• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Monday



Luffy finds himself in Equestria, where he is found by the Mane 6 unconscious. Having been sent there at the hands of Bartholomew Kuma, he finds himself a pony with a new world to explore. But with a new world comes new dangers. Can Luffy protect his newfound friends? Or will he fail to help keep the land in harmony? Find out.

Side Note: Characters from Equestria Girls, and the comic series will make appearances.

A few chapters will have parts rewritten, these chapters will have an asterisk at the beginning of their title.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 108 )

7897951 Actually no. In this story Equestria and it's neighbours are part of the One Piece world.

7898338 cliche Luffy in equestria setup. Just saying.

7900375 Yeah I was never very good at that. I'm hoping things will pick up after introductions.

7901090 The bubble could have got caught in some magic rift thing caused by a rouge magic impulse which is the result of a unicorn's (who is not Twilight sparkle. To cliché. Maybe Discord or a dragon.) Magic overload possibly a filly who has been startled into using magic in a similar way to how Twilight got her cutie mark. This rift could have been the sort which stays open until forced closed. This sort of plot would give you leave to add and remove One Piece characters at will as well as diverging from all clichés which I have come to expect from One Piece/Equestria fanfictions. This would also allow you to send Luffy home at the end or not depending on the situation. Of course this would only work if you don't have anything specific in mind or if you don't plan for ponies to have knowledge of the One Piece universe.
Discord's interference is also possible. He could then have sent the bubble's of the whole crew into Equestria to defeat something or another then send them back home, if this is the case power levels need to be taken into consideration as well as Discord's stance with the princesses. Of course if you have the whole thing written or planned all ready don't bother listening to me, I have the bad habit of doing this sort of thing.:twilightsheepish:

7903353 Nah it's fine. I have most of the story planned out. A couple plot points I have require that Equestria be a part of the One Piece planet, and not an alternate dimension. Like I said, things should fall into place after introductions.

7903389 ok welp thanks for actually reading my rambles :twilightsheepish:

7903418 Hey I tend to ramble myself.

Chapter 3 is currently being made btw. I see too many good stories get shafted, and I have too much free time to let that happen to mine. So expect chapters in fairly quick succession.

7903458 I'll wait patiently for the next chapter then! :rainbowlaugh: stay awesome!
Although I do have to ask, are you going to have the whole crew or just Luffy?

7903875 Well TBH the only real thing keeping me from chapter making is my phone charge. I have lots of free time.

Doubt it. After some equestrian adventures, Luffy is gonna do the War Arc. Currently debating with myself whether or not to have the name 6 accompany Luffy, watch him via magic, or off screen the arc . Maybe after the war for some minor adventures, but that's it.

7903939 There is another option that involves all the straw hats landing in different places in equestria, but that would feel too coincidental, and bad story telling imo.

7903950 huh, well what about the countries surrounding equestria?:rainbowhuh: It wouldn't be as coincidental then. Well either way just so long as you enjoy writing it and people enjoy reading it then all is good. I need to stop though after all work doesn't get done itself I'm just lazy though so imma stay in bed reading fanfiction. But yeah I think this is going to go well, best of

nice another one piece story means another chance for it to turn out good.

7906480 I'm trying to keep the characters in character. Don't get me wrong the stories I see are great, but things like Celestia having an hair trigger temper to pirates/people in general is an massive annoyance.

Is Luffy gonna fight something?

Why of all the uncouth, charmless, barbaric words to say!

You might want to go back through this again because you seem to have missed out quite a few speech marks across the chapter :) :scootangel::twilightoops::pinkiehappy:

"I don't know how it works, that's just how it works."

Maybe it would be better to change it to; "I don't know, that's just how it works."
"I don't know how it works, that's just how it is." The sentence would flow better then.

"Twilight twilight"

Definitely needs a comma there otherwise Twilight sparkle would longer be her name XD
Well I know now that I'm probably going to stick around for a while :twilightsmile:

7906723 Soon. There is going to be an major villain appearing soon. Thier nature and powers are actually foreshadowed in this chapter and the later ones.

7906771 1. Anything specific? Your lower examples not withstanding.

2. I can change it, I mostly did that to emphasize Luffy's simple-mindedness.

3. Should probably fix that.

I've read this through twice now and have come to the conclusion that your grammar has improved since the last chapter :twilightsmile:

"Luffy it's customary to bow to royalty, you can't just" She stopped upon seeing Celestia gesture her to stand.

after 'Luffy' you should add an exclamation mark
After 'you can't just' a hyphen would work well
Lastly 'gesture for her to stand' would flow into the rest of the sentence better :twilightsmile: you're doing well! Keep up with the good work :pinkiehappy:
Imma watch one piece now :3

"You're a terrible liar!" Twilight yelled.

I hope that wasn't supposed to be a Nami moment, just making sure that they aren't getting the personalitys of his friends.

"And why Mr. Luffy? Are you some show off?" Rarity teasingly asked.

"I just like vests." Luffy said, seemingly not noticing her tone.

I'm actually missing personaliys like this from Human in Equestria stories, I feel like they always use the same 5 personalitys and nearly all of them would either blush, or react pretty akwards right now. Not one would actually handle the situation pretty well.

I like those funny moments and even if I know One Piece, I can't stop myself from being a bit dissapointed that it looks like the bad guy would come sooner than I expected it.

"Why are your arms stretching like that?!" Twilight asked nervously.

I think you meant legs.

"Will you shut up?! Stop acting so suspicious and TRUST me!" Luffy by this point was growing annoyed at her distrust, and sub-consciously used his Conquerors haki. Nopony got knocked out, but everypony got even more shocked.

Oddly enough Rainbow did seem to trust him and climbed into the slingshot...before wanting out moments later. "You know on second thought this is a bad idea."

I'm pretty sure I remember some explanations about haki and...did he just forced her to believe him or something? I actually don't remember that and hope he isn't like that.

"Yep." Said a grinning Luffy. "They are special fruits that give you powers, but they take away your ability to swim. I ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi, and it turned me into a rubberpony." He pulled hiss cheek to demonstrate.

Okay I'm not really that picky, but I could image him still saying rubberman instead of -pony already.

"What? Luffy you may want to get over here. 'Dear Princess Twilight I have read your letter and it's contents. I would very much like to have the human/pony you call Luffy in the castle tomorrow, we have much to discuss. -Princess Celestia-

It is probably to late already, but I kind of hope she doesn't knows about the whole world, isn't a secret samutai or something like that, it is just a bit more funny if even Celestia doesn't knows everything.
I just think being her doesn't means she already has to understand or know everything.

Not sure if I like Luna knowing everything already, well maybe her reading the letter to would explain it, I guess I'm only suprised about her actually well finding him right away and knowing it has to be him.

"Gasp! Princess Celestia!" Said Twilight. She and her friends immediately bowed before her. All except for Luffy. "Luffy!" She said to get his attention. "You're supposed to bow."

In a completely casual tone Luffy responded. "Nah I'm good."

Even if it is Luffy, I just like one of the first Humans that do it different than just going to bow.

"First things first." Celestia asked Luffy in a sterner tone than normal. "How did you make it past my fog?"

"Fog?" Asked Luffy. "I didn't get past anything, I was just sent flying here by some bear-jerk."

"That fog is one that surrounds Equestria and it'seems neighbouring countries." Celestia stated. It manipulates the sense of direction so that navigators get tricked into turning away from these lands. I believe you mentioned an certain "Bear Jerk?"

Not sure if I don't like the fog idea (which I remember), or if I'm just dissapointed that she probably knows everything.

"Twilight I understand the way you feel, really I do, but the World Government is far too powerfull. They have hundreds of powerful allies backing them up, and they by themselves are terrifyingly strong. I have seen the world, and continue to see it now, and it is no different than it was 1000 years ago. I will NOT see my Kingdom turned into an instrument of war. Maybe someday things will be different, but right now someday isn't here."

Yep that was one of the only things I didn't wanted to happen, that Celestia is kind of part of everything again.

"Actually" Spoke Celestia. "Your crew is nowhere near the Archipelago. They are on seperate islands, and it would take months, if not longer to get back. If you want you could always stay here until they return, then I could teleport you right at the Archipelago."

She probably knows even more than she can.

"Listen" She said in an strict voice. "I know you aren't a bad person at heart. But I also know you have an extream reckless streak. In a peaceful land such as this I can't afford that. If your recklessness ends up causing serious damage or otherwise I will be forced to take action. Don't mistake my hospitality for freedom to do as you please, you have to be careful and think things through.

Her knowing about everything makes her somehow look a little bit more OP, which makes me wishing that there is going to happen a fight between them and that Luffy is actually giving her more than a hard time.

No one has to win the fight and it could be because of a trick from one enemy, but sometimes I just like it if characters with a bossy personality or if they are kind of paranoid, which maybe caused her to talk like that, are able to notice that they aren't the strongest. one in the world. I wanted to say something different, but I forget some words sometimes which is why I changed it like this, this month it is really bad because of all the stuff I have to do.

7909336 1. It wasn't really meant as a Nami moment. More like a playful soft yell.

2. Well thank you, like I said I try to keep the characters...well in-character.

3. Yeah sorry, I'm sometimes not sure whether it is legs or arms.

4. Well sorta. Not on purpose though. I've noticed in the OPverse that Conqueror's haki not only induces fear and catonic states, but to an extent influences the mind.

For example when Luffy used his haki on Boa Sandersonia. He told her to put down Margaret, and she did. Am I calling it mind control? No but I think it can influence the mind. I can try and change the scene if you truly find it wrong.

5. Yeah once again, I sometimes get confused with ponyisms when it comes to humans.

6. You're going to be dissapointed next chapter then.

7909386 I seem to notice you have problems with Celestia knowing everything. That is fair. But she doesn't really know everything. She only knows bits and pieces from scrying and in her words "swiping papers from news coos". I figured if she had enough magical range to alter the movements of the Sun, then it should be enough to see what goes on. As for Luna? I'm pretty sure Celestia would tell her things she sees.

I was planning on Having Luna fight Luffy to test his abilities. After all she too is wary of the WG's strength, and seeing Luffy's dream makes her wonder if he is ready. Just like the War arc which I plan on adding Luffy is going to learn the hard way many times in Equestria that he isn't the most powerful, and that sheer willpower isn't always going to save him.

Tbh I agree with lots of the things you say. But for me I felt this was the best way to keep Celestia as close to her character as possible.

Comment posted by Lightbuster30 deleted Jan 30th, 2017

7909336 I made an alteration to RD and Luffy's stunt. Specifically how Luffy convinces her to trust him.

This is fun and well Twilight eat by accident a mythacal Human type zora like high class oni devil fruit that somehow got in to ponyville

7909869 Ehh I'm not sure. Magic in Equestria is already varied and powerful. Twilight has displayed Elemental manipulation, teleportation, transmutation, crystallization, mental manipulation, pure magical energy manipulation, even limited life creation. I don't think she needs much else.

Now one of the other Mane 6 on the other hand? Maybe, and that is an big maybe.

7909480 It is hard to say, I only don't enjoy it if they force or go against a characterd wish kust like that. I don't remember if therr really was a reason for him to use his power on someone that doesn't wants his death.

I guess you could say it is a moral thing. Like that someone doesn't influence/ manipulate their own friends liken that if such powers would exist.

You could say I was just annoyed with him doing that do just get Rainbow to do what he wants. In games where your character can go bad or good, this would have given him some bad guy poins

7909582 ah okay I writen with my handy right now and look at it little bit later if I need to use the laptop anyway.

I like the story enough so far and Luffy is really in character giving this a like and fav keep up the good work bro

Oh my god, he tamed the Ursa didn't he.

7913930 Maybe....I mean the kid has a decent track record.

YOYOYO, I've always love that cover of binks sake

7919483 I WAS going to put an actual vid of the song but whenever I put the URL in the YouTube option nothing happened.

That was wonderful and will we see plus hopeful hear more one piece songs.
By the way after the prank war of Disored and Luffy vs Raindow and Pinkie they mistakenly left a portel to Ponyville opein. So a marin ship with good marins that is the straw hats equlvens into ponyville with a big hall of loot that as 11 devil fruit in the treasurery, all but two trying to see what type they are with the new book on the fruit found Cutie Mark Cursaders were Applebloom eat a loger class plant type fruit and after a fight piacera type fruit that make sodas or something like that get much by twilight

When he punched the Ursa I couldn't help but think of when he Haki punched that giant in the arena. Awesome moment achieved.

You might wanna find yourself an editor.

7923357 Anything I'm missing? We talking common spelling errors, or things like commas where they shouldn't be?

7923227 That was actually a parallel to that scene.

7923961 Spelling, commas, and misplacing brackets.

She didn't have Luffy's resistance to blunt force, and took tremendous damage wjth multible broken bones, and damaged tissue.

awww I thought he maybe would try to defend Fluttershy. Did he attacked from the side or from above? I think I imaged his paw just coming down on them.

In a way I hope Luffy can stay there or come back in a sequel, however I nearly hope for a romance now, of course the others would have to start it with him being him.

Honestly while I like the strong version of him, I hope he is going to end up as a foal because of his ability for a few moments. I believe it was only because Luffy couldn't control his ability at one point right?

Nice chapter, in a way I should be happy that I can read more now.

Sorry everybody, I really should have mentioned this earlier, I forgot to mention something. Characters from IDW comics will make appearances, and some of their stories Luffy will even experience. Again apologies for not mentioning this sooner, I was caught up in making the story.

Really not sure what to think of it, maybe it is okay if they don't stay. I kind of have a limit on how many main Chars I like in a story.

Nice, but I'm suprised that I liked the other chapters a bit more, but I would still give this chapter the same amount of points.

For some reason this story will move to the top of my favorites saying it was updated with a new chapter but there is no chapter. What's going on

7927787 1. Well thats the thing, Luffy tried telling her to get out of the way, but she tried pushing him out instead, something he didn't expect. But by that point it was too late for Luffy to do anything. It attacked by stomping them with it's foot. Since Fluttershy pushed Luffy, he ended up near the claws on it's foot.

2. He will probably stay to train post marineford. He still has his dream afterall, and he certainly can't abandon his original friends. He could always whistle for Discord and have him visit.

I doubt there will be any romance. Love it, but not very good at it. Besides Luffy isn't really the romantic type, dude has no interest in women, pony or human. Might be some in the 'What if' chapters where other members of the crew arrive.

3. I don't completely follow. If by foal you mean shrink because of gear 3? Thats the only instance I can think of where he loses control.

There will be a few times where the Mane 6/other characters have to save him. Some fights he will be the hero other times he will lose.

4. Well the comic book characters aren't going to be major characters. Yes Luffy will interact with them, and help them out. But it isn't as though they will be part of Luffy's primary companion group. That isn't to say they will be forgotten either.

7927852 Sorry my fault. I am making this story on a phone, and I have to stop when the battery runs low. I don't really know how to save my edits other than publishing and unpublishing the chapter.

That way Twilight we do not get in between Luffy and food or you get runover. Plus she see how devil fruit get to work find it awsome.

Cool chapter love twilight and luffy

I'm wondering why this appeared after the 6th for me for some reason.

7942463 Whats so weird about the story being published on the 6th?

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