• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,529 Views, 9 Comments

Known as Thy Pony of Timber Wolves - Razor Blade the Unicron

The timber wolves have been killing any ponies that dare to enter near the Everfree Forest, to avenge their creator, Darkwood. But has she really left the world forever?

  • ...


A young unicorn mare with a red mane and a white coat smiled as she laid the bones out on the pentagram she had made. She was so enraptured in her work, that she wasn't bothering to look out for any dangers.

"Just need a little bit of magic to infuse you with..." whispered the unicorn, "But there's no chance I'll give you mine..."

A growl caught the mare's attention, and she looked up to see a timber wolf staring down at her from at the edge of the chasm. The mare grinned, and her horn lit up red. The timber wolf pounced down at the mare, and she blasted it with a beam of magic. The timber wolf exploded into sticks, and she quickly grabbed one of them with her magic. She laid down the stick with the bones, and blasted them with a beam of dark magic.

"Now it's time to see if my studies prove fruitful..." whispered the unicorn with a grin as the pentagram lit up.

The bones were levitated into the air, into the shape of a pony. The stick from the timber wolf was levitating in place of one of the bones in the right forehoof. The light coming from the pentagram intensified, and the mare had to look away and shield her eyes. She didn't notice the re-formed timber wolf staring right into the light.

The light suddenly stopped, and something fell onto the ground. The unicorn looked back to see that the pentagram had vanished, and an Earth pony mare was lying on the ground. The unicorn grinned as the Earth pony jumped to her hooves.

"What?" asked the Earth pony, looking around, "What just happened?"

"It worked!" cheered the unicorn, catching the Earth pony's attention.

"Who are you?" asked the Earth pony, "And why am I not dead?"

"I just reanimated you using necromancy," said the unicorn, "And I am Symbe. Tell me your name."

"My name is Darkwood, and-"

There was a growl, and both ponies turned to see the timber wolf glaring at Symbe. Darkwood instantly walked forward to the timber wolf, and stuck her hoof out.

"Are you mad?" asked Symbe quietly.

"I am petting my creation," said Darkwood, as the timber wolf sat down next to her, and she gently rubbed it with her hoof, "My precious timber wolf..."

"Y-you made the timber wolves?!?"

"In a way."

"But you made them?"


"Then they are now mine."

Darkwood looked up at Symbe, who was grinning.

"What do you mean?" asked Darkwood.

"I gave you life again, little Earth pony. You now belong to me, and by extent, your timber wolves belong to me."

"But I am The Pony of Timber Wolves."

"You will say that you are Thy Pony of Timber Wolves."

"I shall do no such thing!"

Symbe suddenly reached forward, and slapped Darkwood, who tumbled onto the ground.

"You shut your mouth, mud horse!" snapped Symbe, and Darkwood flinched from the verbal assault, "I brought you back to life, so be grateful! Now you tell me your name!"

"D-Darkwood..." she whispered, getting back up.

Symbe's horn flared up dark red, and she launched a beam of magic off. Darkwood flinched, but Symbe had been aiming at the timber wolf. The timber wolf lit on fire, and Darkwood quickly moved away from it. Symbe smirked as the timer wolf was reduced to ashes within moments, but didn't notice the thin line of green magic that flowed into Darkwood from it.

"What's your name?" snapped Symbe to Darkwood.

"T-Thy Pony of Timberwolves..." she whispered.

"Good," Symbe turned towards the pentagon on the ground, and began to wipe it away, "Now you're going to safely lead me out of this forest,, or else. Got it?"

"Yes..." whispered Darkwood.

As Symbe wiped away the pentagram, Darkwood felt anger build up in her. How dare this unicorn just casually use dark magic to restore her from peaceful death and then force her to do her bidding? Darkwood glared at Symbe, who had finished wiping away the pentagram.

"Actually," said Symbe, turning around towards Darkwood, "Tell me: where do manticores live in here?"

"Manticores?" asked Darkwood.

"Yes, you idiot! Manticores! Where do they live?" her horn flared up threateningly.

"A cave," lied Darkwood instantly, in fear, "At the mouth of the river."

"What river?"

"The Everfree River, of course," there was definitely a river somewhere in the forest, "Where else would they get water?"

"Alright, then. You lead the way. And no detours."

Darkwood nodded, and started walking up and out of the chasm, with Symbe following her. When she got to the top, she randomly chose a direction, and began walking. Symbe scared her. Darkwood continued to walk blindly through the forest, until she finally heard the sound of rushing water.

Water... thought Darkwood, But that doesn't mean river...

She continued walking forward, until reaching the source of the sound, which was a large waterfall. Behind her, Symbe snorted with disbelief.

"A waterfall?" asked Symbe, "Really? This is clearly not the mouth of the river. But I suppose this is what I get for thinking an Earth pony could think they knew where something was."

Darkwood's anger flared up, but she hesitated, before bucking Symbe right in the face.

"Why you little-" started Symbe, before Darkwood whipped around and slammed her against a tree.

"Close your mouth," hissed Darkwood angrily, "You are an insolent idiot who is messing with forces she doesn't understand! You used dark magic to revive me, and therefore I am still dead. I will take no remorse in killing you."

"You wish you could!"

Symbe blasted Darkwood with a red beam of magic, sending her sprawling across the ground. She stopped in front of the river, and stood up in fury. She jumped out of the way of Symbe's next spell, and charged at her. She slammed Symbe against a tree, again, and then turned around to buck her forehead.

Darkwood suddenly felt a rush of magic enter her, and she collapsed onto the ground. She turned back around, only to see Symbe lying on the ground, not moving. Her eyes widened in realization as Symbe's white coat became more and more red. Apparently she did take remorse in killing her.

"I..." said Darkwood out loud, "Didn't mean to... I just... Wanted her to leave..."

She suddenly fell down again as her head throbbed painfully. She felt information rush in, and realized that it was because she had managed to take Symbe's magic away. So much on dark magic flooded into her brain, and even detailed drawings of pentagrams. Darkwood sat wordlessly on the ground as she learned more than she ever wanted to know about dark magic, and she didn't even hear her timber wolves approaching to see her.

"What have I become?" whispered Darkwood.

Something suddenly rubbed up against her, and she turned to see a pack of timber wolves. She could still see the hate in her eyes, and felt a sudden urge to destroy the remaining timber wolves.

But then all of their hate will go back into me, thought Darkwood, And then I will want to kill so many ponies. And Symbe knew far too much about how to murder and then revive the dead... So the timber wolves much remain as they are... And I will stay in the forest to monitor them...

Darkwood remained sitting on the ground for several more minutes, until she finally stood up. She jumped over the river, and started walking, with the timber wolves following her. To be honest, though, she had no idea what she was even doing.