• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 2,076 Views, 212 Comments

One Thousand One Ways to Thwart a King - enigmaMystere

What would happen if ponies were not only prepared for the Caribou, but were able to ask across dimensions for help? Now, what if they were stuck in a time loop?

  • ...

When you learn the whole truth...what kind of despair will you show me?

The door of the castle slammed open, drawing the attention of both of them. Their gazes met nothing but air for a moment before falling downwards, landing on a stuffed bear.

Dual-colored, the white side of the bear looked innocuous enough, with a button eye and small smile. Its left side, however, was almost the exact opposite, with a glowing red eye in the shape of a bat wing and an unsettling grin that stretched beyond the eye. Its paws lay on its white belly, just shy of the protruding belly button as it looks at them.

“Well, now! Look what we have here!” The voice, high pitched, carefree, leaves Twilight shivering from the malicious undertones. “Two rulebreakers decided they wanted to be punished!”

Twilight’s mind ground to a halt, trying and failing to parse the meaning behind its words. “What do you mean?” She glances at Dainn, noticing that he only frowns at the bear.

“Exactly what I said! Two rulebreakers, two people who were so desperate to leave their situation that they decided to kidnap little ol’ me!” It points at Twilight. “An example must be made!”

The caribou snorts, crossing his arms. “Like it matters. You have no power here.”

Twilight quietly swallows, arms crossing protectively over her chest. “And we didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Bzzt! Wrong!” The bear points at him now. “I am the headmaster, and I need to be back with my students! You two pulled me away from my duties!”

He laughs and turns away. “I can’t maintain the peace if I’m not there! I just never thought I’d have to make a rule about it!” He frowns, rubbing his paw on his chin. “Now, how to punish those who can come back to life? Physical won’t work…” He drops one paw into the other, beaming brightly. “So it has to be psychological!”

The alicorn takes a step back, her heart hammering in her chest. “P-punish?”

“Of course! Anyone who disturbs the peace must have their due punishment!” The bear cackles. “But let it be known Monokuma can be merciful! I’ll punish you both at the same time!” He turns so that his dark side obscures his light side. “All you have do is hold out longer than the other.”

“Wait, but-!”

Twilight’s protest is cut short by the sound of a buzz saw. She turns left to see Dainn’s horns fall to the crystal pavement, and a claw headed her way. Her hands raise to stop it, but it slips past, sliding a ring down over her horn.

“Can’t have you escaping, now!” Monokuma chimes, wagging a paw at them. “Puhuhu! Have fun!”

Two more claws appear, exiting opposite legs of the crystal palace to clamp down on their throats and drag them away. The last thing she sees before the door closes is Dainn’s glare of determination.

Game Over

Twilight Sparkle is found guilty!

Time for the punishment!

Twilight slams into a chair, separate binds coming out and locking her wrists to her thighs and her torso upright against the backrest. Dazed, she barely notices a desk being shoved in place before her and her seat slowly moving backwards.

Blinking a couple times, she glances down past the wooden surface to see a conveyor belt, not moving at all from her point of view. Realizing that she’s on it, she tries turning her head to look behind her. She catches a hint of gears, and even more desks off to the side.

Motion from in front of her draws her attention, and she looks forward, seeing Monokuma pull up with a chalkboard detailing some sort of machine. The gears on the side look rather familiar, and-


Her ear twitches. That noise was coming from behind her. Her heart sinks to her stomach as she realizes the machine in the diagram looks an awful lot like a mechanical press.


After School Lesson

Ultimate Scholar Twilight Sparkle’s Execution: Executed


Twilight swallows, the saliva not helping in the least with the dryness in her throat. Her hands clench tight on her knees, turning white from the intensity.


She refuses to turn around. No, it’s the binds, they’re stopping her from doing so. It’s not that she doesn’t want to face the actual machine.


Her vision becomes blurry, the circle and squiggles on the board becoming indistinguishable. Her horn stays dim in defiance of her desires.


This isn’t fair. Dainn was so much worse than she was. She was protecting her family, her friends, her nation!


The tears flow freely, her body shaking with her sobs as the reality of her situation hits her. She was about to be crushed like an apple being made into cider.


Her heart hammers in her chest. How much longer did she have? Was Dainn going through the same punishment?


How was she supposed to survive if they were in the exact same situation? Would they both just die, feeling the pain as their heads are shoved into their bodies?


Would they even feel the pain? Her mind flashes to her friends, wondering not for the first time if each of these is a separate timeline.


Would they know what happened to her? They’d be heartbroken if they found out. She was heartbroken just thinking about it.


And what about Monokuma? Would he just be loose in the world, free to do whatever he saw fun and fit?


Her heart clenched, fear overtaking her as she thought about her friends having to face this creature without her. Why couldn’t Dainn have just left them alone? None of this would have happened if he hadn’t shown up in their lives!

...why was it suddenly silent?

Hazarding a guess, Twilight slowly inclined her head until she was looking straight up. All the tension left her body as she saw the giant machine above her, motionless. Dainn had succumbed to his punishment first.

A spike of guilt struck her chest, realizing that she was glad he was dead. Then a part of her wondered why the cycle hadn’t restarted yet.

Her head fell forward and she saw Monokuma standing there, staring at her thoughtfully. Her eyes followed his paw as it moved towards a big red button on the podium beside him.

Her relief gave way to pure, unadulterated despair as he pressed it.



The instant the word was said, the two of them collapsed onto the ground, their bodies refusing to respond, refusing to acknowledge that they could be back from such a brutal death. Twilight lifts her chin, groaning as she stares at the fallen form of the conqueror. “...he lied.”

Dainn groaned, slowly propping himself on an elbow. “...what?”

“He never intended to let us live,” she says, carefully pushing herself up.

He is silent for a moment, then rubs his face with a hand. “...he never said we would live, did he?”

Twilight blinks, racking her mind for what he had said. “...I can’t remember.” Her gaze falls on him again. “...what even happened with you?”

Dainn growls, baring his teeth. “I refuse to talk about it.”



Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. Life has been difficult, and then I had the bright idea to do a Danganronpa chapter.

Did you know Monokuma is actually really hard to write for? I was struggling to get this chapter done.

That said, I could really use help with the next one. Does anyone know JJBA?

Until next time, Enigma.

Comments ( 16 )

Oh, right, so I wanted to show Dainn's execution, but I realized pretty quickly that what I had in mind would most definitely push this out of Teen and into Mature. I was wondering if anyone had something to fix that with?

Also yes, I still have the list of suggestions. And I'm still taking more that aren't on it.

Do I know JJBA? That depends, you ever heard of a man called Steely Dan? What he got is nothing compared to what Dainn would get if Jotaro got a hold of him.

Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend. He will honestly fit in here because he fought a faction that is similar to the Caribou. Just the designs and their backstory is all you need to know why.

Alright. Do you know C-Moon? The chapter involves it.

I would love to see you bring in the Power Rangers with the original five. They may be on guard with two unknown beings but if our little villain speaks is mind they would definitely lay a smack down.

The thing is that only one hero can arrive at a time, unless they can summon others or are always with them, like Issun and Amaterasu.

Never got that far in the bizarre adventures, I've stopped at the end of part 2.


Then maybe it summons Tommy when he has the master morpher.

...I'm gonna need context for that, but it sounds doable.


The master morpher is something Tommy created that allows him to morph into any of his previous ranger forms. He can also switch between the different powers on the fly.

That's... actually really interesting. I'll have to look into that.

Get Escanor. He's a gentleman and a powerhouse.

Seven Deadly Sins, right?

Yep. Escanor The Lion Sin of Pride.

Alright, I'll look into it.

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