm sure by now you all know about the Equestria Games, where ponies from all over the land compete for glory in various athletic pursuits. Well, now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete for a weighty responsibility of your very own."

"Oh come on, Ms. Harshwhinny! You're gonna bore 'em to death!" A distant voice complained. "Tell 'em the fun part already!" Into the room flew Rainbow Dash, fully decked out in her coach attire including her hat and whistle. "That's right! All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine and you're going to the Games!" She announced. "I can tell you're gonna love it, it's a great honor that only comes once in a lifetime!"

Ms. Harshwhinny frowned and glared at Rainbow Dash. "Ms. Dash, will you please curb your over-enthusiastic outbursts?" She lectured, temporarily intimidating the pegasus into silence. "Now, if I can get back to where I was before I was so rudely interrupted," She grumbled with a slight snarl in her voice. "Allow me to be clear on the rules," She drew a few sketches on the chalkboard as she explained. "You ponies will all form teams. Each team will create their own flag carrying routine to show off. Everypony will be judged on grace, style and originality. And they will judge you very strictly, so there can be little room for errors."

"Ah, details!" Rainbow shrugged, speaking up. "Bet you're all wondering who's going to be coaching you all? Well, you're looking at the very pony! And you know why I'm qualified to coach you? Because yours truly carried the flag for Cloudsdale at the Equestria Games when I was just a little filly! And just ask the local pegasi whose coaching made it possible for Cloudsdale to get water for the weather factory last Spring, they'll tell you it was me. So take it from me, carrying the flag for your home country is a great honor! I'll never forget my experience, I burst into the stadium, spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze. I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony's seen since!"

Ms. Harshwhinny pressed her snot up against Rainbow's as she severely scolded. "Ms. Dash, if you want to keep your job as coach of these ponies, then you must maintain a professional attitude and keep your emotions in check! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?"

"Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny," Rainbow replied. "After all, professionalism is my middle name. If anypony tells you it's danger, they heard it all wrong."

Ms. Harshwhinny rolled her eyes at Rainbow's comment, before she cleared her throat. "Well, in three days time, Ms. Dash will accompany everypony wishing to compete to the Crystal Empire, where you will demonstrate your routines for the other judges and myself, who will all judge you very professionally."

"Yes. Quite correct," Rainbow spoke up, trying to sound more professional. "In the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard. So meet me after school tomorrow, and show me your flag carrying skills."

As Rainbow left, Ms. Harshwhinny looked out at the crowd of children and told them all. "The most important thing you should all remember is this: Your routine needs to show what your town means to you. So, do Ponyville proud. Work hard, be bold, and wow me. That is all." And she then left, as the school bell rang, announcing the end of class.

"Be sure to get your parents' approval before signing up," Cheerilee called, as the children raced out of the classroom. "And try to take turns with your only coach, she's going to have a lot of teams to supervise so be patient."

Recalling her exchange with Ms. Harshwhinny the previous day, Rainbow Dash knew she would be in trouble if she let her emotions control her. Ms. Harshwhinny had told Rainbow Dash that the pegasus couldn't show clear preference to any one group she coached, she had to provide unbiased feedback regardless of personal relations. "Gotta stay calm, cool and collected." She thought to herself, before adopting the most neutral body language and professional tone she could manage. "So, if you want my clear, unbiased, professional opinion--" She began, before she remembered what Scootaloo had just told her. "Wait. You whipped that act together just yesterday?!" She asked.

"Yeah, that's why it's a work in progress," Scootaloo replied. "So, what did you think? It's okay if we've still got a long way to go, that's why the grownups say 'Practice makes perfect.', right?"

Rainbow again opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter anything she thought in her mind. "Professionalism, Dash, keep those emotions in check! Remember what Ms. Harshwhinny said." When she finally opened her mouth she rather passively said. "Overall, it was... kinda, sorta.. how do I put this?" She then quickly added. "Overall, it was pretty okay. Just keep working hard and, who knows? You might have a shot. Gotta go!" She then fly away to find another group to coach.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged looks of confusion, even Scootaloo seemed to be scratching her head. "Just what was that all about?" Apple Bloom wondered. "Do y'all think she liked it? Sounded like a lot of fancy talk."

"I don't really know, it didn't sound negative." Sweetie Belle mentioned in an uncertain tone.

Perking up, Scootaloo eagerly said. "You heard her! If we keep working hard, we might have a shot! So let's keep working! Trot to it, ponies! Glory's just around the corner!"

Diamond and Silver, watching from their nearby bush, quickly grew worried. It didn't take a genius for them to see who had the better routine. Heck, they hadn't even agreed on one yet. "I can't believe I'm saying this. They could actually win!" Tiara realized.

"They're pretty good, that's for sure," Silver replied. "Guess that means we'll have to work double time to even stand a chance. For a couple of blank flanks it's scary how great they can be when they work together."

In her mind, Diamond was struggling to comprehend what was happening. "That isn't supposed to happen, it's not supposed to be like this!" She thought. "This isn't happening, this is NOT happening! I finally have the chance to prove myself to my mother, and now those wretched little brats are going to ruin everything again! Why can't they ever just let me win?!" Glaring at the crusaders, she began to form a plan. "Silver Spoon, it's time we step up our game. Those Cutie Mark Crusaders have made a fool of us for the last time."

"Uh, Di, you okay?" Silver asked with concern. "You're scaring me a little here."

Tiara brushed off her friend's comments, all she could think about was how to break up the crusaders so they wouldn't be able to stop her! "Come on, Silver! It's time to play our trump card!" She said, as she eyed Scootaloo's wings.

"Diamond, you sure that's a good idea?" Silver asked, realizing what her friend was focusing on. "Shouldn't we be worried about our own routine?"

"That'll come in due time!" Tiara retorted, refusing to abandon her plan. "Once the only competition is out of the way, we can come up with a routine free of pressure. The only question is, are you in or not? You came back to me, offered to be my friend again. So don't tell me you're gonna back out when I need your support. Don't forget, I was the first pony to ever befriend you. Without me, you'd have no one."

"It was one thing when we were just teasing them about their blank flanks," Silver protested. "Something about this just doesn't feel right. You're not acting like yourself, Di. Is this really how you wanna win?"

"I'm going to win this no matter what it takes!" Diamond growled, glaring at Silver Spoon. "So for the last time, are you going to help me or not?! Because I can do this with or without you, it's your choice!"

Silver looked at Tiara, then at the Crusaders, then back at Tiara. For the longest time, she'd be content to be a follower. Diamond had been her first friend, and while she wasn't perfect she had been the one to reach out to Silver Spoon when she most needed it. And it had seemed that, in the wake of recent events, Tiara had finally seen the light and become nice. Sure, they still had that rivalry with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but Silver Spoon had seen it as more of a friendly rivalry then anything else. They'd maybe jab at each other and try to outdo each other, but it was all in good fun.

And now it seemed like Diamond was about to escalate that rivalry, for reasons Silver couldn't begin to imagine. But at the same time, the filly wasn't sure what to do. "Even if I break off our friendship, Diamond's still probably going to do what I think she's going to do," She thought, and reluctantly decided. "Maybe if I stay with her, I can do some damage control and keep her from going too far. Besides, those crusaders are tougher than they look. They can handle whatever Tiara throws at them, right?". With a reluctant sigh, Silver Spoon looked at her friend and said. "I... guess I'll play along a little. But, it's just for this one time. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Diamond replied with a grin. "Now follow my lead and do exactly as I tell you."

As the Crusaders were preparing to make adjustments to their routine and practice it again, Diamond and Silver approached them. "Hello Crusaders," Diamond Tiara greeted, her voice sounding sickeningly sweet. "Silver Spoon and I just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!"

"Wait.... what?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Um... Thanks, I guess?" Apple Bloom added in confusion. She could sense something was up, but she didn't know what that something was.

"Oh, you're quite welcome," Silver Spoon replied, trying to make her smile sincere. The whole thing made her feel very uncomfortable. "As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave."

Suspecting nothing, Scootaloo asked the two. "Brave? Why?"

Diamond Tiara grinned rather maliciously as she spoke up. "Isn't it obvious already, or have you been living in denial all this time? You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies, yet you have a pegasus pony, who can't even fly!"

Scootaloo immediately buzzed her wings in protest as she shouted. "Liar! You know nothing about pegasi, what makes you two such an expert?! For all you know I could fly if I wanted to, maybe I just don't choose to do so!"

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night," Diamond taunted. "I mean, a pegasus pony at your age? You should've been flying long ago. Try talking your way out of that!"

Scootaloo looked at her wings and tried her hardest not to show how much she was worried. Adopting the bravest face she could she protested. "So what if my wings can't get me off the ground? What does that even have to do with flag carrying?"

"I'd say it has everything to do with it," Silver Spoon commented. "I mean, your flag carrying career's not going to be getting off the ground if you can't fly."

"Ms. Harshwhinny will never pick a pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria," Tiara added.

"Ms. Harshwhinny never said anything about that!" Sweetie Belle protested. "I heard every word she said!"

"She didn't have to say it, it should've been obvious," Silver Spoon said in reply. "After all, isn't flying part of what makes a pegasus pony so unique?"

Scootaloo just glanced back at her wings, trying to hide how hurt she was. Meanwhile, with a snicker, Diamond said to all three Crusaders. "Well all the same, have fun practicing anyway, even if your routine will never—how shall I say—take off!" She and Silver Spoon then exited the stage, leaving Scootaloo to dwell on the hurtful comments.

"Don't listen to them, Scootaloo. Diamond doesn't know what she's talking about," Sweetie Belle protested. "I mean, I'm a unicorn and yet I can't do magic. All I can do is spark," But Scootaloo didn't seem to be listening to Sweetie Belle, even though the two were close friends. "Scootaloo? You okay?" Sweetie asked, hoping for a reply.

Looking out at a group of pegasus children, Scootaloo could only focus on one thing, the fact that they could fly and she couldn't. But that was about to change. "This routine isn't working how it currently is," She told her fellow Crusaders. "We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing if we want it to work."

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked, hoping she'd misheard.

"Why?" Apple Bloom demanded. "I thought the routine was good as it was and just needed some fine tunin'."

"Well, you thought wrong!" Scootaloo boldly declared, determination flashing in her eyes. "If we wanna win, then I'm gonna have to fly!"

"Is that even possible in such a short amount of time?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"We've only get 'til tomorrow, do you seriously think you're gonna be able to fly by then?" Apple Bloom added.

Scootaloo nodded and started flapping her wings, managing to lift herself off the ground a little but no more than she could at any point prior. "It should be doable if I just train twice as hard. See? It's working!" She exclaimed, before she landed roughly on the stage as her wings gave out. She quickly brushed herself off. "Okay, maybe... three times as hard. Yeah, that's it. These wings need a good workout if they're gonna get into flying shape!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged nervous glances with each other as Apple Bloom commented. "Golly, I don't know, Scootaloo, I don't think that's the problem. I ain't an expert, but I don't think you can just shock your wings into lettin' ya fly in the span of a few hours! Even Rainbow Dash probably didn't just wake up one day and found herself able to fly! It's like you said before 'Practice makes perfect.', and ya ain't got much time to practice."

"Yeah, well it's worth a shot," Scootaloo protested. "The only way we're going to win that competition, is if I fly! So it's back to practice! You two are gonna help me get these lazy wings working properly."

"Is this really a good idea? Shouldn't your parents or an actual pegasus be helping you with that?" Sweetie asked, watching Scootaloo again try lift herself into the air, only to crash a short time after take-off.

"Fine, wings, have it your way!" Scootaloo groaned. "I'll work four times as hard if I have to! One way or another, you're gonna do what you were meant to do all along! I've been patient long enough!"

Apple Bloom groaned, as she looked at Sweetie Belle. "This is gonna be a long day." She muttered.

Apple Bloom turned out to be right, Scootaloo kept insisting on changing the routine to include an entrance for her while flying. And she refused to take no for an answer. "Come on, girls! Get it right this time!" She said to them, as the afternoon started to give way to the evening.

Apple Bloom yawned and complained to Scootaloo. "But we've been rehearsin' all the livelong day! We're gettin' tired!"

"Alright then, guess we'll just skip to my big flying entrance with the hoop," Scootaloo instructed, getting into position and flapping her wings. "So you've done the do-si-do to the left, then to the right, and then there's the hoop. Then I come in--" She tried to fly through the hoop, only to smack into it and land with a thud on the stage once again. "Not quite what I had in mind. We'll just... try that part again." She replied, and went back to straining herself as she tried to fly.

"Ya know, I liked the routine just fine the way it was!" Apple Bloom complained in a hushed tone.

"Me too! But all she cares about now is flying!" Sweetie complained, also in a hushed tone. "And all because of what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said! I can't believe she'd actually believe a word they say, pretty sure they're no experts on pegasi."

Scootaloo neither heard or acknowledged her fellow Crusaders' complaints, as she simply said while continuing to strain herself. "Don't worry, I'll be flying high tomorrow on our final run-through for Rainbow Dash. I'm gonna get this, you'll see." But neither Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle were convinced.

And the very next afternoon, the Crusaders spent all day working on their routine. But Scootaloo was still determined to fly, and wouldn't accept that it just wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So naturally, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle started to lose focus.

"Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow," Rainbow Dash called. "Now show me how much you've improved. I know you're gonna absolutely, positively--" She paused and caught herself as she went on to say. "Have a lot of fun," Then after a nervous laugh she blew her whistle and shouted. "Okay, go!"

The routine proved to be very disorganized, having spent so much time focusing solely on the flying aspect of the routine, Scootaloo struggled to even remember the opening narration. "Ponyville! Home of the, um..."

"Friendship!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle reminded in hushed tones.

"Ah, friendship, right! Uh, there are four-- no, three kinds of ponies." Scootaloo narrated, as Apple Bloom came onto the stage and began to yawn.

Sweetie Belle had to remind Apple Bloom where she was supposed to be. "Left, left!" She called out.

"Sorry, I'm just so tired, I can't think straight!" Apple Bloom apologized in a hushed tone, then added as the routine was being carried out. "And then I dip, and then we turn, and--" But she was so distracted that she bumped into Sweetie by mistake. "Sorry!" She apologized.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ended up tumbling and had to quickly correct themselves to hold up the hoop for Scootaloo. Scootaloo leaped up, but instead of flying through the hoop she just knocked it over. "Ta-da!" She exclaimed, managing to hover in the air only briefly before she landed with a thud. "So? What'cha think? It's totally an improvement, right?" She asked Rainbow Dash.

Nervously, Rainbow Dash replied to Scootaloo by telling her. "That's uh... y'know... good and all, hehehe... I just thought that... well maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say, the first version of the act, which was, I dunno, what's the word, better? Yeah, that's it! Just do the routine as it was! Don't mess with success, right?" She then excused herself by saying. "Now I need to uh... go coach these other ponies over here! Oh, and don't forget, we've got to catch the early train for the Crystal Empire tomorrow. See you all in the morning!" And she flew off as fast as she could.

If Apple Bloom and Sweetie had been hoping Rainbow Dash's comments would knock some sense into Scootaloo, they were quickly disappointed when Scootaloo gasped and started to panic! "What are we gonna do?! We're competing tomorrow, and I still can't fly!" She complained, and started trying to think of any number of ways to correct that problem. "Unless..." She began.

But Sweetie Belle interrupted. "I'm just too tired! I can't keep going, Scootaloo!" She protested.

"Me too! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and now I hate this whole routine!" Apple Bloom complained. "It feels like it's all about you now!"

"You know, Apple Bloom's right!" Sweetie Belle agreed, trying not to glare at Scootaloo. "It's like you don't even need us anymore!"

"Don't be silly, of course I need you two!" Scootaloo happily replied. "Without you two, who's gonna hold up the hoop? I can't do it myself you know."

Shocked at Scootaloo's statement, Apple Bloom finally snapped! "Rrgh! That's it, that's enough! That's all I can stand, I can't stand any more! You don't even listen to yourself do you?!" Rather than wait for a reply, she stormed off the stage in protest as she added. "Forget this. I'm goin' home to get some sleep, and I hope you'll do the same."

Surprised and even a little uncertain, Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle and asked with pleading eyes. "So? Are you gonna leave me too? After all we've been through together?"

Sweetie Belle reluctantly nodded. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. But you heard what Rainbow Dash said, we've gotta catch the early train to the Crystal Empire. I'd better get some rest. See you in the morning, Scootaloo." And with that, she too trotted off the stage.

"Fine then, be that way! You'll see!" Scootaloo protested, and then she said to herself. "Come on, Scootaloo! Do it for Ponyville! You've just got to try twenty times as hard!" She started trying to lift herself off the ground yet again, only to quickly fall back to the ground. Her wings were strained from constant use, but she refused to give up! "Thirty times as hard!" She told herself, picking herself up and flapping even harder. And she repeated the process several times over. "Just... a little... harder!" She would say every time she fell down.

Scootaloo stayed out all night long, and even into the morning! But by daybreak, she was exhausted! At last, she fell onto the stage and with a sigh she reluctantly said to herself, while watching a butterfly fly past. "I can't fly. I just... can't. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were right after all."

The train station in Ponyville was bustling with activity, all the major groups participating in the flag carrying contest were either onboard or preparing to step aboard. And many adults were boarding too, some were parents or legal guardians, others were family members including siblings and cousins, and some were even just close friends or trusted mentors.

However, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were looking around the train station with worry. So far they had seen no sign of Scootaloo.

"Last call for the 9:00 A.M. express to the Crystal Empire!" The conductor announced, trotting up and down the platform. "All aboard!"

"Where's Scootaloo? She should've been here by now." Sweetie Belle said with concern, despite what had happened yesterday the Crusaders couldn't bring themselves to just leave one of their own behind.

Apple Bloom looked all around, hoping that maybe Scootaloo would appear. "She'd better get here soon! This here train is about to leave!" She nervously said to herself.

Just then, Scootaloo reluctantly came trotting up to the platform. "Here I am..." She said weakly, as she knew what she had to say.

"There you are!" Apple Bloom sighed with relief. "We were scared you were gonna miss the train! Now come on, it'll leave at any minute!"

But Scootaloo said rather reluctantly. "About that. The thing is...I... I'm not going."

"WHAT?!" Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exclaimed, they could not believe their ears!

"Let's face it, I'm the weak link in this chain," Scootaloo told them both. " If I go out there, and fall, flop, or do anything but fly, I'm gonna blow it for you two, and I don't want that."

"I can't believe you're just up and quitting on us like this, Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle complained. "This isn't like you at all!"

"You're better off without me, Sweetie Belle! Just forget about me!" Scootaloo insisted.

"But that's not true, and you know it! You're not making any sense!" Sweetie Belle protested.

But Apple Bloom only shook her head and with a glare she said to Sweetie Belle. "You know what, Sweetie Belle? Forget it! If she's gonna quit on us like this, then we don't want her, and we don't need her!"

"Fine by me, now get out of here!" Scootaoo stubbornly said.

"We were just leavin', come on, Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom called, and turned away.

Sweetie Belle reluctantly looked at Scootaloo, before she sighed and said. "I guess this is goodbye, Scootaloo." Then she joined Apple Bloom as the two fillies boarded the train.

"All aboard!" The conductor shouted, as the train car doors slid shut, and with a puff of steam and blowing of the whistle, the train departed the station.

Scootaloo just stood on the platform, watching as the train slowly disappeared over the horizon. It was too late to change her mind even if she wanted to. Reluctantly, she left the station and began the slow and sulking walk back to her house.

It didn't take long after the train had left Ponyville for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to feel guilty about leaving Scootaloo behind. Without her, they doubted they could actually do their routine even half decently.

"Hey, how's my favorite routine going today?" Rainbow Dash asked, flying into the car Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were in. She was noticeably more cheerful and upbeat compared to the previous two days. "Oh, I just can't keep it in! I want you to win so bad!" She exclaimed, and starting making a bunch of motions to the beat of the music the Crusaders had used two days ago. "And then Scootaloo does that," She did something of a whistle before she added. "Thing, right through the hoop!" Then she noticed something. "Hey, where is Scootaloo, anyway? Isn't she supposed to be with you two?"

"She's staying home." Sweetie Belle announced.

"Oh, is that all?" Rainbow asked, before the realization hit her! "Wait, she's what?!"

"Thanks to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, she got it in her head that the only way to represent Ponyville was by flyin' in our routine! When she couldn't do it, she told us that she was quittin'." Apple Bloom explained.

"But didn't you try to stop her?" Rainbow Dash asked them.

Sweetie gulped. "Well, actually, we kinda told her..."

"...Uh, that we didn't want a quitter on our team." Apple Bloom finished.

Rainbow Dash's shock was replaced by anger! "Are you two nuts?!" She protested. "You're a team, and a team never leaves a friend behind!" She quickly reached up and pulled the emergency brake cord, causing the train to come to an immediate stop in the middle of an uninhabited grassland. "Come on, put on some speed, girls! Scootaloo's counting on us!"

As the train resumed its journey, while Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were on their way back to Ponyville, Diamond Tiara couldn't help but smirk and gloat. "That worked out even better than I thought! They might as well be throwing in the towel, they'll never make it back to the Crystal Empire in time to compete!"

Silver Spoon was shocked by her friend's complete lack of concern about what she'd just learned! "Excuse you?!" She loudly exclaimed. "Do you even realize how mean that sounds?! You proved your point, you drove a wedge between them! So why can't you just leave them alone?! They never did anything to you!"

Diamond spun around, surprised to see Silver Spoon looking so angry. "And why do you care so much, you went along with this whole plan."

"A mistake from the very beginning, and one I'm going to regret forever," Silver Spoon complained. "How can you be so conceited?! Is this REALLY how you wanna win?! Simply by preventing them from showing up?! What would that even prove?! That you had to play dirty just to win?! Is that what you want?!"

"As long as I get my victory, I don't care how I win! And you shouldn't either!" Tiara protested. "They've always been one step ahead of us, upstaging us at every turn! And after they nearly drove us apart forever, you still feel sorry for them?!"

Silver growled and gritted her teeth! "It wasn't their fault we broke off our friendship in the first place! I only came back because I thought you had changed and become a better pony! But I suppose I was wrong, you only care about yourself!"

"That's not true! I befriended you out of the kindness of my heart and defended you when nopony else would!" Tiara replied. "You don't know what I have to put up with at home! This was my big chance to shine and finally do something to get my mother off my back! So what if I had to bend the rules of our little game?! There will be other Equestria Games, they'll get another chance someday."

"Someday may not come soon enough for them," Silver said with a glare. "Open your eyes. Regardless of the circumstances, winning this way won't prove a thing except that you're willing to go to any lengths to achieve victory. Is that really the kind of victory you want or deserve? Do you think anypony's actually going to say you earned it?" With a huff she added. "You got to make your demands earlier, now it's my turn to return the favor. My friendship has a price, and I draw the line at breaking up a friendship just to win some stupid flag carrying contest! So what's more important to you: Friendship, or victory? You can't have both, Di! Not anymore!" And with that, she turned and trotted into another car, leaving the pink coated filly alone.

Diamond said nothing, she just stood there with the most shocked expression on her face. "Since when did Silver Spoon grow a backbone like that?" She thought to herself.

Scootaloo sat in her bedroom, tears in her eyes. Everywhere she looked she was reminded of her failure to do what all pegasi should be able to do. Frustrated beyond all belief, she tore up her Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash posters that lined her bedroom walls, tossing them and her scooter into the nearby trash can!

"Throwing away your scooter? Kid, just what's gotten into you?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle entered Scootaloo's bedroom.

Scootaloo spun around, surprised to see them. But even more surprised to see that the one who had let them in, was a familiar pegasus mare with an amber coat, eyes a moderate rose in color, a pink mane and tail styled curly with pale raspberry highlights, and a cutie mark consisting of three tornadoes. It was her mother, Dizzy Twister. "Mom, why did you let them in?!" Scootaloo demanded. "I didn't invite them, and I didn't want to see them!"

Dizzy Twister shook her head. "Scootaloo, they're worried sick about you!" She told her daughter. "And I've been worried sick too! Last night when you didn't come home, I thought something awful had happened to you! So imagine my surprise when I learned that not only were you at the park all night, but you also weren't going to the Crystal Empire with your friends and role model! I know something's bothering you, but you don't have to keep it to yourself! You've got ponies who want to help you, but they can't do that if you don't tell them what's wrong! They're not mind readers."

"I don't care, they should already be at the Crystal Empire," Scootaloo pouted. "I didn't ask for them to care about me or come back for me."

"We ain't goin' to the empire." Apple Bloom said firmly.

"Not without you, this isn't like you at all." Sweetie Belle added.

"Just what the hay's gotten into you, Scootaloo?!" Rainbow Dash demanded. "I shouldn't have to be finding out from your mom that you were out all night in the park! Don't you know how dangerous that was?! What if you got hurt or sick?!"

"I would've been fine, I'm not some baby that needs constant protection." Scootaloo complained, turning her head.

"Scootaloo, please," Dizzy Twister said in a kind but firm tone. "You don't have to push others away. It's not a weakness to let others see you when you're vulnerable. Keeping your defenses up will only drive others away. Please, just tell us all what's bothering you. We just want to help."

"Come on, kid, listen to your mother," Rainbow pleaded. "She's the very pony who takes care of you all the time. This is just like when you kept coming up with excuses as to why I couldn't see her, and I had to find out for myself the day before our big camping trip. Whatever it is, we're not going to think any less of you."

Scootaloo sighed, sensing that her friends and family were not going to go away until they got an answer. Reluctantly, she confessed. "I didn't want to ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly."

Rainbow immediately flew over to Scootaloo and wrapped a wing around her. "And whoever said you had to? Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" When Scootaloo nodded, Rainbow Dash added. "So if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?!"

"N-no, of course not!" Scootaloo replied. "I'm not stupid! But flying's what pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the games! Heck, even Mom could fly when she was my age!"

"Yes, but I knew plenty of ponies who didn't fly for years afterwards," Dizzy told Scootaloo. "You'd be surprised at how many pegasi are late bloomers."

"Yeah, take Bulk Biceps for example. He had the same kind of problem you had," Rainbow said to Scootaloo. "For the longest time he couldn't get his wings to lift him off the ground. Some even said he'd never ever fly. But you know what he did? He didn't give up! He kept practicing a little bit, day by day, slowly building up his wing muscles! And now look at him, he made it into the Wonderbolts Academy, and his wings are still as tiny as they were when he was your age," She then added. "Besides, when I flew while carrying the flag, that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?"

"It's friendship." Sweetie Belle immediately answered.

"Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us," Apple Bloom added, then she said. "Earth ponies..."

"...Unicorns..." Sweetie Belle chimed in.

" ...And pegasi," Scootaloo finished, before she nervously turned to Rainbow Dash and her mom and asked. "But ... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?"

To the surprise of Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash only tightened the wing hug as she told the tomboyish pegasus. "Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway, and don't you ever forget that!" After ruffling Scootaloo's mane a bit she asked. "So, who's the toughest little pony in town?"

"Got the moves, got the mojo..." Sweetie Belle began to sing.

"No harder workin' pony around." Apple Bloom joined in.

Dizzy Twister looked at Scootaloo and winked. "Go on." She encouraged her daughter.

"We are a trio, work as a team..." Scootaloo reluctantly sang, before she found her optimism as she joined her fellow crusaders in singing. "We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene!"

Dizzy Twister and Rainbow Dash both smiled, the Scootaloo everypony knew and loved was back!

"Okay, let's get to the Crystal Empire and we'll do the routine as it was! And let's win this thing!" Scootaloo encouraged, as she and her friends high hoofed each other.

"Come on! If we hurry we can still make it!" Rainbow Dash encouraged, as she fished Scootaloo's scooter out of the trash can. "You'll need this!"

"Go ahead," Dizzy Twister encouraged. "I've seen how fast you can go on that scooter of yours! I'm right behind you!"

With the encouragement of her friends, mother, and mentor/big sister, Scootaloo had no trouble going even faster on her scooter than she had ever gone before!

When the rag tag group reached the Crystal Empire, they were surprised to learn that Silver Spoon of all ponies had managed to convince the judges to wait for Scootaloo and the Crusaders to show up. "I don't care if I lose," She said to them. "Ponyville deserves the best representation possible, and after what Diamond Tiara did I can safely say she won't meet that criteria, not with the way she wanted to win."

Rainbow Dash and Dizzy Twister took their seats and watched the flag carrying contest get underway. They delighted in the thunderous applause and deafening cheers when the Cutie Mark Crusaders finished their routine and shouted out! "Ponyville forever! Yay!"

Once all the groups had finished their display, the judges debated amongst themselves for a little bit, before Ms. Harshwhinny approached the podium to declare the winner. The entire audience was at the edge of their seats. "In the upcoming Equestria Games, the Ponyville flag will be carried by..." She paused, before she declared. "'The Cutie Mark Crusaders'!" The crowd's applause and cheering began again, as the winning group had its picture taken for the local newspapers!

Diamond groaned in annoyance, but Silver didn't care a bit. "Don't forget, you owe them an apology. Especially Scootaloo," She reminded her friend. "If you don't apologize, I'm not going to be your friend ever again."

Tiara just groaned once again. "Whatever."

Scootaloo delighted in having a wreath of flowers placed around her neck, as Rainbow Dash showed up to congratulate her and the other crusaders. "Ahem. Look. What you three did was... acceptable." She told them in the most professional tone possible.

To the surprise of everyone, Ms. Harshwhinny then exclaimed! "Acceptable? Acceptable?! Why, it was totally stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!" And she started laughing like a giddy school filly.

"Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny. Remember – professionalism." Rainbow Dash playfully lectured.

Ms. Harshwhinny blushed and nervously laughed as she tried to regain her composure.

Meanwhile, Dizzy Twister, as well as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came forward to see Scootaloo. Dizzy drew Scootaloo's attention to the latter. "Well, looks like some ponies have a few things they wish to say to you, Scootaloo." She said seriously, while eyeing the approaching fillies cautiously.

Silver Spoon nudged Diamond Tiara forward as she cleared her throat and said. "I'm sorry again for everything that happened these past few days. And Di, I believe you have something you wanted to say as well?"

Tiara was silent for a moment, even as she opened her mouth. She really didn't know what to say, what could she say that could make up for what had happened? At last, some words formed on her tongue and she reluctantly said. "I'm..... sorry. You know, for.... everything."

"Di!" Silver warned, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh, fine!" Tiara groaned, and apologized in greater detail. "I'm sorry for making fun of you and making that comment about your wings. I had no right to do that. And it was wrong of me to drive a wedge between you three, just so I could win some dumb flag carry contest. I know I promised to be nicer to you three after what happened with Babs Seed, and I know this was a violation of that promise. All I'm asking is, don't hate me. You don't have to forgive me or anything, but if you agree not to bring this up at all I won't either and hopefully we can let bygons be bygons. More or less."

Scootaloo wasn't sure how to respond, she looked at her friends, at Rainbow Dash, and at her mother, but she couldn't read their body language for any clues as to what she should say or do. At last, after a long and awkward silence, she looked her "friendly rival" square in the eyes and said to her. "I suppose I can let it slide... just this once, if only because I know it's the right thing to do. But I don't know if I'll ever fully forgive you for what you said... it really hurt in ways you probably wouldn't understand. And if you ever do something like that again, I may not forgive you at all. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to go wait at the train station until it's time for us to go home. And as far as I'm concerned, this whole thing never happened. You three were the only ones to enter, I was too busy with other things to participate in the contest." Diamond replied, and trotted off into the distance.

"You'll have to forgive Diamond Tiara," Silver Spoon apologized. "She's actually not as bad as she appears to be, though that isn't saying much. From what I can gather, she's under a lot of pressure at home. Some of it's from her father, but a lot of it's from her mother and from what I know she is a very unpleasant pony. Supposedly she's president of the school board or something, but the only thing I know for sure is her name, Spoiled Rich. I've never met her face to face, and for your sakes I hope you never do." She then went off to try and comfort her friend.

Dizzy Twister pulled Scootaloo into a full body hug, even lifting her daughter into the air by flapping her wings! "I'm very proud of you, Scootaloo!" She told her daughter, a massive smile having formed on her face! "It isn't easy to forgive those who do bad things to you, but doing so makes you a better pony."

Scootaloo blushed. "Well, I have an awesome mom like you to thank for that. You raised me well."

"Indeed I did, Scootaloo," Dizzy happily replied. "And I'll be looking forward to coming with you to the Equestria Games. I know you and your friends will do Equestria proud!"

Author's Note:

So now we've come to the first and only Season 4 rewrite on this list. Since it's been a while since I've really expressed my opinions on episodes like this, I should probably mention that I do like this episode and indeed most people seem to enjoy it. But while it is good, it does have a fair deal of problems that are worth mentioning.

The first and most obvious, which was the biggest thing to correct here, is that this episode's setup takes up half of the episode and that means the resolution is rushed through in one to two acts. This is a problem that would also plague Ed Valentine's other Season 4 episode, but seems to have possibly been dropped in his Season 6 episodes (though he had assistance both times so it's impossible to know if he deserves credit for that or if the other writers he worked with are responsible for that).

Second, as far as pre-reformed Diamond Tiara appearances go, this is undeniably her worst. In the original episode, she actively seeks to drive a wedge between the crusaders solely so she can win, focuses on Scootaloo's wings which are a possible handicap (the episode skirts around giving a definitive answer as to whether or not Scootaloo is disabled. It may have been intentional, or it might not have been. We do know Lauren Faust wanted Scootaloo to be disabled, but she also wanted all of the mane six's parents to be dead or travelling, and for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to not be sisters, so of course her original intentions have likely been discarded by now), delights in the knowledge that she is doing this, feels no regrets for causing Scootaloo to be driven into depression, rubs her apparent victory in the faces of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and gets away with no consequences or even apologizing (even all her other appearances, at least she appeared to face some sort of karma when she acted nasty). Intentional or not, this goes a little too far, as it seems the intent was specifically for us to hate Diamond Tiara unquestionably. But with everything she did in the original episode, she kind of came across as a G-rated sociopath, and while I'm not going to deny some kids will end up like that, at Diamond Tiara's age they usually haven't become that cruel or heartless yet, it's usually not until their teenage years that children can truly stop caring about others, and even then not all sociopaths become that way as teenagers.

The third involves a few minor criticisms that LittleshyFiM (now in charge of the Top Ten Pony Videos series) made in his "Cinemare Sins" video of this episode. Specifically the criticisms that, Scootaloo stays out all night long and no one seems to be concerned or worried, and two during the scene addressing whether or not Scootaloo will ever fly, Rainbow Dash unintentionally rubs salt in the wound by pointlessly flying the entire time. More than likely these are either editor mistakes, or animator mistakes, and I've already expressed my belief that Meghan McCarthy was asleep at the editing wheel in Season 4.

And the last criticism, at least for some people, is that this episode was the big chance to knock out the trope of Scootaloo being an orphan, but it never addresses her home life situation at all. We know she has a room and a house, but there's no indication as to what sort of house it is (biological parents, caretaker, foster care, orphange, adopted parents).

So to fix all of these problems, the conflict is established much sooner, Silver Spoon doesn't just go along with Diamond Tiara's behavior, Diamond Tiara actually faces karma and apologizes, and we get a more clear and precise answer on Scootaloo's home life. The Bulk Biceps bit was added in because, I feel that if Hasbro and DHX wanted to make Scootaloo disabled, they missed the boat once Bulk Biceps came on the scene and was able to become a Wonderbolt recruit in Season 3. If Bulk is able to get himself off the ground despite his tiny wings, then it would require a huge contrivenece to explain why Scootaloo can't do the same if her wings are just as tiny or only slightly larger, and are more proportionate to her body size compared to Bulk.

On the subject of Dizzy Twister, many of you likely already know about her and will likely know why she was included here. For those who don't know, Dizzy Twister is a background pegasus that has appeared in various episodes, including "Lesson Zero" and "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" (where she was mistakeningly depicted as an earth pony next to Time Turner a.k.a Doctor Whooves). Her actual name according to the fandom wiki is Orange Swirl, likely due to the appearance of her coat color which is actually amber and not orange. Dizzy Twister is likely a name bestowed upon her either in the toyline or by the fandom due to her cutie mark. And the way she is described here, is how she officially appears. Since her coat color can be mistaken for orange, and her mane/tail and eyes are similar to Scootaloo's, it's not that huge a leap of logic to assume that she could be Scootaloo's biological mother. FimFiction user Matt11 has made this his defacto headcanon for Scootaloo, and in many ways it has become my defacto headcanon for Scootaloo as well. I should mention that Dizzy Twister was in the original episode, she appeared as a crystal pony in the crowd at the end. Most likely this was just the animators reusing background character models for crystal ponies in order to save money on the animation budget.

I also tossed out a foreshadow to Spoiled Rich here. If she really is president of the school board, it's probably not a huge question as to how the CMC or at least Apple Bloom found out about this prior to "Crusaders of The Lost Mark". Heck, since Apple Bloom was the one who mentioned Spoiled, chances are she's heard of Spoiled since we know her family is business partners with Filthy Rich and he has likely either mentioned Spoiled or been accompanied by her enough for Apple Bloom to know she exists. But all the same, many people will agree that Spoiled Rich's sudden existence was a bit jarring and some have bashed "Crusaders of The Lost Mark" for never suggesting that such was the case (a valid point but it seems many ponies in Equestria don't talk much about their family in casual conversation).

The next rewrite will hopefully be out by Friday, but I've got my first exam coming up in one of my classes this week, and next week is the mid-term for another one of my classes. Then after that, while I do have a week off from classes, I will be working on other writing endevors at first, so the schedule is once again not set in stone.

Episodes to be rewritten:
Bridle Gossip
Family Appreciation Day
Magic Duel
Keep Calm and Flutter On (Two Parter)
Flight to the Finish
Tanks for The Memories
Made In Manehattan (Will be retitled "Fillydelphia Follies")
The Cutie Re-Mark Parts 1 and 2
No Second Prances
Newbie Dash
Applejack's "Day" Off
Spice Up Your Life
The Cart Before The Ponies (Bonus Chapter)
Every Little Thing She Does

Previously rewritten episodes:
Boast Busters
Look Before You Sleep
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Green Isn't Your Color
Over A Barrel
Luna Eclipsed
The Cutie Pox
Hearth's Warming Eve
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
It's About Time
One Bad Apple
The Show Stoppers
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Dragon Quest
Spike at Your Service
Just For Sidekicks
Games Ponies Play
Rainbow Falls
Three's A Crowd
Filli Vanilli
Somepony to Watch Over Me
A Bird In The Hoof
A Friend in Deed
Apple Family Reunion (Bonus Chapter)
Power Ponies
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 (Bonus Chapter)
Castle, Sweet Castle
Appleloosa's Most Wanted
Princess Spike
Canterlot Boutique
Scare Master
What About Discord?
Bridle Gossip
Family Appreciation Day
Magic Duel
Keep Calm and Flutter On (Two Parter)