• Published 30th Jan 2017
  • 1,264 Views, 1 Comments

Rival of the Musicians - Silver Inkwell

When Vinyl Scratch and Octavia meet a battle and fight happens next which eventually leads to a romance.

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Rival of the Musicians

Rival of the Musicians

Octavia Melody had first met Vinyl Scratch just by mere chance, or so that’s what she thought at first at least right then. However, it was not as nothing in life ever is, and there is only the illusion of coincidence and chance and luck itself. Had she known that she would eventually fall in love with her rival then she would have laughed at you should it ever be suggested to her, the idea itself was wild, stupid, and ridiculous, but it still was true nonetheless then.

She was working on her latest piece for a very special request when she heard the awful sound that later on became so very special, unique, different, and lovely to her. “What in the lovely name of Celestia is going on out here?” she said very loudly as she came out of her small tiny little house to see that a white mare was in front of it with a… what in the world was that exactly?

It looked like it was an electronical piano with speakers, but it wasn’t.

“DJ Pon-3 is playing her dubstep canon,” one pony said.

“DJ Pon-3? That’s not even a real name,” she said very huffily.

She then went over to the white mare, “I demand to know your real true name this instant, and don’t you dare try to give me any lame excuses now.”

The white mare quickly grabbed a notebook with her magic and then turned to the first page so that she could see the text that was written there now.

My name is Vinyl Scratch, and I am a mute, what is your name?

“Are you kidding me right now?” Octavia said very politely now.

The mare quickly wrote down something, Why in Equestria would I ever have reason to lie about a very real serious health problem and issue now?

“I guess that you have a very fair point, but what’s with this awful music?”

It’s not awful, she wrote down looking at her very angrily with her purple eyes now that she had taken her glasses off. And it’s called dubstep by the way.

“Well can you please lower the volume down or take it somewhere else please? I’m trying to focus and concentrate and I can’t do that with this here.”

Sorry, no can do, the ponies come to me, and if they want to be here then I must stay and be here, perhaps you could ask them to move instead now?

“Ask them to move? Why that’s just ridiculous, crazy and a very stupid idea,” she said very angrily as she
stared at the stupid white mare’s smile that was somehow stuck on her face for some very strange odd
mysterious reason.

See? I told you so, now then if you will allow me I must play my music…

“Music? You call that awful thing music? Let me show you how it’s really done,” she said as she quickly went
into her house and got her violin out and started to play a song, “See? This is exactly what real true music
sounds like.”

Wow, that is so old fashioned, get with the times now girl.

“You wouldn’t know good from bad even if it hit you in the face!’

You wouldn’t last one day in my world.

“Well you wouldn’t last one day in mine either!”

Well I’m not moving my music because I play to satisfy the fans.

“So do I! But why any pony would want to have their ears bleed out I don’t know why exactly, but please go
satisfy your fans somewhere else please!”

Hey, at least my music doesn’t bore any pony to death.

“OH MY GOSH!!! BURN!!!” Pinkie Pie suddenly said.

“I have never been so insulted in my whole entire life!”

And I have never been so bored before either.

Octavia and Vinyl stared each other down with these taunts.

One only grew angrier and the other only smiled more, which increased her anger only more, and now it
looked like they were ready to have a fight.

“Well then, I challenge you to a duel, anytime, anyplace!”

The white mare smiled even more.

Challenge accepted, how about ten days from now at eight at nighttime?

“You are so on!”

And with that said they turned and then suddenly…

“IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted very loudly, “Oh, no, wait, that reference in another movie that hasn’t even come out yet when this story is taking place, looks like I made a mistake.”

“Pinkie Pie, what are you doing in this story exactly?” a voice said.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself,” and then with that said she bounced off into oblivion as the two musicians slowly walked away from each other.

For Octavia had a piece to ready, one of revenge, and an audience too.

And Vinyl, well she just had an audience and then proving she was better and right, and so it was that was how the rivalry first began.

Octavia’s concert that night went well despite the distraction she had there.

And as for Vinyl Scratch, well she just didn’t care about Octavia, only her audience instead. But now she was working on good lines to ‘say’.

And after the concert Octavia also worked on her other pieces and lines too.

And very soon enough the whole entire town seemed to hear about the battle and fight and it looked like it
when the ten days passed by them very quickly.

Even Princess Twilight Sparkle herself was there to judge the competition.

And when Octavia saw her there she reminded herself to be calm now.

Okay, she thought, deep breath in, and then out now.

But sadly enough her calming techniques did not last long when she saw Vinyl.

Hey there Octy, are you ready to be crushed now?

“Octy? Is that some kind of silly nickname you have for me now then?”

Well actually yes, but what are you going to do about it?

“Well for one I’m going to beat you, and two, never call me that silly name again,” and with that said she
went to take her place at the stage.

It’s not that silly, besides, when I beat you you’ll cry like a small little filly.

“Are you trying to rhyme now?” Octavia said.

Yes I am, and you'll very soon enough see why.

And with that said suddenly the princess stood up and spoke.

“Welcome every pony to the battle between the very famous violinist and pianist Octavia Melody versus the
very famous dubstep DJ Pon-3,”

“HER NAME IS VINYL SCRATCH!!!” Octavia shouted very loudly at her now.

“Well yes, I knew that, but here are the rules of the battle, one, you will each be required to try something
you are not experienced in, Octavia that means you will have to try improve rhyming for now, and Vinyl, try
being Classical and old for once in your life. The contestants shall each take their turn to play and they can insult each other if they want to but must keep it appropriate for the whole entire audience, that means no
swearing or violence at all, ever, please.”

“Yeah, I mean the readers wouldn’t like it if it were Teen,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yes, anyhow you will both get an equal time to play in our one hour time limit, but if either of you wish to
end this any sooner than please let us know anytime and we will very gladly consider your request if we can that is.

Anyhow the result will be judged by me, my friends, and four other random various ponies that have been selected, and in the end the mayor will be the one that announces our decision, and the battle begins on
our mark only.

Now then, who’s ready to have an epic battle showdown?”

The whole entire crowd screamed and shouted and Twilight smiled now.

“Very well then, let the battle begin at once!”

And with that said Octavia started to play now.

“Well look what we have here, it seems like you’re just a novice with no skill, but look at me, I’m the master and you really should have good reason to fear.

I look at you and see that you don’t quite fit my bill, but maybe perhaps with some time you can finally learn your lesson. And I really don’t know anything about you other than your name, so in reality I’m just completely guessing.”

Your rhymes are weak, and your power is meek, you don’t ever stand a chance against me and you never did, I’m going to throw you in the trash where you belong and then sit on the lid. Yeah, you’re as old as the philosophy and music that you play itself, and for that I sincerely pray for your good health.

Yeah, you don’t know a thing about dubstep and you never really did, because against me you’re just like a tiny little kid. Yeah, it’s no wonder you play only classical because you know that you never can have beats so radical.

“How are you so very good at this? You’re immature and just a stupid mare, and you can’t ever get better than me as surely you do wish. I don’t know how but I know that I’ll never fade out of time or style, but you,
well you’re just vile. Everything about you is just a fad, a craze that will eventually go bad.”

Well at least I’m a fad that can keep up with the times, you’ll just be left behind in the dust when the time comes to rhymes. Yet I don’t need something fancy and old to be very famous because I got my raps here with me now and that’s all that I really need, because you see I’ll top the charts and you’ll just be at the
bottom and I’ll be popular you’ll soon because I’m going to make you bleed.

“Well that’s not very nice or ladylike, at least I know how to proper and polite.

I bet that you couldn’t last one day with royalty, and with my music many ponies have met a member, but
you, well you wouldn’t ever get the chance because you would be stuck here at the bottom with your beats, and soon enough you’ll be forgotten with time, but my music has stood the test of time and soon you’ll see that you can’t live forever and I’ll always be remembered.”

The crowd was roaring at this point and Octavia was running out of rhymes.

Well at least I wouldn’t bore the princess to death because ponies always want to hear something new,
you, well you’re just very old news sister. I’ll sing and shout until I’m blue, you, you would just sit in the corner playing your tune.

“Well at least I would know how to play a tune, you, well you wouldn’t ever get past the first note and then you’ll be the only one here who’s a goon.”

Hey, don’t call me names that I don’t know, say something that every pony can easily understand, because you see every pony needs to feel the music, and while yours can do that I am very sure, mine is much
better by far, and very soon enough I’m sure that you’ll see that I will be the very last one to stand.

“Stand? You’re the one most likely to fall, and when you do no pony would ever catch you when you did, and I know my destiny but you seem like you’re just trying to figure out your way but I bet that you’ll never find your true real call.”

Destiny? Who need that? I just go along with the flow sister and I never back down, and very soon enough I’ll make you look like you’re just the clown.

“Clown? If there’s any clown in here it is surely you, but you wouldn’t know that since you’re just really immature, and soon enough you’ll see that I’m going to be the very last one here to stand, not you, of this I am very sure.”

Take it easy and just relax, go along with the flow sister, because you can’t ever try to win against something you’ll surely fail to resist. And I surely really hope that you can understand what I’m saying here now if you can get my gist.

“You use words that are plain and simple, yet I have elegance and prose, and yet with you it seems that your only real true style is that anything goes.”

Anything goes because everything is new, but with you everything was then and yesterday, so step aside sister to make way for the future, lay down the path of glory for me and don’t you dare ever think about trying to get in my way.

“The only way that I would ever lay down the path of glory for you is if we ever got married, because then at least we would be equals, but we never will be.”

Hey, that wasn’t a rhyme, and it seems like that now our time has come to an end because the rules say that if you can’t rhyme then the game is over.

And then with that said suddenly the princess stood up and spoke.

“Yes, Vinyl is right, the battle and fight is over now, and now it is the time for us to judge this, so do not worry, we will soon get back to you with the results.”

And with that said the judges silently talked to each other and Rainbow Dash made the comment that one or both of them could be twenty percent cooler.

And very soon enough the mayor came down to announce the result.

Octavia and Vinyl waited very nervously for the results now.

“The judges have voted, and the result is… a tie?”

The mayor said this very loudly in shock and surprise.

“Surely this can’t be right, are you sure that this is?” the mayor said.

“Yes, Twilight said, “They were just both too good for all of us now.”

“Very well then, if you’re sure than there is no winner here.”

“But there has to be!” Octavia said, “There just has to be!”

“I’m sorry, but there just isn’t, and I hope that you can accept that.”

“Well I can! And just because the judges tied us doesn’t mean that other ponies won’t, how about we play two things at the same time so that way we can see just how many ponies will come to each of our events,

Vinyl smiled. You’re on sister, when do you want the events now?

“How about another ten days from now? Does that work out for you?”

It surely really does, well I guess that I’ll see you there, bye now.

And then with that Vinyl moved off and away leaving Octavia alone now.

“Well then every pony, it’s time to go home now,” Twilight said.

And with that said every pony groaned with disappointment and very slowly filtered out of the stadium and went back to their homes. But Octavia, she decided to stay to work on her new pieces for her next upcoming event.

And so it was that the next ten days seemed to pass by very quickly for her now. And then the day of their next events finally came at last.

And this time they would have a way to count every pony with their security having a clicker for each and every pony that decided to enter either stage.

And so it was that they both played separately and afterwards they met to make sure that the data was good and to compare. And very soon enough they discovered that they were tied… again. “No, this can’t be
true, you can’t ever possibly be as good as me!” Octavia screamed out loud forgetting about trying to be
very polite and nice and kind too. Vinyl just looked at her very calmly as she freaked out and decided to write something down in her journal.

Hey, I’m not happy about this either, but you don’t see me freaking about it, do you? No, I don’t, and that’s because I don’t ever really need to sister.

“Stop calling me that, it’s getting really annoying now, Octavia said then.

Well then, I just guess that I’ll keep calling you that then.

“You are so annoying!” Octavia screamed.

It’s one of my better traits.

“And what’s with that stupid smile exactly now?”

You have to have a reason to be angry and sad, you need none to smile, you can be friendly and kind and nice, and genuinely true with yourself and others too.

“How are you so wise and smart?”

Not all musicians are the same you know, and I might not be better than you so that would make me your equal, I guess that means we should have a wedding now, I mean you did say that was the only way you would ever share your glory, name, reputation and pride, and now that we’re tied we really should.

“The only reason I would ever marry you is if I went crazy and insane!”

Well duh, of course, love makes you both crazy and insane.

“Look, we’re equals for now, let’s just try to change that, okay?”

Okay, I know how we can change that.

“How exactly?”

We have a dinner to talk about what methods work out best for us.

“Wait, so basically you’re suggesting an exchange of ideas and methods now?”

Yes, yes I am. So, what do you say Octy, are you in or out now?

“I’m in, a dinner just to sit, relax and talk sounds very good right now.”

Very good then, how about tomorrow at six? Would that work out for you then?

“Yes, that would work out very well for me,” she said now being very calm.

Very good then, well I guess that I will see you tomorrow then.

Very soon enough tomorrow came and they were at the dinner then.

They both sat down at the same time on opposite sides of the table.

“Well hello there, this is a first for me, talking to a mute pony at dinnertime.”

Don’t worry, it’s a first for most ponies, so don’t you worry about offending me because I can take it and
chances are that I already have heard the insult or joke, I don’t really even care anymore, instead I just smile and ignore them, which makes them even angrier, which is really just great for me instead. Because it doesn’t matter what they say, you have to press on.

You can’t ever give up on your dreams and you must pursue them too.

“Wow, you really are wise and smart for your age, but how old are you exactly?”

She quickly turned to the first page and held up the number for her to see, “Hey, that’s exactly how old I am right now!” she said very surprised now.

Well then, I guess that I’m sorry for calling you old earlier then.

“And I’m sorry for calling you young, can you ever forgive me?”

I already have, now then, let’s eat because I’m very hungry right now.

And with that they ordered their meals and started to eat and talk too.

“So then, how long have you been in your industry?” Octavia said.

Seven years or so, but I have always been interested in music ever since I first heard the most beautiful sound in the world, and I knew then that although I could not ever speak that I could finally find my voice and soul in music.

“Wow, that’s almost exactly like my story, I have been in my job for seven years too and I have always been interested in classical music ever since I first heard it. It’s really quite amazing just how much we really are alike to each other.”

Yes, indeed. But you know what, you’re pretty cute for your age.

“Hey, we’re the exact same age, and you look pretty cute too.”

Thanks, but what’s your favorite color?

“Wait, what? How does this pertain to anything musical exactly?”

How can I teach you if I don’t even know the real true you?

“Fair point, my favorite color is violet,” she said now.

Mine is blue, but violet is a very close second. Ice cream flavor now?

“That would be vanilla of course, so plain, so classical.”

Me too, favorite snack?

“Is that even a real question? Apples of course, duh.”

Me too, she wrote with a smile on her face that slowly grew with every question.

So then, what about your family, any sisters or brothers?

“No, I am an only child, and my parents… well they’re still alive luckily enough, but they live very far away, in
fact they’re in Manehattan right now.”

How very odd, strange, and unusual, I am also an only child as well.

But my parents live here within town, and I visit them sometimes.

But perhaps maybe not as often as I should with all my work that I have.

“Well I try to visit my parents whenever I can and when I’m not busy either.”

Don’t you think that it’s a bit strange, odd and unusual how alike that we are?

“Not really, I don’t believe in coincidence, only the illusion of it.”

Vinyl smiled some more. Me too, anything else that I should know about you?

“Nothing that I can think of right now,” she said obviously lying.

You’re lying, Vinyl wrote down very quickly now.

“Wait, how did you know that?” she said.

Let’s just say that I have this ‘gift’ to tell when any pony is lying to me, but I also consider it a terrible curse
too since it’s not as great as you might think it is.

“Oh, well look, I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” she said.

Okay, alright, fine then, that’s your deal girl.

“Thank you, now then what exactly do you have to teach me?”

Well first, rhyming, like music you just have to let it flow out of you without thinking about it, if you do then you’ll just ruin it, in fact if you do have to think to fix it then do as little of it as possible. And also dubstep isn’t so bad if you can just listen and feel the rhythm and beat like I can with your music too.

“What beat and rhythm does your music have exactly? It just sounds loud and very chaotic, it doesn’t have anything that makes it even remotely decent.”

Just listen, Vinyl wrote down pulling out some speakers now.

And with that music started to play and for the first time she really truly listened to it, and then she finally heard the beat and rhythm in it now.

Do you hear it? Do you see it’s marvelous beauty?

“Yes, I do, I really truly do,” she said trying to stop the tears from coming.

You can cry if you want to, I’ll understand, it is very touching even to me.

And with that she did start to cry but stopped when it finally ended.

“That was beautiful, but how can something so loud and chaotic be beautiful? Can you please explain that
to me? Because I’ having some trouble now.”

Don’t worry, I can teach you everything about this whole new world of music and soon enough you might
just be good enough at it as I am.

And with that said Vinyl started to teach her and smiled as she did so too.

Eventually however the night grew too late and they both needed to go home to sleep, and they said goodbye and agreed to meet tomorrow to learn more.

And very soon enough they settled into a routine where every day they would meet around a time to eat and then they would take turns teaching each other. And very soon enough they became very close, and in
more ways than one too.

And very soon enough it also came time for Octavia to reveal her secret.

“Vinyl?” she said one day looking deeply into her beautiful violet eyes.

Yes Octavia? What is it exactly? She quickly wrote down.

“I have something that I need to say, something that I have kept secret for a very long time now, something
that you should have known ever since the first day that we met, something that I really need to say right
now to you.”

Okay Octavia, I’m listening, I always have been and always will.

“Thank you very much for that and your support, but here’s the thing though… You see I told you that I had no romantic interests, and you and I both knew that it was a lie of course. But you see, my real true affections, well they were not just with stallions specifically and only… they were also with mares too. You see, here’s the real true thing that I have been hiding from you and my family as well too, secretly I have been lesbian this whole entire time.”

Vinyl looked slightly surprised at this and then wrote.

Well finally you admit your true feelings, I have been waiting for this for a very long time now, I’m just surprised that you’re telling me this today.

“And why is that?” Octavia said very confused at her reaction now.

Because it has been one year ever since that first date, remember now?

“Oh yes,” Octavia said very slowly remembering that day now, “I remember.”

Very good then, you see I was surprised because I didn’t think that you were the kind of pony to try to make something secret and very big and large so romantic and special, but your feelings are shared with
trust and so I will keep it secret if you want me to, but if you do not wish that then I shall always still be silent.

“Hey, you don’t need to joke about your condition,” she said now.

I know, but I always need to laugh at something, but I don’t mind you being a lesbian Octavia, or for keeping your secret for this long, I understand, I just wish that you could have realized this a lot sooner because I really like you too, and not just as a friend, but something much more my dear sweet Melody.

“Oh,” Octavia said, “Well then, I’m very glad we’re on the same page then.”

And so am I, this makes it way less awkward now.

“Indeed, but now I just have one more question for you.”

Yes? Vinyl wrote down hoping to hear what she expected.

“Well since we’ve known each other for a really long time now, do you want to maybe come live in my
house and be my one very special marefriend now?”

Octavia, I thought that you would never ask, of course yes!

And then with that Vinyl leaned in and kissed Octavia under the tree which stood in a very green grass field with flowers as the sun was setting in the sky.

Octavia was taken back by this and was very surprised, but then very soon she smiled and just decided to accept it as they toppled over each other and started to play around and chase each other as they laughed and smiled with joy and delight. And where they one had been rival enemies they were now friends.

And where they had once been friends now they were even something much more. And very soon enough their relationship grew even more close.

For as they would soon discover hate could turn into love just as anger can turn into kindness if given time, for all things really need time to develop.

And so it was that they shared one perfect moment together in that field with the flowers and tree and setting sun in the sky as they kissed again.

And for just one moment everything was fine and well as Octavia let herself enter the most wonderful dream and experience in the whole entire world.

Comments ( 1 )

I find it the lack of commas off putting.

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