• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 2,650 Views, 165 Comments

One Big Awkward Family - PropMaster

A God of Chaos finds joy in order, and doesn't know what to make of it.

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Fluttershy noticed the change in weather before everypony else did. The sun had just started to rise, and the day had been looking clear and warm, before clouds began to roll in rapidly from behind the Canterhorn mountain. The shift in the light drew Fluttershy's attention to the window, and she stepped over to peer out of the curtains.

The clouds were pink.

She squinted, blinking rapidly, and then turned to the rest of the girls chatting amicably behind her. "Ah, girls?"

Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Pinkie Pie all glanced over at her. Fluttershy pointed out the window. "I think Discord's back."

Outside, the sky whorled with chaotic clouds that changed the light, the whole world turning a gentle shade of pink. The clouds swirled together, blanketing the sky and forming random shapes in the sky. The sun suddenly jerked in the sky and re-positioned itself, shifting rapidly across the sky from a sunrise to a sunset. The pink clouds were suddenly shot through with golden and silver streaks as the sun shone on their undersides, and the sky between the clouds turned a beautiful violet and blue color. Rainbow Dash frowned, slowly. "Uh, that's... not natural."

Fluttershy's eyes widened, and she felt a deep terror fill her chest. Had Discord... snapped? Had he decided that he'd messed up so badly, that he'd reverted to his old ways? She placed a hoof over her mouth, stifling a fearful gasp, and sat down on her haunches. "Oh no."

Rainbow Dash scowled, glancing between Fluttershy and the strange sky outside. "This might be bad. I'll go wake everypony up."

"I'll go, too!" Pinkie Pie gave Fluttershy a big smile, and bounced after Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy nodded quickly, still frozen in place. Spike shook his head, peering out the window, and walked over to stand by Fluttershy. He could obviously see her fear—she knew she was wearing her heart on her sleeve at that moment—and he gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Fluttershy, we know Discord. He's not turning evil over this. He's probably... just playing a prank?"

Fluttershy tried to let Spike's words calm her, and they rang true in her mind. Spike was right. Discord was better than he'd been before their friendship. He wouldn't revert to his old ways over some... miscommunication. She felt calmer, and gave a small smile to Spike, even though the fear that gripped her hadn't quite retreated. She was about to say something, when a loud knock at her door startled her.

Spike frowned and zipped over to her front door and peeked out the nearby window. He gasped and leapt to the door, pulling it open quickly. Fluttershy peered from the kitchen as Princess Luna trotted quickly into the room, her face grave. She saw Spike and nodded to him, "Spike! Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"She left to go see Discord. What's going on?" Spike replied, anxiously wringing his hands.

"Discord has taken control of the heavens and refuses to surrender them," Luna said, shaking her head with obvious disappointment.

"He did what?" Fluttershy said, the intensity of her own voice surprising her.

Princess Luna turned at the sound of her voice, and relief flooded her features. "Fluttershy! Thank goodness. We have a dire need of you. We are uncertain why Discord has done this, but we know that he will only listen to you."

"I'll, uh, tell the rest of the girls!" Spike said, walking into the living room.

Princess Luna faced Fluttershy, staring at her with a level of scrutiny that Fluttershy disliked. She shrank back a little ways, and saw something like self-awareness suddenly come into Princess Luna's eyes. Princess Luna blushed and turned her face away. "I am sorry, Fluttershy. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. I am, perhaps, more used to confronting dreams and nightmares than I am ponies."

Fluttershy felt a kinship with the mysterious princess, and she replied, "Don't feel bad. I'm more used to dealing with wild animals than ponies."

Princess Luna laughed lightly, visibly relieved that she hadn't offended Fluttershy. "Well, then, perhaps we have much in common. I was simply curious, you see. It is rare to find a mortal that can gain the favor of a god like Discord. You must be special, because he holds control of the heavens in your name."

Fluttershy flushed with embarrassment, turning to look out a nearby window at the perpetual sunset. She frowned, "O-oh. He's up to something silly, then."

Princess Luna smiled. "He said that he would only speak with you and your friends. He refused to surrender, and he's fighting Celestia with his unorthodox magics."

"He's fighting Celestia in my name?!" Fluttershy said, horror and embarrassment at war with each other.

Luna held up a hoof, her smile turning inscrutable. "I promise, the situation is far less dire than that. It is less a true battle and more of a... hoof-wrestling match?" Luna pondered the metaphor briefly, before nodding. "Yes, a hoof-wrestling match. Discord's power normally could not outstrip Celesta's control of the sun, but he has grown inexplicably stronger. His maneuver, moving the sun across the sky, took my sister by surprise. She's confronted him, but he's remained obstinate. My sister isn't one to let him simply have his way, so she's been trying to wrest control of the sun from him, but they are at an impasse."

Fluttershy sighed. "I'm sorry, Princess Luna. This is my fault. I'm certain, though, that Discord doesn't mean any harm."

Princess Luna nodded. "We believe so, as well. He's promised that he has a good reason for defying Celestia, but he refuses to speak more on the matter until he's spoken with you and your friends."

Spike, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all joined the Princess and Fluttershy at the front door. Applejack looked angry, and stomped a hoof. "What's this I hear about Discord messin' with the sun?"

Rarity let out a massive yawn and ran a brush she'd conjured from... somewhere... through her mane. "I knew he'd be upset, but to go to this length! It's ridiculous. Fluttershy, dear, you'll be able to talk some sense into him, won't you?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "I... I hope so."

"You're the only pony he listens to, Flutters. He'd better listen, or we'll make him listen," Rainbow Dash said, running her hoof along the floor aggressively.

Pinkie Pie smiled. "I'm not worried! Discord isn't a mean, mean, meany-pants like he used to be."

Fluttershy exhaled and looked to her friends. "All right, we're ready. Should we wait for Twilight?"

Spike stepped forward and held up a scroll. "She sent this a minute ago. Said she's already in Canterlot, trying to help Celestia talk Discord out of... whatever he's doing."

Fluttershy swallowed hard, and looked at Princess Luna. "Okay. We're ready."